The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1257 Stay away from liars, night spies

Chapter 1257 Stay away from liars, night spies

Hearing this, Yu Zhu laughed.

"That depends on how you make me happy!"

Yuzhu looked like she was coming to coax me.

Just when Sun Wukong was about to say something, Daoist Yuankong suddenly appeared.

Sun Wukong noticed that Daoist Yuankong's complexion was a bit ugly.

For a moment, Monkey King didn't know what happened.

"Yu Zhu, what are you doing here?"

"Daddy, are you going to take in new disciples again?" Yu Zhu looked at Monkey King while speaking.

"No." Daoist Yuankong said coldly.

"Ah, Daddy, you won't accept it?" Yu Zhu said in surprise.

"Come home with me, what are you doing here!" Daoist Yuankong was about to leave with Yuzhu, Zhong Yuanqing asked hastily.

"Master, which hall will Xiao Sun be placed in?"

"Space Dojo has its own place, just take him there." Daoist Yuankong's attitude changed suddenly, which made Monkey King puzzled.

Zhong Yuanqing was also at a loss as to why Master's attitude towards Sun Wukong suddenly changed so drastically.

But he didn't dare to go against Master's will and take Monkey King away.

After Sun Wukong left, he suddenly heard Daoist Yuankong say to Yuzhu: "Don't have any contact with this liar again."

Hearing this, Sun Wukong's complexion suddenly sank.

At the same time, Zhong Yuanqing also heard Daoist Yuankong say this about Monkey King, so his attitude changed accordingly.

Zhong Yuanqing is no longer enthusiastic about Sun Wukong, but cold.

After Zhong Yuanqing brought Monkey King to a certain hall, he immediately turned and left.

Monkey King entered the hall alone, and obtained a temporary cave by virtue of Taoism.

And at this time, Yu Zhu who returned home asked curiously: "Daddy, why do you say he is a liar?"

"Daughter, you don't need to know. Daddy told you, you must stay away from this liar in the future. You must not have any contact with him, otherwise, Daddy will be very sad!"

In front of his precious daughter, Daoist Yuankong is not a supreme and powerful man, but a loving father.

"All right!"

Yu Zhu pouted and said.

But in her heart, she wanted to pursue this secret, wanting to get to the bottom of it.

In the temporary cave, Monkey King thought carefully.

"From the very beginning, Daoist Yuankong had a very good impression of me. He even fought against the Indestructible Dao Supreme Xu Gaoyang for me. He also picked me up from the Heavenly Dao Academy and brought me here. But suddenly he had a big attitude. Change, all of this, and why?"

Sun Wukong was in deep thought and puzzled, Yuankong Daoist's attitude towards him was so abnormal, Sun Wukong was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

On the other side, after Yu Zhu retreated, Ji Wanran, Daoist Yuankong's wife, suddenly appeared by his side.

"Husband, what happened? Didn't you look up to this child at first? Why did your attitude become so abnormal all of a sudden?"

Hearing this, Yuan Kong Daoist said angrily: "Since I became Daoist, I have never met such a bold person. He even lied to me. If I didn't tell Master this time, maybe it was true." To be deceived, what makes me even more hateful is that he actually wants to deceive our precious daughter."

"If it wasn't for the fact that he is a space dao body, I would have crushed him to ashes on the spot. I never thought that a mere low-level ant would dare to lie to me!"

After hearing these words, Ji Wanran's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

Her daughter, Yuzhu, is her sweetheart. She and Yuan Kong have been together for countless years before finally having such a precious daughter.

But now, someone actually hit her precious daughter's idea.

"Husband, what is going on?"

Ji Wanran asked.

"He said he was the reincarnation of the Daoist of Space, and I believed it to be true. As a result, when I returned to the dojo this time, I still had the heart to accept him as a disciple. But when I chatted with the master, I found out that the reincarnation of the Taoist of Space I was born a long time ago. And in the space dojo, I have never seen the space daoist, but the master is the direct disciple of the space daoist, of course he will not lie to me."

Daoist Yuankong said in a deep voice.

Ji Wanran couldn't believe it, if it wasn't from her husband, if it was from someone else, she really couldn't believe it was true.

"It's really abominable, you actually lied to your husband. Now you still want to lie to our precious daughter, such a villain, why don't you drive him out of the space dojo?"

Ji Wanran was filled with indignation, what she couldn't stand the most was that someone hit her precious daughter.

If you really pursue it, and your own character is very strong, then that's all.

If there are many tests, you should choose a son-in-law.

However, liars are absolutely intolerable.

"Actually, I should have thought about it earlier, because he has no memory of the Daoist of Space. Just imagine if he is really the reincarnation of the Daoist of Space, how could he not have the memory of awakening. It's just that I have been concealed by the Sky Tower all this time. I thought that Zhenkong Tower followed him, and he was the reincarnation of Space Daoist. Looking at it now, I am afraid that Zhenkong Tower was also deceived by him."

Daoist Yuankong said coldly.

"Husband, this won't work. The Sky Town Pagoda is the last natal treasure cast by the Daoist of Space, and it must not fall into the hands of this liar."

Ji Wanran said angrily.

"Let's do this for the time being, and we can't scare the snake away. Now it seems that the scene in the Zhenkong Pagoda was interesting. I have never figured out, if he is really the reincarnation of the space Taoist, how can he let those people go?" The suppressed Daoist. But now that I think about it, if he is not the reincarnation of Space Daoist, but a night pawn, then maybe all this can be explained." Yuankong Daoist said coldly.

"Husband, do you mean that he is a spy sent by Yemu?" Ji Wanran didn't expect that the deeper he dug, the more rewarding he would be.

"It's very possible, that's why I can't scare the snake. And if he is really a Yemu pawn, then he will definitely contact Yemu's other spies when he comes to this space dojo. At that time, we will catch them all." Daoist Yuankong said coldly Said.

"My husband, you should do these things. The only thing I can do is not to let him have any contact with our precious daughter."

Daoist Yuankong nodded.

In the temporary cave, Sun Wukong, who was amazed by the change of Taoist Yuankong's attitude, never imagined that Taoist Yuankong actually identified him as a spy sent by Yemu to lurk in the space dojo!

Sun Wukong waited patiently for the Lord of Space Dojo to leave the level, and then Sun Wukong began to sort out what he had learned.

Now Monkey King already has thirteen space Taoisms. After breaking through the fourth level of cultivation, these space Taoisms are all upgraded to fourth level Taoisms.

At this time, all the thirteen space dao seals are located in the space dao talisman array.

Space Dao Art is a Dao seal, and at this moment it is embedded in the space Dao talisman array, and the space Tao is the true meaning flowing, stirring up all kinds of space Tao is the true meaning.

The reason for breaking through the fourth level is because of enlightenment tea, although it broke through safely.However, because the time is too short, the foundation is not as stable as before.

Now Monkey King checks for omissions and fills in gaps, sorts out the true meaning of the Dao of space, fills in the gaps, and makes the Dao Foundation complete.

Monkey King completes the Dao foundation in the cave, not knowing the passage of time.

Suddenly, Dao Ji shook suddenly.

Sun Wukong knows that the master of the space dojo is out.

Monkey King also left the cave. At this time, some disciples from the space dojo flew in front of Monkey King and took him to the secret land of Yukong Mountain!
The master of the space dojo left the customs, and Daoist Yuankong asked to see him immediately.

Seeing the Master of the Space Dojo, Daoist Yuankong immediately told the Master of the Space Dojo everything about Sun Wukong, and he did not even hide his guess.

"According to what you said, he is indeed suspicious. I agree with you, let Zhenkongta stay with him for a while, even if Zhenkongta is bewitched by him for a while, sooner or later he will notice some clues. By then, Zhenkongta will naturally to leave him."

Su Yuanliang, the master of the space dojo, said lightly.

"There's just one thing that I still can't figure out. It's just that I just learned that after this spy entered the Heavenly Dao Temple, the Night Curtain Organization even offered a reward for his life. If he is really a Night Curtain spy, So why does the Nightmare organization do this?"

Daoist Yuankong said puzzledly.

Su Yuanliang, the master of the space dojo, smiled slightly, "You can't see through the game, you have to jump out of the game to see the whole situation. Let me ask you, although the night organization wanted his life, and offered a reward for a Dao Zun Yuanguo. But is he dead?"

As soon as these words came out, Daoist Yuankong suddenly realized.

"not at all!"

"That is to say, no matter what the night organization is doing. We only care about the ending, and he is not dead. Moreover, since you mentioned the Heavenly Dao Academy, I just asked about the Heavenly Dao Academy. In that space maze, there is Many things are difficult to explain. The trip to the space maze can be described as full of fog. And so far, the fall of some sixth-order Taoist gods is an unsolved mystery."

Su Yuanliang, as the master of the space dojo, has endless ways and boundless powers.

Daoist Yuankong also has to admire Su Yuanliang's wisdom at this moment, and now he finally knows why Su Yuanliang is in charge of the space dojo!

Many quasi-space dojo ascetics gathered together, and then many high-rises of the space dojo surrounded the master of the space dojo, Su Yuanliang, and appeared in the secret place.

"Is he Monkey King?"

In the dark, Su Yuanliang asked Daoist Yuankong to identify Monkey King.

Daoist Yuankong knew the rumors and told Su Yuanliang the location of Monkey King.

Su Yuanliang's sharp eyes immediately turned to these quasi-space dojo practitioners, but at this moment, his attention to Monkey King is very different!
Of course, on the surface, nothing unusual was revealed.

Su Yuanliang didn't show his face, and then the deacon of the space dojo stepped forward, leading Sun Wukong and other ascetics who wanted to join the space dojo to perform three bows and nine kowtows.

After the ceremony, began to swear.

After the oath was fulfilled, he officially joined the space dojo on behalf of monks like Sun Wukong.

From then on, he became a cultivator in the space dojo.

This represents Monkey King, officially entering the space dojo!
However, Sun Wukong didn't know that in the eyes of Su Yuanliang, the master of the space dojo, he was suspected to be a spy of the night organization.

At this time, the giant of the space dojo began to select disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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