Chapter 1340

Suddenly, Yang Yan's extremely sharp voice sounded.

"How can you have no power of cause and effect at all?"

Seeing that Sun Wukong is like a fish that slipped through the net, completely unaffected by the "karma skynet", this greatly impacted Yang Yan's mind.

Even in the karma dojo, he had never seen a monk who didn't have a single thread of karma on his body!
No matter which ascetic is, how can there be no cause and effect in this world.

But now, he really met it!

And this scene made him unbelievable!

Because even the tenth-order venerable in the karma dojo cannot completely cut off karma, and there will be karma in his body!

"It's very simple. On the way of cause and effect, my attainments are no less than yours. Do you think that I am a space Taoist, so I can't comprehend the way of cause and effect?"

At this moment, the long-silent "cause of all effects" suddenly appeared above Monkey King's head.

In an instant, Yang Yan's eyes turned red when he saw the 'cause of all fruits' on the top of Sun Wukong's head!

Yang Yan never imagined that the legendary "cause of all fruits", the Tao fruit that can only be condensed by the tenth-level karma dojo, is now displayed on Monkey King.

And at this time, in the causal dojo, all the venerables couldn't help but gasp!
"The cause of all fruits!"

"How is this possible? Even our cohesion is only a half-step cause of all effects, how can this be the complete cause of all effects!"

"Although the grade of the cause of all effects is very low, it is very complete!"

"This should be the cause of the fruits of the lower realm before Monkey King's ascension, but he was brought into the Dao Realm!"

"But how is this possible? When he ascended, didn't the operating rules of the Dao Realm fail to notice the 'cause of all effects' in his origin?"

For a while, the Venerable of Karma Dojo couldn't understand.

So, they turned their eyes to Daoist Karma who was sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform!

"The causes of the fruits of the lower realm cannot be brought into the Dao realm. Only the lower realm opened by the Daoist can control the causes of such perfect fruits."

Daoist Karma immediately searched for Karma and knew the truth.

"Master, this Monkey King came from the lower realm created by the Daoist?"

A karma venerable suddenly asked.


As soon as Daoist Karma said this, many venerables in the Karma Dojo were extremely shocked!
"Is that the bipolar Taoist who is known as the invincible hand in the Dao world and the source world, and stands at the top of the two worlds?"

"Houtian Taoist No. 1!"

"A peerless giant who can rival the innate ancient Daoist!"

"No wonder Sun Wukong is so powerful, he was born from his lower realm!"

And at this moment, not only Daoist Karma began to care about the origin of Sun Wukong, but also the ancient Taoist priests of other Dao realms and the Supreme Master of the Source Realm also calculated the origin of the "cause of all fruits" in Sun Wukong's hands!

In an instant, the Venerable of the Dao Realm and the Supreme of the Origin Realm were extremely shocked!

Especially some venerables who knew the inside story were shocked to the extreme.

However, the Dao Realm Venerable and the Source Realm Supreme kept this matter secret!

Therefore, the Dao Realm Venerable and the Origin Realm Supreme still focused their attention on the Dao List.

boom! ! !
Sun Wukong sacrificed the "cause of all fruits", and in an instant, he was fighting endlessly with the "karma skynet" in the void.

And at this moment, Monkey King's ambition is clearly revealed!

Yang Yan's roar made Monkey King's ambitions known to everyone!
"Sun Wukong, you actually want to integrate my 'karma skynet' into your 'cause of all fruits'! You are wishful thinking, I will take your 'cause of all fruits' today."

At this moment, for Yang Yan, the outcome of this battle, the Supreme Daozi, is no longer in his eyes.

His only concern is how to capture the "cause of all effects", if he can get the "cause of all effects" of Sun Wukong, then it means that he has the tenth-order characteristics in advance.

In this case, it can be said that his tenth level of enlightenment is effortless, and it is a matter of course and a matter of course.

This is the cause of all effects, the temptation to monks of the causal way.

The Dao world is vast and boundless, and it also includes the source world. Even the innate causal daoist cannot fully control the cause and effect.

That is to say, the "cause of all fruits" condensed by Daoist Karma is not a complete, perfect and unparalleled "cause of all fruits".

As for the 'cause of all effects' condensed by those tenth-order venerables, it is like a half-step 'cause of all effects'.

But now the cause of all fruits from the bipolar world has become the treasure that Yang Yan longs for!

As long as he gets it, even if he immediately admits defeat, he is willing not to fight for the Supreme Daozi.

But at this moment, Sun Wukong is also using the causes of all effects to plot the cause and effect Skynet on him.

And once the cause of all fruits swallows the karmic skynet, it means that Sun Wukong has completely stolen Yang Yan's cultivation achievements.

In that case, the cause of all fruits will jump up and become a half-step king.

This is also a great creation for the cause of all effects.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's cause of all effects, Yang Yan's cause and effect skynet, collided fiercely and fiercely in the void.

The power of cause and effect oscillates endlessly.

At the same time, Monkey King is distracted to comprehend the true meaning of the way of space, preparing to give Yang Yan a fatal blow at a critical moment.

Yang Yan never imagined that Sun Wukong would dare to be distracted to comprehend the true meaning of the way of space when he was engaged in such a dangerous battle with him.

Although Sun Wukong has the causes of all effects, he has never forgotten that the avenue he really cultivates with his life now is the avenue of space, not the avenue of cause and effect.

Even if Sun Wukong walks the way of karma, it will be very smooth, but the way of karma is not Sun Wukong's choice!

At this moment, Yang Yan used all the knowledge he had learned all his life, and played out all kinds of causal and Taoist talismans.

The cause of all fruits VS Skynet of cause and effect!

The power of cause and effect scattered in the void, but it had no effect on Monkey King.

Because his cause and effect have all been concentrated in the cause of all effects, so cause and effect are not added to the body.

But Yang Yan is different. At this moment, he is suffering from great cause and effect.

He wants to seize the cause of Sun Wukong's fruits, which is an extremely huge cause and effect.

What's more, if he still takes it by force, then the cause and effect will increase even more.

But no matter how big the cause and effect was, Yang Yan couldn't care less about it.

As long as you can get the cause of all effects, all the sacrifices are worthwhile.

As long as he can get the cause of all effects, Yang Yan will try his best to fight for it no matter what the price is!
It's a pity that the cause of Sun Wukong's various fruits is not so easy to seize!
As the causes of all effects absorb more and more truths of causal Taoism, all kinds of causal Taoist talismans in the causal skynet are absorbed by the causes of all effects, and the causes of all effects are still spinning in the air, but In fact, the opponent of the cause of all effects, Karma Skynet seems a little sluggish.

But at this moment, Monkey King suddenly put away the causes of all effects!
In an instant, Yang Yan's eyes were red.

At this moment, Yang Yan looked at him, wanting to kill someone!
(End of this chapter)

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