The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1333 The Power of Faith

Chapter 1333 The Power of Faith
The result of the battle between Sun Wukong, son of the Space Dao, and Jing Yue, the son of the Dao of the Sword, exceeded most people's expectations.

In the eyes of many ascetics in Daoyuan and Daoyuan, Monkey King will definitely be defeated this time.

Because Jing Yue's strength surpasses that of Monkey King.

However, in the final result, it was Monkey King who won.

Of course, the reason why Monkey King can win is because of the use of the Daobang rules.

Throughout the ages, some Daozi have used this rule of the Dao Bang in battle, but after all, there are very few, and most of them are unknown.

But now Sun Wukong used the rules of the Dao Bang to instantly cause an uproar in the Dao of Heaven.

In an instant, under the intervention of the Supreme Being of the Source Realm, countless ascetics yelled at Sun Wukong in the Dao of Heaven for being despicable, insidious and cunning.

Coupled with the fueling of some dojos in the Taoist world, for a while, Monkey King's reputation in the Dao of Heaven was almost unrecognizable.

In the space dojo, no matter how good-tempered he is, Su Yuanliang, the master of the space dojo, can't help being a little angry.

Some dojos in the dojo are really too much, completely unscrupulous.

He didn't put the space dojo in his eyes at all.

"Little brother, please be safe and don't be impatient. These accounts should be recorded here first. When the master returns, we will slowly settle with them. The master wants to ascend to the Taoist, and they are definitely not something they can stop!"

Zhu Long secretly sent a voice transmission to Su Yuanliang.

The current space dojo has more than enough defense, but not enough offense.

All this is because of the lack of space for Dao Zun to sit in charge.

And once the space daoist returns, the strength of the space dojo will jump up, at least be able to enter the top three in the dao world!
At that time, looking at the two worlds of Daoyuan, there are only a few dojos, which can be compared with the space dojo.

"Okay, then wait for the master to come back, and then do the math with them!"

Su Yuanliang held back his breath.

In the Taoist list, Jing Yue looked at Monkey King at this moment, wanting to eat Monkey King alive.

If eyes can kill, even a ninth-rank Taoist emperor standing in front of Jing Yue at this moment will be killed by his sharp eyes.

"What? Are you so angry when you say you are not smart enough?"

Sun Wukong provoked calmly.

As soon as these words came out, Jing Yue became even more angry.

"Sun Wukong, you are unbeatable!"

Jing Yue roared out!

"Look, you are showing off your IQ again. What is victory without martial arts? Do you have to kill you head-on to convince you? If my combat power is at the same level as yours, I will definitely let you Convinced, I dare not have anything to say."

Sun Wukong said coldly.

"Sun Wukong, don't be arrogant. You won't have a good life, and you can't even think about becoming the Supreme Taoist!"

Jing Yue was cold to the bone, at this moment he really hated Monkey King to the bone.

Not only because it didn't stop Monkey King from continuing his winning streak, but also because he lost face in front of Wu Zhao.

He is bent on defeating Monkey King and proving that he is stronger than Monkey King.

But now, he was defeated by Monkey King.

Jing Yue didn't dare to think in his heart what Wu Zhao would think of him.

Of course, all this is his wishful thinking.

Wu Zhao didn't even look straight at him.

"Whether I can become the Supreme Daoist, you don't need to worry about it. Anyway, you have no chance to become the Supreme Daoist!"

Monkey King sprinkles salt on Jing Yue's wound.

"Listen up, Sun Wukong's space Taoism torrent power has reached the fifth heaven. You all think about how fast he has improved."

As soon as Jing Yue said this, the faces of those peerless arrogances suddenly changed dramatically.

However, the protagonist Sun Wukong's face remained unchanged.

"So what if you say it, no one can stop it!"

Monkey King no longer talks nonsense with Jing Yue, but retreats to practice.

At the same time, in the way of heaven.

Many cultivators in Daoyuan and Daoyuan also heard Jing Yue's words, and suddenly they also thought that Monkey King's progress was too great.

"When the Daozi War started, Sun Wukong's space Taoism torrent had just stepped into the taboo realm, and he hadn't even reached the first heaven. But now, it has been promoted to the fifth heaven of the taboo realm!"

"Did you find out? The stronger the enemy, the more it can motivate Sun Wukong to improve. Every time his spatial Taoism torrent improves, it is after fighting against a strong enemy of the same level."

"This Monkey King is really evil, and he was able to make such a big progress in the battle of Daozi!"

"In the past, his combat power could not be compared with Unrivaled Tianjiao at all, but now he has been promoted to the fifth heaven of the taboo field, and he is not far away from the eighth heaven of the taboo field."

Many ascetics talked about it, and added many hardcore supporters to Sun Wukong.

Some monks at the bottom worship Sun Wukong very much at this moment.

Especially those who ascended, who ascended from the lower realm to the Tao realm, almost all regard Sun Wukong as a god.

Because the Dao Realm and the Origin Realm are controlled by the ancient Daoist, the Ascended Persons are quite oppressed in the Dao Realm and the Origin Realm.

The aborigines born in the Dao world look down on those who ascended.

And the ascended people even look down on the natives of the Dao world, who were born in the Dao world and still do nothing.

Therefore, the conflict between the natives of the Dao realm and the ascended ones became more and more acute.

But at this time, Sun Wukong, who was an ascender, was able to overwhelm the world's arrogance in the Tao world. It is conceivable how excited those ascenders are.

Monkey King is now almost the spokesperson of the Ascended, and is admired and admired by many Ascended.

In the dark, some ascended people who worship Sun Wukong very much, because they believe in Sun Wukong in their hearts, they have become believers.

If it is in the lower realm, Monkey King can step on the Shinto, collect the power of the Shinto belief, and become the God of the Shinto.

But in this Dao world, although there is also the divine way, the divine way is not powerful.

Because the aborigines in the Taoist world seldom completely believe in an innate god.

This is because the God Venerable of the Shinto Dojo, because the Shinto was suppressed by other avenues a long time ago, in a rage, he took refuge in the source world.

But even if he devoted himself to the source world, the supreme source of the source world would not allow the gods to develop believers and collect the power of faith.

Moreover, the gods did not dare to take the initiative to develop believers, because the cause and effect were too great, even he couldn't bear it.

But the situation with Sun Wukong today is different. Sun Wukong has never had the subjective will to develop believers, but these ascended people actively believe in Sun Wukong.

Then, in the dark, there is the power of faith coming across the sky.

Although the Dao Bang isolates other forces, it does not prohibit the power of faith!

Because to a certain extent, every time the Dao Bang starts the Dao Zi battle so aggressively, it is also to harvest the power of faith.

And these powers of faith enter the Daobang and are directly harvested by the Daobang. Monkey King does not directly bear the power of faith, but because of the power of faith, Daobang makes an exchange with Monkey King.

Although the power of faith has not directly blessed Monkey King, the power of Dao Bang has blessed Monkey King.

At this moment, the speed at which Sun Wukong comprehended the true meaning of the Dao of Space increased rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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