Chapter 220

When Sun Yuhong returned to the cultivation cave, he still had a lot of emotions in his heart.

For other qi practitioners, when the Yuan Tai is cultivated to the extreme, the Yuan Tai will naturally develop a little true spirit and break through the Yuan Ling Realm, just like Mo Yuzhu, it will happen naturally and logically.

But Sun Yu's Yuantai had been cultivated to the extreme long ago, and it was still a congenital Yuantu.The reason for cultivating the innate primordial embryo to the extreme is also because of absorbing the primordial energy of chaos.

According to common sense, there must be no problem in cultivating Yuanling!

It's a pity that Sun Wei had already become a true spirit, and the space of the true spirit was so huge that the true spirit suppressed the innate embryo!

As a result, the congenital Yuanling has never been able to cultivate a little true spirit. Now, Sun Wei is going to use the real spirit space to replace the little true spirit cultivated in the Yuantai.

Only in this way can one logically break through to the Yuanling Realm.

And only in this way, can one be able to cultivate to the Yuanshen Realm and Yinshen Realm in the future, and finally go through the thunder calamity and achieve the Pure Yang Yuanshen!

When the pure Yang Yuanshen is achieved, the true spirit within the Yuanshen will grow slowly.

And in this case, if one's cultivation is raised from the divine realm to the spiritual realm, one will be cultivating the true spirit.

Improve step by step, each realm is unique and irreplaceable.

Although he knew the way to break through, how to integrate the true spirit space into the innate embryo still troubled Sun Yu.

At this moment, the cave trembled.

Sun Wei sank his spiritual consciousness into the cave, above the sycamore tree, the holy flame of Nirvana slowly submerged into Huang Yao's body!
Huang Yao ended Nirvana.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Yao moved from Sun Yunyu from the cave to the cave.

The first time she saw Sun Yu, Huang Yao was very happy.

"Nirvana supernatural powers are indeed worthy of Nirvana supernatural powers!"

As soon as Sun Quan had a sweep of his consciousness, he knew that Huangyao's cultivation base had reached the fifth step of the Yuan Realm, the Great Perfection of the Yin God Realm.

You can go through the thunder calamity at any time, and you only need to go through nine thunder calamities to become the pure Yang Yuanshen.

Huang Yao was admired by Sun Yu, her face was full of shyness.

"Brother Sun, Sister Yuzhu, your cultivation is not bad." Huang Yao smiled slightly.

"I still miss you!" Mo Yuzhu said.

"Huang Yao, take a look at your void, how is the Wu family doing now?" Sun Yu suddenly remembered this matter.

Huang Yao sank her consciousness into the void, and raised her cherry lips lightly, saying: "The Wu people feel happy in the void, but the void's spiritual veins are exhausted, and the void is gradually shrinking. With the thinning of the spiritual energy, the cave wall It's getting weaker and weaker."

"It seems that we still have to send them back to the ancestral land of the Wu clan. Now that we have the strength and influence, we are not afraid of the Baozong. If this is the case, there is no way to break through now, so we will go to the Wutong Mansion again."

When Sun Quanhong said this, he couldn't help but think of the first time he went to the Quantong Mansion with Huangyao.

In the ancestral land of the Wu clan, killings were carried out, and the fire of heaven and earth collided, destroying the Lianbaozong.

"Brother Sun, I will accompany you."

Huang Yao said immediately.

"I also need to go!"

Now that Mo Yuzhu doesn't have the Mo family watching over her, she no longer wants to practice alone in this cave.

"Well, there are sycamore trees planted everywhere, and the scenery is beautiful. It's also good to go to relax, and send these tribesmen back to their ancestral land to multiply."

Sun Yu can't always protect the Wu family, and the responsibility of protecting the Wu family has always been on Wu Xu's shoulders.

It's just that Wu Xu doesn't have the strength to protect him at the moment, and as Sun Yu's nephew, he can only temporarily bear this burden for Wu Xu.

It is said that the two daughters accompanied him to the ancestral land of the Wu clan, but when Sun Yunyu came to the teleportation array in Linzi City, he suddenly found that Jiang Mingzhu was waiting for him.

Sun Yuhong looked at Huangyao, Mo Yuzhu probably wouldn't send a message to Jiang Mingzhu on purpose.

Huang Yao felt wronged, this time it really wasn't her.

"I told Jiang Mingzhu that we were going to the ancestral land of the Wu clan together, so I asked her if she would like to!" Mo Yuzhu said lightly.

Three peerless fairies who are overwhelmed by their beauty and beauty gather in the teleportation formation, and there is only one Sun Yutong by their side.

In an instant, such a beautiful blessing made the Qi practitioners who watched this scene envious.

Soon, the news spread to Lianbaozong.

"It's disgusting, it's too deceitful!"

After Baoxiang heard about it, he threw the teacup in his hand to the ground angrily.

"Young master calm down!"

Led by Zhunsheng Baoyan, a group of Daluo Jinxian immediately knelt down.

"Sun Yuhong, I, Baoxiang, are at odds with you!"

The news that Jiang Mingzhu was with Sun Yuhong completely aroused the endless anger accumulated in Baoxiang's heart during this period of time!

In the Yuanshen battlefield, he was bombarded and killed by a Tianjiao named 'Great Sage', and left the Yuanshen battlefield sadly, losing the opportunity to enter the secret realm of the Nine Secrets Inheritance.

So far, Baoxiang has not dared to bother to send a message to Duobao, because Duobao is still in retreat, Baoxiang just wanted to see if he could make up for it.

Now, receiving this news again, Baoxiang's anger is raging.

"Where are they going?" Baoxiang looked coldly at the Qi trainer who came to report.

"Wu Tong Mansion!" The qi trainer knelt on the ground, trembling.

"Where is the Wutong Mansion?" Baoxiang didn't think of it at all for a while.

"Young master, this is the ancestral land of the Wu clan. A branch was once destroyed. So far, there is no trace of it in Baojie." Zhunsheng Baoyan replied quickly.

"The ancestral land of the Wu clan? The branch of the Treasure Sect?" Suddenly, Baoxiang remembered a dossier he had read.

"Bao Yan stay here, you all go down." Bao Xiang said in a deep voice.

Immediately, all the Daluo Jinxians and the messenger trainers of the Lianbaozong left.

"Young master, did you think of something?" Zhunsheng Baoyan watched his words and expressions.

"So far, the murderer who destroyed the branch of the Wu clan's ancestral land has not been found, and there is no trace of Baojie. But the destruction of the branch must be inseparable from those people of the Wu clan."

Afterwards, Lian Baozong investigated and found that only a few Wu people died in the ancestral land, and they were all those Wu people who were unwilling to be humiliated.

The vast majority of the Wu tribe escaped from birth.

If you look at it this way, the murderer who destroyed the Lianbaozong branch must have taken advantage of the situation to save the people of the Wu clan.

"But until now, no one from the Wu clan has been found!" Zhunsheng Baoyan said in a deep voice.

"If my young master remembers correctly, it was the Lianbao Sect who took the lead in destroying the Wu clan back then. Why did they destroy the Wu clan?" Bao Xiang asked.

"It's a coincidence that this subordinate just happened to know the ins and outs. Once an Immortal Forge Master of the Treasure Sect stayed in the Wu Clan, and the Wu Clan kindly invited him, and the Immortal Forge Master forged a few inherited treasures for the Wu Clan. He was surprised You know, the Wu clan has always had an incomparably precious inheritance treasure!" Zhunshengbao Yan said in a deep voice.

"What inherited treasure? Can even the Treasure Refining Sect be moved?" Baoxiang asked disdainfully.

"Please forgive me for being presumptuous. If the young master hears about this inherited treasure, he won't be able to hold back his heart." The quasi-sacred treasure, Yan, was so conceited. Seeing that Baoxiang's face was getting ugly, he quickly revealed the truth.

"The Wu people have always inherited a seed, the seed of the phoenix tree, one of the top ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric times. And it was the first seed of the phoenix tree. Later, it happened to be heard that the Wu family had a phoenix tree seed, so some treasurers at that time Zongda Luo Jinxian made his own claim, united with some forces, and wiped out the Wu clan overnight!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan said in a deep voice.

"What about the sycamore seeds?" Baoxiang asked.

"I haven't been able to find it, but it should be in the hands of Wu Qingqing and Wu Xu. It's just that now that they have worshiped the Qing Emperor's Immortal Sect, it is possible that this seed will be obtained by the Qing Emperor's Immortal Sect!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan said in a deep voice.

Hearing that it was related to the Qingdi Immortal Sect, Baoxiang knew that it was impossible for the Treasure Refining Sect to regain this seed again!
The Qingdi Immortal Sect is not comparable to those third-rate and second-rate sects in the Eastern Wasteland.

Emperor Qing, among the five emperors of ancient times, is second only to Emperor Bai.

Not to mention Lianbaozong, even if Duobao took action himself, it would be difficult to win Emperor Qing.

Suddenly, Baoxiang frowned, thinking about it.

Baoxiang suddenly thought of a poisonous plan.

"Even our Treasure Sect only guessed that the seeds of the sycamore tree were in the hands of Qingdi Xianmen. News, tell the Phoenix family, will they be moved?"

The poisonous plan that Baoxiang thought of was to borrow a knife to kill someone.

"The young master is wise, the Phoenix family will definitely be moved. Because the phoenix tree with the innate spiritual root of the Phoenix family disappeared at some point. Now, the highest sycamore tree in the Phoenix family is only the second-generation sycamore tree."

"And because there are only 35 second-generation sycamore trees, it is still impossible to reach the number of Tiangang sycamore trees. It is said that 36 sycamore trees form the Tiangang sycamore array, which is comparable to the first generation of sycamore trees with innate spiritual roots. If they knew that there was a second-generation sycamore tree seed wandering Outside, I will definitely take it at all costs!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan said excitedly.

"And this force is not strong, not to mention Hunyuan saints, I am afraid that the Wu clan does not even have immortals. It is impossible to stop the Phoenix clan. At that time, Sun Yu will definitely be implicated in it."

A ferocious expression appeared on Baoxiang's face, and he suddenly applauded in his heart for the poisonous plan he had thought of.

It's a perfect way to kill with a borrowed knife.

"Young master, this subordinate suddenly remembered something. Earlier, the young master ordered his subordinates to check Huangyao's information and contact the internal response of the Phoenix Clan. He told me a piece of news, which the subordinates think can be used!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan said suddenly.

"What news?" Baoxiang became interested.

"The Phoenix Clan is currently selecting a concubine for the Holy Son. Now that Huang Yao has not returned to the Phoenix Clan, it is estimated that her parents do not want her to become a concubine." Zhunsheng Baoyan said in a deep voice.

"My young master understands, go and contact the internal response, and give the Phoenix family a fair and just reason to come to the Wutong Mansion!"

Even if Baoxiang thought with his toes, even if there were no sycamore seeds by then, Sun Quan would be an enemy of the Phoenix family.

"The young master is wise, and we will do both!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan showed joy on his face.

"Also, in order to hold them back, let the swaying forces in the Wutong Mansion take action, either join the Lianbao Sect, or destroy them. This is their last chance, and it will also buy time for the Phoenix Clan!"

In order to deal with Sun Huang, Baoxiang was very thoughtful, thinking about all aspects, before and after.

"Your subordinate will do it now, and the young master will wait for the good news to come!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan is full of drive, if he wants to become Baoxiang's confidant, he has to do more.

At this time, Sun Yuhong who stepped into the Wutong Mansion didn't know that because of Baoxiang's jealousy, a huge net had been opened.

Returning to the ancestral land of the Wu clan again, there are still some ground fires burning in the ancestral land!

(End of this chapter)

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