The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 214 Immortal Talisman Extinguishing Demons

Chapter 214 Immortal Talisman Extinguishing Demons
Sun Yu suddenly turned around to look at Sun Bubai and the others, and said lightly, "I, Old Sun, don't want them and your stupid demons to know this answer!"

Sun Wei did this to prevent the leakage of the secret!
It's just that in the eyes of Sun Bubai and the other three at this moment, Sun Huang's behavior made them very disappointed.

It's just that, when they thought about it, they couldn't afford to blame Sun Yu at all.

"this is very simple!"

Fang, the leader of the demon clan, waved his hand, and suddenly, a magic formation appeared on the ground!

Forbidden sound magic array!

And it can also isolate the secrets!
In an instant, Fang Fang, the leader of the demon clan, and Sun Yuyan almost stepped into the sound-suppressing magic circle together.

"My grandson was on the ancient battlefield before, and was fortunate to meet a hero of the human race."

As soon as Sun Yuhong said this, the face of the leader of the demon clan, Fang Fang, suddenly became extremely excited.

"Do you have to say that you know Yun Feiyang's true identity?"

Fang Fang, the leader of the demon clan, was in a turbulent mood. He never expected that there would be such an unexpected surprise.

"My old grandson can tell you, but you have to swear by the true spirit, let them go first. My old grandson will tell you, my old grandson knows that you are worried, and my old grandson can swear the true spirit with you!"

Sun Wei was full of sincerity, at this moment, the leader of the demon clan, Fang Ya, didn't think there was any fraud in it!
"I can promise you, you and I swear to the true spirit!"

In the depths of the demon leader's eyes, there was a cold light.

As long as he knew Yun Feiyang's true identity from Sun Yutong's mouth, he would immediately order a group of demons to kill Sun Yurong directly.

"Well, let's swear to the true spirit!"

Sun Quan's expression was calm, but the shame in the depths of his eyes was suddenly caught by the fangs of the demon leader.

Immediately, Sun Yu and the demon leader Fang Fang swore an oath with the true spirit.

After the oath, the leader of the demon clan, Fang Fang, asked with great interest: "Now we can say, Yun Feiyang's true identity?"

"Let them go first!"

Sun Yuhong said decisively.

Fang Fang waved his hand, and the strong demons did not dare to disobey his orders. In an instant, the strong demons sent Sun Bubai, Sun Wushuang, and Mo Kong back to their original places at the same time!

Seeing this scene, Sun Yuhong couldn't help being jealous of the demons in his eyes!
The level of space transmission is obviously higher than Honghuang.

"My patience is limited, who is he?"

Fang, the leader of the demon clan, asked coldly.

"Listen carefully, Yun Feiyang's true identity!"

Sun Yu's every word is heavy and powerful.

"That's my old grandson!" Suddenly, the sound of Sun Yuyu shouting violently shook the sound-forbidden magic formation!

Hearing this, the demon leader Fang Fang felt as if struck by lightning!

In an instant, his mind stopped!

He couldn't believe the words he heard!

And taking advantage of Fang Fang's stunned moment, in an instant, Sun Yu suddenly made a move!
At the same time, Fangya subconsciously took out a protective treasure!
Xuanwu tortoise shell!

But at this moment, Sun Wei didn't use the five-color divine light!
Hold up the Ruyi golden cudgel, and suddenly drop it down!

"Chaos Strike!"

In an instant, a chaotic divine light accompanied Ruyi's golden cudgel, directly annihilating the fangs of the leader of the demon clan!
Under the attack of chaos, the fangs soul, true spirit, and flesh all returned to chaos!
All traces of the fangs in this world have been completely wiped away by Sun Yu's supreme supernatural power 'Chaos Strike'!
The extremely domineering Chaos Strike wiped out the shape and spirit of the fangs!

"You are really smart, and you still use the basalt tortoise shell to guard against my old grandson's five-color divine light!"

The moment Sun Quan put away the basalt tortoise shell, the sound-suppressing magic formation was completely shattered.

And at this moment, all the demon powerhouses were furious!
Their leader, right in front of their eyes, was hit by a stick by Sun Wei, and his soul was scattered, and his body and spirit were destroyed!
These strong demons didn't know what amazing words Sun Yu said, and they stunned their leader for a moment when he appeared.

Then, Sun Huang made a move, and he succeeded impressively.

At this moment, these strong demons were extremely angry!

The leader was killed. If they didn't kill Sun Huang and make atonement, they couldn't imagine how severe their family would be punished!

The identity of commanding the fangs has a long history and is extremely noble!
At this moment, Sun Wei had just cast Chaos Strike, and his mana was exhausted!

But at this moment, Sun Wei's figure disappeared into the void!
The power of the Kunlun mirror directly caused all the strong demons to fall into the illusion.

At the same time, Sun Wei's spiritual consciousness looked inside, opening the inner world of the Annihilation Sword Master that had not been opened for a long time!
In an instant, those talismans in the Annihilation Sword Sect were all thrown at the demon clan by Sun Yuyu regardless of everything.

These talismans are extremely powerful, and there are even some immortal talismans.

The fairy talisman exploded, and all the strong demons were directly blown to pieces by the fairy talisman, destroying both body and spirit.

In the end, the talisman storm stopped, and none of the strong demons survived.

All of them were dead and completely buried in this God Burying Valley.

At this moment, Sun Yu's breath was extremely weak.

In an instant, a terrifying idea suddenly enveloped the void and appeared in the sky.

Chaos Demon God Remnant Appears!
"Such a perfect body is worthy of this Demon God!"

The remnants of the Chaos Demon God uttered a majestic and vast sound in the void.

"Wishful thinking!" Sun Wei's attitude was tough, even though the opponent was the Chaos Demon God, but now he was just dying.

The Chaos Demon God was not angry at all when he heard Sun Wei's words, "This is more suitable for this Demon God, and his tough personality is very similar to this Demon God."

Sun Yu sneered, "It seems that you have been suppressed for so many years, and your mind is not very bright. Originally, my old grandson had no cause and effect with you, but you colluded with the demons to deal with my old grandson, then you will have cause and effect."

The Chaos Demon God disdains, "You have a sharp mouth, if you are taken away by this Demon God obediently. You still have unfulfilled wishes, and this Demon God can help you finish your wish. It's just that you are too ignorant. If this is the case, don't blame Ben The demon god is welcome."

When Sun Yu heard this, he couldn't help laughing. "My old grandson is very curious about what kind of cultivation you were during your lifetime, and who suppressed and sealed you and buried you in this God Burial Valley."

The scar of the Chaos Demon God was uncovered by Sun Huang, and he became angry from embarrassment.

"Damn it, your perfect body is going to be determined by this Demon God."

In an instant, the Chaos Demon God Cannian covering the void rushed straight down in an instant.

The void oscillated, the chaos demon god moved, the situation changed, and the power of the vast demon god filled the Valley of Burial Gods.

Chaos Demon God Cannian descended from the sky with the power of a broken bamboo.

In an instant, it turned into a chaotic aurora, sinking into the center of Sun Yu's eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, when the Chaos Demon God Cannian entered the Zifu, he was thrown directly into the Qiankun Cauldron, the lid of the cauldron was closed, and he became a turtle in an urn.

The Qiankun tripod showed its power, and the Chaos Demon God Cannian was directly refined.

Qiankun Ding had obtained a lot of innate vitality because of Sun Yuhong before.

Today, the power of Qiankunding has greatly increased.

It can only be blamed on Chaos Demon God Cannian, who made the wrong choice at the beginning.

Immediately, the remnants of the Chaos Demon God were refined by the Qiankun Cauldron, and some memory fragments appeared in Sun Yu's mind.

Sun Quan's spiritual consciousness sank into the memory fragments, and quickly read all the memories.

Suddenly, Sun Quan's face changed slightly.

"What a great handwriting. Who on earth is able to bury two Chaos Demon Gods with infinite cultivation base and three Chaos Demon Gods with Primordial Realm here."

Only now did Sun Yu know that the so-called residual thoughts of the Chaos Demon God were not the consciousness of the Chaos Demon God at all.

It is the resentment of many Chaos Demon Gods who are unwilling to completely fall, gathered together.

The memories in these memory fragments are very fragmented and messy.

If it is really the remnants of the Chaos Demon God, it will be hard to bury the sky and hard to destroy the earth.

It is by no means that the Qiankun Ding can be refined so easily, and from these memory fragments, Sun Yu concluded that the Chaos Demon God had died hundreds of billions of years ago.

The essence of the Chaos Demon God is naturally the body of the Demon God
The Chaos Demon God was conceived by Hong Menghai, and those top Chaos Demon Gods are the incarnations of the Dao.

Only now did Sun Yu know that the Great God Pangu who pioneered the Great Desolation was also the Demon God of Chaos.

The great god Pangu belongs to the top demon god, and is the incarnation of the Dao of Power.

Moreover, the universes that opened up other original universes are all top-level Chaos Demon Gods, and they are also the first generation Demon Gods.

At the first opening of Hongmeng, three thousand Chaos Demon Gods were born in Hongmeng, corresponding to the three thousand great ways.

It's just that in the final battle, only the strongest 36 top-level first-generation Chaos Demon Gods survived.

And these 36 top-level first-generation Chaos Demon Gods opened up the 36 original universes in Hongmenghai today.

For a moment, Sun Yu was in hesitation.

The body of the Chaos Demon God is the best and incomparable essence for incubating the innate embryo.

What's more, it was the five chaotic demon gods in the Valley of the Burying God that made Sun Wei's heart flutter, and they were all five-element attributes.

This kind of great fortune, if Sun Yurong was to let him give up, how could Sun Yurong be reconciled.

Suddenly, Sun Yan thought of Luo Wutian's strength, gritted his teeth, a golden light pierced the sky, and went straight to the depths of the Burying God Valley.

Tiangang 36 supernatural powers - the golden light of the earth!
Sun Yuhong came to the very depths of the Burial God Valley without encountering any obstacles.

In an instant, the scene that came into view shocked Sun Yuyan extremely!

Five huge and incomparably chaotic demon god bodies were suspended in the sky.

Moreover, the bodies of the five Chaos Demon Gods impressively laid out the five-element formation.

And at this moment, Sun Yuxi displayed his supernatural powers!
Fiery eyes!

In an instant, Sun Wei's eyes turned into golden eyes, and immediately saw that in the five-element formation, there was a unicorn guarding it.

At this moment, Sun Yan could hear several strong heartbeats coming from the five elements formation.

Sun Wei flew to the top of the five-element formation, condescending.

Immediately, he saw two little unicorns sleeping soundly.

The white unicorn baby, the cyan unicorn baby, and the two little unicorn babies are sleeping peacefully.

All the chaotic vitality in the bodies of the five Chaos Demon Gods was absorbed by the two little unicorn babies.

Suddenly, the unicorn guarding the two baby unicorns opened its eyes.

An incomparably sharp light burst out from Qilin's eyes!

Sun Yu quickly drew afterimages in the void, and finally managed to avoid this fierce and incomparable light.

Looking at this unicorn, Sun Yu felt extremely strange!
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(End of this chapter)

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