Cultivating Immortals in the World of Nine Uncles

Chapter 84 The Nightmare of One Life

Chapter 84 The nightmare of a lifetime
What he can see, Lu Yue doesn't think that the stronger master will not be able to see it. After he leaves, the master will quietly follow behind him to see what is going on. thing?

Lu Yue didn't make the maid wait for too long, and soon changed into a suit of clothes to make Lu Yue look more extraordinary, and then followed the maid to Ren's mansion.As soon as Lu Yue left, Lin Jiu also took some magic weapons, and prepared to follow Lu Yue to the Ren Mansion.

"Master, where are you planning to go?" They have been in Yizhuang these days, and they haven't seen anyone coming to the master. So, where is the master going to take with these magic weapons? "Two idiots, something happened to Ren's mansion. I plan to go to Ren's mansion to help your little brother." , will you leave with that maid?”

"Of course, otherwise, do you think that Lu Yue would follow that maid to the Ren Mansion? Hey, the two of you have spent much longer time with your teacher than Lu Yue, but no matter which aspect, compared with your little brother It's a lot worse." Lin Jiu said, looking at the two of them with hatred.

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu was about to pass Wencai and Qiusheng and leave. He didn't dare to stay here for too long with Wencai and Qiusheng, otherwise, something unexpected might happen to his precious disciple.

In the eyes of Wencai and Qiusheng, this is a rare opportunity for Mr. Ren's family to deepen their relationship. Naturally, Wencai and Qiusheng did not want to miss it, and they appeared in front of Lin Jiu again and said, "Master, take us with you. Right. We also want to experience it. Master, didn’t you say that the two of us are not as good as the younger brother? Then, master, you can show us more, so that even if we are not as good as the younger brother, we will not give it to the master. You're ashamed, aren't you?"

"That's right, Master, please show me and Qiusheng to experience it, so that we can grow better." How could Lin Jiu not know what Wencai and Qiusheng thought, but Wencai and Qiusheng There is some truth in what he said, and he nodded and said, "So, you two should go with the teacher." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu took Wencai and Qiusheng to Ren's mansion, wanting to know what Ren's name is. What happened to the government.

Because Lu Yue found something abnormal on the maid before, so when entering the Ren Mansion, Lu Yue carefully observed the surroundings, wanting to know whether his previous guess was correct. He sensed a faint ghost aura pervading Ren's mansion. One of the rooms had the strongest ghost aura and it had turned into pitch black. If I guessed correctly, it should be Ren Tingting's room.

And what happened next let Lu Yue know that his previous guess was not wrong, and saw that the maid directly took Lu Yue to the place where the ghostly aura was strongest.

And that Ren Tingting was in this room. After seeing Lu Yue's arrival, that Ren Tingting quickly appeared in front of Lu Yue, looked at Lu Yue with a smile and said, "Young Master Lu, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time." Lu Yue took a deep breath, exhaling a ghostly breath, trying to confuse Lu Yue.

If Lu Yue hadn't maintained his vigilance before, he might have been confused by the female ghost now, but now, it is not an easy task to confuse Lu Yue when Lu Yue is on high alert, at least the female ghost in front of him Ghost, still can't do it.

Afterwards, Lu Yue pretended to be distracted, making Xiaoli in Ren Tingting's body happy. Sure enough, Lu Yue's strength was not considered strong. Under the situation of sneak attack, he wanted to give Lu Yue It is not difficult to be confused.

Afterwards, Xiao Li flew out of Ren Tingting's body and took Lu Yue to Ren Tingting's bed. As for Ren Tingting, she fell to the ground the moment the female ghost left, fell into a coma, and wanted to recover on her own. It may take some time to wake up.

As soon as he sat on the bed, Lu Yue saw the female ghost and wanted to kiss him to absorb the yang energy in his body.At this time, the female ghost did not change her appearance. It seemed that the female ghost was extremely confident in her own methods. She felt that Lu Yue was already bewitched by her. It would take a while for her to regain her sobriety, and there was no need to expend effort. Hide your appearance.

Seeing the horrible face of the female ghost, Lu Yue felt nauseated. Without any hesitation, he cast the lightning palm and struck the female ghost, wanting to kill the female ghost, but he didn't want to be kissed by that face , otherwise it will become a nightmare for his life.

It's a pity that Lu Yue underestimated the ability of this female ghost. The moment he cast the palm thunder, the female ghost quickly backed up and looked at Lu Yue in shock, "Are you not deceived by me?" How is this possible? Could it be that Lu Yue His strength is stronger than he estimated, or he showed his feet somewhere, so Lu Yue was not confused by himself.

However, now is not the time to think about this, Xiaoli has not forgotten that Lu Yue is using the palm lightning to hit her body, the power of the palm lightning is not weak, if she is hit by the palm lightning, I am afraid that she will be seriously injured because of it, so How dare Xiaoli let the thunder in her palm hit her?
After that, he wanted to hide it. In this way, even if Lu Yue mastered the powerful thunder method, it would not be easy to hurt himself.

It's a pity that this female ghost is still underestimated. Lu Yue's method, before, the moment the female ghost touched him, Lu Yue left a trace of the power of grass and trees on the female ghost. With this power of grass and trees, It was not difficult for Lu Yue to find the female ghost.

With the palm facing the direction of the female ghost, a powerful thunderbolt hit the female ghost. Under the shocked eyes of the female ghost, the female ghost was knocked out, and the injury was serious. Compared with before, the ghost's body was thinner. Quite a lot, but unfortunately, this blow did not knock the female ghost outside and expose it to the sun, otherwise, the female ghost would suffer even more damage.

"Lu Yue, you deserve to die." Before, Lu Yue's palm thunder hit Xiaoli's ghost body seriously. It may take a lot of time to recover, and now Lu Yue has seen his true nature. It will be much more difficult to confuse Lu Yue again.

It is much more difficult for a person with an extremely ugly appearance to confuse a man than a beautiful woman.The head was separated from the body, and the hair on the head was tied up one after another, turning into sharp swords, stabbing at Lu Yue's body. If he was hit, Lu Yue might be seriously injured.

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(End of this chapter)

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