Chapter 1341

Success is close at hand, and the 'cause of all fruits' can be forcibly seized immediately, but at this moment Monkey King does not compete with Yang Yan in the cause and effect.

"Although I don't know what karmic forbidden technique you will perform, I don't want to play with you anymore. Although my cause of all fruits swallows your karma skynet, I can become a half-step king. But even if I don't swallow it, Now it is also the sixth-level 'cause of all fruits'. In the future, as my cultivation base improves, the cause of all fruits will be upgraded to the seventh-level king!"

Sun Wukong is very decisive, of course he is not greedy.

But Yang Yan couldn't accept this kind of scene.

"You are not worthy of having the cause of all effects at all. Do you think that if you put away the cause of all effects, there is nothing I can do?"

At this moment, Yang Yan was almost bewitched, and in his heart, he vowed to seize the cause of all fruits.

He didn't even care about the outcome of this battle.

In the Karma Dojo, besides Karma Daoist, other venerables also showed a trace of heat in their eyes.

Since ancient times, the venerables of these karma ashrams have known how difficult it is to completely fulfill the causes of all effects.

Even the causes of various effects in the lower realms are difficult to complete.

Because the causal avenue of the lower realm is also connected to the causal avenue of the dao realm.

In other words, the causes of all effects condensed in the lower realm of cause and effect are also closely connected with the Tao realm's cause and effect.

In this case, even if they are venerables of the tenth level of cultivation, it will be difficult to sever this connection.

Therefore, over the years, the venerables of these causal dojos can only slowly improve their causes of all effects!

Of course, it is difficult to obtain the causes of all effects in the original lower realm, but it is possible to collect the complete causes of all effects in the lower realm opened by Daoist.

It's just that the lower realm opened up by ordinary Daoist priests will not have a complete cause of all effects at all!
Looking at the two realms of Daoyuan now, it is only the lower realm opened up by the two poles Daoist that the complete cause of all fruits was born.

And even the lower realms opened up by ancient Taoist priests such as Good Fortune Taoist, Karma Taoist, Hongmeng Taoist, Primal Chaos Taoist, etc., do not have a complete cause for the birth of all fruits.

And the reason why Yang Yan is so eager to win Sun Wukong's various fruits is because Sun Wukong's various fruit causes are extraordinary.

Although Sun Wukong's Cause of All Fruits is currently at a relatively low level, only the sixth rank, the integrity of the Cause of All Fruits far exceeds that of many venerables in the Karma Dojo.

It can even be said that it is second only to the legendary Daoist Karma.

In other words, if Yang Yan can get the cause of all fruits, then his future achievements in the causal dojo will reach the second venerable after the causal daoist.

Such a huge temptation is right in front of him, how could Yang Yan not fight for it!

It can be said that even if Yang Yan became the Supreme Taoist, he was not so happy to get the cause of all fruits.

Because even if he becomes the Supreme Daoist, it only means that he has a great chance to prove the tenth-order Venerable in the future.

However, throughout the ages, there have been many Supreme Taoists in the Karma Daoist Temple, but they are just ordinary Venerables.

Therefore, now Yang Yan's desire for the cause of all fruits has far surpassed that of the Supreme Taoist!

Therefore, he would rather not become the supreme son of the Tao, but also seize the cause of all fruits.

But now Sun Wukong has put away the causes of all effects, and Yang Yan resolutely casts forbidden techniques in order to force out the causes of all effects!
Seeing this scene, Daoist Karma suddenly sighed in the dojo.

"If he can't get the cause of all effects, then he will be useless! Burn the source of true spirit to fight for it, and it is impossible for Dao Bang to complete his source of true spirit after the battle. Unless the cause of all effects can be replenished Dougie!"

Daoist Karma said with a sigh.

Hearing this, the other venerables were shocked.

Suddenly, at this moment when Yang Yan activated the forbidden technique, the causes of the fruits that were originally collected by Monkey King into the real spirit space resurfaced.

And at this moment, Yang Yan gave up everything and fully integrated into the Karma Skynet.

At the same time, his inner world, his secret treasure, and everything about him were all burned.

At this moment, Yang Yan's karma skynet was upgraded to become the 'karma dao net'.

The dao net composed of causal dao principles is like a net of heaven and earth, shrouding it.

In an instant, the causal dao network collided with Monkey King's cause of all fruits!
Forcibly merged!

The cause and effect network and the causes of all effects are forcibly fused together under the wrapping of the power of cause and effect.

Seeing this scene, a ruthless look appeared in Sun Wukong's eyes.

"Do you think I don't dare to work hard?"

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong knew that it was impossible for him to kill Yang Yan with the torrent of space Taoism.Because at this moment, Yang Yan is the net of causality.

Now, he wants to take it forcibly, and then integrate the cause of all effects, and then he will become the cause of all effects.

In this case, he has obtained the cause of all effects, even if he does not continue to participate in the war, it doesn't matter.

Of course, it is impossible for Sun Wukong to let Yang Yan succeed!
Suddenly, Monkey King's figure also disappeared.

At the same time, the chaotic green lotus of the inner world and the fire red lotus of the twelfth grade karma suddenly separated.

In the next moment, Sun Wukong's body merged with Yehuo Honglian.

At the same time, the fire red lotus of the twelfth grade industry appeared under the cause of all fruits!
And at this moment, seeing the appearance of the fire red lotus of the twelfth grade industry, the venerables of the karma dojo were all excited and crazy!
For the venerables of Karma Dojo, Karma Red Lotus is the most precious treasure for them!
Even if they give up their natal treasure, they are willing to exchange for the Karma Red Lotus.

boom! ! !
At this moment, the red lotus karmic fire among the twelfth-grade karmic fire red lotus soared into the sky!

In the next moment, the red lotus karmic fire suddenly began to burn.

At this moment, Yang Yan let out a scream.

"Even if you turn into a causal dao net, as long as you have karma and evil karma on your body, then you will not be able to escape the burning of the red lotus karma. Now we have to see how much karma and evil karma you have on your body?"

Sun Wukong's incomparably cold voice resounded through the void.

At this moment, the karma and evil karma in Yang Yan's true spirit emerged one after another.

Far beyond Monkey King's imagination.

"I didn't expect you to commit so many karma and evil karma, so many sinful karma, such a heinous evil karma, all of which are all your own fault!"

Monkey King said coldly!
Monkey King never imagined that the evil karma, crimes, and evil karma committed by Yang Yan, the master of karma, turned out to be like the ocean.

And at this moment, these bad karma, sinful karma, and evil karma caused the red lotus karma to explode with a terrifying and terrifying power!
The divine power erupted by the red lotus karma burning at this moment has surpassed the taboo field, in other words, it has officially entered the seventh-order field!
In just an instant, the seventh-level Dao King Shenwei instantly wiped out Yang Yan.

And all of this was his own fault.

The next moment, the red lotus fire was extinguished.

But at this time, the cause of all fruits completely swallowed the causal dao net and returned to Monkey King's body again!
At this moment, the cause of all effects has completely entered the taboo field.

Become the cause of the various effects of the half-step seven-step.

And at this moment, Yang Yan, who was completely annihilated, was not resurrected by the Dao Bang!

In other words, from then on, Yang Yan fell completely!

Of the eight unrivaled talents, one will be eliminated!
Now, there are only seven peerless talents left!

(End of this chapter)

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