The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 202 Sweeping Tianjiao

Chapter 202 Sweeping Tianjiao
Sun Wei is majestic and heroic, looking forward to brilliance, with an invincible spirit, overwhelming the world.

Huang Ling'er was overjoyed, she thought to herself, maybe this time she really met a heaven-defying evildoer, sweeping away all the primordial universe arrogance.

After gaining momentum, Huang Ling'er quickly helped Sun Yu, and sold the Yuanshen Taoism 'Meteor Chasing the Moon' to the Huanggudou battlefield.

Soon, the Huanggu Dou battlefield gave 100 million battle experience to buy this Yuanshen Taoism!
A smile appeared on Sun Yu's face. He had just arrived at the Huanggu Dou battlefield, and he was able to gain more than 100 million battle experience.

"Ling'er, do you have any suggestions?"

Sun Yu felt that it would be better to ask Huang Linger how to spend the combat experience.

Ling'er pursed her lips and smiled slightly, stretched out her jade hand, and swiped towards the void.

Suddenly, a light curtain appeared in the void.

Above the light curtain, there are all spiritual objects, magic weapons, Taoism, supernatural powers, spells, weapons, etc. in the ancient battlefield.

And after each treasure, the price is marked.

"Spiritual objects, magic weapons, spells, weapons, etc., cannot be brought out of the ancient battlefield. Only Taoism or supernatural powers can be engraved on the primordial spirit, and they can continue to be used even after leaving the ancient battlefield."

Sun Yu made up his mind to give up everything except Taoism or supernatural powers.

Immediately, on the light curtain, only Taoism or supernatural powers remained.

Suddenly, Sun Quan's pupils shrank.

"The Nine-style Inheritance Secret Realm of Dou Zhan costs 100 million battle experience and can be entered once."

Seeing the Hongmeng seal characters appearing on the light curtain, Sun Yuyan immediately remembered that the figure in the endless red light of the Wuji Tianbei once said that the desolate ancient battlefield token held by Sun Yutong possessed the nine styles of fighting, and could also It is the inheritance of the Taoist nine-character mantra!

Each of these nine-character mantras contains a kind of Dao.

Like 'Xingzi Mantra', which represents the speed of the world.

The "pre-character mantra" contains a prophecy of fate.

Seeing Sun Yan staring at this line of Hongmeng seal characters, he didn't blink.

Huang Ling'er smiled slightly, "Great Sage, do you want to inherit the Nine Styles of Dou Zhan?"

"Who doesn't want to get the nine fighting styles?" Sun Wei didn't hide it, his eyes were burning, and a thought quickly flashed in his heart, which one should he choose to inherit the secret realm?
The first one in Sun Yu's mind is not to consider "Xingzi Mantra". He has the supernatural power of "Somersault Cloud", and he can travel a hundred and eight thousand miles with one flip.

Such a speed is also extremely fast.

Sun Yuhong didn't want to "prove the way with speed", and didn't want to consider the extreme speed of the world represented by "Xingzi Mantra" for the time being.

Sun Yu was the second to give up considering the "Jizi Mantra", and the "Jizi Mantra" comprehensively improved combat power.

But for Sun Yuhong, it was tasteless.

If he used the supernatural power of the stick method, Sun Wei had already comprehended the profound meaning of the 'ultimate stick', which could increase his combat power by 36 times.

However, at present, the self-created unique technique 'Chaos Strike' cannot be activated by the 'Jizi Mantra'.

'Zhizi Zhenyan' represents the ultimate formation method, and Sun Yuyu doesn't want to be distracted to comprehend the formation method for the time being.

Unless one obtains the Hetu Luoshu, it is possible to achieve an unprecedented achievement in the formation.

The "Digital Mantra" involves the calculation of the secrets of the heavens, and it is deduced. If Sun Yu wants to pursue absolute strength and crush everything, he will not be distracted to study and calculate the calculations.

What's more, it is enough to be outstanding in the art of arithmetic.

'Zhezi Mantra' is related to longevity and can quickly restore vitality.It's just that for Sun Yuhong, he doesn't pay much attention to it.

The rest are the first three-character mantra, the Lin-character mantra, the Dou-character mantra and the Bing-character mantra.

The Mantra of Bingzi can control all kinds of weapons and magic weapons in the world. For a while, Sun Wei had a strong urge. If he got the "Mantra of Bingzi" and combined with the "Treasure Body of Myriad Tribulations", it would be like gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas .

However, Sun Yuhong's gaze has not moved away from the "Douzi Mantra" for a long time.

Among the nine fighting styles, the "Douzi Mantra" is the most important, because the "Douzi Mantra" can be derived from all offensive techniques, and it is the supreme fighting technique.

Sun Yutong recalled that since he practiced in this life, he has practiced a lot of supernatural powers, including the 36 transformations of Tiangang and the 72 transformations of Disha.

But apart from the self-created supreme supernatural power prototype 'Chaos Strike', the supreme supernatural power cannot sweep everything.

The present and ancient times are different from the ancient and ancient times. With the treasure house of the wild, the immortal monks can exchange various supernatural powers by killing demons and accumulating military exploits.

And Sun Yuhong's enemies in the future will not be ordinary immortals or monks, and the supreme supernatural power has already made Sun Yuhong feel that he is somewhat unable to kill all powerful enemies.

At this time, if he could learn the 'Dou Zi Mantra' and transform various supernatural powers into offensive techniques, then Sun Yu's combat power would definitely increase crazily.

In this case, you don't have to use Chaos Strike to kill the opponent every time you fight against a strong enemy of life and death!

Sun Quan didn't think that 'Chaos Strike' could sweep away all powerful enemies, if Chaos Strike couldn't kill the enemy, then after using Chaos Strike, Sun Quan would be extremely weak.

In this case, it will naturally become fish on the enemy's chopping board.

The most important thing is that Sun Yu is now in the ancient battle battlefield, and currently there is only one primordial divine way, 'Meteor Falls to the Moon'. If he can get the 'Dou Zi Mantra', Sun Wei can use the 'Dou Zi Mantra' to display various Attack the great art.

Immediately, Sun Yu made up his mind.

But at this time, Huang Ling'er suddenly said: "The Great Sage wants to go to the Secret Realm of Dou Zhan Nine Styles of Inheritance to accept the inheritance, and see if he can get the inheritance of Dou Zhan Nine Styles. However, Linger suggests that you get more combat experience To inherit the secret realm."

Hearing this, Sun Yu raised his brows.

"Could it be that combat experience can also increase the chance of success in inheritance?"

Huang Ling'er smiled slightly, "Could it be that the Great Sage has forgotten what Ling'er said before, that in the ancient battlefield, as long as you have combat experience, you can get everything. If the Great Sage has [-] million combat experience, he can directly obtain the nine fighting styles inherited!"

Hearing this, Sun Huang couldn't help but gasp.

How precious are the nine fighting styles. In Honghuang, they are called the Nine Secrets of Taoism, and they were taught to Honghuang by the Taoist ancestor Hongjun.

But in the ancient battlefield, it is only worth [-] million combat experience!
Although the battle experience needs to be accumulated to [-] million, it may be a year of the monkey, but at least there is a glimmer of hope.

But no matter what, it is beneficial and harmless to accumulate more combat experience before entering the secret realm of inheritance.

Immediately, Sun Wei, stimulated by the Nine Secrets of Taoism, stepped out of the battle chamber.

Sun Quan saw a list hanging high in the void, and over there was the Primordial Spirit Battle List!

Now, Sun Wei is ranked second to last in the Primordial Spirit Battle List.

Sun Wei insisted on plucking the wild goose, and did not want to let go of any combat experience, and challenged to the third from the bottom!
Tianjiao, the third from the bottom, had just returned from a disastrous defeat, with endless anger in his heart, and Sun Wei, the second to last, challenged him, and he agreed without even thinking about it.

In an instant, Sun Wei and the third-to-last Tianjiao moved to a battlefield in a round sky again.

"Young Master just failed the challenge, so you came to vent your anger on Young Master. From this point of view, Young Master will have fun with you today!"

This Tianjiao was evil, but at this moment, his expression suddenly changed!

Sun Wei bent his bow and set an arrow, and in an instant, an arrow of soul will that was unparalleled, like a meteor flying to the moon, nailed him directly in the void in an instant!
The terrifying sharpness of the arrow directly caused the body of this Tianjiao to explode.

"Your nonsense, too much!"

When the Tianjiao was about to die, he heard Sun Wei's cold words.

Killed in one blow, the battle rating is still super, but Sun Yu got [-] battle experience!
Without hesitation, Sun Wei continued to challenge the fourth-last Tianjiao!
Sun Yu's challenge is to go up in order. If these Tianjiao are not in the battle, they can't refuse at all, because the rules of the challenge are established, and they must face it.

Every Tianjiao had just stepped into the battlefield, and was directly killed by Sun Yu with one blow of the Yuanshen Dao method 'Meteor Falls to the Moon'!

Without exception, Sun Wei swept and crushed, and against all Tianjiao, he has always been a one-shot lore!

In a short period of time, Sun Yu directly killed [-] people!

One hundred Tianjiao were killed by him in one blow. In the first three battles, Sun Wei got 97 battle experience, and in the last [-] battles, Sun Wei got [-] battle experience in each game!
In this case, the total combat experience of Sun Wei is already 190 million!
Sun Yu's ranking soared rapidly in the Primordial Spirit Battle Ranking. At first, it was not conspicuous, but in the end, it jumped up by one rank within almost ten breaths.

This can be called a crazy performance, which immediately attracted the attention of many arrogances in Yuanshen Battlefield.

"This proud man named 'Great Sage' is very fierce!"

"His opponents are almost instantly killed by him!"

"In such a short period of time, the ranking has risen by a hundred places!"

Because the Primordial Spirit Battlefield of the Huanggu Dou Battlefield, except for Sun Yu, are all Primordial Spirit Realm monks, and they come from the arrogance of various primordial universes.

Every celestial pride is extraordinary, but Sun Yutong has risen one hundred ranks each time in a very short period of time. It is conceivable how terrifying Sun Yuhong's real combat power is.

Sun Yuhong did not stop challenging, and was still frantically hitting the rankings in the Yuanshen battle list.

Sixteen hundred!

Fifteen hundred!

Fourteen hundred!

Thirteen hundred!

Twelve hundred!

Ten thousand and one hundred!

Sun Wei worked hard until he broke into the top [-] rankings, and then he stopped to challenge frantically!

And at this moment, the "Great Sage" incarnated by Sun Wei shocked the entire Yuanshen battlefield!

These proud sons from various primordial universes never imagined that Sun Yu could be so fierce!

The last one rushed directly to within [-], and after the shock of these days' favorites, they were endlessly jealous.

Sun Quan has won [-] games in a row, and his combat experience is countless.

All of a sudden, these proud sons of heaven suddenly had a crooked idea in their hearts, wanting to gamble with Sun Yu!

Sun Yu was in the limelight, showing his sharpness, and his accumulated combat experience made these Tianjiao envy and hate.

 The third update is over, please subscribe for the genuine version!
(End of this chapter)

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