Chapter 86
"Junior brother, your teacher told us, is that female ghost really beautiful?" "Yes, junior brother, tell us honestly, what does that female ghost look like, is she really beautiful?" Wen Cai He looked at Lu Yue wretchedly and asked.

"You two bastards, do you know what you are talking about?" Lin Jiu looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng with hatred and said, these two people really made him lose face.So, after finishing speaking, Lin Jiu punched Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng hard on the head, causing them to squat on the ground and keep rubbing their heads. However, looking at Lin Jiu's gloomy face, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng Don't dare to say it hurts, otherwise, Lin Jiu will definitely give them two punches again.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue worriedly, deeply afraid that his most proud disciple would really be with the female ghost. If this was the case, it would not be easy for him to subdue the female ghost. Lu Yue would also be in danger because of this.

Seeing Lin Jiu's worried eyes, how could Lu Yue not know what Lin Jiu was thinking, and said lightly, "Master, don't worry, this disciple has no interest in that female ghost. The news is because I sensed the breath of this female ghost near the corpse farm, you have told me about this matter, disciple and master."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu suddenly remembered that Lu Yue had indeed told him that when he was in the corpse farm, he sensed a ghost.Unexpectedly, that ghost met this time. No wonder this female ghost is so evil. It turned out that this female ghost stayed near the corpse farm.

This corpse raising place is an evil place, even if they are cultivators, if they stay near the corpse raising place, they will be affected by the corpse raising place, not to mention that they are not good ghosts at all. I guess, under the influence of evil energy, this female ghost has become even more evil.

It seems that I need to kill this female ghost as soon as possible, otherwise, I don't know how many people will die under this female ghost. "Master, can you take me with you when you go to find that female ghost?" It would be a pity if they didn't know such a beautiful female ghost.

Looking at the wretched looks of Wencai and Qiusheng, how could Lin Jiu not know what they were thinking, and secretly hated them. It seemed that he had not educated Wencai and Qiusheng enough. How dare you be interested in a female ghost? Let's look at the two of them. If the female ghost has a little affection for the two of them, the two of them don't mind acting out a human-ghost romance for themselves.

This is Ren's mansion, not a place where I teach my disciples. Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng are shameless, and Lin Jiu is shameless.After returning to Yizhuang, it's not too late for me to teach the two of them a lesson. Anyway, the time they spend together is still very long, and there is plenty of time, so there is no need to worry.

"Okay, when I go to find the female ghost later, I will bring the two of you for the teacher." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu took out a few talismans, handed them to Master Ren and Tingting Ren, and said, "Master Ren, Tingting gives you these talismans." Protective body, with these talismans, the female ghost will never think of hurting you in a short time, and Pindao has left a trace of power in the talismans, and when these talismans are activated, Pindao can produce a response."

"Thank you Uncle Jiu. Uncle Jiu, you have to be confident. That female ghost is very evil. I originally wanted to go to my father and use the magic talisman in my father's hand to resist the attack of this female ghost, but the female ghost threatened me. If I dare If you go to find your father, you will kill all the servants of the Ren family."

Ren Tingting's words made Lin Jiu's eyes flash with murderous intent, and he also understood that this female ghost must not be allowed to live anymore, otherwise, this female ghost would definitely bring harm to Ren Jiazhen.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu took Lu Yue and others to the place where the corpses were kept. These ghosts generally would not easily change their place of residence, so the female ghost should still be in her own graveyard. If she went now, maybe, Can directly remove this female ghost.

After Lin Jiu and the others left, Master Ren looked at Ren Tingting and said, "Daughter, after what happened today, you should know the difference between us and Lu Yue, so don't worry about Lu Yue anymore, okay?"

"Dad, don't worry. After the previous incident, I already know that Mr. Lu and I are not from the same world. Forcibly being together will not do any good to me or Mr. Lu. My daughter will no longer miss Mr. Lu." Young master." Ren Tingting said sadly.

"Good girl, it's good if you can think like this. You should go to sleep first." After finishing speaking, Master Ren turned and left.However, after Lin Jiu and the others left the Ren Mansion, they walked towards the female ghost's cemetery as fast as they could. An hour later, Lin Jiu and the others arrived at Xiaoli's cemetery.

Unfortunately, at this time, Xiaoli was not here. Seeing this scene, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu beside him, wondering if there was any way for Master to find the ghost.

"Lu Yue, although I have a way as a teacher, to find the location of the female ghost, I need to open the altar and go back to Yizhuang to get some things."

As soon as Lin Jiu's voice fell, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng sat on the ground and said, "Master, I have no strength, you should let the little brother go back to Yizhuang to pick up the things, otherwise, we don't know when we will go back to Yizhuang." to get things back."

Looking at Wencai and Qiusheng who were sitting on the ground, Lin Jiu surprisingly didn't beat Wencai and Qiusheng. The two of you will stay here to guard the cemetery, don't let the female ghost take your own bones away, for the teacher to practice, you need to use her bones, understand?"

"Master, little junior brother, you can go back at ease. With Wen Cai and I here, there won't be any accidents." "That's right, master, junior brother, you can go back at ease. Qiusheng and I will take good care of this place." 'With you We're only worried when the two of us are here. Lu Yue didn't say this, otherwise, Lu Yue couldn't guarantee whether Lin Jiu would punch him or not.

Later, Lu Yue wanted to say something, but before Lu Yue could speak, he saw Lin Jiu pulling him away quickly.Seeing this scene, a gleam flashed in Lu Yue's eyes. Could it be that the master discovered something, so he dragged himself away?
Soon, the two of them left the cemetery. Sure enough, Lin Jiu did not return to the Yizhuang, but found a place to hide. "Master, did you find something?" Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu curiously and asked.

"The female ghost left a mark on her cemetery, allowing her to sense the situation of the cemetery at any time. If the two of us are not there, the female ghost will definitely appear to seduce Wencai and Qiusheng and recover from the injuries on her body." The female ghost has been here for a long time, and it is not difficult to find her own means and find his trace with the help of the bones. No trace, or want to recover from the injuries on her body, this female ghost will appear.

(End of this chapter)

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