The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1256 Yukongshan, the space dojo, reunited with Yuzhu

Chapter 1256 Yukongshan, the space dojo, reunited with Yuzhu

"Yuan Kong, you lunatic, you are simply unreasonable."

Seeing Yuan Kong make a move, the Immortal Dao Supreme Xu Gaoyang cursed angrily.

A gigantic blade of space slashed straight at Xu Gaoyang, and Xu Gaoyang had no choice but to arouse the supreme Taoism—the immortal golden body!
The blade of space cut on the immortal golden body.

In an instant, the confrontation of supreme Taoism stirred up a frenzy of terror that would destroy the world and spread in all directions with the point of impact!

"Yuan Kong, Xu Gaoyang, if you want to fight, go to Heaven!"

Qi Zhengchu who was watching the show had no choice but to make a move, otherwise, if the destructive wave swept towards the Heavenly Dao Academy, there would not be many monks left in the Heavenly Dao Academy under this blow.

Suddenly, the battle of Dao Zun turned into a three-party melee.

The majesty of Daoist overwhelmed Tiandaoyuan, making countless ascetics in Tiandaoyuan tremble.

This coercion from the depths of the soul makes many ascetics tremble.

At this moment, Sun Wukong, who was protected by Daoist Yuankong in the void, sighed.

"Senior Daoist Yuankong, forget it. After all, I am also seeking Taoism in this Tiandaoyuan. Even if I don't continue to practice in Tiandaoyuan, there is no need to destroy Tiandaoyuan."

Sun Wukong said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Yuankong stopped.

"I'm angry not at the Heavenly Dao Academy, but at Xu Gaoyang. He is so arrogant and arrogant. He thinks that he can run amok in the Dao world because he is a Daoist. If he doesn't teach him a lesson today, he will still think that we are in the Daoist Temple Very bullying."

Daoist Yuankong said with a sneer.

"Yuan Kong, what exactly do you want?"

Xu Gaoyang asked coldly, filled with anger under pressure.

"It's not that good. I suddenly found out that your Immortal Dao's 'Immortal Golden Body' doesn't seem to be useless. I want you to teach Xiao Sun this Taoism. Only in this way can you leave today."

Daoist Yuankong opened his mouth wide, and directly asked Xu Gaoyang to teach Sun Wukong the 'Indestructible Golden Body'.

"Don't even think about it, the 'Imperishable Golden Body' is one of our supreme secrets of the immortal way. It is absolutely impossible to leak it, let alone pass it on to outsiders."

Xu Gaoyang said firmly.

"That is to say, there is no need to talk about this matter?"

Daoist Yuankong's complexion darkened instantly, and Yin Yin asked.

"Yuankong, don't bully people too much. You have a lot of unique skills in the way of space, and you even have an 'indestructible space body' that is very similar to the 'indestructible golden body'. I absolutely cannot agree to this condition. It's a big deal. In the last battle field."

Xu Gaoyang would rather fight Yuan Kong to the death than leak the 'Indestructible Golden Body'.

"Since you don't want to teach the 'Imperishable Golden Body', then give a hundred square meters of water from the Immortal Dao Pool. Are you ready to refuse this condition?"

Daoist Yuankong didn't continue to threaten Xu Gaoyang to reveal the 'Imperishable Golden Body', but he took the next best thing and asked Xu Gaoyang to take out a hundred square meters of water from the Immortal Dao Pool.

Hearing this, Sun Wukong secretly laughed in his heart.

Perhaps, this is the real purpose of Daoist Yuankong.

"Give you!"

Xu Gaoyang knew that he would absolutely have to use a counterweight to satisfy Yuan Kong today in order to resolve the cause and effect.

Otherwise, if he is really entangled by Yuan Kong's immortality, then he will never be able to live in peace in the future.

Daoist Yuankong got the water from the Immortal Dao Pool of one hundred square meters, and then he left the Heavenly Dao Temple leisurely with Monkey King.

Sun Wukong followed Daoist Yuankong to move in the void, and asked, "Senior, where are you taking me?"

Although Sun Wukong had guesses in his heart, he still asked directly.

"Of course I will take you to the Space Dojo and let you officially join the Space Dojo."

Daoist Yuankong smiled lightly.

The conjecture came true, and for a while, Monkey King was in a trance.

Daoist Yuankong saw that Sun Wukong was lost in thought, and joked, "What? You don't want to join the Space Dojo? Do you think that the Space Dojo doesn't have an ancient Daoist in command, so it's not as good as other Supreme Dojos?"

As soon as these words came out, Monkey King woke up like a dream.

Sun Wukong smiled and said: "Senior, you are joking. I don't think that the space dojo is not as good as other supreme dojos. Moreover, the space dojo is still ranked among the top ten in the Dao world even though there is no ancient Daoist in charge. And if there is an ancient Daoist in charge, wouldn't it be able to hit the top five, top three or even the first place?"

Daoist Yuankong was very satisfied with Sun Wukong's words.

"Well said, although there are no ancient Daoist priests in my space dojo, there are many Taoist ancestors who 'fit the Tao'. It can be said that among the many supreme dojos in the Dao world, the number of 'Daozu' in my space dojo is the largest Of the ten true biographies of Daoist Venerable Space, the nine true biographies are all Taoist ancestors, and the youngest one is the master of my space Daoist." Daoist Yuankong said proudly.

"So powerful!" Sun Wukong was taken aback.

"Of course, the Space Daoist took in disciples back then, taught with all his heart, and never hid his secrets. Although he fell, the Space Dojo has not declined. And now our Space Dojo is more and more prosperous, even if there is no oldest Taoist. How about, other dojos in the Dao world dare not underestimate our space dojo." Daoist Yuankong said in a deep voice.

"In that case, I am more interested in joining the space dojo as soon as possible." Sun Wukong laughed.

"We'll be there soon."

After Daoist Yuankong finished speaking, he moved with all his strength.

After a cup of tea, Daoist Yuankong brought Sun Wukong to the space dojo!
"This territory is named 'Space Territory', and the entire territory belongs to our 'Space Dojo'."

Arriving at the territory of space, Daoist Yuankong pointed to the vast and boundless land below, and said lightly.

"Wow, what a big mountain!"

At this moment, in the center of the space domain stands a towering giant peak that pierces into the sky.

"This is the headquarters of the space dojo, Yukong Mountain!"

Daoist Yuankong brought Sun Wukong back to his palace in Yukong Mountain, and then Daoist Yuankong asked Zhong Yuanqing, a disciple of his sect who was only at the fourth level, to come.

"Disciple Zhong Yuanqing, pay respects to Master."

Zhong Yuanqing came to Daoist Yuankong and bowed down.

"Yuan Qing, this is the space dao body discovered by the teacher in other territories of the dao world. Now you take him to the daoji hall to record the daoji, and then wait for the dao master to leave the customs before officially joining the space dojo."

Daoist Yuankong ordered in a deep voice.

"The apprentice takes the order."

Zhong Yuanqing replied solemnly.

"Sun Wukong, I have met Brother Zhong." Sun Wukong immediately saluted Zhong Yuanqing.

"Brother Sun, you are welcome, please follow me." Zhong Yuanqing did not dare to neglect, this is the space dao body that the master personally brought back to the space dojo from other territories, perhaps with extraordinary aptitude.

Watching Sun Wukong leave with Zhong Yuanqing, Daoist Yuankong also disappeared into the hall in an instant.

Zhong Yuanqing flew with Sun Wukong Yukong and asked curiously: "Brother Sun, which territory are you from?"

"Brother Zhong, I'm not a local ascetic in the Taoist realm, but from the lower realm." Sun Wukong laughed.

"Ascended from the lower realm?" Zhong Yuanqing was taken aback when he heard this.

"What's the matter? Brother Zhong, doesn't the space dojo accept ascenders from the lower realm?" Monkey King asked in surprise.

"Brother Sun misunderstood. The space dojo is recruiting talents, and of course it will not reject the Ascended from the Lower Realm. I was just surprised that Brother Sun turned out to be an Ascended from the Lower Realm. It seems that Brother Sun is also a dragon and phoenix among people. Otherwise, he would not be my master. Fayan."

Suddenly, Zhong Yuanqing's attitude towards Sun Wukong became more enthusiastic than before.

"Brother Zhong may think highly of me, and I was also destined to meet Senior Daoist. Then Senior Daoist saw that I was a space Taoist body, so he brought me to Yukong Mountain in the space border." Monkey King laughed.

"No, you don't know my master's temper. Master is a Daoist, and it is difficult for him to get into his eyes in ordinary space. I think I went through untold hardships in order to be able to worship under Master. The space Taoist cultivation There are tens of thousands of people, but not every ascetic can become a high-level ascetic."

Zhong Yuanqing recalled the eventful years in the past, and expressed emotion for a moment.

"Fate is also needed between master and apprentice." Sun Wukong agreed.

"Daoji Hall, we're here."

At this moment, Zhong Yuanqing and Monkey King have arrived at the Taoist Hall.

With Zhong Yuanqing's guarantee, Sun Wukong obtained the Dao Book of the Space Dojo very smoothly.

Now we only need to wait for the master of the space dojo to leave the customs, and then he will officially join the space dojo in a unified way.

The current Monkey King can be regarded as a quasi-space dojo cultivator.

After obtaining Taoism, Zhong Yuanqing took Monkey King back the same way.

Back in the hall belonging to Daoist Yuankong, Zhong Yuanqing was about to arrange a place for Monkey King when suddenly his expression changed slightly.

At this moment, a female voice came from outside.

"Little Qingzi, who did you bring?"

Hearing this voice, Sun Wukong was shocked all of a sudden.

Then a figure that made Sun Wukong dream about, stepped into the palace!
"Rain Bamboo!"

Seeing this figure, Monkey King blurted out!

"Hey, how do you know my name? Xiao Qingzi, did you tell him?"

"I didn't say it, I didn't tell him." Zhong Yuanqing immediately explained that he didn't dare to offend this little aunt.

Not to mention him, all the disciples of Daoist Yuan Kong dared not offend her.

"Then how does he know my name?" Yu Zhu glared at Zhong Yuanqing, pointed at Monkey King and said.

Zhong Yuanqing hurriedly introduced to Sun Wukong at this time: "Brother Sun, this is my master's daughter, her name is 'Yuzhu'."

"My name is Sun Wukong, and I have met Miss Yuzhu!"

Sun Wukong suppressed the affection in his heart and said with a smile.

For some reason, Yu Zhu, who is usually delicate and willful, becomes extremely shy when she sees Monkey King, without any arrogance or domineering.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Yuanqing felt that the sky was falling and the earth was falling, and his three views were reshaped.

"You also want to join my father's family?"

Miss Yuzhu looked at Monkey King and felt very different.

"I don't know yet!" Sun Wukong told the truth.

"Let me tell you, if you want to join my father's family, then you have to make me happy. If I say something nice for you in front of my father, my father will definitely accept you as a disciple." Yu Zhu said Lan said.

"At that time, I hope Miss Yuzhu will give me some kind words in front of Senior Daoist Yuankong!" Sun Wukong laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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