Chapter 1332
"Sun Wukong, no matter how hard you struggle, it won't help. Today, you will definitely lose!"

Jing Yue, the son of the Dao of the Sword, fought steadily, not giving Monkey King a chance to fight back.

He learned from Xuanhuang Daozi Qi Zhenchuan's failure, he did not underestimate the enemy, did not be arrogant and arrogant, and vowed to kill Monkey King by the knife.

At this time, Monkey King's swordsmanship could not resist Jing Yue's swordsmanship, and the sharpness of the sword could only be restrained, not restrained or even killed.

Sun Wukong was in a predicament, seeing the Daoyuan and the cultivation of the two realms in this scene, there was a lot of discussion in the Dao of Heaven.

"It seems that Monkey King is really going to lose this battle!"

"Actually, it's not easy for him to survive until now!"

"It seems that the space dojo is destined not to be able to give birth to the Supreme Daozi!"

"He doesn't deserve to be the pride of the world at all. Naturally, it will be revealed sooner or later."

"Jing Yue, the son of Dao of the Sword, is the top and peerless genius. Sun Wukong's defeat in his hands is not an insult to his reputation."

For a while, the number of monks who looked down on Sun Wukong gradually increased.

And those monks who had only developed admiration for Sun Wukong before, their minds gradually wavered.

However, this made some monks firm in their beliefs.

"Space Taoist will never be defeated!"

"He is known as the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, he can be equal to the sky, how could he be defeated by a mere son of the sword!"

"Monkey King, invincible!"

"In this world, none of the peerless talents of the younger generation can match the Great Sage. Even those peerless talents will eventually be trampled under the feet of the Great Sage!"

This part of the monks has become Sun Wukong's hardcore supporters, and their hearts have gradually become firmer and cannot be shaken.

Even if the sun and the moon change, even if the sea is changing, they all follow the example of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

Space Dojo.

The venerables of many space dojos were extremely worried when they saw that Monkey King was at a disadvantage.

"Daoist, now it seems that Wukong is very bad!"

Daoist Lingkong said worriedly.

"After all, there is a fourfold disparity in combat power. This gap is really difficult to make up. Not to mention, the talent and talent of Jing Yue, the son of Dao Dao, is also the best of the young generation!"

"Could it be God's will, that we are doomed to be unable to produce a supreme Taoist in our space dojo?"

"I wonder if he can create another miracle this time?"

"Miracle, the reason why it is called a miracle, how can it happen repeatedly?"

"Hey, even if he was defeated, he did his best. We can't blame him. After all, he has defeated so many Taoists, but his luck is a little bit worse!"

"If you don't have enough strength, you will meet the top talent in the world sooner or later. This is not bad luck."

"It's not the same. If you give him enough time, maybe his combat power can be raised to the point where he can stand shoulder to shoulder with the world's top peerless genius. By then, he will really be the peerless genius!"

For a while, the venerables of the space dojo discussed with each other, and they were all full of pessimism.

However, Su Yuanliang, the master of the space dojo, and Zhu Long, the ancestor of the space dao, did not have a trace of pessimism in their eyes.

Because they know very well that Sun Wukong still has his hole cards yet to show.

It's just that they don't know that Monkey King has no plans to show his cards now.

Monkey King is struggling hard, at this time, he has performed the space Taoism superbly and reached the pinnacle.

All kinds of space Taoism are in the hands of Sun Wukong. Although Jingyue's saber light is still sharp and its power has not been reduced, it is difficult to threaten the safety of Sun Wukong.

"Sun Wukong, you are just a turtle with a shrinking head, can you only hide?"

Jing Yue roared angrily.

"Although your saber light is strong, if you can't hit me, it's just in vain."

Monkey King remains unmoved, fights, and only seeks to win. In order to win, Monkey King will do whatever it takes, at all costs.

This is because Sun Wukong knows the significance of this battle. If he wants to become the Supreme Taoist, he must not lose every battle.

Because once defeated once, it means that he cannot become the Supreme Taoist.

Therefore, it is only natural for Monkey King to avoid the sword light.

But for Jing Yue, it was extremely uncomfortable.

He felt that his dao power was gradually decreasing, and he couldn't replenish his dao power in this dao battle. Only when the battle was over, could his dao power be restored to perfection.

But in the middle of the battle, it is impossible for anyone to replenish their strength!

Of course, if you really want to win, you can burn the origin of the inner world.

However, every Taoist has a great future, and not many Taoists are willing to burn the origin of the inner world for this kind of battle, making it more difficult for them to practice in the future.

The battle of Daozi is only to distinguish between winning and losing, and it does not distinguish between life and death.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jing Yue, the son of Dao of the Sword, to burn the origin of the inner world for this battle, so he must kill Monkey King before his Dao power is exhausted.

At this moment, Monkey King forced Jing Yue to use forbidden techniques.

Forbidden sword art!
Jing Yue, who performed the forbidden technique, raised his combat power to the point where he was infinitely close to the ninth level of the taboo field. At this moment, the saber energy filled the sky, the saber light filled the sky, and the saber light was overwhelming!
Even in the depths of Dao Mang, Monkey King still felt the existence of Dao Gang!

And at this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth.

"Although you are currently the most powerful in performing forbidden techniques, it is also the moment when you are weakest!"

In an instant, Monkey King suddenly communicated with the space maze and the town tower!
Space confinement!

Space suppression!

The two space supreme Taoism skills were displayed impressively!

But at this moment, Jing Yue had just made the strongest blow, and was extremely weak.

A trace of madness flashed in Sun Wukong's eyes.

"Now it's up to you to kill me with the way of the sword, or my torrent of Taoism will kill you!"

Sun Wukong's style of play seems to be "burning jade and stone together", but Monkey King can only fight like this.

boom! ! !
The torrent of space Taoism that Monkey King had prepared for a long time suddenly blasted towards Jing Yue, and at the same time, Jing Yue's attack also descended on Monkey King!
boom! ! !
The devastating wave appeared instantly!

Monkey King himself was slashed by Dao Qi, Dao Guang, Dao Mang, and Dao Gang, but Jing Yue was also bombarded by the torrent of space Taoism.

At this moment, both Sun Wukong and Jing Yue suffered blows that far exceeded their own limit!

But at this time, in the torrent of space Taoism, Jing Yue's roar suddenly sounded!

"How did your space Taoism torrent reach the fifth heaven?"

After roaring, be silent!
Jing Yue, the son of Dao of the Sword, was annihilated in the torrent of space Dao.

At the same time, the Daobang stopped fighting!
If Daobang doesn't stop the battle, Monkey King will also be annihilated by these attacks in the next instant!
Even if Sun Wukong has the power of space origin in his body, it is impossible to resist the attack infinitely approaching the taboo domain Jiuchongtian.

However, Sun Wukong won again.

The reason why Sun Wukong won is that he used the rules of the Daobang.

In this gamble, Monkey King still won.

And Jing Yue, who lost, looked at Monkey King with endless hatred after being revived by the Dao Bang.

It's fine if the skills are not as good as people's, but Sun Wukong defeated him with "crooks and evil ways", which made him extremely aggrieved.

"Your IQ seems to be flawed!"

Sun Wukong mocked lightly!
Hearing this, Jing Yue's mood was agitated, and he couldn't control himself for a while.

Suddenly he was so angry that he vomited blood.

(End of this chapter)

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