The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1296 Confronting the Supreme, the Origin of Space

Chapter 1296 Confronting the Supreme, the Origin of Space

However, under the prediction of the eight supreme beings, Monkey King did not break through at all.

At least, Sun Wukong has been standing in the void, allowing the eight supreme beings to gather the power of millions of sixth-order Taoist gods.

In this scene, not only the eight supreme beings couldn't understand, but Tianjizi beside him was also full of confusion.

"Brother Sun, are you waiting for the strong man from the space dojo to rescue you?"

Seeing Sun Wukong standing there motionless, Tianjizi couldn't help asking through voice transmission.

"No, I'm waiting for the eight supreme beings to raise their power to the extreme. I want to see in advance how high the ultimate combat power of the sixth-level Taoist god is!"

As soon as Monkey King said this, Tianjizi immediately thought that Monkey King was crazy.

"Brother Sun, this is not a joke. You are only at the middle stage of the fifth level, isn't it too early?" Tianjizi was taken aback.

"I won't have this opportunity in the future. The source world will definitely be a thunderbolt to me, and will never give me a chance to come back. So this time the eight supreme beings come, it is the best chance and the last chance to see the ultimate combat power of the sixth level. Immediately In the Daozi battle that is about to be held, I believe that the combat power of those peerless arrogances and monsters is probably not weaker than these supreme beings."

Sun Wukong was very calm and said calmly.

Tianjizi knew that Monkey King had made up his mind.

"In that case, then I will leave this battlefield temporarily and wait outside for you to come out!"

Tian Jizi didn't dare to stay by Sun Wukong's side anymore, otherwise, once Monkey King fought with the Eight Great Supreme Beings later, even if he turned into the spirit of Sen Luo, he might be involved.

In that case, even the spirit of Sen Luo will perish.

After Tianjizi left, Monkey King opened his eyes.

A monk like Tianjizi will never understand Sun Wukong's fighting spirit.

At this moment, in Sun Wukong's body, the fighting heart that had been silent for a long time gradually began to recover.

Ascension to the Dao Realm, Monkey King actually did not experience many bloody battles of life and death.

Now, the Eight Great Sovereigns have descended, and at the thought of fighting against the Sovereigns standing at the pinnacle of the Dao world, Monkey King can't help but be eager to try, his blood boils, and his fighting spirit soars.

Because this reminds Sun Wukong of the era of wars in the lower realm, rising from the humble beginnings, fighting all the way, and finally let the name of Monkey King resound throughout the world again.

It even ascended to the Great Desolate Heavenly Emperor, shocked the ages, and overlooked the myriad worlds.

above the sky.

"Hey, what is he doing? Could it be that he wants to challenge the eight supreme beings of the source world today?"

Zhu Long, the nine disciples of Space Daoist, said in surprise.

"If we're not mistaken, I'm afraid this is the case. He is really daring. He dared to fight against the eight supreme avatars of the source world with a mid-level fifth-level cultivation base. Could it be that he was naive to think that he could go backwards and kill him? And even if he could cross the level You can't fight against the limit of the sixth-order in the middle of the fifth-order!" Su Yuanliang said lightly.

"I'm so courageous...!" Zhu Long, the ancestor of space dao, didn't know what to say.

"Now I'm more and more skeptical that he might be the reincarnation of our master. This style, brother, don't you think it's very similar to our master?"

Su Yuanliang narrowed his eyes and said.

"That's true. Back then, Master was like this. He was not afraid of the sky and the earth. Moreover, Master was also of the same level as Invincible back then. It's just that he had an empty tower and a space maze, so why didn't he have any memory?"

Zhu Long has never been able to figure this out.

"Perhaps the master made another arrangement, there is no deep meaning. At least, we must not let him die, no matter whether he is the reincarnation of our master. If he is the reincarnation of the master, it would be great. If not, it is also our space One of the peerless talents in the dojo."

Su Yuanliang said in a deep voice.

"Then let's take a good look at his performance in this battle!"

The eight supreme beings are getting closer and closer to Sun Wukong, and at this time, the power of millions of sixth-order Taoist gods bless them, making the eight supreme beings look powerful and terrifying!
At this moment, each supreme exudes an incomparably powerful aura, overwhelming the world.

The terrifying auras of the eight supreme beings are all added to Monkey King, trying to overwhelm Monkey King.

At this moment, the power of the Eight Desolation Liuhe Formation has almost reached its peak.

Sun Wukong was in the formation, staring coldly at the Eight Directions Supreme.

"Sun Wukong, today you have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. This is where you will be buried!"

"Kill so many sixth-level monks in my source world, today is the time for you to pay for them!"

"We will never let you jump down again, you damn ant, it's time to end."

"This time you are doomed, you cannot fly."

The Source Realm Supreme gritted his teeth, his hatred soaring to the sky.

Monkey King massacred the sixth-order monks in the source realm in the Senluo area, like slaps in the face of these supreme beings.

Now, the presence of these Supreme Beings in person is to end Monkey King and end this farce.

"Your tone is too crazy, and you are not afraid that Feng Da will flash your tongue. If your deities come here, maybe my old grandson will still be a little bit afraid. But you are only a mere distraction possessed by a sixth-level monk, and you dare to touch my old grandson Barking wildly in front of you, it seems that today I want to tell you how to be a human being, not a dog."

Sun Wukong's words stimulated the Bafang Supreme, and in an instant, he was furious.

"Give me death!"

The extremely angry Bafang Supreme suddenly made a move together!
Now that they have all descended and possessed the sixth-order Taoist gods, they naturally put aside all face.

The Supreme is not terrible, what is terrible is the shameless Supreme.

The Eight Supremes go together and besiege Monkey King.

Sun Wukong held the Ruyi Golden Cudgel transformed from the chaotic green lotus, its power was no less than that of the real Ruyi Golden Cudgel. In an instant, facing the fierce attack of the Eight Supremes, Monkey King launched a counterattack!

Ruyi's golden cudgel slammed down fiercely, and at this moment, the stick was full of shadows.

Each blow contained terrifying power, and in an instant, it collided fiercely with the Supreme's attack in the void.

Bang! ! !
The eight supreme beings possessed the sixth-level Taoist gods, and raised the sixth-level combat power to the limit. In an instant, they suppressed Monkey King's Ruyi golden cudgel.

The Eight Supremes' attacks have no dead ends, and they are extremely tricky, which makes it impossible for Monkey King to defend against them.

They avoided the terrifying force emanating from Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

For a while, Monkey King fell into a disadvantage.

"Dare to challenge us in the middle of the fifth order, I'm really tired, and I'm looking for a dead end!"

"Who do you think you are, wanting to defeat us in the middle of the fifth order, it's a fool's dream!"

The Source Realm Supreme said coldly, every face showed murderous intent, fierce and murderous, filling the void.

Sun Wukong sneered coldly, regardless of it, even though his attack could not hit the Supreme Being of the Origin Realm, Sun Wukong still used various methods to perform various Taoism.

Outside the battlefield, Tianjizi was very puzzled when he saw this scene.

"Is it meaningful for him to be brutally tortured by the Supreme Being of the Origin Realm like this? And he is facing the danger of death at any time. This is a life-and-death struggle. Moreover, there is no hope of victory." Tianjizi's eyes were dim.

"You don't understand this. It is difficult for you to understand a warrior when you practice the Way of Heavenly Secrets. He is not an ordinary ascetic, he is a warrior. Of course, he does not practice the 'Way of Fighting', but this does not prevent him from becoming a warrior. A fighter. What's more, you think that everything he does is useless, but it's the opposite!"

In Tianjizi's sea of ​​consciousness, Luo said lightly.

"Then what exactly is he doing?" With Tian Jizi's current vision and experience, he couldn't see the profound intentions contained in Monkey King's actions.

"Train yourself, you only see him being suppressed by the eight supreme beings, but you don't notice that his physical body has made crazy progress. His cultivation base, inner world, and even Taoism far exceed his physical body. It can be said that his The physical body is the normal body of a Taoist monarch. But now it is different. Under the crazy attack of the eight supreme beings, his physical body's defense is constantly improving. Moreover, the potential contained in the physical body is constantly being stimulated, and his origin is extremely powerful. Even if These eight supreme beings are incomparable!"

As a Daoist once, even if he is not at the peak of cultivation now, Luo's eyesight and insight are still at the peak.

"indeed so!"

After receiving Luo's guidance, Tianjizi observed carefully and found that the power of each attack of Sun Wukong was increasing, and Sun Wukong's physical body was faintly improving.

From having no resistance in the hands of the Eight Great Masters at the beginning to now being able to barely compete with the Eight Great Masters, this is the effect of Monkey King's physical improvement.

And all of this, Luo can see, it is naturally impossible for the eight supreme beings to not see it.

"Damn it, you actually use us as a training tool."

"Destroy him in one fell swoop, and let him know what a heavy price he will pay for humiliating the Supreme!"

"It's just a fifth-order ants, let's die!"

The eight supreme beings who were extremely angry launched a swift and violent attack.

All of a sudden, the offensive was like a wave.

Because now his combat power has reached the limit of the sixth order, so even if they strike casually, it is the limit of the sixth order.

And if they used forbidden techniques, it would be beyond the sixth level.

Although it can't reach the seventh level, looking at the two realms of Daoyuan, there are not many sixth-level Taoist gods who can take over.

boom! ! !
The eight supreme beings who were furious cast forbidden techniques, and in an instant, the eight forbidden techniques blasted at Monkey King together, drowning Monkey King in an instant.

But at this time, Sun Wukong's space Tao body was bombarded by the eight forbidden techniques, and when the space Tao body was about to be annihilated, suddenly, a strange force emerged from the depths of the Tao body!
Above the sky, Zhu Long and Su Yuanliang's eyes widened!

"The original power of space!"

They looked at each other, and they all saw each other's eyes, staring wide open!

At this moment, the original power of space emerged from the depths of the Dao body, and in an instant, Sun Wukong's space Dao body underwent earth-shaking changes.

At this moment, under the blessing of the original power of space, the eight forbidden techniques failed to completely annihilate Monkey King's space body.

Instead, let Sun Wukong's space Taoism leapfrog and grow to the fifth-order limit.

The space dao body stands at the top of the fifth-order peak, and Sun Wukong's eyes burst out with sharp light.

"It's not dead?"

The eight supreme beings of the source world were stunned.

It never occurred to them that they could not kill Monkey King even with the forbidden techniques.

(End of this chapter)

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