The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 1427 The Rise of Nine Nether

Chapter 1427 The Rise of Nine Serenities
At this moment, not only Sun Wukong noticed Jiuyou.

The ten great hall masters of the underworld gathered together and were also discussing.

"It seems that the king 'Jiuyou' is really the reincarnation of the Lord of Jiuyou. I didn't expect to hide it for so long, and it didn't appear until the Daoyi Shenggong was born. This Jiuyou must not stay."

Palace Master Qin Guang said coldly.

"In the ancient times, we spent our origin to kill him! Otherwise, as the child of the underworld, he will soon be able to ascend to the half-step road saint. Once he becomes a half-step road saint, we will never be able to get rid of him His rule. From now on, it looks like Space Dao Zun was the son of fate in the yang world at that time."

The master of Chu Jiang said coldly.

"Space Daoist doesn't care for the time being, his reincarnation body hasn't really revealed yet. Sun Wukong is only suspected, but it's true or not, I'm afraid Sun Wukong may not be. But this Jiuyou must be killed. Otherwise, in the end Our great cause in the underworld is very likely to be destroyed in his hands."

Song Emperor Palace Master said in a deep voice.

"Now that we have completely controlled the underworld, we don't need him to rule the underworld. He is a variable in our underworld, and this variable must not be allowed to grow. There are still many supreme beings in the underworld, all of whom belonged to him back then!"

The Lord of the Five Senses Palace said coldly.

"Then let those underworld slaves in Daoyi Holy Palace kill him at all costs!"

The master of Yan Luo's palace was full of killing intent.

The masters of the top ten halls made a decision, and it was spread to the Taoist Palace in an instant.

None of the kings of the underworld in the Daoyi Holy Palace is free, and they are all slaves of the underworld supreme.

Immediately, these kings of the underworld looked for the trace of Jiuyou.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong couldn't help but rejoice.

"Fortunately, I have the consciousness of the Lord of the Nine Nethers, otherwise, it would be really not easy to deal with these kings of the underworld. However, the Lord of the Nine Nethers did this only to make a wedding dress for my grandson!"

Monkey King is just observing secretly now, watching all this silently!
Sun Wukong believed that the Lord of Nine Nethers, as the son of fate in the underworld, would not die so easily.

The top priority is to improve your cultivation!

After all, the Daoyi Holy Palace will soon allow the emperor to come to it.

If you can't raise your cultivation level to the level of the emperor before then, you will be unable to compete against the emperor who enters here at that time.

Or, Sun Wukong can only hide in this periphery forever.

It's just that in that case, you can't go to the inner circle and compete with the emperor for opportunities.

But this is absolutely impossible, Monkey King will never back down.

However, how to find the opportunity to advance to the seventh level of perfection requires a lot of thinking.

Sun Wukong didn't have time to go out to look for opportunities at all. At this moment, the new one hundred and one on the king list challenged him again!
Thinking of this, Monkey King was very angry.

Coming to the challenge space, Monkey King saw his opponent!
In an instant, the causes of all effects jumped, and Monkey King felt that there was a line of cause and effect with the other party.

In an instant, Sun Wukong's dao consciousness sank into the line of cause and effect.

"So you are the remnant of the killer organization!"

Sun Wukong immediately noticed the other party's identity.

"Sun Wukong, you killed my father, today I will avenge my father!"

Wang He gritted his teeth and said.

"I'm sorry, my old grandson really doesn't know, that emperor is your father!"

Sun Wukong said lightly.


Wang He's lungs exploded with anger, but Monkey King was so contemptuous.

"My old grandson really doesn't know, there were a lot of emperors killed at that time."

Sun Wukong spread his hands.

"go to hell!"

Wang He couldn't bear it anymore, and in an instant, the sharp sword in his hand stabbed towards Monkey King.

At this moment, his sword, like a ray of light, was extremely fast.

If it is an ordinary king, there is no way to avoid it!
Because of this speed, it was so fast that the king couldn't react at all!
It's just that Wang He's opponent today is Monkey King!
Although his sword is extremely fast, he still didn't stab Monkey King!
Because when his sword stabbed out, Sun Wukong also instantaneously cast the space Taoism - so close to the end of the world!
It seems to be only a short distance away, but it is like the ends of the world.

And through this sword, Monkey King also saw that Wang He practiced fast swordsmanship.

It's just that Sun Wukong, who is a space Taoist monk, is his nemesis.

No matter how fast the sword is, it is impossible to ignore space.

And it just so happens that Monkey King can manipulate space.

In the next moment, Monkey King took out the Vientiane iron rod and threw it at Wang He viciously!

And the speed at which this stick fell was no less than the speed of Wang He's stabbing sword before!

Suddenly, Wang He's expression changed dramatically.

In his induction, Sun Wukong's stick completely sealed time and space, no matter what direction he hid in, he could not escape death in the end.

Wang He knew that the stick that Monkey King smashed had space Taoism attached to it.

"What about the space, watch my sword pierce the void!"

As a last resort, Wang He could only use the forbidden technique, and in an instant, a sword light shot out suddenly, shattering the void.

Although the void was shattered, the Vientiane Iron Rod had already smashed in front of him.

As a last resort, Wang He had no choice but to raise his sword to greet him.

And at this moment, if Sun Wukong continued to exert force, then Wang He in front of him would be doomed!
But in that case, Sun Wukong will suffer a fatal blow to his back!
boom! ! !
The Vientiane Iron Rod did not hit again, and then swept away!

boom! ! !
In an instant, the Vientiane Iron Rod knocked down Wang He who was hiding in the void.

"Do you really think that my old grandson doesn't know that you have an incarnation?"

Sun Wukong is a cultivator of space Taoism. From the moment he entered this space, Sun Wukong noticed that there was something wrong with the space.

And this attempt immediately made Wang He's clone appear!

At this moment, Wang He and his avatar attacked Monkey King at the same time.

"Both of you are nothing but chickens and dogs, my old grandson is no longer interested in playing hide-and-seek with you!"

While attacking, Wang He's incarnation outside his body was hidden in the void again.

boom! ! !
At this moment, under the cover of the void cauldron!
The Void Cauldron completely enveloped the entire challenge space at this moment. In this case, Wang He's incarnation outside his body would not be able to escape Monkey King's induction at all!

With a thought in Sun Wukong's mind, in an instant, the void cauldron directly devoured the power of space!

Wang He and his avatar were completely irresistible!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Monkey King swung his stick and smashed it down!

In an instant, Wang He and his avatar were instantly hit and turned into powder!

After killing Wang He, Sun Wukong somehow felt the blessing of luck!

"Could it be that Daoyi Holy Palace encourages each other to kill each other?"

In an instant, this ridiculous idea popped up in Monkey King's mind.

"It's not that Daoyi Sacred Palace encourages it, but that when there are more and more ascetics, the Sacred World will not be able to accommodate them. Then, one day, the Sacred World will start a great catastrophe!"

Sun Wukong's heart is awe-inspiring, the catastrophe exists no matter which world it is in.

(End of this chapter)

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