Chapter 62

"That's not right, brother, you don't know, the first time you cast the magic spell, it consumes a lot of energy. If you want to fully recover, it will take a few days, or even more than ten days, to recover."

Now there is a powerful zombie who is secretly spying on them. It is not suitable to use the magic trick at this time, lest something unexpected happen to Lu Yue.

"Master, uncle, you don't have to worry too much. Please practice the magic quickly. It will not affect me in any way, but it will improve my strength. Besides, I should leave a name in the heaven. If there are gods who want to If you want to hurt me with the help of the divine technique, Heavenly Court should be aware of it, and it is not an easy thing to succeed." Besides, my own system is considered to be more precious in the world, but in the Heavenly Court, Not rare and precious.

"Lu Yue, you are right. You have left a name in the heavenly court. Even if those gods want to hurt you, it is not easy. Lu Yue, you can practice in the courtyard." , planted a lot of grass and trees, if Lu Yue practiced in the courtyard, he should be able to get some benefits, now that Lu Yue has just broken through his cultivation, it is time to consolidate it.

"Yes, master, the disciple understands." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue came to the courtyard and sat cross-legged. , into the body to strengthen the body.

Looking at Lu Yue who was surrounded by the power of the stars, envious eyes burst into his eyes. His cultivation base was stronger than that of Lu Yue, and the power of the stars that could be pulled down was a bit worse than Lu Yue's, although not much. , but Lu Yue is only in the realm of Daotong now. When Lu Yue's cultivation base is promoted to the realm of Earth Master, the power of the stars that can be drawn down must be more, which cannot be compared by himself.

"Brother, your disciple is really a pervert. If you continue like this, Lu Yue will catch up with our generation in a short time. Brother, you have to be careful, don't be easily overtaken by Lu Yue. The face of our generation."

After all, for their cultivators, being surpassed by young people is not a glorious thing.And it is in their generation that they are famous geniuses.

"Junior brother, my cultivation is much stronger than yours. Before Lu Yue can surpass me, he needs to surpass you. Therefore, junior brother, you'd better be careful, and don't be easily surpassed by Lu Yue." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu said I found a place to sit down, closed my eyes and meditated, preparing for the upcoming battle.

Originally, Lin Jiu and the others thought that the zombie would not appear, but unexpectedly, an hour later, Lu Yue suddenly stood up from the ground, condensed a wooden vine, hit the corner of the wall, and shouted, "Since it has already It's here, why don't you come out and have a look." Under Mu Teng's attack, the wall shattered, but no one appeared because of it.

Hearing Lu Yue's words, Simu and Lin Jiu in the lobby quickly came to Lu Yue's side, looked at the place where Lu Yue attacked, and before going to Lu Yue's side, Simu gave Wencai and Qiusheng A slap, trying to wake them up.

Si Mu's slap was not light, Qiu Sheng opened his eyes in a daze, looked around suspiciously, and wanted to know what was going on, but at this time, Si Mu and Lin Jiu had already appeared beside Lu Yue.However, Qiu Sheng, who had just woken up, was still a little dazed. As for Wen Cai, he was still sound asleep.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiu hurriedly shouted, "The enemy is coming, Wen Cai Qiusheng, you don't get up yet." Lin Jiu's voice was not low, not only did Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai recover their sobriety, but also Master Ren and Wen Cai who were upstairs Ren Tingting and the other two also woke up, went downstairs quickly, and came to Lu Yue's side, wanting to know what was going on.

It's a pity that Mr. Feng Shui didn't show up just because Lu Yue told his whereabouts. Seeing this scene, Lu Yue didn't say anything nonsense, "Stake Dafa." After speaking, Lu Yue clapped his hands to the ground, A wooden stake flew out from the ground and hit Mr. Feng Shui's place.

This time, a lot of wooden stakes hit him, and it was impossible to avoid these wooden stakes without showing up.Walking out from the wall, he quickly swung his fist and hit many wooden stakes, easily resisting these wooden stakes.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yue's heart was full of shock, how did this person cultivate, how could this body be so powerful. "Sure enough, it's a mouse from the Corpse Raising Sect. I didn't expect that there was a big mouse like you alive in the Corpse Raising Sect. However, you mouse is so courageous that you dare to openly appear in front of our Maoshan Sect disciples. , don’t you worry about being besieged by the decent again?”

"Why don't you worry? It's just that the opportunity to make a breakthrough is right in front of you. How can I give up easily? Besides, as long as I can break through to the realm of a celestial master, it's not you guys chasing me, but me chasing you!" Now, thinking that you decent people will one day be hunted down by my evil faction, Pindao couldn't help but get excited."

"Break through the realm of celestial masters, dream, with us here, you can never break through to the realm of celestial masters." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu directly took out a black wooden sword and struck at Mr. Fengshui.

"Junior brother, you join hands with me to kill this man. Lu Yue, you three will protect you, and Master Ren will be three." Surrounding them, in this way, if you want to get close to them, you need to break these wooden stakes.The wooden stake that Lu Yue condensed was extremely hard, and it was not an easy task to break it into pieces.

"Wood stake Dafa, I never expected that you, a junior, not only practiced wooden stake Dafa, but also practiced this wooden stake Dafa to a high level. It seems that you should be an elite disciple carefully cultivated by Lin Jiu. If you can give you If you kill him, I think it will cause a lot of losses to the Maoshan faction." After finishing speaking, the Feng Shui master was going to kill Lu Yue first, passing Lin Jiu and Simu.

Lin Jiu and Simu have both cultivated to the realm of earth masters. Even if they are stronger than them, it is not a short time to kill them.

But this Lu Yue was different. The moment he saw Lu Yue, he realized that Lu Yue was only in the realm of an eighth-rank Taoist boy. With his own strength as a land master, it was not difficult to kill Lu Yue. . "Hmph, wanting to kill the poor disciples in front of the poor is really a dream. As long as I, Lin Jiu, don't die for a day, you will never want to hurt the poor disciples. Thunder." A thunderbolt flew from the wooden sword Come out and hit Mr. Feng Shui.

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(End of this chapter)

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