Chapter 1426

Since neither the Vientiane iron rod nor the space Taoism can pose a threat to the opponent, then Monkey King can only fight poison with poison, and cause and effect against cause and effect.

In an instant, the causes of Sun Wukong's various effects rippled out endless causal power. At this moment, Sun Wukong was blessed with endless causal power, just like the master of the great way in charge of the law of cause and effect.

"Haha, you actually want to use the power of cause and effect to compete with me, how naive are you!"

The King of Karma Dao laughed loudly. In his opinion, Monkey King really lost his mind in a hurry. He is the King of Karma Dao, so how could he lose to Sun Wukong's power of Karma Dao.

"Who wins the game is still unknown."

Sun Wukong sneered, and in an instant, the power of karma swept towards the opponent.

"Karma Curse Kill!"

At this moment, the Karma Dao king suddenly cast the king-level Taoism—Karma Curse Killing. In an instant, not only his Karma Dao power was stimulated, but also the Karma Dao power outside Sun Wukong's body was restrained and forcibly captured. Collect it, and then work together to activate this king-level Taoism.

The power of the king-level Taoism—the Karma Curse Killing exploded completely. At this moment, Sun Wukong's true spirit was about to sink, but at this moment, the cause of all effects shook slightly.

Daoism - karmic backlash!
Sun Wukong deliberately lets his opponents manipulate his power of cause and effect, so that the line of cause and effect can be established.

Sun Wukong also knows the art of cause and effect.

At this moment, the terrifying power of karmic backlash fell on the opponent.

"King-level Taoism - cut off cause and effect!"

Seeing the terrifying divine power of [Cause and Effect Dao Technique—Karma Backlash], the king of Karma Dao dared not and could not wait for the power of this Taoism to erupt completely, otherwise, he would most likely be scattered and destroyed.

He practiced the way of karma, so he naturally knew how powerful the backlash of karma was.

Therefore, he had no choice but to use another king-level Taoism, trying to cut off the cause and effect, and prevent the power of [Karma Backlash] from erupting completely.

But even so, he was still affected and suffered a karmic backlash.

However, most of the power of karmic backlash does not seem to have completely erupted.

But at this moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth.

"Do you think that your karma-cutting Taoism can really cut off the karma backlash?"

boom! ! !
Sun Wukong urged the causes of all fruits repeatedly, and the causes of all fruits were spinning on the top of Monkey King's head.

Every time it rotates, the terrifying force of cause and effect will vibrate.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's body seemed to form an ocean of causal forces.

The causal Taoist king used the [Cut off cause and effect] technique, not only did not really cut off cause and effect, but made the power of cause and effect backlash even more terrifying.

At this moment, Sun Wukong stimulated the causes of all effects, increasing the power of karma backlash dozens of times!
boom! ! !
The karmic backlash completely submerged this king of karma.

In an instant, endless threads of karma wrapped around the king of karma, making him feel like he was deeply involved in a sea of ​​karma, and endless evil karma added to his body, making his true spirit almost instantly fall into the sea of ​​suffering.

"Do you think I'm really defenseless?"

At this moment, the Karma Dao King brazenly launched a counterattack.

"Supreme Daoism - Karma Entanglement!"

In an instant, he cast this supreme Taoism recklessly, and in an instant, Monkey King was also entangled by the thread of cause and effect, and then fell into the sea of ​​suffering at the same time.

"I don't believe it, you can still survive me!"

The king of karma is triumphant at the moment.

"is it?"

With a thought in Sun Wukong's mind, in an instant, a causal Taoism came out instantly!

Karma Taoism - Karma Lotus Seat!
At this moment, the power of cause and effect released by the causes of all effects was absorbed to the extreme, forming a causal rosette impressively.

The lotus seat of cause and effect floats on the sea of ​​suffering, so that Monkey King does not really sink into the sea of ​​suffering.

However, the king of the causal way was gradually overwhelmed by the sea of ​​bitterness.

And once he completely sinks into the sea of ​​suffering, he will never think of escaping from the sea of ​​suffering in this life.

And at this time, under the erosion of the sea of ​​suffering, this king of karma, constantly arouses good deeds, trying to resist the power of the sea of ​​suffering!
So, when his good deeds were about to run out, he revealed his true colors!

"I see!"

Sun Wukong immediately caught the opportunity, and in an instant, a ray of red lotus karma was thrown into the sea of ​​bitterness.

"My old grandson is still wondering, how could you really have no bad karma? It turns out that you used good deeds to cover up your bad karma to avoid the fire of red lotus karma. But now, your good deeds can no longer cover up your bad karma. , then, you will die under the red lotus fire!"

At this moment, although it was just a ray of red lotus karma thrown into the sea of ​​suffering, in an instant, the red lotus karma burst out!

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

At this moment, bad karma is the best fuel for the red lotus karma fire, and in an instant, the red lotus karma fire covers the sea of ​​suffering.

Naturally, the red lotus karmic fire envelops the king of karma.


A scream came, once the power of evil karma meets the red lotus karma fire, it will make the red lotus karma fire blaze, and no one can save his life.

boom! ! !
In the end, the red lotus karma exploded!

In an instant, the king of the causal way lost his soul, and his body and spirit disappeared.

Everything about him was burned into nothingness by the red lotus fire.

And after he fell, his luck naturally became Monkey King's trophy.

After beheading his opponent, Monkey King put away the red lotus karma fire and the cause of all fruits, and was sent out by the Taoist list in the next moment.

Outside the Daoyi Holy Palace, Daoist Karma suddenly looked gloomy.

"The soul is scattered, the body and spirit are all destroyed, is it because of the red lotus karma?"

At this moment, Su Yuanliang guessed the truth.

And at this moment, Daoist Karma was about to take back the real world of the king, and suddenly, the will of the Dao world took the lead.

The will of the Dao Realm did not continue to attach this real world, but let the real world integrate into the Dao Realm!

In this case, the territory of the Dao world will expand again.

Sensing this scene, Su Yuanliang felt awe-inspiring.

He knew that from now on, no matter whether it was the Dao Realm or the Origin Realm, the two great wills were really preparing for the start of the Yin-Yang War.

In this case, one day, all the lower realms will disappear and completely merge into the Dao Realm or the Origin Realm.

And this result is the unity of Yang and Yang.

Monkey King returned to Qitian City and found that none of the kings of Qitian City were in Qitian City.

Immediately, Monkey King looked at the Dao Bang above the sky.

"You must return safely!"

Sun Wukong sincerely prayed.

At this time, Monkey King saw that on the king list, a name was crazily improving its ranking!

And this name is exactly Monkey King's Jiuyou avatar.

However, now the Nine Serenities avatar is occupied by the consciousness of the Lord of the Nine Nethers.

The consciousness of the Lord of the Nine Nethers controlled the clone of the Nine Nethers, and Sun Wukong did not dare to contact the Nine Nethers clone rashly, for fear that the Lord of the Nine Nethers would notice a clue.

(End of this chapter)

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