The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 203 The Golden Snake Perishes

Chapter 203 The Golden Snake Perishes
1000 million combat experience!

When the crazy challenge was over and he went back to the battle room, Sun Wei swept his consciousness and found that he had accumulated so much combat experience unconsciously.

Sun Yuhong recalled that he defeated the bottom one hundred Tianjiao and gained 98 combat experience.After defeating the next [-] Tianjiao, although the evaluation levels are all super, but the combat experience is high or low, a total of [-] million.

Huang Ling'er was even happier than Sun Wei who had gained 1000 million battle experience. After being happy, Huang Ling'er reminded Sun Wei: "Great Sage, you are now ranked [-], and these talents in front of you are extraordinary. Most of them All of them are equipped with primordial spirit and Taoism. Even the top [-] arrogances have good fortune level Taoism."

"Creation-level Taoism?" Sun Wei couldn't help but gasp when he heard this!
Good fortune-level Taoism, that is good fortune supernatural power.

Looking at the prehistoric world, only Sanqing and the top Hunyuan sages, such as the Five Emperors of the ancient times, possessed the supernatural powers of good fortune.

Although it is impossible for Tianjiao in the Yuanshen Realm to explode the supernatural power of good fortune, it is really amazing to be able to comprehend the supernatural powers of good fortune in the Yuanshen Realm.

"It's not a big deal. 'Wutian', who is temporarily ranked first in the Primordial Spirit Battle Ranking, still possesses the Primordial Dao Technique."

Huang Ling'er's words are not amazing and endless.

Hearing this, Sun Quan raised his brows suddenly.

Code-named 'Wutian', and in the Yuanshen Realm to control the Daoism of the Hongmeng level, looking at the entire Hongmeng sea, only those Hongmeng level arrogance who will prove the posture of a Hongmeng sage in the future can be so heaven-defying.

And Sun Wei happened to know this person, and his cultivation happened to be almost in the Yuan realm.

Immediately, Sun Yu decided in his heart that the No. [-] 'Wutian' in the Primordial Spirit Battle Ranking should be Luo Wutian, the son of the Demon Ancestor, the arrogance of the Primordial Spirit.

As soon as he thought of this, Sun Yun silently read the Yuanshen battle list in his heart, and in an instant, the Yuanshen battle list appeared in the battle room.

Looking from top to bottom, Sun Huang's eyes suddenly focused on the [-]th Tianjiao!
The code name is 'Bao Ti'. Looking at this code name, Sun Yu had a sudden whim and felt that it was related to 'Bao Xiang'.

In addition, there are other code names that make Sun Wei feel inexplicably familiar.

Codenamed 'Five-clawed Golden Dragon', Sun Yu knew that five-clawed golden dragons were extremely rare in the wild. If the ancestor Ssangyong was really like Emperor Jun Taiyi, then this five-clawed golden dragon might be the tenth son of the ancestor dragon.

There is also a person with the code name 'Feng Wu Jiu Tian', which makes Sun Yu feel that he may be the tenth son of Huang Zu.

These are just Sun Quan's whim when he saw their code names, and felt that he was involved with Honghuang.

At this moment, suddenly, there were ten more letters of bet in Sun Quan's battle room.

"Great Sage, there is a genius who has launched a betting war against you. The betting battle is no longer included in the ranking battle of the Yuanshen battle list, and any genius can initiate a betting war."

Huang Ling'er immediately explained to Sun Wei.

Sun Quan's spiritual sense has swept through these ten bets, most of them are betting on Yuanshen Taoism, betting 100 million combat experience with Sun Quan.

And these primordial spirit and Taoist methods are all superior.

"Now that we are short of primordial spirit and Taoism, how can we not accept that they have all come to our door? Linger, didn't you say that these arrogances have good fortune-level Taoism? If you don't accumulate more primordial spirit and Taoism, how can you compete against these good fortune-level Taoism in the future? Tianjiao!"

Every betting letter paid for a Yuanshen Dao method, but they all stated in the betting book that if they failed in the betting battle, Sun Yu would get the Yuanshen Dao method, which could not be sold to the deserted ancient battlefield, nor could it be taught to others. You must swear by the true spirit of the primordial spirit before the bet can stand.

Without hesitation, Sun Wei accepted ten letters of bet and swear by the true spirit of the primordial spirit, if he obtained these primordial spirits, he would not pass them on to others, nor would he sell them to the Huanggu Dou battlefield!
Immediately, the oath of Yuanshen and True Spirit was completed, and in an instant, the ten letters of gambling were turned into fly ashes!
The gambling war is established!

And at this moment, Sun Huang's eyes were full of murderous intent, because among the ten betting letters, there was one from Tianjiao, code-named 'Bao Ti', and the Yuanshen Dao method of his betting was impressively familiar to Sun Huang. Supreme supernatural powers 'Buddhist kingdom in the palm of your hand'.

Huang Ling'er pursed her lips and smiled when she saw that Sun Quan received ten betting letters at the same time. If Sun Quan won all ten battles, there would be ten more Yuan Shen Dao methods.

Although these primordial spirit and Taoism methods are nothing more than the primary level in Huang Ling'er's eyes, having one more supreme primordial spirit and Taoism technique can also enhance Sun Yu's combat power a lot.

Moreover, as long as Sun Huang wins a betting battle first, he can get a supreme primordial spirit Taoism. In this case, Sun Huang will become stronger as he fights.

In the end, Sun Yu's fighting power just like snowballing, getting stronger and stronger!

Huang Ling'er was happy because looking at the current trend of Sun Yuhong, in the future Sun Yuhong would definitely be able to challenge the Creation-level Tianjiao.

It's just that Huang Ling'er didn't dare to think about breaking into the top ten.

In the top ten of Yuanshen battle list, except for 'Wutian' who possesses Daoism of Grandmist level, although the other arrogances do not have Daoism of Yuanshen level, their aptitudes are all of Daoism level.

Therefore, each of them is responsible for several good fortune-level peak primordial spirits.

Sun Yutong adjusted his state to the peak, and suddenly, with a thought, Sun Yuhong's figure disappeared in the battle room!

It was still the battlefield in the round sky, and Sun Wei and Tianjiao, code-named 'Golden Snake', appeared together on the battlefield.

The 'Golden Snake' had an extremely gloomy expression on his face, and looked at Sun Yutong with a gloomy expression, "It's so easy to get 100 million battle experience, the barren ancient battlefield is indeed my blessed land."

"Without any effort, I can obtain a supreme primordial spirit Taoism 'Nine Changes of Heavenly Snake', and I also feel that the deserted battlefield is caring for me."

Sun Wei counterattacked forcefully, with sharp words.

"Wait for me to swallow and chew your primordial spirit one by one, and see how eloquent you are!"

Before the 'Golden Snake' could finish speaking, suddenly, the figure of the 'Golden Snake' disappeared in place, and a golden line crossed the sky at an unmatched speed, as fast as lightning.

This is the innate supernatural power of the 'Golden Snake'. At this moment, this golden thread came to Sun Yutong, intending to pierce through Sun Yuhong's body.

"Meteor falls to the moon!"

All of a sudden, Sun Yu's soul is the bow, and the will is the arrow!
All arrows fired!

Sun Yu burst out with super fighting strength, and in an instant, the sharpness of the arrows submerged the golden thread.

At the same time, Wan Gen's extremely fierce arrows of soul will cover the sky and cover the earth, almost submerged in the extremely small golden thread!

Immediately, in the void, there were ten thousand arrows of soul will sticking out on that incomparably tiny golden thread!

The arrow is the will of the soul, it can be big or small!
The will is in control, as you like, as big or small as you want.

The arrow light shattered, this golden thread was directly destroyed by the sharp edge of the arrow, and the primordial spirit perished!

Suddenly, a golden light suddenly appeared.

Afterwards, Sun Yu returned to the battle chamber.

And at this moment, in the deserted ancient battle field, a voice of indifference resounded through the entire space.

"The warrior code-named 'Golden Snake' was killed by the warrior code-named 'Great Sage', and his primordial spirit perished. The ancient fighting battlefield reversed his primordial spirit and returned to his body. The warrior 'Golden Snake' left the primordial spirit battlefield permanently. All his combat experience , owned by the warrior 'Great Sage'."

This magnificent sound shook the sky.

A look of shock immediately appeared on Sun Yu's face, and he looked at Huang Ling'er, "Ling'er, in the Huanggu Dou battlefield, even if the primordial spirit dies, can it be reversed and revived?"

Huang Ling'er shook his head lightly, "If you, the Great Sage, possess the Daoism of the Grandmist level, the previous blow is enough to completely destroy his true spirit, even if it is in the ancient battlefield, there is nothing you can do. It will take a lot of work for a saint to be resurrected. The ancient battlefield will not be for a warrior of the primordial spirit state, please use the saint of Hongmeng to take action!"

Hearing this explanation, Sun Huang's face softened a little.

And at this moment, the other nine arrogances who had gambled with Sun Yu, heard the indifferent voice that resounded through the battlefield of Huanggu Dou, and suddenly felt a trace of remorse in their hearts.

They never expected that the 'Great Sage' ranked [-].He actually possessed the extraordinary combat power to destroy the 'Golden Snake' Yuanshen!

They all knew very well that it was possible to defeat the 'Golden Snake' with their own combat power, but if they wanted to destroy the 'Golden Snake''s primordial spirit like Sun Yutong, they would be powerless.

At this moment, they were deeply afraid of the super combat power of the 'Great Sage'.

In addition, I couldn't help but imagine in my heart, whether they would end up like the 'Golden Snake' in their bet with Sun Yu, and their souls would turn into ashes.

Although in the ancient battle field, the death of the primordial spirit does not count as the real annihilation of body and spirit, but the primordial spirit battlefield of the ancient duel battlefield has just opened, and the ranking of the primordial spirit battlefield has not really been fixed.

Tianjiao, who came to the ancient battlefield, would not want to gain more combat experience in exchange for Taoism and supernatural powers on the battlefield.

All of a sudden, several Tianjiao were deeply afraid of losing this opportunity, and directly surrendered to the battlefield of Huanggu Dou!

Just in the battle room, a few primordial spirits and Taoism fell out of thin air!
In this way, among the ten betting battles, Sun Yuhong played in one battle, and now there are eight more Tianjiao voluntarily surrendering, and Sun Yuhong has obtained eight supreme primordial spirits and Taoism.

Seeing Sun Yu sitting in the battle room, the Supreme Primordial Spirit and Taoism took the initiative to send him to the door. For a while, seeing this scene, Huang Ling'er felt a little speechless.

"Bao Ti has not conceded defeat until now, it seems that he is bound to win."

Sun Yu's words were cold!
"No matter what means you have, as long as you, the Great Sage, master the nine supreme primordial spirits, you will be responsible for ten supreme primordial spirits. Could it be that he has more supreme primordial spirits than the great sage?"

Huang Ling'er disagreed.

It's just that after hearing this, Sun Huang raised his brows slightly.

"That's for sure!"

If the Tianjiao code-named 'Baoti' is really Baoxiang as Sun Wei guessed, then the Supreme Primordial Spirit Dao Dharma that he is responsible for is likely to exceed ten.

At least Sun Yu knew that there were as many as eleven kinds of supreme supernatural powers that Bao Xiang knew, such as the Tathagata God Palm Nine Forms, the Buddha Kingdom in the palm, and the treasure body of ten thousand kalpas.

In addition, Baoxiang may also practice the supreme supernatural powers created by Jiejiao other Hunyuan sages!
There are so many strong people in Jiejiao. In addition to Duobao, the Hunyuan saint has three great saints, three empresses, etc., who are unparalleled in strength!

(End of this chapter)

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