Chapter 328

Based on their understanding of Changbai Guishuai, if Lin Jiu's strength is not extremely strong, with Changbai Guishuai's character, it is absolutely impossible to stop there.

The strength of the Changbai ghost general is not weaker than them, and it can even be said to be stronger than them. If the Changbai ghost general is not Lin Jiu's opponent, then they are even less Lin Jiu's opponent.

Looking at the aura of Changbai Guishuai, there is no confusion. It is not difficult to see that Changbai Guishuai did not fight Lin Jiu. This makes them suspect that Lin Jiu is much stronger than Changbai Guishuai. Therefore, the Changbai Guishuai didn't dare to fight Lin Jiu.

As soon as this idea came out, the two demon commanders were filled with shock. If this is the case, they had better not go to trouble with Lin Jiu, otherwise, they might be beheaded by Lin Jiu. Thinking of this , the two demons were helpless for a while, if their guess was correct, no matter how unwilling they were, they could only watch Lin Jiu and Lu Yue practicing in Changbai Mountain.

Of course, it's not really that they have no choice but to drive out Lin Jiu's master and apprentice. As long as the three parties join forces, even if they can't kill Lin Jiu's master and apprentice, they want to drive Lin Jiu's master and apprentice out. Getting out of Changbai Mountain is not a difficult task. Even if the three parties join forces, Lin Jiu and his apprentice will not dare to step into Changbai Mountain again.

However, Xueying Yaoshuai knew in his heart that it was not an easy task to achieve this, and it could even be said to be extremely difficult, unless something happened that made them have to unite.After all, the three of them are not very harmonious with each other. When joining forces, they still need to guard against the other party's sneak attack. In addition, Lin Jiu, a powerful celestial master, is watching from the sidelines. There is no compelling reason. They will not join forces. up.

Thinking of this, Xue Ying and Jin Hou sighed in their hearts, and returned to their residences, as if Lin Jiu did not exist.Anyway, the aura of Changbai Mountain is strong, and Lin Jiu and his disciples practice here, which has no effect on them, and it is impossible for Lin Jiu and his disciples to stay here for a long time, and they will leave in a year or two at most. Go, they endured it and passed.

Before, Lin Jiu was worried that many evil spirits and monsters from Changbai Mountain would come here and drive them out, but unexpectedly, after waiting for a few days, Lin Jiu did not find any evil spirits and monsters coming here.

This discovery made Lin Jiu breathe a sigh of relief. If he guessed correctly, these evil spirits and monsters should have been frightened by the remaining thunder and lightning power outside, so they let them master and apprentice The two of them are temporarily cultivating here.

However, looking at Lu Yue not far away, surrounded by many auras, Lin Jiu knew in his heart that it would not be long before Changbai Guishuai and other evil ghosts would come here again, and even the other two ghost commanders, They will also come, wanting to drive them out, master and apprentice.

It turned out that after Lu Yue practiced the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth level, he drew more spiritual energy around him, speeding up his cultivation speed, and the avatar that Lu Yue had just refined was also constantly refining The aura around him made Lu Yue's practice speed up a lot.

A large amount of spiritual energy in Changbai Mountain has been drawn to Lu Yue. Perhaps in a short period of time, Changbai Guishuai and others will not be aware of it. It won't be long before they will notice it. At that time, relying on their power, they will want to know what it is What's going on, it's not difficult.

In this way, the three forces will definitely unite to drive the master and apprentice out of Changbai Mountain, lest the aura in Changbai Mountain be sucked away by Lu Yue.

Although Lin Jiu knew what kind of consequences would be caused by Lu Yue's actions, Lin Jiu didn't intend to stop him, nor did he tell Lu Yue not to pull the spiritual energy in such a crazy way. The two masters and apprentices entered Changbai Mountain just to let Lu Yue break through. To a higher level, so how could Lin Jiu slow down Lu Yue's cultivation speed because he was afraid of Changbai Guishuai and others.

Even Lin Jiu hoped that Lu Yue could speed up his practice and break through to the realm of Earth Master as soon as possible. As long as Lu Yue can break through to the realm of Earth Master, Lu Yue's combat effectiveness will be enhanced a lot. There is no chance of winning.

But soon, Lin Jiu discovered that after Lu Yue refined his avatar, he didn't improve his cultivation as crazy as before, and devoted half of his energy and time to practicing Lightning and Thunder Fist.

Lin Jiu was taken aback by this discovery. He didn't expect Lin Jiu to make such a choice. However, Lin Jiu didn't say anything because of it. This was Lu Yue's own choice, and Lin Jiu would not stop it. Anyway, before they It has already been agreed that the two of them will leave after breaking through to the realm of Earth Master.

Once Lu Yue breaks through to the realm of Earth Master, he will have enough spiritual power for Lu Yue to use the sixth-level Lightning and Thunder Fist.And Lin Jiu suspects that the reason why Lu Yue devotes half of his time and energy to practicing Lightning and Thunder Fist at this time is because with the help of many plants, Lu Yue can exert the power of six layers of Lightning and Thunder Fist.

If this is the case, Lu Yue's combat power will be greatly enhanced. At that time, it will not be difficult for the master and apprentice to join forces to kill the ghost commander or the demon commander.

After seeing Lu Yue start practicing the Lightning and Thunder Fist, Lin Jiu began to practice. Even if Lu Yue didn't bring the aura to come here, the aura here is stronger than that of Yizhuang.

If Lu Yue practiced here, then Lin Jiu would not know how to practice. For Lin Jiu, a year is still a waste. However, if Lu Yue did not absorb spiritual energy and improve his cultivation, then Lin Jiu would naturally not It would be a waste of time. After breaking through to the realm of a celestial master, it's not like Lin Jiu can't continue to improve, so Lin Jiu naturally doesn't want to miss this rare opportunity in front of him.

Lu Yue, who was practicing Lightning and Thunder Fist, saw Lin Jiu start to practice, so he drove the avatar, drew more spiritual energy, and gathered them into the formation for Lin Jiu to practice.

With the help of Lu Yue, the avatar has made considerable progress in practicing the wooden stake method. At least, with the help of Lu Yue, the avatar has cultivated the wooden stake method to the first level.

And with the help of Lu Yue's experience, it won't take long for this avatar to break through the wooden pile Dafa to the second floor. Before reaching the sixth floor, the avatar will not encounter any bottlenecks.

Now, this avatar is of no help to Lu Yue's practice of Taoism. It can only draw more spiritual power for Lu Yue to come here. It will also get bigger and bigger, and more importantly, Lu Yue intends to let the avatar practice the Taoism of Baguazhang.

(End of this chapter)

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