Chapter 85
"This means, if you want to hurt me, it's still a little bit worse. You'd better use all your skills. Lightning in the Palm." Another powerful lightning strike hit the head.

The thunder in the palm was extremely fast, and without giving the female ghost a chance to dodge, it instantly knocked the head away. Although it didn't destroy the head, it also made the head almost transparent, which made Lu Yue feel like he really was. , the damage of this thunder and lightning to ghosts is more powerful than what I estimated.

Although Lu Yue used two powerful palm thunders, the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body was not much weakened compared to before. He knew that Lu Yue's spiritual power was still quite large, and he wanted to gather it again. It is not difficult to shoot two palm thunders.

This discovery made Xiaoli understand that she could no longer fight Lu Yue like this, otherwise, she would die in Lu Yue's hands in a short time. The sun in the daytime restrained her too much. , You need to possess Ren Tingting again.

Only in this way would Lu Yue not dare to use thunder to attack him, otherwise, before she died, Ren Tingting would definitely die in Lu Yue's hands first. For Maoshan disciples like Lu Yue, killing people is not a small crime. It will hinder their cultivation, so as long as he enters Ren Tingting's body, Lu Yue will not dare to use thunder to deal with him.

But an evil ghost like her doesn't have so many scruples. At that time, he might be able to take Lu Yue down.Xiaoli thought very well, but unfortunately, Lu Yue was already on guard against this. He kicked the chair next to him and opened a big hole, letting the sun shine on Ren Tingting's body. Ting's body.

In this way, if Xiaoli possesses Ren Tingting, she will not only be attacked by sunlight, but also be attacked by the ghost-killing talisman.Sure enough, after seeing that Lu Yue didn't know, Xiao Li didn't dare to approach Ren Tingting, gave Lu Yue a vicious look, and left directly.

Because she had sensed that Lin Jiu was coming here, if she didn't leave, she might die in the hands of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue.Looking at the departing female ghost, Lu Yue once again condensed a thunderbolt in the palm of his hand and struck at the female ghost, making the female ghost's ghost body even darker.

Xiaoli is not a stupid person. Seeing that Lu Yue can attack her several times, how can she not know what mark Lu Yue left on her body, so that she can find herself accurately.Before destroying this imprint, it might not be easy for him to leave.

Relying on Xiaoli's current means, she wanted to find the abnormality on her body, but soon found the power of plants and trees on her body, erased it, and disappeared in Lu Yue's induction.

Before, Lu Yue's attack caused her serious injuries, and now that she was exposed to the sun, her injuries continued to worsen.And not long after Xiaoli left, Lin Jiusan finally appeared in front of Lu Yue.

"Master, why are you here at this time?" If Lin Jiuneng came earlier, relying on the joint efforts of his master and apprentice, it would not be difficult to kill the female ghost.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiu cast a vicious glance at Wencai and Qiusheng behind him. If it wasn't for their bad deeds, he would have come here a long time ago, "Lu Yue, how are you doing here?" "Master, Ren The lady is possessed by a female ghost, and now the female ghost has been beaten away by the disciple, but if the female ghost cannot be removed, the disciple is worried that the female ghost will retaliate against us?" Lu Yue looked worriedly and approached. .

"Lu Yue, you don't have to be like this. With the means of being a teacher, it is not difficult to find the female ghost. At that time, it is not difficult to get rid of the female ghost." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu came to Ren Tingting's side and began to check, wanting to know if Ren Tingting was okay.

At this time, Master Ren also came to Ren Tingting's room, looked at Lin Jiu worriedly and asked, "Uncle Jiu, is my daughter okay?" It is very possible that the daughter was possessed by a ghost. Lin Jiu also knew about it. After being possessed by a ghost, it will hurt them a lot. It may take a while to recover.

"Master Ren, you don't have to worry too much. Tingting is fine. It's just that she has consumed a lot of yang energy. Eat more food to replenish yang energy and get more exposure to the sun, and she will recover." After finishing speaking, , Lin Jiu took out a burst of yang-returning talisman, which turned into a ball of yang energy and merged into Ren Tingting's body, making Ren Tingting regain her sobriety.

"Ah, Uncle Jiu, why are you here? By the way, Mr. Lu, there is a female ghost who wants to harm you, so you have to be careful." Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Lin Jiu's eyes. Unexpectedly, no matter whether the female ghost is For some reason, if he wanted to harm Lu Yue, Lin Jiu didn't intend to let the female ghost go, and seeing the female ghost wantonly possessing other people and absorbing the yang energy from him, this female ghost is not a good thing. Lin Jiu will not show any mercy to a sinful evil ghost.

"Miss Ren, that female ghost has already been driven away. Don't worry, Miss Ren, Master and I will kill this female ghost, and we will never let this female ghost come to harass you again."

"In this way, there will be Daoist Laolu and Uncle Jiu. By the way, before Uncle Jiu gets rid of this female ghost, can I ask Uncle Jiu to live in our house first?" This female ghost can quietly attach to her daughter, indicating that The female ghost's methods are beyond their imagination. Without the master like Uncle Jiu sitting in charge, Mr. Ren would not dare to sleep at all, fearing that he would be killed by the female ghost in his sleep.

"Master, I know something about that female ghost." "Lu Yue, how did you know?" After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu stared at Lu Yue, wanting to know how Lu Yue knew about that female ghost. Things, could it be that Lu Yue had contact with female ghosts before.If this is the case, I should get rid of the female ghost, so that Lu Yue will not be able to practice with peace of mind in the future.

Ren Tingting on the side heard Lu Yue's words and looked at Lu Yue with an ugly expression. Could it be that Lu Yue has taken a fancy to that female ghost "Mr. Lu, have you taken a fancy to that female ghost?" In the dark, the appearance of this female ghost is not worse than her own, and her figure is much better than her own. It is not something that makes Ren Tingting feel strange that Lu Yue will fall in love with a female ghost.

Wencai and Qiusheng at the side heard Ren Tingting's words, and it was not difficult to guess that this female ghost was extremely beautiful, not inferior to Ren Tingting, and even a little more beautiful than Ren Tingting, otherwise Ren Tingting would not be like this, so, How could Wencai and Qiusheng not be curious?

(End of this chapter)

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