The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1295 Killing, the supreme descends

Chapter 1295 Killing, the supreme descends
"The killing before was just an appetizer. Now let these cultivators of the source world see what a real killing is. My old grandson is called the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and I want them to hear this name from now on. Wake up!"

Sun Wukong's cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of the fifth order, and his space power is even stronger.In addition, it can mobilize more and stronger inner heaven and earth forces.

Coupled with the space Taoism that improves with the cultivation base, although the cultivation base is only raised to a small level, Monkey King's combat power has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Well, I'll follow you and see how you kill!"

Tianjizi is full of endless hatred for the night screen and the source world, and Monkey King's wanton killings are very much in line with his appetite.

Tianjizi turned into a cloud of aura, following Monkey King like a shadow.

At this moment, Sun Wukong, who let go of his aura, was immediately sensed by the cultivation of the source world.

In an instant, countless source realm cultivators rushed towards Sun Wukong like a tide.

"Chaotic green lotus, become Ruyi Golden Cudgel!"

Monkey King is determined to kill, and his mind communicates with Chaos Qinglian.

In the next moment, the chaotic green lotus flew out from the inner world and turned into a wishful golden cudgel in the void.

boom! ! !
Sun Wukong waved the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and smashed it towards the crowded place!
Chaos Strike!
The Chaos Strike that made Sun Wukong rule the world once again shines in the world.

In an instant, the astonishing chaotic divine light appeared in the world, shining for nine heavens and ten earths, sweeping across the three realms and six realms.

Today's Chaos Divine Light not only has the power of chaos, but also contains the power of space of Monkey King.

Chaos and space, the two top ten supreme dao powers, erupted together, and their power was earth-shattering and unparalleled.

The divine light of chaos swept out, and the cultivation of the source world was wiped out.

one strike!
Just one hit!
Thousands of sixth-order monks in the source world fell sadly.

One after another, the light of the true spirit flew into Sun Wukong's soldier card, and all of them became Monkey King's military exploits.

In Sun Wukong's soldier card, the military exploits soared crazily.

At this moment, the cultivator of the source world who was rushing towards Sun Wukong was frightened to death.

Everyone was dumbfounded, dumbfounded.

They never imagined that Sun Wukong, who is only a fifth-level cultivation base, but a mere Taoist monarch, has such terrifying strength!
Kill thousands of sixth-order monks in the source world with one blow!

Such an impressive record, even the top Taoist gods in the source world may not be able to achieve it.

Only those peerless evildoers and peerless arrogances can do it, but they can't be like Monkey King, who is so leisurely and carefree.

"Good come!"

Seeing the cultivators of the origin realm springing up from all directions, Sun Wukong held the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand and slayed all directions.

The divine light of chaos was like a tidal wave, drowning the cultivators of the source realm rushing from all directions.


A Daoist from the Origin Realm snarled, and the sound shook the audience.

In an instant, many cultivators from the source world couldn't help forming a formation. This scene almost came from instinct.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong suddenly shrank his pupils.

boom! ! !
Relying on the formation method, these origin practitioners can resist the light of chaos.

However, not all cultivators from the source world could form formations in an instant, and those cultivators from the source world who failed to enter the formation were annihilated one after another.

And with this blow, tens of thousands of Taoist gods from the source world fell sadly.

The rest of the source world dao gods are all in the formation.

"Although it is indeed a disgrace to our Origin Realm cultivators that we use formations to deal with a fifth-rank Taoist Lord. But today, we will use the blood of this Dao Realm bastard to wash away the shame he brought to our Origin Realm. In addition, he will cut off his head to avenge those brothers who died at his hands. Wait, dare to fight?"

A Dao God of the Origin Realm with the highest authority stood up, and he temporarily took over the position of commander, commanding tens of thousands of Dao Gods of the Origin Realm to fight against Monkey King.

"Formation? Can a small formation stop my old grandson? I will tell you today that the one who kills you is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven!"

In an instant, Sun Wukong took a step and suddenly came to the formation.

"Group attack!"

Within the formation, the sixth-rank Taoist God, who was temporarily acting as the leader, resolutely issued an order.

In an instant, all the sixth-order Taoist gods in the formation, at this moment, went all out to strike with all their might.

boom! ! !
Tens of thousands of powerful blows from the sixth-level Taoist gods have been amplified by the formation, and become even more terrifying and powerful.

What makes the enemy even more frightening is that the formation can skillfully fuse the attacks of all the sixth-level Taoist gods together, turning them into a frenzy of attacks.

In this case, not to mention the sixth-level Taoist god, even the seventh-level Taoist king would not dare to face him directly.

Therefore, in the hearts of all the Taoist gods in the source world, Monkey King will undoubtedly die with this blow.

But the faces of the Dao Gods of the Origin Realm froze instantly, and their Yuan Consciousness suddenly sensed that Monkey King appeared in the formation.

"My old grandson said that a mere formation can't stop my old grandson's footsteps. But today, you are all going to die!"

boom! ! !
Another series of earth-shattering, unparalleled chaotic divine light emerged out of nowhere, striking violently in all directions.

Of course, Sun Wukong couldn't resist the powerful blow of tens of thousands of Dao gods in the source world, but he was a cultivator of the Dao of Space, so he didn't need to fight head-on, and directly cast the true meaning of Dao of Space to penetrate the space of the formation.

In addition, Sun Wukong never expected that the "Secret of Array" of the Nine Secrets would also play a very crucial role.

This could not help but make Sun Wukong take a look at the Nine Secrets. In his heart, Sun Wukong felt that if he had time in the future, he could learn more about the Nine Secrets and upgrade the Nine Secrets from supernatural powers to Taoism.

Perhaps, this will greatly improve Monkey King's combat power.

Sun Wukong almost exerted all his strength, releasing all the space power in his body and the chaotic power stored in the chaotic green lotus!

The chaotic divine light is like annihilating a huge wave. In an instant, the tens of thousands of Taoist gods in the source world are wiped out in form and spirit.

With their defense, they can't resist the Chaos Divine Light at all.

Tens of thousands of Taoist gods from the source world were killed in a snap of the fingers. Tian Jizi, who was watching the battle, was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Ancestor, you were at the fifth level back then, can you do this?" Tianjizi couldn't help asking Luo.

"How is it possible? Not to mention the fifth level, even the sixth level is difficult to achieve. Maybe the seventh level, it can be done." Luo Yi was extremely shocked. He is a peerless evildoer in the Taoist world, but now he is willing to bow down.

"It seems that if Yuan Jie wants to kill him this time, he must pay a heavy price. And now I am looking forward to the battle in Inner Heaven and Earth!" Tian Jizi said extremely coldly.

"The Sovereign of the Source Realm will not let it go, this battle will become more and more troublesome. In the end, let's see how they end up!" Luo said gloatingly.

With one hit, he will flee away immediately!

Monkey King killed one hundred thousand Taoist gods in the source world, and escaped in an instant.

The extremely angry Yuanjie Supreme suddenly tore up the rule agreement reached with the Daoist, and sent distracted spirits to possess the source Daoist, vowing to kill Monkey King.

But Dao Realm turned a blind eye, as if they didn't know it at all.

In the Senluo area, Monkey King, who has a very keen sense of Tao, immediately sensed the aura of the Supreme Being.

"These Origin Realm Supremes are really shameless. They can be described as extremely despicable and shameless. They even distracted and invaded the body of the sixth-order Taoist God. It seems that you have completely pissed them off."

Luo Yi instantly sensed the aura of the Supreme Being of the Source Realm, even if it was just a distraction coming, but as a tenth-order Venerable, Luo was particularly sensitive to the distracting aura of the Supreme Being of the Source Realm.

Sun Wukong suppressed his anger and smiled coldly.

"So what? Since they dare to come with distraction, then kill their distraction."

Monkey King is not afraid, but eager to try.

Hearing this, Luo couldn't help being a little shocked by Monkey King's audacity.

"It seems that I have been in this Senluo area for countless years, and my spirit is so depressed that I am not as good as your junior. It is true, if they dare to come, then kill their distractions. See how much distraction they have, and you can kill them."

Luo has been silent for endless years, and his blood has long cooled down, but now he is stirred up by Monkey King's words, his blood is boiling, and his fighting spirit is revived.

The distraction of a whole eight source realm supreme beings descended, possessing the eight sixth-order Taoist gods.

And these eight Taoist gods can now be called 'supreme avatars'.

The eight supreme avatars occupy the eight directions respectively. In an instant, Monkey King felt that the space outside the Senluo area was suddenly blocked.

"Not only the space, but also the time is frozen. It seems that they are determined to kill you in this Senluo area. It's just the Dao world. Could it be that they are allowed to besiege and kill you so recklessly?"

There was a trace of confusion in Luo's eyes, Sun Wukong is a disciple of the space dojo, and the space dojo has always been the most protective.

However, Sun Wukong guessed a trace of the truth.

"Perhaps in the eyes of our space dojo master, if I can't even face this mere scene, how can I become the Supreme Daoist?"

Sun Wukong guessed that the space dojo must send a strong man, but he just stood by and watched.

Maybe, the space dojo powerhouse who came here is Su Yuanliang.

In the high altitude of the frontline battlefield, within the space fluctuation, two strong men from the space dojo are looking down intently.

"Junior brother, are you so confident that you think he can handle these eight supreme avatars?"

Immediately in the Taoist world, Su Yuanliang, the master of the space dojo, can be called the junior junior brother, and he is the nine disciples under the seat of the space daoist.

"Brother, if he can't even deal with this small scene, then don't try to compete for the position of Supreme Daoist. It's better to stay in the space dojo to practice obediently, and don't go out and embarrass yourself and embarrass the space dojo." Su Yuanliang is confident Fully said.

"This time the source world is a bit too much. They really think that without a master, our space dojo is just a soft persimmon that they can knead at will?"

"Brother, don't worry, the fun has just begun. Don't worry, if he is really in trouble, how can I really sit idly by." Su Yuanliang said comfortingly.

"There are four supreme avatars in the sky, east, west, north, south, and there are also four supreme avatars on the ground. In this case, there are four supreme avatars in my front, back, left, and right sides. The eight supreme avatars form the Eight Desolation Liuhe Formation, completely sealing me In it!"

Sun Wukong knew very well that the positions of the eight supreme avatars made the eight supremes form a six-sided cube, enclosing Sun Wukong in the middle.

In this case, no matter which side Sun Wukong breaks out from, he will encounter a supreme clone.

(End of this chapter)

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