Chapter 205
Sun Yutong's words about the uselessness of Tathagata's palm made Baoxiang even more angry than directly humiliating Baoxiang.

At this moment, Baoxiang desperately wanted to die with Sun Yunyu, desperate for the fate of Yuanshen to perish.

In an instant, Baoxiang used all the power of the primordial spirit to activate the supreme supernatural power 'Myriad Tribulations Treasure Body'.

Baoxiang is extremely ruthless, if Sun Yutong takes over his supreme supernatural power, then his primordial spirit will perish.

However, if Sun Yu can't take over the "Myriad Tribulations Treasure Body" and is dissipated by the supreme supernatural power "Myriad Tribulations Treasure Body", then Sun Yu will leave the Yuanshen battlefield.

In this way, the ancient fighting battlefield will reverse time and space, allowing Baoxiang to return to his peak state.

In an instant, Baoxiang directly turned into a robbery treasure condensed with the power of myriad calamities.

The most terrifying part of the Myriad Tribulations Body is the Tribulation Power.

Waiting for the prehistoric monks, they dare not be contaminated with the power of robbery.

However, the supreme supernatural power of Myriad Tribulation Treasure Body, the good fortune of seizing the calamity, is now the supreme supernatural power, but since it was created by Duobao from the beginning, it has the possibility of advanced good fortune supernatural power.

And it is still very likely that the Myriad Calamity Treasure Body can seize the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, and this is the prototype of the supernatural power of good fortune.

The supernatural powers of good fortune far exceed the supreme supernatural powers.

Suddenly, a fierce and fierce light appeared in Sun Yu's eyes!
Bao Xiang is ruthless, but Sun Yu is even more ruthless.

In an instant, with a thought in Sun Yu's mind, he also aroused all the power of the primordial spirit.

Just like when Gong Gong hit Buzhou Mountain back then, Sun Wei was as if Gong Gong was still alive. In an instant, the magnificent and incomparable power of Yuan Shen provided by the more than 2-foot-high Yuan Shen followed Sun Huang and slammed into Baoxiang impressively.

In an instant, Sun Wei's figure suddenly appeared in the void with a chaotic divine light!
Sun Yuhong is still unable to perform the 'Chaos Strike', but at this moment he is using his body to crazily hit the treasure face instead of the Chaos Divine Light.

At this moment, a ray of chaotic divine light collided with Sun Wei's Chaobao, and directly collided with the prototype of the divine power of good fortune, the "Myriad Tribulations Treasure Body" in the void.

"I want you to die!"

Sun Yu suddenly yelled loudly.

At this moment, Sun Wei and Bao Xiang were all jealous.

The eyes wanted to kill each other, and the terrifying killing intent collided together.

The murderous intent is fierce, and the murderous intent is like a sea.

In an instant, an unprecedented collision unfolded on the battlefield!

Just like two primordial universes colliding, how the sky collapsed, hit the earth, and the heaven and the earth collided!
In an instant, both Sun Wei and Baoxiang were extremely ruthless, ruthless to the enemy and even more ruthless to themselves.

Both of them are betting that the other will die first, and they are both betting on death to survive.

The terrifying power of destruction suddenly turned into a wave of destruction. At this moment, the entire universe is destroyed!
Even though Baoxiang possessed the treasure body of myriad calamities, at this moment, the catastrophe of destruction still exceeded the carrying limit of his primordial spirit.

On the other hand, Sun Yu's Yuanshen was also severely injured, but the true spirit in the Yuanshen was intact.

And at this moment, Sun Wei possessed the true spirit, which established the victory of this battle!
Baoxiang Yuanshen was instantly wiped out.

Although the treasure body of Myriad Tribulations is the embryonic form of the supernatural powers of good fortune, Sun Wei is even more ruthless, arousing the power of all the primordial spirits, and directly destroying the treasure and the primordial spirit!

"I'm not reconciled!"

Before Baoxiang Yuanshen died, he was strongly unwilling!
The rudimentary form of good luck supernatural powers failed to kill Sun Yu.

Sun Yuhong was more ruthless than him, and he was also not afraid of death, but Sun Yuhong had the last laugh.

Both Sun Yuhong and Baoxiang Yuanshen almost perished, but there is a true spirit space in Sun Weiyuan's Yuanshen!
In the real spirit space, there are five-color sky-replenishing stones of the real spirit.

In this case, Sun Yu's primordial spirit has not been completely destroyed, because the true spirit space has always retained a trace of the primordial spirit's life.

But Baoxiang has no real spirit space, and when his primordial spirit dies, he really dies!
In an instant, the indifferent and magnificent voice sounded again on the deserted ancient battlefield.

"The warrior 'Baoti' was killed by the warrior 'Great Sage', and his primordial spirit perished. The ancient fighting battlefield reversed his primordial spirit and returned to his body. The warrior 'Baoti' left the primordial battlefield permanently. All his combat experience, belongs to Warrior 'Great Sage' all."

At this moment, Sun Yu's combat experience has increased by more than 9000 million, soaring to [-] million.

Afterwards, the combat evaluation of this battle was top-notch, and Sun Yu was rewarded with [-] combat experience in the deserted ancient battlefield!
Sun Wei returned to the battle room, and suddenly, Huang Ling'er showed his power!

Time and space are directly reversed, and the mighty power of time and space is added to Sun Yu's Yuanshen.

Sun Quan's soul has recovered to its peak, his consciousness has been swept away, and his combat experience has reached 50 million and [-].

"It's a pity that he didn't get those supreme primordial spirits and Taoism!"

Sun Yu still felt a little regretful.

Hearing Sun Huang's greedy words, Huang Ling'er was speechless.

He pursed his lips and smiled slightly, "Great Sage, you now have more than 1 million combat experience, and you can directly inherit one of the nine fighting styles."

Huang Ling'er said with a light smile.

Huang Ling'er's words aroused doubts in Sun Huang's heart.

"Just before the battle, 'Bao Ti' said that he needs to accumulate 100 million combat experience and enter the inheritance secret realm. But why does he want [-] million when I only need [-] million?"

Sun Yu was a little puzzled.

"The Warrior Jade Card you hold is very extraordinary. Therefore, you only need 100 million combat experience to enter the secret realm of inheritance and try to accept the inheritance. If you pay 100 million combat experience, you can directly get the inheritance of any of the nine fighting styles. But if others want to directly inherit the Nine Fighting Styles, they need [-] billion combat experience!"

Hearing this, Sun Huang couldn't help but gasp.

"100 billion battle experience? I guess 'Wutian', who is number one in the Primordial Spirit Battle Ranking, will feel hopeless!" Sun Wei laughed lightly.

"Wutian possesses the primordial-level Taoism, so he may not be able to see the Nine Forms of Dou Zhan. Each of the nine forms of Dou Zhan has been cultivated to the pinnacle, and it is the pinnacle of good fortune. The fusion of the nine forms of Dou Zhan is the opening of Hongmeng. God!" Huang Ling'er laughed.

Hearing Huang Ling'er's words, Sun Yu nodded.

Luo Wutian is the son of the Demon Ancestor, if he wants to cultivate the supernatural powers, it is just as easy as flipping the palm of his hand.

Unbeknownst to Sun Yu, when the indifferent and majestic sound resounded throughout the Huanggu Dou battlefield, he killed the second fighter, making those Tianjiao who had voluntarily surrendered before feel that their previous decision was extremely correct.

"As expected, I did not guess wrong before. This Tianjiao, code-named 'Great Sage', is a killing god!"

"There are already two Tianjiao who left the Yuanshen Battlefield permanently because of him."

"The next time you want to enter the Desolate Ancient Battlefield, you have to wait for the True Spirit Field to open!"

"The chances of 'Golden Snake' and 'Bao Body' in the ancient battlefield were terminated by him. These two karmas have grown together!"

"Now that the 'Great Sage' is showing his sharpness, he will definitely attract the attention of those Promise-level Tianjiao. Maybe, he will be taken care of by those Promise-level Tianjiao soon!"

"Hongmeng-level Tianjiao occupies the top ten, Wuji-level Tianjiao is in the top [-], and the remaining [-] are Hunyuan-level Tianjiao. Once Wuji-level Tianjiao becomes interested in him, his combat experience will be lost!"

These arrogances, while rejoicing, felt gloating for the 'Great Sage'.

Suddenly, dozens of betting letters appeared in the battle room where Sun Yu was.

Every letter of betting directly uses tens of millions of combat experience as the bet!

Huang Ling'er was even more angry than Sun Yu when he saw the betting letters sent by these top [-] Tianjiao.

"These Promise-level geniuses are clearly looking at the 'Great Sage' to show off, and they want to deliberately suppress you! Thousands of combat experience, if you don't accept it, you will have to pay [-] combat experience."

Huang Ling'er said angrily.

"The Promise-level Tianjiao, they think that they have the fortune-level primordial spirit and Taoism, and they will eat me. That's why they are so unscrupulous!"

In an instant, endless anger appeared in Sun Yu's eyes.

These Promise-level Tianjiao can be described as deceiving too much!

A raging rage surged from Sun Yuhong's body.

"Great Sage, don't be impulsive. The Taoist law of the good fortune level is far superior to the supreme level."

Huang Ling'er was afraid that Sun Wei would take these bets on impulse.

"So what about the good fortune-level Yuan Shen Dao method? Didn't you say that each of the nine forms of Dou Zhan is comparable to good fortune supernatural powers?"

Sun Yu was furious to the extreme, and in an instant, he communicated with the ancient battle battlefield in his heart!

In an instant, [-] million battle experience was directly deducted from the Huanggu Dou battlefield.

And at this moment, on the battlefield of Huanggu Dou, he directly used the supernatural power of good fortune to "enlighten the top", and passed on the nine fighting styles, which is one of the nine secrets of Taoism, the "Douzi Mantra" to Sun Yu.

In an instant, Sun Yu's true spirit space was filled with the mysteries of "Douzi Mantra".

And at this moment, Sun Wei had mastered one of the nine secrets of Taoism, the Douzi secret.

Douzimi is the holy art of good fortune, which can evolve all the holy art of good fortune in the heavens and the magical powers under the holy art of good fortune.

Mastering the Douzi secret means that Sun Huang can completely display all kinds of supernatural powers that he has learned in his own body!
Even 'Chaos Strike' can be cast through Dou Zi Mi!

Sun Yuhong will not retreat and fear war just because these Promise-level arrogances are equipped with good fortune-level primordial gods and Taoism.

Sun Yu's character is rather bent than bent, and he goes forward bravely.

This kind of character has penetrated deep into the bones.

It is absolutely impossible to make Sun Yu succumb.

At this moment, Huang Ling'er was deeply fascinated by the incomparable aura exuded by Sun Yu.

That kind of heroic momentum that is calm and unchanging in front of the enemy, that kind of majestic power that overwhelms the world and is invincible in the universe, is peerless!
Because he directly obtained the secrets of fighting characters from the wild ancient fighting battlefield with the good fortune-level supernatural power "Daigo Enlightenment", there is no need for Sun Yu to comprehend them at all.

In an instant, Sun Wei looked at the book of gambling that was suspended in the void.

"Since you want to give me combat experience, how can you refuse!"

In an instant, Sun Wei directly took over dozens of betting letters.

At this moment, when those Promise-level geniuses sensed that their betting battle had been taken over by Sun Yutong, every one of the Promise-level geniuses showed shock on their faces!

After being stunned and surprised, they felt endless shame!

When did a Tianjiao with a rank of only ten thousand and at most a Hunyuan Elementary qualification dare to challenge their Wuji-level Tianjiao!

Such a thing has never happened in the ancient battle field!
(End of this chapter)

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