Chapter 201
Sun Wei stepped into the battlefield with Tianjiao, who was one taller than him, and a line of Hongmeng seal characters suddenly appeared on the dome.

"The 790-ranked 'Great Sage' challenged the [-]-ranked 'Arrow God', which complies with the challenge rules of the Yuanshen battle list."

When the Hongmeng seal characters were fully displayed, Sun Yu suddenly felt that the power that imprisoned him disappeared.

And at this moment, Tianjiao, codenamed 'Arrow God', had a grim expression on his face.

"To deal with you, I didn't want to use Yuanshen Taoism. But you don't know how to live and die, and you don't know what you can do. Let me open your eyes today. Not everyone can challenge the Yuanshen battle list!"

As soon as this remark came out, a wry smile appeared on Sun Huang's face.

Looking at the [-] arrogances, not many of them possess primordial spirit and Taoism!
But now, he happened to meet one.

Tianjiao, code-named "Arrow God", said the words, and suddenly, his soul turned into a big bow, and his soul and will became arrows.

In an instant, a fierce and unparalleled arrow edge appeared in this battlefield.

The sharpness of the arrow's path made Sun Wei's Yuanshen feel extremely sharp.

"Ants, die!"

'God of Arrow' shouted violently, let go of the bowstring in an instant, and the arrow of the soul's will flew to the moon like a shooting star, and in an instant, it directly pierced through Sun Yu's body!
Now Sun Quan's body is the primordial spirit.

In an instant, Sun Yu felt that some of the power of the primordial spirit was damaged.

Severe pain hit, endless pain, like a tide, flooded the mind.

Although the loss of primordial power was not too great, when the arrow of will pierced through his body, Sun Yu felt extreme pain!
In an instant, Sun Yu's eyes suddenly became extremely fierce, and the whole soul exuded an unrivaled fierce power.

The 'God of Arrow' saw that the arrow did not completely kill Sun Yuhong's primordial spirit, and his face showed a trace of astonishment!
Yuanshen Taoism is comparable to the supreme supernatural power.

"Although you can't kill me, it makes me feel pain. Your fate is to be torn apart alive by me!"

In an instant, Sun Wei's Yuanshen went straight to the 'Arrow God'.

Sun Yu doesn't know how to use Taoism, so he can only think about getting close and competing with the "Arrow God" to consume the power of Yuanshen.

Sun Yu still didn't believe that his soul, which was more than 2 feet tall, could not compare to the "God of Arrows" in terms of its power.

It's just that "Arrow God" is that kind of arrow repairer at a glance, and Sun Yu will never allow him to fight close to him!
The 'God of Arrow' kept drawing his bow and setting his arrows, and arrows of soul and will pierced through Sun Yu's body.

The power of the primordial spirit was lost, and the endless pain was like a tide, and the waves were higher than the waves.

At this moment, Sun Yu's killing intent was awe-inspiring, and he wished he could tear the 'Arrow God' apart.

"Based on your speed, it would be futile to try to catch up with me. I want to see how much arrow of will your soul can withstand!"

'Arrow God' had a ferocious expression on his face, and kept opening the distance between him and Sun Yu.

But at this time, Sun Yutong stated that he was trying to shorten the distance with the "Arrow God", but in fact, Sun Yutong was secretly learning the "Arrow God"'s primordial spirit and Taoism.

Outside the battlefield, seeing this scene, Huang Ling'er was speechless for Sun Yu.

"Sister Ling'er, your celestial pride seems to be too stupid. Who does he think he wants to learn the primordial spirit and Taoism in battle?"

Outside the battlefield, beside Huang Ling'er, there was a fairy whose face was comparable to hers. At this moment, the corners of this fairy's mouth slightly lifted and laughed.

"He will definitely learn, and the final winner must be him!"

Although Huang Ling'er didn't think that Sun Huang could succeed, but in front of her, Huang Ling'er didn't want to lose her momentum.

Forcibly holding on, I hope in my heart that Sun Quan can reverse the situation.

"Sister Ling'er, do you believe it or not, before the battlefield is completely closed, the 'Arrow God' can kill your 'Great Sage'."

The fairy next to Huang Ling'er said very firmly.

"The battle is not over yet. It's too early for my sister to say this now."

Although Huang Ling'er didn't think that Sun Huang had much chance of making a comeback, she didn't want to show her weakness.

"Then let's wait and see!"

The two fairies continued to watch the battle.

On the battlefield, at least [-] arrows of soul and will pierced Sun Yu's body.

Although only a very small amount of the power of the primordial spirit was lost each time, every time the body was pierced, the pain directly affected the primordial spirit, making Sun Yu go crazy with anger.

The extreme pain stimulated Sun Yu's wisdom.

In the real spirit space within the primordial spirit, the five-color sky-replenishing stones of the true spirit, under the stimulation of endless wisdom, gradually deduce and perfect the primordial spirit dao pattern.

After shooting [-] arrows of soul will, the "Arrow God"'s soul will is weak and almost fell into a deep sleep.

And because every time the primordial spirit transforms into a big bow, it consumes the power of the primordial spirit!In addition, every time you pull the big bow, it consumes the power of the primordial spirit.

'Arrow God' suddenly discovered at this moment that his will was weak and he was about to fall into a deep sleep, and the power of his soul was completely consumed by [-]%, but Sun Wei was still alive and well.

Although every time the body is pierced by the arrow of soul will, the primordial spirit is in extreme pain, and Sun Yutong will yell loudly, but at this moment, the consumption of the power of the primordial spirit in Sun Quanhong's primordial spirit body is unexpectedly less than [-]%.

"How could your primordial spirit be so strong? My primordial spirit inheritance is the supreme supernatural power 'meteor chasing the moon', the primordial spirit meteor bow, and the will of the soul is the falling moon arrow."

'Arrow God' was stunned, and directly exposed his inheritance of Yuanshen Taoism.

"This Yuanshen Taoism is called 'meteor chasing the moon'. If this is the case, let you also taste the feeling of being bombarded by the Yuanshen Taoism!"

All of a sudden, Sun Yu's primordial spirit turned into a shooting star bow, and at this moment, the will of the soul turned into a falling moon arrow!
The Luoyue Arrow rested on the Meteor Bow, and an invisible sharpness of the arrow filled the battlefield impressively!
Outside the battlefield, Huang Ling'er and the other fairy stared wide-eyed in shock.

But at this moment, the 'Arrow God' was more astonished than them.

"You are actually stealing my primordial spirit!"

'Arrow God' was furious. If because of him, the family's primordial spirit and Taoism spread, then he would be the eternal sinner of the family.

"Thanks to you, the entire primordial spirit was pierced by 1 arrows of soul will to derive your primordial spirit and Taoism. You are proud to die under the primordial spirit and Taoism passed down by your family! "

The words fell, and in an instant, Sun Quan let go of the meteor bow!
In an instant, Luoyue's arrow directly shattered the void with lightning speed, and when the arrow came out, it nailed the 'Arrow God' into the void!
The soul and will of the "Arrow God" is extremely weak, and only [-]% of the power of the primordial spirit is left. Even in his heyday, it is difficult for him to block Sun Wei's extremely powerful arrow.

Not to mention, at this time the 'Arrow God' was extremely weak!
The primordial spirit's Taoism 'meteor chasing the moon' was fully exerted, and the remaining [-]% of the primordial power was directly impacted and collapsed by this extremely powerful primordial spirit!

The soul and will of the 'God of Arrows' fell into a deep sleep. In this battle, Sun Yu won the victory!
At this moment, the 'Arrow God' was moved away by the livid-faced fairy outside the battlefield.

The so-called livid face of this fairy is because the "Arrow God" has no combat evaluation at all in this battle.

At this moment, Hongmeng seal characters appeared one after another on the dome of the battlefield.

Number of battles: the first

Battle result: Dasheng wins
Battle evaluation: "Great Sage" performed extremely well in this battle, using the creation of the primordial spirit to stimulate wisdom, and deduced the primordial spirit Taoism "meteor falls to the moon" in the battle.

Rating rating: Super.

Evaluation reward: [-] combat experience, because the cultivation of the 'Great Sage' is lower than Yuanshen Realm, double combat experience, final combat experience, [-].

After the Hongmeng seal characters were extinguished, Sun Yu was automatically moved away from the battlefield!

Back in the battle room, Huang Ling'er immediately asked about Sun Yu's combat experience.

"two thousand!"

When Sun Quanhong said this, Huang Ling'er, who was extremely excited, immediately hugged Sun Quanhong, excited, and kissed Sun Quanhong's cheek directly.

After kissing Sun Yu's cheek, Huang Ling'er didn't show any shyness or shyness.

"I was able to get two thousand battle experience in the first battle. It seems that Ling'er is really lucky to have chosen you. You comprehend the primordial spirit and Taoism in the battle, which is even more refreshing. Who let the 'Arrow God' behind, often Qi Linger. Now, it's her time to suffer."

Huang Ling'er was happy and joyful, looking like a money fan.

"But that's also very painful. The Primordial Spirit was pierced through the body by the arrow of the soul's will. If it wasn't for the extreme pain that stimulated the Primordial Spirit's wisdom, it might not be possible to derive this Primordial Spirit Taoism!"

Wisdom is an indescribable force.

It is also only recently that Sun Wei has stimulated the wisdom accumulated in the reincarnation of all ages, and fused the wisdom of reincarnation throughout the ages.

Today, in the wild ancient battle field, although there is no bodhi tree blessing, the extreme pain and stimulation effect are almost the same as the bodhi tree blessing.

"You can choose to sell this Yuanshen Dao method to the Huanggu Dou battlefield. In that case, all the karma will be borne by the Huanggu Dou battlefield. If you choose to put the Yuanshen Dao method into the Huanggu Dou battlefield Taoist building, let other Tianjiao use their combat experience Purchase, but you have to bear all the karma with the 'Arrow God' family in the future."

After Huang Ling'er finished speaking, a pair of bright and big eyes stared at Sun Yutong without blinking.

"Although I am not afraid of forging karma with the 'Arrow God' family, but at present I want to hit the top ten rankings as soon as possible, and I choose to sell this method to the Huanggu Dou battlefield!"

Sun Quan thought for a moment, he knew that selling it to the Huanggu Dou battlefield would certainly not be as profitable as placing it in the Taofa building.

But Sun Yu firmly believed that in this world, there are gains and losses.

Although he had relatively little combat experience, Sun Yu was freed from some of the karmic entanglements by resisting the cause and effect on the Huanggu Dou battlefield.

If there are too many causes and effects, it is difficult for the true spirit to escape.

What's more, the karma of Sun Yu's true spirit is already enough, and he doesn't want to be contaminated with the karma of the "Arrow God" family.

"Choose wisely. If you sell this primordial spirit to the Huanggu Dou battlefield, even if you give the 'Arrow God' family a hundred courage, you will not dare to trouble the Huanggu Dou battlefield!"

Huang Ling'er praised Sun Wei for his wise choice.

"Now that I have the Yuanshen Taoism, those arrogances at the top of the ranking, are you ready for a storm?"

Sun Wei showed his fierce power, and the Tianjiao who stood in his way were all crushed.

(End of this chapter)

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