The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1334 The Final Battle

Chapter 1334 The Final Battle

Sun Wukong felt that the speed of comprehending the true meaning of the Tao of space became faster, but he was only surprised, and continued to be silent in the comprehension of the Tao.

The Taoist battle is still going on, except for the undefeated eight peerless geniuses, the other peerless geniuses have gradually lost more and more defeats.

At this time, the ascetics in the two realms of Daoyuan knew that the status of the eight world-beating talents cannot be shaken.

Among the eight peerless talents, except for Sun Wukong, the combat power of the other seven peerless talents is at least the eighth level of the taboo field.

As for whether there is a taboo domain Jiuchongtian, it is not yet known.

Because every Unrivaled Talent has endless potential.

As the names of the Eight Unparalleled Talents became more and more famous, the ascetics in the two realms of Daoyuan were known to everyone.

And as the battle of Daozi became more and more fierce, the way of heaven gradually covered all the territories of the two realms of Daoyuan.

Ordinary ascetics have not noticed this change at all, but for those supreme dojos, they are extremely vigilant about this matter.

The top of Yukong Mountain.

Zhu Long and Su Yuanliang stood side by side.

"Junior Brother, now you can see that the 'Day of Heaven' has covered all the territory of Daoyuan and Daoyuan. Except for forbidden places such as Daoyuan Sea and Daoheyuan River, it cannot be covered. Now it has begun to spread to the lower world. The ambition of Tianzun is clearly revealed!"

Zhu Long said in a deep voice.

"Tianzun has been trying to make the 'Day of Heaven' become the rule of the Dao world, but it is impossible for him to succeed. Don't you say that we will stop him, and he will not be able to pass the will of the Dao world alone. And everything he has done , it is possible to make a wedding dress for her in the end."

Su Yuanliang said lightly.

He doesn't destroy Tianzun's plan, but he doesn't agree with it either.

Over the years, with the expansion of the "Day of Heaven", the strength of Tianzun, the master of the "Day of Heaven" has gradually increased.

Perhaps the strength of Tianzun now is no less than that of ancient Taoist priests such as Chaos Taoist and Hongmeng Taoist.

But all of this has no effect on the space dojo.

Tianzun, will not regard the space dojo as an opponent.

Moreover, even if there is no space daoist in the space dojo, Tianzun will not be stupid enough to choose the space dojo as his opponent.

Speaking of it, Tianzun is still afraid of the space dojo.

This is not to say that Tianzun is not as powerful as Su Yuanliang, but that the "Tian Dao" is afraid of being destroyed by the disciples of the space dojo.

And the reason why "Tiandao" has been able to expand rapidly in recent years is also related to the support of the Space Dojo.

Tianzun gathered many Taoist priests to create the "Tiandao" together, and the space dojo also participated in it.

However, the space dojo is not optimistic about the ambition of 'Tianzun'.

"Tianzun's move is actually to prove the Taoist. If he is really allowed to do it, maybe he can really see the door of the Taoist."

Zhu Long said in a deep voice.

"Taoist, it feels within reach, but it feels elusive. Our current cultivation base has stood at the top of the Taoist world, but we are far away from the legendary Taoist realm. Now we can only wait for the teacher The return of respect, he has gone farther than us now. Perhaps, he can remind us."

Su Yuanliang said with emotion.

"Junior brother, do you mean to let Tianzun's ambitions go unchecked, and let him fight against other ancient Taoists, our space dojo, and finally reap the benefits of the fisherman?"

Zhu Long asked in a deep voice.

"It is impossible for us to watch the fire from the other side, because sooner or later we will be dragged into the water. It is also impossible to reap the benefits of the fisherman, but I think that the current Daoyuan two worlds will break out sooner or later. If I am Tianzun, I will urge this as soon as possible. A great battle broke out. Only in this great battle can he succeed, and of course, it is extremely difficult!"

Su Yuanliang said in a deep voice.

"This is also an opportunity for our space dojo. In fact, what our space dojo lacks most at present is time. We must wait for the return of Master to gain enough benefits in this battle. Of course, it is also possible that Master With the return of Zun, our space dojo has become the target of public criticism."

Speaking of the future, Zhu Long's mood was shaken.

"For now, let's just wait and see if Wukong can bring us a surprise in the Space Dojo. If he can really become the Supreme Daoist, then what's the harm in being an enemy of the Guangming Dojo!"

Su Yuanliang said coldly.

Zhu Long nodded, and then continued to watch the battle in the Taoist list with Su Yuanliang.

In the road list, round after round, battles are going on.

At this time, in the Dao of Heaven, the wonderful battle that the ascetics of the two worlds of Daoyuan are looking forward to is about to be staged.

With the end of each battle, the final decisive battle that everyone is looking forward to is about to begin.

The eight unrivaled talents are still undefeated. Of course, this is also because the eight unrivaled talents have not yet fought each other.

Perhaps the Dao Bang deliberately controlled it secretly. After so many battles, none of the eight unrivaled talents had a chance to fight against each other.

Until all the battles between the Eight Great Peerless Talents and the other Daoists were over, in the entire Dao list, only the Eight Great Peerless Talents did not fight.

Therefore, the most exciting part of the Daozi battle is about to begin.

At this time, in the Dao of Heaven, the ascetics in the two worlds of Daoyuan were extremely nervous.

At this moment, on the roulette wheel, there are only eight directions left.

The eight peerless arrogances occupy the eight directions respectively.

Monkey King, Occupy the East.

At the same time, there is only one pointer left in the center of the roulette.

Now the Dao Bang will select the first Peerless Talent to fight against the other seven Peerless Talents!
As for Sun Wukong and other eight peerless arrogances, anyone who aspires to compete for the Supreme Daozi wants to be the first one to fight!

In that way, they will be able to fight against the other seven Peerless Talents one after another!
Of course, if there is Unrivaled Tianjiao who has great confidence in himself, such as Hong Mengtian in the last Daozi battle, he doesn't care about who comes first.

Anyway, no matter who comes first, he will lose in his hands.

In that case, it will only be a matter of time before he becomes the Supreme Daozi.

The pointer started to turn. At this moment, not only ordinary ascetics from the Dao and Yuan realms paid attention to this scene, but even the high-ranking Dao Realm Venerables and Yuan Realm Supremes also turned their attention to the Dao List.

At this moment, the eight unrivaled talents all looked as usual!

The pointer continued to rotate until the Tao consciousness of the ninth-level Taoist emperor could not keep up with the speed, and only the Tao consciousness of the tenth-level venerable could barely keep up with the rotation speed of the pointer.

At this moment, the pointer suddenly stopped!
Stop abruptly!

Then the pointer points to... Monkey King!

In this case, among the eight peerless talents, Sun Wukong will be the first to fight against the other seven peerless talents.

In the final decisive battle, Sun Wukong will face seven peerless arrogance successively. If he loses once, it means that Sun Wukong cannot become the supreme Taoist, and the Taoist list will be drawn again.

At this moment, Monkey King couldn't help but shout to the sky!

His mood is strong and intense.

(End of this chapter)

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