Chapter 222

Soon, under Jiang Mingzhu's orders, the people of the Wu clan began to rebuild their homes one by one in an orderly manner.

Sun Yu, Mo Yuzhu and Huang Yao also helped these people of the Wu clan.

Especially Mo Yuzhu, who is a space spirit body, possesses space supernatural powers.

Qi practitioners can cast mana and change the world.

At night, not only all the homes of the people of the Wu people have been built, but also many buildings in the ancestral land, which have a good appearance, stand erect on the ancestral land again.

Looking at the ancestral land full of desolation, now it is thriving, Sun Yu can't help but feel extremely happy in his heart.

The honest and kind people of the Wu family can always do things that move Sun Yu.

At night, bonfires are lit.

The people of the Wu clan sat cross-legged around the bonfire.

Eating delicious food and drinking spiritual wine, the Wu people celebrated their return to their homeland.

At the bonfire party, the most honored Sun Yurong naturally became the target of many people of the Wu tribe to toast.

Sun Yu would never refuse anyone who came, and he was extremely bold, which made these simple and simple men even more enjoyable.

As for some children of the Wu clan, they surrounded the three daughters of Jiang Mingzhu.

The three women have never brought up children before, so they are in a hurry.

The golden-yellow monster meat was roasting so loudly that Sun Yu picked up a wooden stick from the grill and bit off the leg of the monster.

The aroma of the meat was overflowing, and Sun Wei threw the wine jar aside casually, grabbed the monster's leg with both hands, tore off the meat in large chunks, and put it into his mouth.

Soon, Sun Quan's hands became greasy.

Then he grabbed the wine jar and touched the jar directly with the man who came to toast.

Eat meat and drink.

This is the first time for Sun Quanhong.

Prior to this, Zhuo Bufan organized many times at Jixia Academy, but it was a pity that Sun Wei didn't participate once.

Sun Yuhong liked this feeling, surrounded by simple and kind people of the Wu clan.

Moreover, these people of the Wu clan safely recognized Sun Yu's identity.

Now Sun Yuhong is not only the young master of the Wu clan, but also a lifesaver.

The people of the Wu clan, who have great kindness and great virtue, never say it, because they all remember it in their hearts.

There were girls from the Wu nationality dancing around the bonfire. In the end, none of Jiang Mingzhu, Huang Yao, and Mo Yuzhu escaped, and they were all pulled up by these girls!

Sun Yu was sitting on the grass, eating meat and drinking with the men around him, and admiring their dance.

The fairy dance is misty, and the dancing posture is peerless!
Jiang Mingzhu had learned fairy dance when she was young, and now she is as graceful as a frightened bird.

Mo Yuzhu and Huang Yao quickly learned it too, and the three girls immediately overwhelmed other girls of the Wu tribe!

However, the girls of the Wu clan did not feel any jealousy.

Because the three beautiful and beautiful fairies are all the wives of Master Huan.

At least, that's what everyone in the Wu family thinks.

The three girls danced for a while, very shy, and came to Sun Yu's side.

They have never had such an experience and experience, coupled with the scorching eyes of the tribesmen looking at them, it makes their unparalleled faces have different amorous feelings.

The three daughters were extremely shy, so they pulled Sun Huang to the outermost.

Sun Quan and the three girls sat cross-legged on the grass, facing each other. With the help of the campfire's peripheral light, they watched the faces of the three girls turn red.

"Look, it's all you, it used to be like this!"

Jiang Mingzhu laughed and blamed Sun Rong.

"In the past, all of you were high-spirited, beautiful and beautiful fairies. It was rare for you to experience such an experience. But my old grandson thinks that this is very good!"

It was also rare for Sun Yu to relax, tonight he abandoned all restraints, and he didn't use force to force out the drunkenness.

"As long as Big Brother Sun is happy, we can dance for you every day in the future!" Huang Yao said softly with a blushing face.

"Huang Yao, if you want to dance, you can dance alone, I won't follow you!" Mo Yuzhu immediately expressed her reluctance.

"That's good, let my grandson's Yao'er dance for my grandson every day!"

After saying this, Sun Yu was a little surprised why he could say such a thing.

"Hmph, it's Zhu'er again, and Yao'er again, your grandson is not just an elm lump, but clearly a big turnip with a flower heart!" Mo Yuzhu pouted with a small cherry mouth.

"If you want to listen, my grandson can call you Zhu'er in the future. It's just that Zhu'er is not as nice as Zhu'er and Yao'er!"

Sun Wei let go wantonly, if the first life were to know the gods and gods of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, they would not be surprised that their eyeballs would fall out when they saw Sun Huang like this.

"Brother Sun, Yaoer doesn't sound good, you still call me Huangyao!" Huangyao objected slightly.

"Look, Huang Yao is not happy!" Mo Yuzhu clapped her hands happily.

At this moment, Sun Yuhong showed sadness and disappointment on his face, "Zhu'er, don't you also object to my grandson calling you like that?"

"Of course!" Jiang Mingzhu didn't even think about it.

"Okay, the three of you actually join hands!"

Sun Wei picked up the wine jar next to her, as if she was drinking to relieve her sorrow, and drank again.

Unknowingly, the relationship between the three girls drew closer to each other, and also became closer to Sun Yutong!
Because today's Sun Yu is the one they most want to see.

The old Sun Wei had a calm face, never laughed and drank like he did today.

If they could, they wanted Sun Quan to live so carefree and at ease forever!
It's just that they all know that such days are rare.

Sun Yuzhen and the people of the Wu clan were celebrating, but Baoxiang, who was far away in Linzi City, was full of anger!
"Sure enough, it's Sun Yuhong!"

Baoxiang was furious.

"Back then, he took action to destroy the branch of the Treasure Sect, causing many disciples to die in a sea of ​​flames, and even the Treasure Realm was taken away by him. Sun Yu, damn it!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan was also furious!

Back then, he was almost punished by Lianbaozong because of the collapse of the branch of Lianbaozong.

Fortunately, Baoxiang's avatar pleaded for mercy at that time, and the senior officials of the Baozong sect spared him.

"Issue the final strict order to those forces in the Wan Tong Mansion. If you don't follow the order of Lian Baozong, you will be killed."

Baoxiang was so angry that even in the Daqi Dynasty, Baozong was about to become a laughing stock.

Those third-rate and second-rate forces that have invested in it are also people's hearts fluttering.

"Subordinates, go and urge them to give the young master a satisfactory explanation!" Zhunsheng Baoyan walked out quickly.

In the ancestral land of the Wu people, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and the bonfire party ended at midnight.

At this time, the people of the Wu family went home separately, leaving only Sun Yu and the three daughters alone.

And the best house built during the day was reserved for Sun Yu.

The three women didn't know how they entered the house.

After entering the house, the three women were stiff, and they didn't know what to do.

If they were alone with Sun Rong, even if Sun Xuan wanted their bodies, they might give in half-pushing and obey.

But now, Sun Wei hasn't expressed his heart to them yet, and the three girls are together again. At this time, even Jiang Mingzhu, who has always been shrewd and rational, doesn't know what to do.

The three girls looked at Sun Yu with helpless eyes.

"I'm all looking at what my grandson is doing, of course it is to restore mana."

Sun Yu was very straightforward, and directly took all three girls to the closed room, and sat cross-legged on the futon!
After a long time, the three women calmed down.

All night long!
The next day, the Wu clan elected twelve elders.

In the ancestral temple, the genealogy of the Wu clan was relocated in the ancestral temple.

In addition, the clansmen took out all the classics, cultivation techniques, and magical powers of the Wu clan that were preserved in the past and handed them over to the twelve elders.

In the end, all the twelve elders were handed over to Sun Wei for a review.

All the people of the Wu clan trusted Sun Wuzhen.

Sun Wei didn't refuse. With his current cultivation level, he naturally looked down on these cultivation techniques and magical powers!
But in the end, it was the good intentions of the people of the Wu clan, and Sun Yu couldn't bear to refuse!
Once he expressed his intention to refuse, the twelve elders would kneel down on the spot, and Sun Yu could only accept it immediately.

But the top priority is that if the Wu clan wants to grow, they still need a guardian sacred tree of the Wu clan.

Since ancient times, the Wu family has been passed down from generation to generation in the ancestral land. At that time, the ancestral land was almost full of Wu trees.

It's just that the guardian sacred tree of the Wu tribe was cut down that night.

It's just that although there are many tea trees in Wu Tong Mansion, it is not that simple to find a fairy tea tree.

Sun Yuwen browsed many secret books, and with the help of the twelve elders, Jiang Mingzhu quickly managed the Wu clan in an orderly manner.

It is impossible for Sun Yu to be in the Wu clan all his life, so he still needs to set up a protective formation!

In the past, the big guardian formation of the Wu clan was based on many Wu trees, and it was very powerful!
If Da Luo Jinxian hadn't acted at the beginning, Taiyi Tianxian would not have been able to break the guardian formation.

The Wu people planted the Wu tree seeds they had collected in the past, and they could only wait for these seeds to take root and germinate, grow Wu trees, and once again form a guardian formation.

Sun Wei is also doing his best to set up various spirit gathering formations, but to restore the guardian formation to its peak, Sun Wei estimates that it will take at least [-] years.

The Wu family suffered great changes, and the number of people in the tribe dropped sharply. 10 years is still Sun Yu's most optimistic estimate.

Of course, it may not take 10 years.

If the ancestor of the Wu clan is willing to come forward, with his supernatural powers, it will be just around the corner to restore the Wu clan to its peak.

It's just that Sun Yu was not sure how much the ancestors of the Wu clan still cared about the Wu clan.

The primordial fire elves passed down the lineage of the Wu clan for some reason.

After reading the classics, Sun Wei summoned the twelve elders.

"Today, my old grandson summoned you to tell you a secret about the Wu clan. This secret, my old grandson thought about it all night, but I still feel that it is necessary to let the Wu clan know. At least let the Wu clan know. source."

Sun Yu said in a deep voice.

"Our Wu clan has the blood of the Phoenix, we all know that!"

The Great Elder was the old man with an old face before, and Sun Yuhong said immediately after finishing speaking.

Sun Quanhong shook her head, and just when she was about to say something, suddenly, Sun Quanhong felt a will in the dark, coming suddenly.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Sun Yu's mouth, "Do you think that if you want to ignore such a cause and effect, you can end it? Although my grandson doesn't know why you can't show up, but my grandson despises you!"

Sun Yutong was outspoken. As soon as these words came out, Sun Yuhong felt that, somewhere in the dark, the will of the ancestors of the Wu clan suddenly became fierce.

"This is an unsolved cause and effect, but we can't say it yet. You will know in the future that I have my own difficulties. Maybe you will know soon, and do you know that a disaster will soon It affects the Wu people!"

The ancestors of the Wu clan said through voice transmission!

 The eruption ended at ten o'clock in the morning, and there were still during the day.Assault on the Xianxia combat power list, please subscribe for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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