The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 215 Innate Primordial Embryo

Chapter 215 Innate Primordial Embryo
Out of breath!

This is the first feeling of Sun Yuhong!

This unicorn has three elements of water, fire, and earth surging out of its body.

In addition, Sun Yu also sensed a kind of elemental force that was similar to the earth element force from the three elemental forces released by this unicorn, but it was not the earth element force.

Moreover, this unicorn has the weakest earth element force, barely maintaining the balance of the five elements.

Looking at the cyan baby unicorn and the white unicorn baby again, Sun Yu seemed to have realized something.

"Inner five elements!"

Within the formation of the outer five elements formed by the bodies of five chaotic demon gods, there are the inner five elements.

The inner five-element array absorbs the chaotic energy of the bodies of the five chaotic demon gods.

And at this moment, this unicorn suddenly sent a very kind thought to Sun Yu.

"The Demon God Cannian has gone crazy, let's go!"

This unicorn didn't want Sun Yu to get involved.

But at this moment, the void changed!

"It's too late!"

This sentence echoed five times in the void.

In an instant, Qilin made a move, snatched Sun Yu from Cannian, the five great chaotic demon gods, and pulled Sun Yu into his side.

And at this moment, above the sky, the true remnants of the five great chaos demon gods gathered together.

"When death is imminent, you still have to use your energy to save a human ant."

The five great Chaos Demon Gods Cannian are divided into five colors, and the black Cannian is the Water Elemental Chaos Demon God.

When Sun Yu came to this unicorn, he realized that over the years, the unicorn had plundered the chaotic energy of the five chaotic demon gods, and injected the green wood element and white gold element into the two unicorn babies!
The other three elemental forces will be absorbed by himself!

Now, the absorbed three-element energy conflicts with the original spiritual energy in their bodies.

"What a strange unicorn, you don't have earth element force in your body, but you forcibly absorb it. As a result, your breath is disordered!"

Sun Wei came up to him, carefully inspecting it with his spiritual sense.

Only then did I know that the reason why this unicorn caused the current dilemma is that it forcibly absorbed the power of the earth element.

"You are involved, I can't protect you!"

Qilin can't speak, but only conveys the words with the mind of the primordial spirit.

"What a great handwriting, to use the bodies of five Chaos Demon Gods to grow two unicorn babies."

Seeing this scene now, Sun Yutong still sighs.

And at this moment, above the sky, Cannian, the five great chaotic demon gods, suddenly aroused the five elements of Yuanli, turning them into Yuanli tides, overwhelming the sky and sweeping towards them!

The void oscillates, and at this moment, it is terrifying and divine, even if Da Luo Jinxian and Chaos Quasi-Sage come in person, they have to stay away.

The vast and incomparable Yuanli tide is like the sky falling down at this moment, and its terrifying power can destroy the sky and the earth.

"Take care of these two baby unicorns for me!"

At this moment, suddenly, Qilin abandoned his original position, and in an instant, took the initiative to resist the tide of Yuanli!

Seeing this scene, Sun Yu was stunned!
And at this moment, even though most of the Yuanli tides were blocked by the unicorns, there were still huge waves in the Yuanli tides, slapping at Sun Yuhong!

This giant wave is completely stormy, beating the sky!
None of the idle immortals could withstand this huge wave of destruction.

At this moment, an incomparably intense life-and-death crisis suddenly enveloped Sun Yuhong!
Seeing the huge wave of Yuanli attacking, Sun Wei's heart skipped a beat.

In an instant, Sun Wei summoned out the mouth of the cave!

Sun Yu was standing in the mouth of the cave, and in an instant, the huge wave of Yuanli was directly swallowed by the cave!

The huge wave of Yuanli wanted to shatter the cave, but at this moment, the remaining innate vitality in the barrier of the cave finally showed its power!
Under the pressure of the huge wave of Yuanli, these innate vitality melted into the barrier of the cave one after another!

At this moment, the cave barrier became indestructible!
Having escaped the beating of the huge wave of Yuanli, at this moment, Dongtian crazily devoured the Yuanli of the five elements!

Sun Yu's cave is like the Taotie, a fierce beast in ancient times.

Seeing this scene, Cannian and Qilin, the five great chaos demon gods, were a little dumbfounded!
The cave sky devours the energy, and at this moment, the space in the cave sky expands rapidly.

Sun Yurong took the initiative to use the cave to absorb the remaining vitality in the void, and at this moment, Qilin returned to Sun Yuhong's side!

Qilin pumped most of the Yuanli into Sun Quanzhen's body, not only that, but the Yuanli that Qilin had absorbed in his body all made up Sun Quan's cave!
The cave sky expanded rapidly, and the cave sky barrier became thicker and indestructible.

"Damn it, it turned out to be a human ant with all five elements!"

Chaos Demon God Cannian roared deafeningly in the void!

Qilin was extremely happy, with a look of joy on his face, he punched Yuanli into Sun Yutong's body, and in an instant, in the cave, the Yuanqi was abundant to the extreme.

The five extremely rare treasures have skyrocketed crazily.

And at this moment, Jianmu, Bodhi tree, and sycamore tree directly grew to ten thousand feet!
The three giant trees are like towering trees.

At this moment, the cyan baby unicorn and the white unicorn baby opened their eyes for the first time.

"It smells so good!"

"Baby is so hungry!"

The cyan baby unicorn and the white unicorn baby stared at the stranger Sun Wei with big black and bright eyes, like curious babies.

Then, the cyan baby unicorn and the white unicorn flew directly to Sun Yu's shoulders!

Each unicorn baby stands on its shoulders.

"With you guarding them, I'm relieved!"

All of a sudden, this unicorn was no longer out of breath!
"Brother, do you want to go? The baby can't bear you!" The cyan unicorn baby was not like a newborn unicorn at all.

"Brother, don't you want a baby?" The white unicorn baby also looked pitiful.

"It's much better for you two little ones to be with this big brother than to be with me."

After Qilin finished speaking, he left!

just go! ! !
Seeing this scene, Sun Yuhong had no idea what was going on!
But at this moment, although the unicorn is gone, the inner five elements formation is still in operation!
Without the restraint of the unicorn, the five chaotic demon gods, Cannian, all poured their anger on Sun Wei.

"He escaped, leaving you behind to prevent disaster!" Scarlet Cannian said extremely coldly.

"He saved my old grandson's life before, at worst, I would give it back to him. But my old grandson is here, and I will never allow you to hurt these two cute unicorn babies!"

Sun Quan fell in love with these two innocent and cute unicorn babies at first sight!
"Big brother is the best!" The cyan unicorn baby gently rubbed its soft body on its neck.

"They are so pitiful. The eldest brother left, but I met you again!" The white unicorn baby jumped up and down on Sun Yu's shoulder.

At this moment, Cannian, the five great chaos demon gods, suddenly returned to the body of the demon gods!
"Although you are now a disabled body, it is enough to refine you!"

Even if the five chaotic demon gods returned, they still couldn't break through the outer five elements formation!
They want to break out of the formation, there is only one way, and that is to completely refine the inner five elements formation.

Only in this way can the outer five elements formation be broken.

And at this moment, Sun Yu was alone, supporting the inner five elements formation!
Because at this moment, the cyan unicorn baby and the white unicorn baby jumped into his cave!

Sun Wei closed the cave, and in the cave, Chaos Heavenly Pill suddenly saw two unicorn babies with Chaos Spirit Grass on their heads, and came over to say hello to the two unicorn babies.

The two baby unicorns, led by Chaos Heavenly Pill, had a great time playing in the cave.

And at this moment, Sun Yu became the five-element formation inside, and the chaotic vitality of the body of the Chaos Demon God entered his body!
As soon as these chaotic vitality entered the body, they were sucked into the twelve-foot-long Nascent Soul in an instant!

"What about the Chaos Demon God, today you will all become my grandsons!"

Sun Yu's Yuanying absorbed the innate vitality and grew to twelve feet. Sun Yu's cultivation in the Yuanying realm had reached the extreme, and he could no longer improve.

And at this moment, when absorbing the chaotic vitality of the five elements, suddenly, in the Yuanying, Sun Yu felt a little Yuanembryo appearing!
The embryo of the primordial fetus!

Because Sun Quan's Nascent Soul has become a congenital Nascent Soul!
Then the primordial womb, naturally, must be the congenital primordial womb!
But if one absorbs primordial vitality, it is impossible to achieve a congenital birth!
But at this moment, absorbing the chaotic vitality of the five elements can make the primordial fetus born.

This is an opportunity!

In an instant, Sun Wei went all out to activate the inner five elements formation.

"Great Sage, you can temporarily fuse the rare treasures of the five elements with the five internal organs. In this way, you will be able to completely absorb the chaotic vitality of the body of the Chaos Demon God!" Suddenly, Kunlun Mirror gave Sun Yu a good suggestion!
Sun Huang didn't even think about it, in an instant, Ruyi Golden Cudgel, Jianmu, Taiyang Real Fire, Sanguang Shenshui, and Nine Heavens Xiyang, the five extremely rare treasures of the prehistoric and five elements, suddenly left the cave, and were closely related to Sun Rong's five internal organs. mix together.

The inner five-element array is extremely powerful, at least a hundred times stronger!
A steady stream of chaotic vitality of the five elements was sucked into the Nascent Soul. At this moment, the innate embryo was born!

When the Xiantian Yuanying is completely transformed into the Xiantian Yuanwo, the Xiantian Yuanwort just born will be twelve feet long.

Suddenly, Sun Yu got a glimpse of the great opportunity in his heart. The congenital baby was twelve feet long, so the congenital baby's growth limit was 140 forty feet.

At this moment, the chaotic vitality of the five elements in the body of the Chaos Demon God is even higher than the innate vitality.

After all, the Chaos Demon God was born from the Yunmeng Ocean.

All of a sudden, Sun Yuyan frantically activated the inner five elements formation.

The five chaotic demon gods regretted it very much. They never thought that Sun Yu was even more troublesome than that unicorn!

In their eyes, Sun Wei is just a human ant in the Yuan Realm, and they have never seen it with their own eyes!

But now, Sun Wei taught them a very painful lesson.

But at this moment, the Chaos Demon God Cannian in the outer Five Elements Formation could not prevent Sun Yu from absorbing the five elements' chaotic energy.

They could only watch the Yuan Qi pass away, and at this moment, Sun Yu's innate Yuan fetus was heading towards 140 forty feet!

Time passed, I don't know how long it took, the congenital embryo completely grew to 140 feet.

And at this moment, all the essence of the bodies of the five Chaos Demon Gods was sucked dry.

Only the empty shell of the Demon God's body remained, and the five Chaos Demon Gods were missing!
(End of this chapter)

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