The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 218 Destroying the Kingdom

Chapter 218 Destroying the Kingdom
In the heavenly demon kingdom connected to the town demon cave on the fourth floor, the sleeping royal heavenly demon was awakened by the excited foreign heavenly demon.

Many celestial demons from outside the territory knelt in front of her bedroom, begging her to take revenge for those celestial demons who died.

This celestial demon has just stepped into the royal family not long ago, and she can be said to be the most talented celestial demon girl among the celestial demon clan outside the territory.

If it was other royal heavenly demons, they would definitely not agree to the requests of these ordinary heavenly demons.

Of course, if it were other royal heavenly demons, these ordinary heavenly demons would not dare to disturb the bedroom.

This royal celestial demon can be called the master of the fourth tier of celestial demon kingdom.

In this level of heavenly demon kingdom, she is the only one who has advanced to the royal family.

Moreover, she directly crosses the royal family and the imperial family, so she can be said to be the well-deserved proud daughter of heaven among the heavenly demon clan outside the territory.

"I also know why you came here. If that's the case, then I will take action and avenge those dead fellows!"

The Heavenly Demon Queen made a move, and in an instant, the void passage was filled with a wave of magic power!
Sun Yuhong's pupils shrank, and Sun Yuhong immediately understood the vast magic power.

"The Heavenly Demon Royal Family!"

Sun Yu yelled loudly, echoing in the void passage.

"You have the grievances of my clan all over you. If so, you will be suppressed in the Heavenly Demon Kingdom forever!"

All of a sudden, the Heavenly Demon royal family made a move!
All of a sudden, Sun Huang felt that the world was turned upside down, and when Sun Huang opened his eyes, he suddenly found that he had come to the kingdom of demons!

It's just that the congenital embryo came to the kingdom of heavenly demons.

The physical body is still at the end of the void passage!
"Although it's just to detain your innate embryo, it's enough!"

The Queen of Heavenly Demon was a little surprised, she originally wanted to detain Sun Yuyu together with her body and bring her to the Kingdom of Heavenly Demon to suppress it!

It's just that she didn't expect that Sun Yu's physical body was like a rock, and with her magic power, she couldn't move to the kingdom of heavenly demons!
In the end, the Queen of Heavenly Demon could only bring Sun Wei's congenital fetus into the kingdom of Heavenly Demon!

And at this moment, in the Kingdom of Heavenly Demons, almost all the Heavenly Demons in the Yuan Realm sensed the breath of outsiders!
The endless primordial demons are overwhelming.

Looking around, there are at least a billion yuan Jingtian Demon!
"Abduct my grandson's congenital birth to the Heavenly Demon Kingdom to suppress it? Your Heavenly Demon clan outside the territory is just wishful thinking!"

Sun Yu just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh. If he were imprisoned physically in the Heavenly Demon Kingdom, he would be restrained instead!

But the Heavenly Demon Emperor's female order only left the innate embryo to the Heavenly Demon Kingdom, and these extraterritorial demons didn't even know how strong Sun Yu's innate embryo was!

The 140 four-foot-high congenital embryo is enough to overlook the heavenly demon that surpasses billions of yuan.

Not only that, but Sun Yu's innate birth was also created by the innate vitality, the chaotic vitality of the five Chaos Demon Gods, it can be said to be so strong that it defies the sky!

But at this time, the Queen of Heavenly Demon arrested Sun Yuhong, and her mana had been exhausted!
"I want to go back to sleep, and now arrest his innate embryo, you can do whatever you want!"

After the words fell, the Heavenly Demon Queen went straight back to her bedroom to sleep.

And at this moment, all the ten billion yuan demons were looking at Sun Yu with a murderous look!
Each of these primordial realm heavenly demons showed greedy eyes towards Sun Wei's innate primordial fetus!

If they can occupy the congenital embryo, they will be able to take away Sun Yu.

In this case, there is no need to be trapped in the kingdom of heavenly demons forever.

All of a sudden, the longing for freedom and the greed for the original fetus made these demons in the original realm rush towards Sun Yutong recklessly!

In an instant, the overwhelming heavenly demons from outside the territory rushed towards Sun Yutong, and every one of the demons from outside the territory burst out with all their strength!
The demon's soul power erupted, and a storm of soul power suddenly appeared in the entire void.

A storm of soul power sweeps across the sky, and at this moment, the void in the Heavenly Demon Kingdom shakes.

Facing the endless sky demons, Sun Yung raised his head to the sky and screamed!

"Finally, my old grandson can act recklessly. In this Heavenly Demon Kingdom, there is no physical bondage, and my old grandson has no scruples. Detaining my old grandson to the Heavenly Demon Kingdom is your biggest mistake!"

At this moment, Sun Yu was overjoyed. Although he possessed many powerful supernatural powers, it was impossible for him to erupt all of them before!

Because of Sun Yu's physical body, even if Tiangang Yuangong and Disha Xuangong have reached the fifth heaven, Sun Yu still can't let him be willful for a while.

But now, in the Kingdom of Heavenly Demon, Sun Yuhong can finally explode once without any scruples and scruples!
In an instant, the innate primordial fetus stimulated the Nine Secrets of Taoism!
All words are secret, increasing the combat power by nine times!
With the secret of Dou Zi, Sun Yuxi evolved all the supernatural powers that Sun Yuhong has cultivated so far!
In an instant, Dou Zi Mi evolved all kinds of supernatural powers!

Disha 72 changes!

Tiangang 36 Changes!

In addition, there are all kinds of supernatural powers!
"Buddha in the palm of your hand!"

"Buddha's Palm!"

"Meteor falls to the moon!"

"Karma Lotus Throne!"

"Heaven-Slashing Absolute Sword!"

"Extreme life and death!"

"I palm reincarnation!"

In an instant, hundreds of attacking supernatural powers were all evolved by Dou Zi Mi!

Not only that, but the secret of all characters also increased the power of all supernatural powers to nine times.

And at this moment, before the outbreak, the other nine secrets also participated in it!

Sun Wei suddenly unleashed hundreds of supernatural powers!
If he had a physical body, Sun Wei would never be able to fully and heartily display hundreds of supernatural powers!
With the restraint of the physical body, before all the supernatural powers are displayed, the physical body can no longer withstand the pressure of hundreds of supernatural powers and collapses!
There are no words to describe the power of Sun Wei's powerful blow, and hundreds of magical powers all exploded together!
After the eruption, the power between supernatural powers and supernatural powers is still crazily superimposed!
Sun Wei's congenital embryo is so tyrannical!

In an instant, the entire Heavenly Demon Kingdom was shaken.

The Heavenly Demon kingdom seemed to be about to be destroyed, but at this moment, the billions of Heavenly Demons surrounding Sun Yutong were frightened out of their wits.

This powerful blow by Sun Yuhong seems to have the power to destroy the Heavenly Demon Kingdom!

How can these primordial realm demons be able to contend!
At this moment, these primordial demons backed away frantically.

But it's too late!
How powerful is this blow, it seems to be able to completely destroy the kingdom of heavenly demons, it is not something these primordial demons can block!

These primordial demons were annihilated one after another under their supernatural powers. In an instant, although not all of them were completely destroyed, one-third of the entire kingdom of heavenly demons was destroyed.

And the tens of billions of Yuan Tianmo were all buried under this blow!
The power of this blow far exceeds that of 'Chaos Strike'.

Although the Chaos Strike was extremely powerful, Sun Wei's violent attack was the result of hundreds of attacking supernatural powers finally superimposed together!
Sun Yu's 'Chaos Strike' will definitely not be able to destroy one-third of the Heavenly Demon Kingdom!
It is even more impossible to wipe out billions of Yuan Tianmo at the same time!

When the smoke of supernatural powers dissipated, one-third of the Heavenly Demon Kingdom was permanently destroyed.

Billions of Heavenly Demons were wiped out, but after the blow of Sun Quan's innate embryo, he didn't have any extra vitality!

The congenital embryo directly returned to the physical body, and immediately, Sun Quan's spiritual consciousness swept towards the jade medal of military exploits.

At this moment, the numbers on the battle merit jade card began to jump crazily!
In the end, the military exploits on the military merit jade card exceeded 1000 million!

In an instant, Sun Wei left the fourth floor of the Town Demon Cave!

After Sun Wei left, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the Demon Town on the fourth floor.

"This kid is so ruthless that he destroyed one-third of the Heavenly Demon Kingdom with one blow!"

Zou Yang, the palace lord, swept his consciousness into the Heavenly Demon Kingdom, and his face was extremely exciting.

"If he was restrained by the physical body, his blow would never have such a strong power. And using the innate embryo to activate the supernatural power, you can have no scruples!"

Zou Zi said lightly.

"Now it is bound by the physical body. You can combine the physical body and soul together. In that case, wouldn't the combat power be against the sky!"

Palace Master Zou Yang said excitedly.

"He is so powerful in his innate primordial fetus. It is not so easy to cross this hurdle. Moreover, he came to Town Demon Cave to accumulate military achievements and exchange for "Nine Turns Mysterious Art". Don't talk about "Nine Turns Mysterious Art" now , he can also exchange "The Immortal Golden Body". Collecting all the four supreme body training exercises, it seems that he has already glimpsed the secret!"

Zou Zi said lightly.

"The celestial demons in the various celestial demon kingdoms will definitely go crazy in the future. These celestial demons don't want the tragedy of the fourth celestial demon kingdom to happen to them in the future!" Palace Master Zou Yang said in a deep voice.

"There are more and more celestial demons outside the territory, and it doesn't matter if the celestial demons in the Qi training state, but there are more and more celestial demons in the realm of immortals. The other Hongmeng universes do not have the bitter sea of ​​the Pangu universe, so those resentful spirits are transformed into extraterritorial celestial demons!"

Zou Zi said solemnly.

"As the immeasurable calamity is getting closer and closer, the extraterritorial celestial demons are paying more and more attention to the prehistoric. Everyone wants to get a share of the immeasurable calamity. At present, the Jixia Academy, the Wendao lineage, and even the human race in the future , must be guarded by him. I can't bear to think of his immature shoulders to bear such a heavy responsibility!"

Palace Master Zou Yang's gaze pierced the void, his expression solemn.

"So now we can share some more pressure for him. Before he grows up, anyone who dares to touch him will become a mortal enemy with our Jixia Academy and Wen Dao, and he will never die!" Zou Zi In his eyes, a sharp murderous intent suddenly shot out.

When Sun Yu returned to the cave, he immediately sank his spiritual consciousness into the jade medal of military exploits.

In an instant, Sun Yu's spiritual consciousness came to the treasure house of the wild!
The spirit of the treasure house was alarmed, and directly manifested a clone in front of Sun Yuhong.

With the help of the avatar of the Spirit of the Treasure House, Sun Wei soon got the supreme body training method he wanted!
Spend 80 million military exploits to exchange for "Nine Turns of Mysterious Art" Qi training chapter and Immortal Dao chapter.

Spend 540 million military achievements to exchange for the Qi training chapter and Immortal Dao chapter of "The Immortal Golden Body"!

In this way, Sun Wei has assembled the four supreme exercises of the prehistoric era.

What's more, in every supreme body training method, Sun Wei pointed directly at the quasi-sage of chaos!

Although none of the body training exercises pointed directly at the door of Hunyuan, Sun Yu didn't want to use the body to prove the way.

Naturally, it doesn't matter, Sun Wei really wants to prove the way with strength!
(End of this chapter)

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