The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1342 Named Disciple

Chapter 1342 Named Disciple
In heaven!

The ascetics of Daoyuan and Yuanyuan saw Yang Yan, the master of cause and effect, completely annihilated in body and spirit, and were stunned and stunned.

"Isn't it said that in the list, it will not fall?"

"Since ancient times, very few Tianjiao have fallen in the battle of Daozi!"

"The Daobang can revive Yang Yan, but it is obvious that the spirit of the Daobang is unwilling!"

"Sun Wukong really beheaded Yang Yan, the Daoist of Karma, this time, let's see how the Daoist of Karma responds!"

"The eight great peerless talents, now only the seven great peerless talents are left!"

"Space Taoist Sun Wukong is too cruel!"

"His comprehension of the way of cause and effect is even higher than Yang Yan, the son of the way of cause and effect!"

For a while, practitioners from both realms didn't know how to describe Sun Wukong's aptitude.

At this moment, in Karma Dojo.

The venerables of many causal ashrams are excited.

"The disciples of our karma dojo died at the hands of Monkey King. We must let the space dojo give us an explanation for this matter!"

"Since ancient times, none of our Daoists in the Karma Dojo has died. But now Monkey King has killed our Daoist in full view. This account must be settled with him!"

"We must not let Monkey King go easily, otherwise, what will be the face of our karma dojo!"

Hearing the word 'face', Daoist Karma couldn't bear it anymore!
"That's enough, shut up!"

Daoist Karma let out a roar, and in an instant, in the main hall, all the venerables in the Karma Dojo seemed to have been cast with the 'speaking silence technique'.

"Do you still feel that the face of the Karma Dojo is not enough? You still have to settle accounts with the Space Dojo. Are you trying to tear off the last fig leaf of the Karma Dojo? Now I really want to know why this sinful, vicious A villain with a lot of karma, he was able to recommend all the way to my sect!"

As soon as these words came out, several venerables of Karma Dojo immediately knelt down!
"Master, calm down, this disciple doesn't even know that this villain has committed such a heinous crime!"

"Master, this is all the disciple's fault, I was deceived by him!"

"I thought he was talented, so I wanted him to bring back a Supreme Daoist for my karma dojo. But I didn't expect that he would commit such a heinous crime!"

Hearing the explanations of these venerables, Daoist Karma did not take any action.

In the next moment, the figure of an ancient Taoist priest suddenly appeared in the hall.

"Brother Dao, I trouble you to perform time regression!"

Many venerables in the karma dojo saw this ancient Taoist and immediately saluted.

"Meet the Daoist Time!"

"a piece of cake!"

Daoist of Time chuckled, and in the next moment, time began to flow backwards!

In an instant, Daoist Time showed Yang Yan's life in front of Daoist Karma.

After watching Yang Yan's life, Daoist Karma let out a long sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the crimes he committed were all before entering the karma dojo, otherwise, I would also be implicated by him and form a karma!"

Daoist Karma let out a long sigh.

At the same time, the space dojo.

"Junior Brother, how do you think that old fellow Karma Daoist will handle this matter?"

Zhu Long asked with a smile.

"No matter how he handles it, as long as he can't touch Wukong!"

Su Yuanliang said lightly.

Just as Zhu Long was about to say something, suddenly, his face became furious!
"This shameless old fellow!"

Zhu Long said angrily.

Immediately, Su Yuanliang's complexion was also very ugly!
In the Dao of Heaven, the Karma Dojo officially announced to the outside world that the heinous crimes committed by Yang Yan, the Taoist of Karma, were all committed before he entered the Karma Dojo, and had nothing to do with the Karma Dojo.

In view of the fact that all of this is Yang Yan's own doing, so Karma Dojo will not hold Sun Wukong to kill Yang Yan.

At the same time, the Master of Karma took pity on Monkey King's aptitude and accomplishments in the Tao of Karma, and decided to accept Sun Wukong as a registered disciple.

"This old man actually came to dig a corner in front of us!"

Zhu Long was furious.

"He can't dig it away, but instead, be careful of the karma dojo. Those who have stepped into the tenth-level venerable are fine, but those high-level ascetics want to seize the cause of all fruits!"

Su Yuanliang's eyes were full of ice coldness.

The battlefield dissipated, and Monkey King volleyed across the void.

And at this time, before fighting Monkey King, there are only five peerless talents left!

At this moment, the five peerless arrogance looked at Monkey King with complicated eyes.

They had never imagined that Sun Wukong would be able to completely bring down Yang Yan.

They even thought about Sun Wukong defeating Yang Yan, who had an extremely low probability, but they didn't expect Yang Yan to fall completely.

It's just that it's normal to think about it now, the karmic fire red lotus is simply a deadly nemesis for monks of the causal way.

Especially for those karmic monks who are burdened with endless bad karma, sin and evil karma, it is even more a nightmare, even more a nightmare.

But then these unrivaled talents let out another breath, although Sun Wukong completely killed Yang Yan this time, and also raised the cause of all fruits to half-step seven.

However, the power of Sun Wukong's space Taoism torrent has not improved!

Sun Wukong's combat power is still in the sixth level of the taboo field.

In this case, they still have an advantage compared with Monkey King.

At this moment, the lottery has not been drawn yet, but Ming Chengche, the destiny Taoist, laughed at himself and said: "Monkey King, I am afraid that the next battle will be me and you!"

Destiny Dao Ziming has self-knowledge, and among the remaining five unrivaled talents, his strength is probably the weakest!
This is not to say that the Dao of Destiny is not as good as the Dao of Reincarnation, Hongmeng, Chaos, and Nothingness, but precisely because the Dao of Destiny is too deep and obscure, his knowledge of the Dao of Destiny is not as good as Ye Fan, Hongmengdi, Chaos Saint, and Luo Tian.

But he has self-confidence, as long as he is given time, his future achievements will never be weaker than any of his peers!
Seeing Ming Chengche's attitude, Monkey King also softened his expression.

"Then please teach me a lot!"

Sun Wukong is the kind of person who respects me one foot, and I change another one. It can be said that Ming Chengche is really a gentleman, with a personable demeanor.

However, in order to compete for the Supreme Daozi, this battle must be fought.

Of course, although Ming Chengche laughed at himself, he didn't see any frustration or despair in his eyes, instead he looked eager to try.

Because he was eager to know how hard Sun Wukong's fate was.

I even want to see if Sun Wukong has the life to become the Supreme Daozi!

The roulette needle spins and finally stops!
As expected, Dao Ziming pointed to fate!

In an instant, the ascetics in the two realms of Daoyuan experienced another shock in their hearts.

"Space Avenue VS Fate Avenue, this battle is quite suspenseful!"

"Now I don't dare to say that Monkey King will be defeated. I can only say that this battle is destined to be extremely exciting!"

"Usually I seldom watch the monks of the Tao of Destiny take action, but now I can finally see the demeanor of the monks of the Tao of Destiny!"

The figures of Sun Wukong and Ming Chengche were moved to the battlefield at the same time.

Without hesitation, Sun Wukong shot immediately, and the torrent of space Taoism suddenly blasted towards Ming Chengche!

Although the combat power that Ming Chengche can unleash can reach the Eighth Heaven of the Forbidden Domain, Monkey King doesn't think that his defense can also reach the Eighth Heaven of the Forbidden Domain.

In other words, if Ruuoming Chengche was bombarded by space Taoism, he might also be killed.

Although it is not a complete fall, it means that Monkey King has won this battle!
(End of this chapter)

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