Chapter 206
The Promise-level Tianjiao would not easily start a gambling war with the Hunyuan-level Tianjiao, because that would simply lose the face of the Promise-level Tianjiao.

It's just that Sun Yu's sharpness really showed off, which displeased these infinite-level arrogance, so they issued a betting letter to slightly suppress Sun Yu's limelight.

If Sun Yu was sensible, he would obediently hand over millions of battle experience, and in that case, it would be over.

It's just that these Wuji-level arrogances never imagined that Sun Wei's character is so strong that he would rather bend than bend.

Responding to their betting war, all the Promise-level Tianjiao who issued the betting war letter immediately felt that they were slapped in the face by Sun Wei.

A little Hunyuan-level genius dared to act wildly on them.

In an instant, all the Promise-level Tianjiao who sent out the betting letter wanted to teach Sun Yu a painful lesson in their hearts.

After Sun Yutong evolved all the supernatural powers he knew with Dou Zi Mi in the battle chamber, he adjusted his state to the peak.

With a thought in Sun Yu's mind, his figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

But at this moment, outside the battlefield, just like Huang Linger, the elf who chose the battle field of the Promise Level Tianjiao, a fairy with a beautiful face and an overwhelming beauty, looked at Huang Linger indifferently.

"Sister Ling'er has an arrogant temperament. I never thought that the chosen Tianjiao would follow your temperament like this. But in the deserted ancient battle field, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and sky beyond the sky. It's not because of arrogance that one can sweep everything away."

Not only was the Promise-level Tianjiao very angry when Sun Yu accepted the bet, but the elf fairy who also chose him had no good attitude towards Huang Ling'er.

"Arrogant, that's a great vision. And in the eyes of the 'Great Sage', a little Promise-level genius, can't be called the sky beyond the sky, the mountains beyond the mountains!"

Huang Ling'er is not a good stubble, everyone is fighting against the fairies at the same time, but the fate of the fairies is all decided in the hands of Tianjiao.

Huang Ling'er followed Sun Wei, and obtained so many benefits secretly, which made these elves and fairies who chose Wuji level Tianjiao extremely jealous.

Nowadays, Sun Yu is fighting against the Promise-level Tianjiao without knowing the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, which makes these elves and fairies even more jealous.

For a moment, they couldn't tell whether it was anger or jealousy in their hearts.

In the battlefield, the Promise-level Tianjiao, code-named 'Samsara', was furious when he saw that Sun Yu dared to fight.

"A small ant with Hunyuan-level qualifications dares to be so overconfident. If you don't obediently pay [-] combat experience, you insist on taking your life. If you are tired of living and looking for death, then you will be fulfilled!"

'Samsara' was furious, if he couldn't kill Sun Yu's Yuanshen in this battle, how would he continue to hang out in the ancient battlefield in the future!

He is very clear in his heart what other Promise-level Tianjiao will think of him.

"You think you have the aptitude of the Wuji level, and you are expected to prove the fruit of the Wuji Dao in the future, so you dare to stand in front of me. I also want to ask you, are you brave?"

Sun Yu's attitude was even more arrogant than his, and that kind of contempt from the bottom of his heart made this Promise-level Tianjiao known as "Reincarnation" extremely angry.

In an instant, the fury of thunder erupted!
"Damn it, it seems that we don't show our power. You Hunyuan-level ants will never know how powerful we are. How can the creation-level primordial spirit and Taoism be comparable to your supreme primordial spirit and Taoism!"

'Samsara' was furious to the extreme, with murderous intent everywhere.

"Any good fortune-level Yuanshen Taoism, just use it. I will continue, but today you are very sad, because you will be defeated by the supreme Yuanshen Taoism that you look down upon!"

Sun Yu's expression was cold. Now that he is in charge of the Douzi secret, he can evolve all the holy arts of good fortune in the Hongmeng universe. He really wants to experience the good fortune-level primordial divine Taoism!
Let's see if we can use the Douzi secret to evolve the supernatural powers.

Seeing that Sun Yu was not afraid of magical powers at all, at this moment, 'Samsara' was furious like never before.

Ever since he was born, no one has heard of the supernatural powers and his expression has not changed wildly, except for Sun Wei, who looks aloof.

If Sun Yu was 'Wu Tian', 'Samsara' would not be so rampant, let alone have the guts to wage a bet against 'Wu Tian'.

But in his eyes, Sun Wei is nothing more than a Hunyuan-level genius.

Although no matter whether it is at the Hunyuan level or the Wuji level, it is only hopeful to prove the Hunyuan sage or the Wuji sage in the future.

But these Wuji-level geniuses don't take the Hunyuan-level talent in their eyes at all!
They despise the Hunyuan class, that's because the primordial masters of the primordial class also despise them.

Therefore, how could they bear the kind of arrogance that came from the bottom of their bones when they were provoked by Sun Yuhong.

Just like an elephant, if it is provoked by an ants who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, it will naturally be trampled to death.

All of a sudden, Sun Yu was stunned by the good fortune-level Yuan Shendao decree cast by 'Samsara'.


Sun Quan never expected that it turned out to be the legendary Six Paths of Reincarnation!

In Sun Yu's memory, shouldn't the Six Paths of Reincarnation be the supreme supernatural power?

Seeing Sun Rong was stunned, the elves and fairies outside the battlefield were shocked to think that Sun Rong had never seen the good fortune-level primordial spirit and Taoism.

"I really don't know which primordial universe you, the 'Great Sage', came from. You probably haven't even seen the magical power of 'Six Paths of Reincarnation'!"

The elf fairy sneered at Sun Yu, for being overconfident, just a person who sits in a well and watches the sky.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation is more than just magical powers of good fortune. Among the 36 original universes in the Primordial Ocean, there is one called the Reincarnation Universe. The master of the universe who opened up the Reincarnation Universe is the ultimate extension of the Six Realms of Reincarnation to the ultimate divine power!"

Huang Ling'er counterattacked lightly, her words were like knives.

"Sister Linger is still so sharp. Don't tell me, sister, you don't know the reincarnation universe, one of the 36 original universes?"

And at this moment, on the battlefield, within Gao Tian, ​​the incomparably huge Six Paths of Reincarnation suddenly swept towards Sun Wei!

The power of the good fortune-level primordial spirit and Taoism is absolutely terrifying!
In Sun Yu's view, this good fortune-level primordial spirit and Taoism is also just the realm of the fourth heaven.

But the power that erupted at this moment is astonishingly equivalent to the sixth heaven.

That is to say, when a monk in the idle spirit realm meets this arrogant man who has cultivated in the primordial spirit realm and uses the supernatural powers of the six realms of reincarnation, he will also drink hatred under the supernatural powers of good fortune.

Sun Yu was immediately involved in the six circles of reincarnation, and at this very moment, the six reincarnations turned, trying to wipe out the power of Sun Yu's primordial spirit.

And at this moment, Sun Yuhong entered the six realms of reincarnation, his sanity was unprecedentedly clear, although the power of the primordial spirit was wiped out, but at this moment Sun Quan's true spirit was frantically absorbing the profound meaning of the six realms of reincarnation, a good fortune-level supernatural power .

In the primordial spirit of Sun Yu, he already understood the way of reincarnation.

In addition, he also practiced a supreme primordial spirit method, 'controlling reincarnation'.

Now, with the secret of Dou, Sun Wei started to evolve the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Sun Wei's figure is in the six circles of reincarnation, and with the rotation of the six reincarnations, Sun Wei is more and more in touch with the essence of this magical power of good fortune.

In the Hongmeng Sea, all the rules of the avenue are the same, and they all come from the Dao of Reincarnation in the Hongmeng Sea.

The Avenue of Reincarnation is in the Hongmeng Sea, and it is one of the Hongmeng Avenues, so it can run through the entire Hongmeng Sea and the 36 original universes.

In the Hongmeng Sea, the avenues are the same as supernatural powers and Taoism. There are superiors and inferiors. The avenue of reincarnation, the avenue of time and space, and the avenue of strength are all the top grand avenues!
Since ancient times, Hongmeng Avenue has only 36.

At this moment, Sun Yu was like a fierce beast from ancient times, devouring and absorbing the secrets of reincarnation crazily!
Sun Yu had already had the Supreme Primordial Spirit Taoism 'controlling reincarnation' as a reference, and at this moment, he personally understood the secret of reincarnation.

In addition, the true spirit of Sun Yu, who has gone through eternal reincarnation in the Pangu universe, and those reincarnation imprints are absorbing the profound meaning of reincarnation at this moment.

'Samsara' first displayed the supernatural power 'Six Paths of Samsara', which involved Sun Yu.

In his mind, within six breaths at the latest, Sun Yu's power of primordial spirit would be completely wiped out by the magic power of 'six paths of reincarnation'.

In this case, when the Yuanshen dies, he will naturally leave the Yuanshen battlefield forever.

But now, one hundred six breaths have passed, and although Sun Yurong's figure is still rising and falling in the six reincarnations, there is no sign of Yuanshen dying.

On the contrary, 'Samsara' felt that the power of the magical power 'Six Paths of Samsara' was getting weaker and weaker.

Just before 'Samsara' was about to explore his mind into the supernatural power 'Six Paths of Samsara', suddenly, Six Paths of Samsara was imprisoned in the void!
Immediately afterwards, Sun Wei suddenly performed a supreme primordial spirit Taoism!

Control reincarnation!

It made 'Samsara' unbelievable that his supernatural powers were broken by a supreme primordial spirit method!
The six realms of reincarnation are not there, only in the void, Sun Yu is holding the supreme primordial spirit Taoism 'controlling reincarnation'.

This scene shocked the mind of 'Reincarnation'!

And at this moment, Sun Yan looked at 'Reincarnation' with sharp eyes.

"Don't you look down on the Supreme Primordial Spirit Taoism? Let the Supreme Primordial Spirit Taoism knock you out of the ancient battlefield today!"

The implication is that Sun Wei will use the Supreme Primordial Spirit Dao decree 'Reincarnation' to perish the primordial spirit!
In an instant, Sun Wei used the secret of Dou Zi to evolve dozens of supernatural powers!
"Meteor falls to the moon!"

"Control the cycle!"

"Heaven-Slashing Absolute Sword!"

"Five-color divine light!"

"Clutch element magnetism!"

"The universe in the sleeve!"

"Buddha in the palm of your hand!"

"Buddha's Palm!"

"Treasure Body of Myriad Tribulations!"

Dozens of supreme supernatural powers are all bombarding towards the 'samsara' overwhelmingly!

One supreme supernatural power may make 'Samsara' feel dismissive, but now, dozens of supreme supernatural powers are all bombarding him, and in an instant, a huge wave of destruction swept the sky!
'Samsara' is nothing but the Promise of the Promise, and not the Promise of the Promise of the Promise of the Promise of the Promise, facing dozens of supreme magical powers all bombarded at the same time!
There is only one end!
The Promise-level Tianjiao 'Reincarnation' is under the supreme supernatural power!
Sun Yu blasted out dozens of supernatural powers, and directly bombarded 'Samsara' to death!

A generation of Promise-level Tianjiao 'Reincarnation' died tragically and unjustly under dozens of supreme supernatural powers!
Yuanshen perishes!

'Samsara' is permanently kicked out, desolate battlefield!

(End of this chapter)

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