The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 204: Tathagata's Palm

Chapter 204: Tathagata's Palm
It's just that no matter how many supreme primordial spirits Baoxiang possesses, in this betting battle, Sun Wei vowed in his heart that he would let Baoxiang's primordial spirit perish and let him leave the primordial spirit battlefield.

With a strong motivation in his heart, Sun Huang's practice of these nine supreme primordial spirits quickly pushed him to the realm of the fourth heaven.

Now, Sun Wei has ten supreme primordial spirits and Taoism, and he can fight with Baoxiang.

It was the first time for Huang Ling'er to see Sun Huang's face as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and he was a little curious in his heart, what kind of person is that Tianjiao who is code-named 'Bao Ti'.

With a thought in his mind, Sun Yutong appeared on the battlefield together with Tianjiao who was codenamed 'Baoti' in an instant.

Although every Tianjiao has the supreme power of the ancient fighting battlefield to cover his face, but Sun Wei has not dealt with Baoxiang once or twice, so he immediately confirmed that the Tianjiao code-named 'Baoti' in front of him is exactly It's Baoxiang.

It's just that although Sun Wei was code-named 'Great Sage', Baoxiang didn't know it was Sun Wei at all.

Because in his mind, it has not been long since Sun Yu broke through the Yuan Realm, and it is impossible for him to cross the Yuan Embryo Realm, Yuan Ling Realm, and reach the Yuan Shen Realm in such a short period of time.

Other monks might damage their foundations like this, but Bao Xiang believes that Sun Wei is definitely not the kind of Qi trainer who destroys his foundation in order to break through his cultivation.

In addition, even if Sun Weiyu breaks through to the realm of Yuanshen, he has never heard of Sun Yutong getting the warrior jade medal in the Huanggu Dou battlefield.

Therefore, this battle has been a little unfair from the very beginning.

But no matter what, at this moment, Baoxiang's eyes looking at Sun Quanhong were extremely hot.

"You have fought so many crazy battles before, and the accumulated combat experience on your body must exceed 1000 million. As long as I kill you, the 1000 million combat experience will be mine!"

Baoxiang's expression suddenly became a little crazy, and his face was so excited that he was so happy.

"Are you really that sure you can kill me?"

Sun Quan was not in a hurry to make a move, Baoxiang was so excited, it seemed that there was something else hidden.

"As long as I kill you, my combat experience will exceed [-] million, and I will be able to enter the Secret Realm of Inheritance. Once I get the things in the Secret Realm of Inheritance, no one will be able to kill me in the future!"

Baoxiang's mood has been suppressed for so long, and he feels that it doesn't matter to talk to a dying person.

All of a sudden, although Baoxiang didn't explain it to the truth, Sun Wei suddenly realized it!

In the deserted ancient battlefield, there really is one of the nine secrets that Baoxiang longs for, the mantra of soldiers!

Once Bao Xiang got the mantra of the military character and let it be integrated into the Myriad Tribulations Treasure Body, then the supreme supernatural power of the Myriad Tribulations Treasure Body might even be advanced to the rank of fortune.

In this case, with the help of the supernatural powers, Duobao will be able to attack the Wuji sage!

As soon as he thought of this, Sun Yu's heart was full of murderous intent!
Baoxiang must not be allowed to succeed, and for a while, Sun Wei had one more reason to kill Baoxiang in his heart.

It's just that Sun Quan was a little puzzled, why did Baoxiang say that it took [-] million to enter the secret realm of inheritance?Isn't it possible to directly obtain the inheritance of the Nine Secrets with [-] million combat experience?

For the time being, Sun Quan put this question in his mind, and asked Huang Ling'er after killing Baoxiang.

In an instant, Baoxiang struck out impressively!
As soon as he made a move, it was the supreme supernatural power that Sun Huang was very familiar with.

Buddha country in the palm of your hand!

It's just that seeing Baoxiang using his left hand to cast the 'Buddha Kingdom in the Palm', Sun Yutong laughed secretly in his heart!
It seems that in the previous battle, even if it was just to cut off the right hand of Baoxiang's avatar, the avatar was closely connected with the deity at that time, and Baoxiang couldn't help feeling a little shadowy in his heart.

At this moment, with Baoxiang's left hand, the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the palm of Baoxiang's left hand, which is impressively displaying the realm of the Four Heavens of Dzogchen, shrouded Sun Yutong!

"Nine Transformations of Heavenly Snake!"

In an instant, Sun Wei suddenly turned into a heavenly snake in the void.

In an instant, the sky snake opened its huge mouth!

"Swallowing Elephant Transformation of Nine Transformations of Heavenly Snake!"

Swallowing Elephant Transformation maximizes the power of swallowing a path. A small snake can swallow an elephant. In terms of attainments in swallowing a path, the Heavenly Snake is no less than Kunpeng.

At this moment, Tunxiang Bian is just the right restraint to deal with the supreme supernatural power of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand!
In an instant, the giant mouth of the sky snake directly swallowed the Buddha Kingdom in its palm.

Seeing this scene, Baoxiang's face was terrified.

The kingdom of Buddha in the palm of supreme supernatural powers was easily cracked by him like this.

But Baoxiang's face flashed with shock. At this moment, he aroused the power of the primordial spirit, and in an instant, the palm of the Tathagata directly slapped Sun Yu.

The first form of Tathagata's divine palm, the first appearance of Buddha's light!

In an instant, an immeasurable giant Buddha appeared in front of Sun Yuhong.

Seeing the giant Buddha, seeing the Tathagata's divine palm, in an instant, Sun Yu's heart was full of anger and could not help but explode!

At this moment, Sun Yutong frantically urged the power of the primordial spirit.

Unsurpassed Dao Dharma—there is no sky and no sun!
Sun Yu immediately used this supreme method that had just been cultivated to the fourth level of heaven. In an instant, all the light on the entire battlefield was absorbed into the supreme method.

'Darkness without the sun', the supreme primordial spirit and Taoism, suddenly turned into a dark hole at this moment.

A dark hole swallows and absorbs all light, just like a black hole, except that a black hole can swallow everything, but a dark hole can only swallow light.

However, this method of the supreme way just restrains the first appearance of Buddha's light in the palm of the Tathagata.

The immeasurable giant Buddha was transformed by the light of the immeasurable Buddha. At this moment, it was directly swallowed by the dark hole.

All of a sudden, Sun Yu suddenly felt that this supreme primordial spirit method had improved a little bit.

"Damn it, I want to see how many Yuan Shen Dao methods you still have that can restrain my supreme supernatural power!"

Baoxiang was so angry that he slapped the second Tathagata palm again in an instant!
Golden Buddha Lamp!

In an instant, a Buddha lamp seemed to illuminate the eternal darkness, drive away the darkness, and fill the entire chaos with the light of Buddha!

The Buddha lamp is like the first ray of light born when the world was opened. At this moment, the light of the Buddha lamp is as bright as the sun.

Sun Yuhong's "Darkness Without a Sun" can restrain the "First Appearance of Buddha's Light", but the dark hole cannot swallow this Buddha lamp.

However, Sun Yu had never thought about using the same supreme primordial divine way twice!
Yuanshen Meteor Bow, Will Falling Moon Arrow, in an instant, bent the bow and set the arrow, gently released the bowstring, in an instant, the falling moon arrow pierced through the void, and directly hit the golden-topped Buddha lamp.

The Buddha lamp that illuminates endless chaos suddenly goes out!

In the collision between primordial spirit and Taoism, Sun Yunyu performed this supreme primordial spirit and Taoism thousands of times, pushing it to the fourth level of great perfection.

The three supreme supernatural powers were broken one after another, and they were defeated as if they were restrained. Baoxiang was burning with anger.

The third form of Tathagata's divine palm - Buddha moving mountains and rivers!
In an instant, a giant Buddha slapped the sky impressively, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

This is pure Buddha power, a terrifying power that shakes mountains and rivers.

Facing the attack of pure power, in an instant, Sun Quan's body turned into a ground-suppressing idol!
The supreme primordial spirit and Taoism shatter the earth and open the sky!
This supreme method is so powerful that it is absolutely terrifying!
When practicing, Sun Wei felt that this supreme primordial spirit and Taoism had great potential, but it was only at the supreme elementary level at present.

However, Sun Yu felt that this supreme primordial spirit method had the potential to advance to supernatural powers in the future.

Even, after the metamorphosis, point directly at Kaitian!
The earth-suppressing idol transformed into by Sun Wei suddenly stepped on the ground, and in an instant, the ground shattered, this is broken ground.

In an instant, the idol slammed into the giant Buddha!
The void burst, the giant Buddha collapsed, this is the opening of the sky!
Baoxiang only thought that he was going crazy, and he didn't know where the 'Great Sage' learned these supreme primordial spirit and Taoism techniques to restrain Tathagata's divine palm!
At this moment, the anger went crazy!
"No one can stop me from getting the mantra of military characters, and whoever dares to stop me will die!"

Baoxiang went crazy, and suddenly, he was desperate and burned the power of his soul.

At this moment, the power of his primordial spirit is like the tide, like the ocean!

The power of the primordial spirit oscillates in the void, and a terrifying power sweeps across the entire battlefield, looking down upon the world and shaking through nine heavens and ten earths.

Regardless of the consumption of the power of the primordial spirit, Baoxiang used the Tathagata palms one after another in an instant!

The fourth form of Tathagata palm - Buddha asked Jialan!
The Fifth Form of Tathagata's Divine Palm - Greeting the Buddha to the West!
The Sixth Form of Tathagata's Divine Palm——Buddha's light shines everywhere!
The Seventh Form of Tathagata Divine Palm - The Heavenly Buddha Comes to the World!
The Eighth Form of Tathagata's Divine Palm - Buddha Dharma is Boundless!
The Ninth Form of the Tathagata Divine Palm - Wanfo Chaozong!
Baoxiang couldn't bear it anymore and he was completely restrained when he used the Tathagata palm. At this moment, Baoxiang burned the power of the primordial spirit in exchange for continuously performing six postures of the Tathagata palm!
At this moment, the six postures of Tathagata's divine palm blocked the eight wastes.

The six postures of Tathagata's palms came from up and down, left and right, front and back, and slapped towards Sun Yutong!

The terrifying power of supreme supernatural power is undoubtedly revealed, so terrifying.

At this moment, a stern look flashed in Sun Yuhong's eyes.

In an instant, he also performed the six supreme primordial spirit and Taoism techniques.

"Heaven-Slashing Absolute Sword!"

"Control the cycle!"

"Extreme life and death!"

"Karma Lotus Throne!"

"World Destroyer Thunder!"

"Fix the body and ban the air!"

In an instant, Sun Wei also aroused the power of the primordial spirit, and blasted out the six supreme primordial spirits!

In an instant, on the battlefield, the twelve supreme primordial spirits collided with each other.

The wave of destructive air spread to the entire battlefield, and they were all the bodies of the primordial spirit. Both Sun Yutong and Baoxiang suffered heavy injuries.

It's just that Sun Yu's Yuanshen's body is more than 2 feet high, and he can still withstand waves of destructive air waves.

It's just that Baoxiang is extremely weak. Before he burned the power of Yuanshen, he thought that he would be able to kill Sun Yu by using the six postures of Tathagata Palm.

Unexpectedly, Sun Wei also performed the six supreme primordial spirit and Taoism at the same time!

The twelve supreme supernatural powers collided in the battlefield. At this moment, Baoxiang had no choice but to activate the 'Treasure Body of Myriad Tribulations' to resist the wave of destruction!
"Your supernatural powers are nothing more than that, full of flaws. How dare you claim to be supreme? Not even the peerless supernatural powers!"

Sun Quan hit Baoxiang's self-esteem.

"Shut up, the palm of the Tathagata, the supreme supernatural power, how can you judge it!"

Tathagata Palm was created by Baoxiang's father, Duobao, with painstaking efforts, but at this moment, Sun Yu said it was worthless!
This simply made Baoxiang extremely angry and out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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