Chapter 221 Return of the Wu Clan
Southern wasteland, Antarctic sea of ​​fire.

The Antarctic Flame Sea is located in the southernmost part of the Southern Desolation, with millions of volcanoes.

The flames soared into the sky, and even the weak and strong dared not trespass into the Antarctic Sea of ​​Fire.

On top of millions of volcanoes, each volcano has a sycamore tree.

Therefore, the Antarctic Flame Sea is also called the Wutong Tree Sea.

In the middle of the Antarctic flame sea, outside the Phoenix Temple, there are the Nine Great Sacred Peaks.

In addition to the nine holy peaks, there are 36 volcanoes.

Only 36 of these 35 volcanoes are planted with second-generation plane trees.

There is only one volcano, which is a three-generation plane tree.

Although this third-generation sycamore tree is the largest sycamore tree in the sea of ​​sycamore trees, it is very different from the second-generation sycamore tree.

And those who can build lairs on the sycamore trees in the 36 volcanoes are quasi-holy-level powerhouses of the Phoenix family.

The Da Luo Jinxian of the Phoenix family built their nests on plane trees on 36 volcanoes on the outer layer of 72 volcanoes.

At this moment, within a three-generation sycamore tree, in the nest, Feng Guanlin, the Da Luo Jinxian of the Phoenix family, was full of joy.

"Lord Baoyan, don't worry, this subordinate vows to die to complete the task assigned by the young master. The Phoenix family is extremely eager to get that second-generation sycamore tree seed, this subordinate is absolutely certain."

Da Luo Jinxian Feng Guanlin looked flattering, like a slave.

"This subordinate will do its best to make the Holy Son notice Huangyao, and make Huangyao a holy concubine. This subordinate will go to see the Holy Son and complete the task assigned by the young master!"

Feng Guanlin expressed his loyalty.

After the arraignment was over, Feng Guanlin's complexion showed a ruthless look.

"Feng Nantian, you stole my beloved woman back then, and now it's time to repay the debt. And Huang Yixuan, you bitch, you didn't like me back then, betrayed me, and fell into Feng Nantian's arms .If you hadn't given birth to a good daughter, how could you have advanced from Daluo Jinxian to quasi-sage!"

Endless hatred suddenly surged in Feng Guanlin's heart.

But now, the hatred that has been suppressed in the bottom of my heart finally has a glimmer of hope for revenge.

Feng Guanlin's face showed a ferocious look.

Fengguanlin couldn't wait and left the nest in a hurry, and went straight to the center of the plane tree sea!

As the Great Luo Jinxian, Feng Guanlin was able to meet the holy son of the Phoenix clan, Feng Jiuxiao!
The Phoenix Temple is the supreme holy place of the Phoenix Clan!

In ancient times, Yuan Fenghuang Patriarch issued orders in the Temple of Phoenix.

Of course, the Phoenix Temple has more than one main hall and a side hall called Jiuxiao Hall.

In the Hall of Jiuxiao, Feng Jiuxiao, the holy son of the Phoenix clan, is quietly cultivating.

The commander of the personal guards, a chaotic quasi-sage of the Phoenix clan, walked into the Nine Heavens Hall.

Feng Jiuxiao opened his eyes, and the commander of the personal guards immediately said: "Feng Guanlin, the Daluo Jinxian, is begging to see the Holy Son outside the hall, saying that he has something important to report to the Holy Son."

"Let him in!"

Feng Jiuxiao didn't take it seriously, but since a Da Luo Jinxian came in person, even though he was a high-ranking holy son, he understood that if there was no important matter, Da Luo Jinxian would not come to Jiuxiao Hall to see him.

Feng Guanlin walked into the Jiuxiao Hall in trepidation, and saw the holy son Feng Jiuxiao sitting cross-legged on the futon from a distance, and immediately bent down and knelt down at a distance.

"See His Royal Highness Son!"

Feng Guanlin knew that within the Phoenix Clan, His Royal Highness the Son of God had a high position and authority, even comparable to all the saints of the Phoenix Clan.

"Get up, what do you need to tell His Highness?"

Feng Jiuxiao was born noble, aloof, as proud as the stars in the sky.

"Reporting to Your Highness, this subordinate accidentally learned of the whereabouts of the second-generation sycamore tree seed lost by the Phoenix family back then. Therefore, I hereby report to Your Highness that this subordinate has always wanted to do my best for His Highness, and now I can finally get what I want. willing!"

Feng Guanlin reported in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Feng Jiuxiao was so shocked that he couldn't help standing up.

"You said it, but it was true?"

Of course Feng Jiuxiao knew that the Fenghuang family only had 35 second-generation sycamore trees!
Because in the ancient times, a sycamore tree was stolen.

As a result, the Phoenix family has been unable to get the second-generation sycamore tree to plant the Tiangang sycamore array.

If the Phoenix family can plant the second-generation sycamore trees in the Tiangang sycamore formation, then the spiritual power of 36 second-generation sycamore trees will be comparable to the first-generation sycamore trees with innate spiritual roots.

As far as Feng Jiuxiao is concerned, if he can take back this sycamore tree, then he will make a great contribution to the Phoenix family.

Although with Feng Jiuxiao's status, even if he doesn't make great achievements, his background determines that he can sit on an equal footing with the saints of the Phoenix family.

But in Feng Jiuxiao's heart, he always hoped that the Phoenix Clan would become stronger!
Therefore, now knowing the whereabouts of the second-generation sycamore tree, Feng Jiuxiao will never sit idly by, and must take back this second-generation sycamore tree.

In that case, with the strength of the Phoenix family, the second-generation sycamore tree can easily and quickly take root and sprout, and it will soon be able to grow to the same level as other second-generation sycamore trees.

"This subordinate will never dare to deceive His Royal Highness Shengzi, and this subordinate also accidentally learned that this sycamore tree is now in the Eastern Wilderness, so this subordinate begs His Highness Shengzi to go to Donghuang together with his subordinates to take back this sycamore tree. !"

Feng Guanlin said emotionally.

"Okay, if what you said is true, let my highness get this second-generation sycamore tree seed, and when the time comes back to the clan, my highness will never treat you badly. My highness will help you to ascend to the quasi-sage of chaos!"

Feng Jiuxiao made a promise in advance, and for a while, Feng Guanlin was even more excited.

"This subordinate is willing to do his best for His Royal Highness the Holy Son!"

Feng Guanlin bent down and knelt down again, paying respects.

"There is no need to be polite, you and my highness both want to revitalize the Phoenix Clan and enhance the strength of the Phoenix Clan."

His Royal Highness Shengzi was extremely satisfied with Feng Guanlin's performance at the moment.

"My subordinates belong to the Phoenix family, so I naturally hope that the Phoenix family can restore their ancient glory!"

If Feng Guanlin doesn't express his loyalty at this time, when will he wait!
"That's right, the Phoenix Clan should regain their ancient glory!"

Feng Guanlin's words reminded Feng Jiuxiao of the supreme splendor of the Phoenix family in ancient times.

After Feng Guanlin narrowed his relationship with the holy son Feng Jiuxiao, he didn't mention Huangyao's matter. He was going to wait until Donghuang, when Feng Jiuxiao got the sycamore tree seed, before mentioning Huangyao!
Until then, serve multiple purposes!
In this case, Feng Nantian and Huang Yixuan, a pair of sluts, are powerless to stop the Holy Son!

Thinking of the beauty of this scene, Feng Guanlin couldn't help laughing.

The holy son Feng Jiuxiao thought that Feng Guanlin was looking forward to the restoration of the glory of the Phoenix family, so he didn't care!
Although the sycamore tree species has not been found yet, the holy son Feng Jiuxiao immediately ordered Feng Guanlin to be the deputy commander of his personal guard!

All of a sudden, this news came out, which shocked many Da Luo Jinxians who knew Feng Guanlin!

Feng Jiuxiao's deputy commander of personal guards, he is the envy and longing of many Phoenix clan powerhouses who have just entered the quasi-sage realm.

In the ancestral land of the Wu clan, Sun Yuyu motioned to Huangyao.

Huang Yao immediately moved all the members of the Wu clan within the void to the ancestral land.

These tribesmen suddenly left the void and the sky, standing in the ancestral land full of desolation, suddenly, a little uncomfortable.

Today's Wu clan has only a few thousand people.

But at this moment, these thousands of clansmen stood on the ancestral land and saw Sun Yu and the three daughters.

"You have suffered, but you don't have to worry about it anymore. The Wu people will not become slaves of other forces, but now that the ancestral land has been destroyed, you need to rebuild your homeland."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

At this moment, among the members of the Wu clan, an old man with an old face tremblingly looked at Sun Wei.

"who are you?"

He was a little excited.

"Wu Qingqing is my grandson's mother, and Wu Xu is my grandson's uncle."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, all the people of the Wu clan were extremely excited.

"God bless the Wu clan, the young master and the others are still alive!"

"It turned out to be the son of the Young Master Qing!"

"Poor Wu family, now there is finally hope of revival!"

Immediately, thousands of members of the Wu clan burst into tears!

At this time, the old man with an old face walked up to Sun Yu.

"The face is similar to Qingqing!"

The old man was trembling and wanted to touch Sun Rong's face, but Sun Rong resisted the thoughts of resistance in his heart.

"You know my grandson, are you an elder of the Wu clan?" Sun Yu asked.

"Old people are not elders. All the elders in the Immortal Realm died that night. They fought to the death to protect the two young masters, and they all died in battle."

The old man recalled the past and couldn't help but shed hot tears.

"Son, what's your name?" At this time, a member of the Wu clan asked Sun Yu.

"My old grandson's name is Sun Yuhong!"

"Wu Hong, your mother and your uncle, where are they now? Why didn't they show up right now?"

Another member of the Wu family asked.

"They are all still alive, and they are now seeking immortality at Qingdi's Immortal Gate. It is my old grandson who made the decision to let everyone return to their ancestral land. Now, they don't even know about it."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

Hearing that Yu Qingqing and Yu Xu were still alive, these clansmen immediately let go of their worries about the two young masters.

"Since the two young masters have not returned, the Wu clan respects young master Wuhong now. All of us in the Wu clan listen to young master Wutong."

The old man turned to look at all the clansmen.

"Of course!"

"Young Master Wuhong rescued us from the hands of the devil, and now he brought us back to our ancestral land. The young master has not returned, so we all obey the orders of Master Wuhong!"

"In the future, the Wu family will obey the orders of Master Wu anyway."

These people from the Wu clan did not hesitate, and no one objected!

Seeing this scene, Sun Yuhong looked at these simple people of the Wu clan, but suffered such a catastrophe. Sun Yuhong vowed in his heart that he would never let the tragedy of the Wu tribe happen again.

"Okay, since everyone listens to my old grandson's order, from now on, the Wu people will rebuild their ancestral land, first build their homes, and then restore the buildings of the ancestral land one by one. My old grandson doesn't know much, so everyone must listen to Daqi in the future According to the imperial daughter Jiang Mingzhu's order, restore your vitality as soon as possible!"

While speaking, Sun Yu pointed out Jiang Mingzhu's true identity.

The Wu family was originally under the rule of the Daqi Dynasty, and when they heard that Jiang Mingzhu was actually the princess of the Daqi Dynasty, all these simple people knelt down!
Seeing this scene, Jiang Mingzhu was at a loss at first.

"These clansmen are kind-hearted and simple people." Sun Yu patted Jiang Mingzhu's shoulder lightly, and Jiang Mingzhu bit her lip tightly, and she was no longer polite.

(End of this chapter)

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