Chapter 213
Seeing that Sun Quan's mind had been made up, Zhuo Bufan knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, once Sun Quan's mind had been made up, it would be impossible to pull back nine primal savage bulls.

Zhuo Bufan sighed slightly: "Responsiveness, once you find that things have changed, give up this opportunity, and save your life."

Sun Wei smiled slightly, "Is my grandson the kind of person who 'man dies for money, and birds die for food'?"

Even if the chance is lost, it can be found again in the future!

But there is only one life, and Sun Wei's heart is like a mirror.

Zhuo Bufan and Mo Yuzhu could only watch Sun Yuxi leave the cave, and there was nothing they could do.

"Cultivate well, and hope that this situation will never happen again in the future. There is nothing you can do, enough is enough!"

Zhuo Bufan not only comforted Mo Yuzhu, but also encouraged himself.

Sun Wei left and went directly to the secret teleportation array of Jixia Academy, and came to the beautiful small valley again.

In the Valley of the Burying God, Sun Bubai, Sun Wushuang and Mo Kong didn't know what happened, they all came to this unknown place.


Sun Bubai opened his eyes, and immediately saw his son Sun Wushuang.

"Father, aren't you in the ancestral temple in Le'an County?" Sun Wushuang was extremely astonished. If Sun Bubai came to Zicheng, he would definitely come to the mansion.

"I was taken captive all of a sudden!" Sun Bubai said in a deep voice.

"Uncle Bubai!" At this moment, Mo Kong shouted.

Sun Bubai thought about it carefully, and in the end it was Sun Wushuang who recognized first: "You are Mo Kong, the son of the Mo family!"

Hearing this, Mo Kong looked at the Sun father and son with complicated eyes.

"The Mo family no longer exists, and I am not the son of an emperor. And all of this is not thanks to Sun Yu!" Mo Kong was in a complicated mood. No matter how wrong the Mo family was, he was once a member of the Mo family after all.

"Mo Kong, I have heard some rumors about your Mo family in Le'an County. I can only blame Mo Taixu for being too sinister and vicious. Who would have thought that he would treat the entire Mo family as a puppet."

Although Sun Bubai has been in the ancestral land of the Sun family in Le'an County, he has always been concerned about the movement in Linzi City.

"Even though Mo Taixu has all kinds of faults, he once made the Mo family brilliant. It's just that the Mo family was successful, and the Mo family was defeated. Could it be the reincarnation of heaven, and the retribution is not good!"

Mo Kong's mood gradually returned to calm. In his heart, Mo Kong was very confused.

"What is this place?" Sun Wushuang glanced around, he was sure that he had never been to this place.

"Jie Jie, this is your burial place! The scenery is beautiful, as your cemetery, it will not humiliate your identities!"

Suddenly, a cold voice resounded in the void.

After the words fell, a crowd of demons appeared in front of them!

The demonic energy is overwhelming, and the demonic power is tyrannical.


Sun Bubai got up in an instant, but suddenly found sadly that all the mana in his body had been sealed.

Then, a thought that made Sun Bubai extremely horrified jumped into his mind.

"You goddamn demons, you kidnapped us and wanted to lure us?" After all, Sun Bubai was once the young master of the Sun family, and he had an insight into the demons' conspiracy in an instant.

"Jie Jie, he's not stupid at all. Sun Huang is extremely talented, but unfortunately he has always had a fatal flaw. That is too much affection. Although you don't help him at all now, once he hears that you are in a death situation, he I will overcome all difficulties to save you!"

The cold voice carried a bone-chilling chill.

Hearing this, Sun Bubai fell into an ice cave.

A heart kept sinking, and I prayed extremely in my heart that Sun Wei would not come.

"You arrested their father and son to lure Sun Yu into the bait, but you demons still want to take me with you, so why?" Mo Kong asked coldly.

"Jie Jie, there is another meaning behind taking you here captive. I can only blame you for taking good care of Mo Yuzhu. When Mo Yuzhu heard that you were taken captive, he would definitely beg Sun Yu to save you!"

Jie Jie's cold voice resounded through the Valley of Burial Gods.

"Because you are about to die, let me tell you the truth. It was here before that Mo Taixu was tricked by Sun Yu, and fell into a sea of ​​misery, eternal sinking, forever." The words of the powerful demon clan were extremely cold.

"Hey, say Sun Rong, and Sun Xuan will be here!" Suddenly, a strong demon sensed the breath of the grandson of Burial God Valley!

In an instant, Sun Yu's figure reappeared in the Valley of the Burying God.

Seeing that Sun Bubai and Sun Wushuang were safe and sound, Sun Wei immediately felt relieved.

"Jie Jie, Sun Yuhong, I didn't think of a small trick to trick you into the Valley of the Burial God. Are you satisfied with this place as your burial place?"

The powerful demons looked at Sun Yuhong coldly, and a trace of fear rose involuntarily in the eyes of these demons!
It's really that Sun Yu's performance is too against the sky, otherwise, the demons would not be forced to spend such a price to set up a game against Sun Yu.

"The scenery here is beautiful and uninhabited. It is indeed a good place to be buried. It's just that I don't know if it's my grandson or you despicable and shameless demons!"

Sun Yuhong was calm, even though there were some powerful men with unfathomable cultivation among these demons, Sun Yu was never afraid of the demons.

This is a kind of belief, no matter what kind of difficulties and dangers he is in, Sun Yu is not afraid.

"When you are about to die, you are still so stubborn. The three of you, father and son, can be buried together, and it will be a good story if it gets out." Demon Race said coldly.

"Now that my grandson is here, your goal will be achieved. As for them, they will lose their use value to you."

Sun Yu wanted to fight without any scruples.

"Do you think we are as stupid as you? Knowing that you value love and righteousness, you let them go? I really don't know how stupid you are to say such absurd things!"

Demons are all those who use whatever means to achieve their goals!
In their eyes, there is no conscience.

The demons kidnapped Sun Bubai and the other three, just to make Sun Yuying fall into the trap of rats.

"Wu Hong, don't worry about me. At worst, I will die. After 18 years, I will be a good man again!"

Suddenly, a look of determination appeared on Sun Bubai's face.

"If you want to kill yourself, how could you succeed without our permission!" the demon strongman sneered.

At this moment, Sun Bubai's face was full of gloom.

The demons are not even allowed to commit suicide, they clearly made up their mind to use them to blackmail Sun Yu.

Sun Yuhong looked at Sun Bubai and the other three, feeling this difficult for the first time.

It has to be said that the demons controlled Sun Bubai and the three of them, which made Sun Yu feel that they were being overwhelmed.

Without them, Sun Yu would dare to let go and fight these demons!
"Let you lead it out, you little fellows, you are not worthy to talk to my grandson!"

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, all the strong demons felt furious.

"Sun Yuhong is Sun Yuhong, so it's not in vain for me to spend such a high price to deal with you."

All of a sudden, a powerful Demon Race suddenly spoke from behind.

Immediately, all the demons stepped aside.

"You are the leader of these demons?"

Sun Yuhong looked at this leader of the demon clan, his cultivation was not too high, only the spiritual realm.

"Could it be that in your Sun Yu's eyes, I am not worthy to be the leader of the demon clan?" The leader of the demon clan smiled lightly.

"My grandson never kills the unknown, if you have the guts, tell me your name!" Sun Yu said coldly.

"Although I know that you are the one who provoked the general, I still can't help but take the bait. I feel very honored to be able to set up a plan to kill such an amazing genius like you. Seeing that you are about to die, let me tell you So what? My name is Fang!"

Fang, the leader of the Demon Race, took an alias at will.

"My old grandson knows that fangs must not be your real name. But for my old grandson, it is enough. Tell me your conditions, if you want my old grandson to kill you, that is absolutely impossible!"

Sun Yu was decisive in killing and attacking. If Sun Bubai and the others really couldn't escape today, Sun Yu would do his best to take revenge.

Although he is afraid of throwing rats, Sun Wei is by no means a person who binds his hands and feet.

"This seat, of course I admit it. You, Sun Wei, are not that kind of pedantic person, but if you can give this seat a satisfactory condition, this seat can agree to you and let the three of them go!"

The most important purpose of the leader of the demon clan abducting Sun Bubai is to allow Sun Yu to bury him in the Valley of Gods!
In fact, when Sun Yuhong came to bury the Valley of the Gods, just as Sun Yuhong said before, they lost their maximum use value!
It's just that the leader of the demon clan was unwilling to let Sun Bubai and the others go for nothing like this, and wanted to blackmail some more things from Sun Wei, so he was willing to let Sun Bubai and the others go!
Moreover, the leader of the demon clan will not worry at all, Sun Bubai and the others have the ability to take revenge on the demon clan.

The leader of the demon clan can see through at a glance that Sun Bubai, Sun Wushuang, or Mo Kong are not as affectionate and righteous as Sun Wei.

"What do you want?" Sun Yu asked coldly.

"I don't want anything. You Honghuang have no secrets at all to our demons. I have no intention of inquiring about the secrets of the Daqi Dynasty and Jixia Academy. In the face of the absolute strength of the demons, these are just floating clouds! "

The leader of the demon clan is extremely cunning, and he will never let Sun Yuyan see through his cards first!

"It's really different from other stupid demons, no wonder you can command these stupid demons with a spiritual cultivation base!"

Sun Yuhong sighed with emotion. In Sun Yuhong's eyes, although the leader of the demon clan was not as good as Zhuo Bufan, he was not far behind.

He must belong to the wise men of the Demon Race, with wisdom reaching the sky, and wily calculations!

"My patience is not as good as you imagined. If you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, you can only wait for their bodies to be collected!"

Fang Fang, the leader of the demon clan, threatened Sun Yuyu lightly!

Sun Quan thought for a moment, and suddenly, he had an idea.

"My old grandson can give you a satisfactory answer, but you have to swear by your true spirit." Sun Wei said in a deep voice.

"That depends on what answer you can give? If you satisfy me, you can swear to the true spirit!"

Suddenly, the leader of the Demon Race became interested!
If Sun Yu wanted to let the three of Sun Bubai escape safely, he would definitely give the Demon Race a 'surprise'.

For a while, Fang Fang, the leader of the demon clan, was looking forward to what kind of answer Sun Yu would give!
(End of this chapter)

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