Chapter 61 Weird Situation

"Yes, uncle, that's what we think." "Hmph, you have such kind intentions, I'm afraid you are worried that if you go back to sleep in your room, you will be beaten by your brother, so you plan to sleep next to me?" Uncle Shi is wise." "Hey, forget about you and go to sleep, anyway, with the cultivation bases of the two of you, it won't be of much use." Looking at the two helplessly with four eyes, he said.

However, when Lin Jiu came to Lu Yue's side, he saw a strange aura emanating from Lu Yue's body, and as time went by, Lin Jiu found that the strange aura emanating from Lu Yue was getting stronger and stronger.

Lin Jiu is no stranger to the strange aura emanating from Lu Yue's body. He knows that it is the power of inviting gods emitted when he is practicing the magic of inviting gods. The stronger the power of inviting gods, the stronger the strength of the gods that come down Powerful, I didn't expect that in just a few hours, Lu Yue had cultivated the magic technique to such a level. It would not take long before Lu Yue could cultivate the magic technique to the second level. At that time, Lu Yue's Combat strength will thus be enhanced a lot.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu sat down beside Lu Yue and protected Lu Yue so that no one would disturb Lu Yue's practice.After a while, Lin Jiu saw a white light flying out of Lu Yue's body, standing on top of Lu Yue's head, emitting bursts of white light, which merged into Lu Yue's body, and quickly strengthened Lu Yue's power to invite God , almost in an instant, let Lu Yue practice the magic technique to the second level.

Lin Jiu was shocked by the change in front of him, and quickly looked at the white light above Lu Yue's head, wanting to know what it was, which could make Lu Yue cultivate the magic technique to the second level all at once.

The white light above Lu Yue's head was so extraordinary that Lin Jiu couldn't see through the white light with his naked eyes. Although Lin Jiu knew that the white light would not hurt Lu Yue, but before he figured out what the white light was, Lin Jiu didn't know what it was. Dare to relax a bit, and quickly opened his Dharma Eye, wanting to know the details of that white light.

With the help of Fayan, Lin Jiu quickly saw what the white light was. It turned out that the white light was a piece of jade pendant written with the characters of Xianwen Tian. If he guessed correctly, it should be Tianlu. It's a pity that Lu Yue didn't completely condense the Tianlu, otherwise, Lu Yue's magic trick might be able to break through to a higher level.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu quickly removed Fayan so as not to affect Lu Yue.It turned out that when he used his magic eye to observe the heavenly talisman, Lin Jiu keenly sensed Lu Yue's brows and frowned slightly. Presumably, he sensed that he was spying.

After thinking about it, Lin Jiu understood the reason. This talisman belonged to Lu Yue, and it was connected with Lu Yue's life. Spying on the talisman by himself was equivalent to spying on Lu Yue. How could Lu Yue not sense it.Sure enough, when he removed his Fayan, he saw Lu Yue's brows stretched out again, and returned to the original position, continuing to protect Lu Yue.

If he had guessed correctly, Lu Yue would regain his sobriety soon.Lin Jiu's guess was not wrong. Half an hour later, Lu Yue opened his eyes, and the moment Lu Yue opened his eyes, the talisman that stood above Lu Yue's head turned into a stream of light and returned to Lu Yue. in the body.

Looking at Lin Jiu not far away, Lu Yue knew that Lin Jiu was protecting the Dharma for him. Lin Jiu walked towards the lobby, wanting to know what Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were doing at this time.

Seeing this, Lu Yue quickly followed Lin Jiu's footsteps, and soon, the two came to the lobby. At this time, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were already asleep, and Si Mu was sitting on a chair, closing their eyes and resting their minds .

Sensing the arrival of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, he opened his eyes and looked at Lu Yue behind Lin Jiu, wanting to know to what level Lu Yue has practiced using the magic technique.

However, before he could open his mouth, he heard Lin Jiu ask first, "Junior brother, did you find anything unusual?" Invite divine arts, to what extent have you practiced?"

"If you go back to Master Uncle, you are lucky to have cultivated to the second level." "What, Lu Yue, you said, you have already cultivated the magic technique to the second level?" How is this possible, even if Lu Yue's aptitude is extraordinary , it is also impossible to cultivate the divine art to the second level in such a short period of time.

You know, it took him three years to practice the art of inviting gods from the first level to the second level, but Lu Yue only practiced the art of inviting gods. How could it be possible for a few hours? Invite the divine art so quickly and cultivate to the second level.

Although the four eyes were full of shock, the four eyes knew that Lu Yue would not use this kind of thing to deceive himself. After all, this Lin Jiu was standing beside Lu Yue. How could he not know, thinking of this, he looked at Lin Jiu with four eyes, wanting to know what was going on, why Lu Yue was able to cultivate the magic technique to the second level in such a short time.

"Junior Brother Simu, you have forgotten the existence of Tianji. Lu Yue was able to cultivate to the second level so quickly because of the help of Tianji." Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Simu's brows were tightly frowned, as if thinking What.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiu looked at the four eyes suspiciously and asked, "Brother, what's wrong?" If the lu has such a great effect on inviting the gods, it is impossible that there is no record in the classics, but I have never seen such a record, so I feel puzzled."

Hearing Simu's words, Lin Jiu's face also became serious, "Junior brother, are you sure there is no record about this aspect in the many classics of Maoshan?" If this is the case, then I must know what is going on What happened, lest something unexpected happen to Lu Yue?
"Senior brother, this divine technique has always been in our lineage, how can I not be sure?" After all, this situation is considered a major event, and if it really happened, it will be recorded.Afterwards, the four eyes came to Lu Yue, fixedly looked at Lu Yue and asked, "Lu Yue, do you feel something is wrong?"

Listening to the conversation between Lin Jiu and Simu, Lu Yue also understood his specialness. He sensed it carefully, wanting to know if he missed something, but after feeling it, Lu Yue didn't find anything abnormal in his body, "Master, Uncle, I didn't feel anything unusual?"

In this regard, neither Simu nor Lin Jiu felt any surprises. Later, Lin Jiu thought of something, looked at Simu and said, "Junior Brother, otherwise, let Lu Yue perform a magic spell now, and when the time comes , we may find something, or maybe."

(End of this chapter)

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