The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 219 Guiding the maze

Chapter 219 Guiding the maze
After exchanging two supreme physical training exercises, Sun Wei still has some combat achievements left.

Under the guidance of the spirit of the treasury, Sun Wei used up all his combat achievements and exchanged them for some natural materials and earthly treasures that assist in the cultivation of the two supreme body-refining magical arts.

In this way, Sun Yu can quickly cultivate the two supreme physical training exercises to the fifth heaven.

The years are long, and time flies like a white horse.

Soon it was the last month of the year, and in the cave, Sun Yu opened his eyes.

"Still haven't found a way to break through the Yuanling Realm?"

Mo Yuzhu asked with concern.

"Ten times faster time, and even occasionally go to the cave medicine garden to speed up cultivation and enlightenment with a hundred times faster time, but I am still at a loss. On the contrary, the four supreme body training techniques are advancing hand in hand, and all of them have reached the middle stage of the fifth heaven." .”

It was only at this moment that Sun Yu felt that there was no limit to the avenue.

"Since you can't find the way to break through with your own strength, then ask Senior Jijiu!" Mo Yuzhu knew that Zhuo Bufan would often come to the cave and hinted many times that if Sun Yu encountered difficulties in cultivation, he could ask for advice at any time. Offer wine to Zou Zi.

It's just that Sun Yu still wants to rely on his strength to find a way to break through.

Now, Sun Yu felt vaguely that it was a layer of fog blocking him.

As long as one pierces through this layer of fog, one can find the method and break through the primordial spirit realm.

And after several months of precipitation, Sun Wei has completely consolidated the Dao foundation.

Because the cultivation of the Nascent Soul Realm and the Primordial Embryo Realm is to absorb the innate vitality and chaotic vitality to quickly reach the Great Perfection, although there is help from the innate vitality and chaotic vitality, it still makes Daoji feel a little vain.

Now, Sun Wei has re-cultivated and completely stabilized the Dao foundation.

"The only plan now is to ask about the sacrificial wine. On the contrary, my old grandson is a little envious of you. You have gone smoothly, and now you have cultivated to the Great Perfection of Yuanshen Realm, and you are about to break through the fifth step of Yuanshen Realm."

Sun Yu looked at Mo Yuzhu. In the past few months, Mo Yuzhu had broken through like a broken bamboo, and his foundation was solid, and his true energy did not appear to be suspended.

"What are you envious of? I am the fourth step of Dzogchen in the Yuan Realm. Although you are only the second step of Dzogchen in the Yuan Realm, if life and death are at stake, you will definitely not be your opponent!"

Mo Yuzhu said angrily.

Sun Wei smiled slightly, left the cave, and first sent a message to Zou Zi.

Afterwards, Sun Yu went straight to the place where Zou Zi retreated.

As soon as he arrived at the place of retreat, Sun Wei saw the Palace Master Zou Yang and Da Luo Jinxian from the saint family and the sub-sage family, pointing Zhuo Bufan and the saint sons of the major families.

"Big Brother!"

Seeing Sun Yu's arrival, led by Zhuo Bufan, all the saints from the major families stood up and bowed slightly to salute.

Sun Yu accepted their salute as a matter of course, anyway, in terms of seniority, Sun Yu was higher than the saints of all the saint families.

"You continue to practice, my old grandson is here to ask Jijiu for advice today!"

After Sun Yuhong finished speaking, he stepped out tens of feet in one step and entered the cultivation cave.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan sat cross-legged on the futon with the other holy sons.

"Huan's momentum is becoming more and more stable now!"

"After several months of precipitation, I have been in the academy all the time, and I have never gone out to cause trouble. Of course, my demeanor is as stable as Mount Tai!"

"But even though he didn't leave the academy, after several months, his myths have spread throughout dozens of prefectures in Daqi."

These big Luo Jinxians all admired Sun Yuhong.

"Okay, everyone, let's continue. If you have any questions about cultivation, feel free to ask. My colleagues and I will answer your questions!"

Palace Master Zou Yang said in a deep voice.

In the cultivation cave, Sun Yu was familiar with the road and came to Zou Zi.

Familiar with him directly, he found a futon to sit cross-legged on, and Sun Wei looked at Zou Zi.

"You are finally willing to come to see the old man!" Zou Zi smiled slightly.

"The disciple wanted to rely on his own strength to find the third step to break through the Yuan Realm. Now it seems that it is a bit Menglang. That's why I came to ask Jijiu for advice, and I hope Jijiu can give me advice."

Sun Yuhong's face was a little ashamed.

"No, you are right. If you have any problems in cultivation, you will first think of asking your seniors for advice. Your cultivation will not go very far. The road is boundless. If you search up and down, even if you are as tall as a Hongmeng sage, Dare to say that you have fully comprehended the Dao.”

On the contrary, Zou Zi praised Sun Ronghong, which made Sun Rong even more embarrassed.

"My disciple has been looking for a way to break through, but I always feel that there is a layer of fog blocking my vision." Sun Yutong told Jijiu Zouzi his true feeling.

"Before I tell you about the breakthrough method, the old man asks you, the third step of Yuan Realm is Yuan Ling Realm. What is Yuan? What is Spirit?"

Zou Zi first asked a question to test Sun Quan.

Sun Yu immediately fell into contemplation. For several months, although he was struggling to find a way to break through, he never thought about the question Zou Zi raised.

"What is the Yuan? What is the Spirit?" Sun Weihong repeated Zou Zi's question, and after a long time, Sun Weihong replied: "My disciples believe that the Yuan is the beginning of the Dao, the Yuan of the beginning of the Yuan. The Spirit is the spirit of true nature. It is the spirit of the true self. There are countless outer self, false self, and transformed self, but there is only one real self!"

The wisdom of Sun Yu's eternal reincarnation was almost activated to the extreme in an instant.

"What is a spirit? Your answer is very good. The true nature, the spirit of the true self is the true spirit. In the prehistoric times, there are many immortal Qi practitioners who reincarnated and reincarnated, and some immortal Qi practitioners quickly understood and understood the true nature And the spirit of the true self, but some immortals and Qi practitioners are forever trapped, unable to see their true nature!"

Zou Zidu looked at Sun Rong with admiration. He didn't expect that Sun Rong's explanation of spirit really had some unique insights.

"Jijiu said that, does he think that the disciple answered wrongly about 'what is Yuan'?" On the contrary, Sun Yu felt that he was right in answering 'what is spirit', which is not something to be proud of.

Because of his eternal reincarnation, he has long been able to see the "true nature, the spirit of the true self".Otherwise, Sun Yu will be silent in the reincarnation of the past life.

Sun Yu will never forget his identity in the reincarnation of all generations, but he always remembers that he is Monkey King, the great sage equal to heaven.

His "true nature, true self" is the sky-replenishing stone on Huaguo Mountain.

This is the true nature, the true spirit of me!

As for the appearance of the true spirit, whether it is the Lingming Stone Monkey Equal to Heaven, or the identities of eternal reincarnation, such as the disciple of the Beast God Sect, such as Yun Feiyang, such as the master brother of Jixia Academy, these are all the appearance of the true spirit, reincarnation body.

"It can't be said that the answer is wrong. The Dao has no boundaries. Every monk's understanding of the Dao can't be regarded as a mistake. I can only say that the Dao is three thousand, and I will take a scoop. Maybe you think these are wrong now, but your understanding of the Dao On the contrary, I feel that it is right when I go to a deeper level!"

Zou Zi didn't hastily deny Sun Huang's answer, it was wrong, at most he could only say that the way is opposite.

"What is the 'Yuan' in Jijiu's eyes?"

Sun Quanwen asked Zou Zi back.

"Blood law Dan Yuanshen, Lingxu Dao Tribulation Immortal. Yuan is 'the origin of Yuanshen, the origin of Yuanqi'. Yuan, to be more specific, is Taoism and Taoism. After Danjing, Pill Poying is born, There is a Yuan Ying, and then it turns into a Yuan Embryo, and the Yuan Embryo has a spirit, which is the Yuan Ling, and finally the Yuan Spirit transforms into the Yuan Shen. The Yuan is the manifestation of Dao Xing Dao Karma!"

Zou Zi's words completely shocked Sun Yuhong!

I have never heard of such a view in the reincarnation of the world and the first life of the package.

"Taoism and Dao karma exist, but no one can see it. It is the external manifestation of Dao Xing Dao Karma, which turns the invisible and empty Dao Xing Dao Karma into a visible one for Qi practitioners."

"Essence, energy, and spirit are the three treasures of the human body, and the primordial spirit. Although the body of the primordial spirit will be completely integrated like the chaotic demon god in the future, the 'yuan' represents Taoism and Taoism." Zou Zi said in a deep voice.

For a while, Sun Yu couldn't fully understand 'what is Yuan' like Zou Zi did, but Sun Yu firmly remembered what Zou Zi said today.

Sun Yu believed that he would understand in the future.With the improvement of Dao Xing Dao karma, one day, he will thoroughly comprehend the opportunity of Dao Dao that Zou Zi said about 'Yuan' today.

"Then please offer the wine to say clearly, where is the disciple's way to break through the Yuanling Realm?" Sun Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Since ancient times, the vast majority of monks and immortals have not been able to see the truth of the Dao, because 'the authorities are clear, and the bystanders are clear. Fate body in this mountain' This sentence contains too deep truth."

Zou Zi laughed.

Sun Wei understood the mystery, "That is to say, the breakthrough method is always in the hands of the disciples?"

Sun Yu was suddenly a little confused at this moment.

If it is really in his hands, why is there a layer of fog?

Suddenly, Sun Yu thought of the mist.

At this moment, Zou Zi said with a smile: "Didn't you say that you are always blocked by a layer of fog, if the method is not in your hands, then it is not a fog, but a maze."

"Yuan Lingjing, the true nature, the spirit of the true self." Sun Yuhong kept repeating in his mouth.

All of a sudden, a hint of inspiration appeared in my heart.

Sun Wei smiled slightly, "It's really in the hands of the disciple, the disciple really is!"

Sun Yu didn't even want to know what to say about him, whether he was stupid or stupid, he knew that the method had long been in his hands, but he still couldn't get through the fog.

Now with Zou Zi's guidance, Sun Wei suddenly realized.

Sun Yu should have known the so-called method of breaking through the Yuanling Realm.

However, easier said than done!
Sun Yu's breakthrough method is to integrate the true spirit space into the innate embryo!
In this case, the "Yuan Ling Realm" is the "Yuan" of the innate Yuan embryo plus the "Spirit" of the true spirit space, and it is the breakthrough method that belongs to Sun Yuhong alone!

Now that he knows how to break through, there is another problem!
The congenital embryo is perfect, and it is full of chaotic vitality!

If the real spirit space wants to integrate into the innate embryo, it is not so easy.

Easier said than done, Sun Yu really felt the true meaning of this sentence.

However, with the method of breaking through and seeing through that layer of fog, one can always find a way to break through to Yuanling Realm.

However, Sun Yu knew that if he wanted to perfectly integrate the true spirit space and the innate embryo, he could only rely on him!

After realizing all this, Sun Wei returned to the cultivation cave!
(End of this chapter)

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