Chapter 223
"The Treasure Refining Sect must have a wicked heart. My old grandson has already expected this!"

Sun Yuhong said via voice transmission.

"Not only the Treasure Refining Sect, but the cause and effect of the ancient times will end in the present. The real disaster comes from the Phoenix Clan!"

When the ancestors of the Wu clan passed on the sound, their tone was low.

"What's the matter with the Phoenix family, the Wu family inherits the blood of Suzaku!" Sun Yu was stunned.

"The news about the second-generation sycamore tree species has been leaked. The powerhouse of the Phoenix clan is already on the way. Now you should know why I can't show up now!" the ancestor of the Wu clan explained.

At this moment, in his heart, Sun Yu was even more disappointed with the ancestors of the Wu clan.

"Perhaps these clansmen are just a burden to you. But my old grandson tells you that if you don't protect me, my grandson will protect the Wu clan. What about the Phoenix clan, at worst, you will fight to the death!"

The prestige of the Phoenix family is not enough to scare Sun Yu away.

"The ignorant are fearless. Do you know that the Yuanfeng Zuhuang has been resurrected. Now there are nine saints in the Phoenix clan. What are you going to use to resist the Phoenix clan? If you really want to end the disaster, then hand over Wutong Tree species!" the ancestor of the Wu clan said coldly.

"Hand over the sycamore tree seed? It's in the hands of my old grandson, and the Phoenix family wants to take it away. It's wishful thinking. What about Yuanfeng Zuhuang? You are an ancient elf in vain. I don't know how Suzaku was blind back then and would fall in love you!"

Sun Quan didn't hide her ridicule at all!

"Zhuzi, the Fenghuang family is the majestic Kaitian family. Yuanfeng Zuhuang has been revived for hundreds of billions of years, do you think it is an ordinary Hunyuan saint? You don't know, the twins of the same origin are powerful. When they are together, then But it can compete against the Wuji Golden Immortal! In the ancient times, the three clans of Kaitian suppressed Sanqing so much that they didn't dare to interfere in the affairs of the ancient times!"

Angrily, the ancestors of the Wu clan passed the voice transmission.

"The ways are different, and we don't conspire with each other. But you are right in one sentence. It is true that we cannot tell the true identity of the Wu clan now, because having an ancestor like you is a disgrace to the Wu clan!"

Sun Yuhong resolutely transmitted the voice.

"Damn Zhuzi, what do you know? I don't want to say anything more to you. If you really want to protect the Wu clan, there is only one way, and that is to hand over the sycamore tree."

After the ancestors of the Wu clan finished speaking, their will left.

Sun Yutong looked at the twelve elders, and said in a deep voice: "The Wu people are returning to their ancestral land now, but those forces in the Wu Tong Mansion will not easily allow the Wu people to take root in their ancestral land. They will inevitably become greedy in such a blessed place. So, let's get ready to fight!"

Hearing these words, the Twelve Elders still felt their hearts tremble even after going through the storm.

But at this moment, suddenly, the sound of rumbling chariots came from all directions in the ancestral land of the Wu clan.

In addition, a vast immortal aura filled the ancestral land.

Sensing this scene, the twelve elders suddenly changed color.

Previously, in the Wutong Mansion, all forces, big and small, gathered in the city.

The masters of these forces never imagined that there would be a chaotic quasi-sage in the Lianbao Sect, who would come to Fucheng in person.

"Now the Treasure Sect has given you a mission to level the ancestral land of the Wu Clan. If you don't destroy the Treasure Clan, then wait for the Treasure Sect's army to flatten your mountain gate and cut off your inheritance!"

Zhunsheng Baoyan came to Fucheng in person, and the first sentence he spoke made these power masters tremble with fear!

The Treasure Sect really showed its fangs, and the quasi-sage of chaos was so murderous that the masters of all forces felt that a big storm was about to sweep across the entire Wutong Mansion.

"Destroy the Wu clan, and step down on the ancestral land!"

A master of power, take the lead in expressing!

Immediately, the masters of other forces also said that they would send elite Taoist soldiers to the ancestral land of the Wu clan to destroy the Wu clan!
Seeing this scene, Zhunsheng Baoyan's eyes softened slightly.

There are powerful enemies in all directions, and the entire ancestral land of the Wu clan is boiling!

All the people of the Wu tribe gathered at the Tianji Square in front of the ancestral temple, looking at the twelve elders and Young Master Wu.

At this moment, the Twelve Elders surrounded Sun Quanhong.

On both sides of Sun Yuhong, stood Huangyao, Jiang Mingzhu and Mo Yuzhu.

Soon, all the major forces that rushed into the ancestral land of the Wu clan all approached the Tianji Square!

In all directions, the lords of all major forces were sitting on the Void Chariot.

"You dare to offend the Wu clan, are you so bold that you all come to seek death?"

Sun Yuhong shouted violently, resounding through the sky, and echoing in the sky.

Hearing Sun Yu's words, the lord of the forces in all directions stood up involuntarily.

"When you are about to die, you still talk hard. You wait for the people of the Wu tribe to listen carefully. If you wait obediently and kill them, we will let your true spirits reincarnate. Otherwise, you will definitely let your souls fly away, and you will never be reborn!"

The head of the Xuanbing Sect shouted sharply.

"Old and weak, your Wu clan is destined to be exterminated today. The little Wu clan, such a blessed place, is not something you can occupy. If you are wise, surrender obediently, and you will still have the chance to reincarnate!"

The owner of Duankong Sect said coldly.

At this moment, on the Tianji Square, all the Wu clansmen looked firm, expressing that they would rather die than surrender.

"Xuanbingzong, Duankongmen, Qinghongtang, Angry Lion Pavilion, Golden Wing Family, Xuanyue Sword Sect, Shenfeng Palace, Wuxiang Palace, these eight major forces have immortals sitting in their command. In addition, there are those affiliated Powers, all gather!"

The great elder of the Wu clan handed over the name of the criminal force, and now the Wu clan, even the affiliated forces of these eight major forces, can't resist it!
Even the most glorious Wu clan is no different from these eight major forces.

Now, the eight major forces are attacking together, and the twelve elders are desperate.

"It's not right to be a good monk, but to be a lackey of the Treasure Refining Sect. I really don't know what benefits the Treasure Treasure Sect has given you to come here to seek death!"

Sun Yu was tough.

Hearing that Treasure Refining Sect was the mastermind behind this, Jiang Mingzhu immediately put off her intentions.

She knew that Lian Baozong was so aggressive, even if she came out, she would not be able to change the overall situation.

But these people from the Wu clan didn't know that at this moment, Qi Shushua was all looking at Jiang Mingzhu.

Jiang Mingzhu showed a wry smile, she didn't know what to do now.

"Your Royal Highness, let's see if you can come forward. After all, you represent the Great Qi Dynasty. These forces in the Wutong Mansion dare not disrespect the royal family!" At this moment, the First Elder pleaded with Jiang Mingzhu.

"It's not that I don't help the Wu family, it's just that I can't do anything. But with the Wu family here today, the Wu family will not be wiped out!"

Jiang Mingzhu didn't know how to explain to these elders that now in the Daqi Dynasty, Sun Yu was more powerful than her, the imperial daughter.

Hearing that Jiang Mingzhu was obviously unwilling to stand out, the Twelve Elders were extremely helpless.

But at this time, their simple and honest characters did not give birth to the thought of blaming Jiang Mingzhu.

"We have come to seek death? Since you are not willing to surrender, then you have no choice but to kill your Wu clan!"

The master of the Xuanyue Sword Sect feared that there would be a change if it was too late. As soon as his words came out, the immortals and Qi trainers of the eight major forces were all ready to fight.

Inside the Treasure Sect, there is a water mirror that clearly shows the picture of the ancestral land of the Wu clan at this time.

"Sun Yuhong is hard to support alone, so what if his aptitude is peerless, how can he be able to contend with the eight major forces?"

Baoxiang said coldly.

"Young Master, it's very strange that neither the Le'an Sun family nor the strong men of Jixia Academy moved. Could it be that they didn't receive Sun Yutong's request for help?" A Da Luo Jinxian of the Treasure Sect felt strange.

"Fei Xiongwei of the Great Qi Dynasty didn't move either. Could it be that the royal surname Jiang is not planning to intervene in this matter?"

Another big Luo Jinxian also felt strange.

"Don't relax your vigilance. If the royal family Jiang and Le'an Sun dare to intervene in this battle, then there will be a battle! The eight major forces are only going to destroy the Wu family, and Sun Wei can only watch the Wu family with his own eyes and destroy it in front of him. !"

Baoxiang said coldly.

In front of the ancestral temple of the Wen clan, Sun Wei looked around in all directions, and there were immortals from the eight major forces coming. In addition, there were also tens of thousands of monks who came here.

With such strength, even the most powerful Wu clan can resist it!

However, perhaps by virtue of the guardian formation, the eight major forces can be blocked.

But now the Wu clan is not guarding the formation, nor is it in the most powerful situation. It is absolutely impossible for the Wu clan to stop this catastrophe.

"Since you are so stubborn, then my old grandson can only kill. Remember, if there is a next life, don't be a lackey of the Lianbaozong!"

Sun Yu said coldly.

"It's really arrogant. I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. It is a fool's dream that the Wu people want to resist us."

The Patriarch of the Golden Wing Family was extremely angry, and they were at a dead end. The end of the Wu clan had come, but Sun Yu was still talking nonsense.

"If you are still talking nonsense with him, let him see with his own eyes how the Wu clan was destroyed. Today's ancestral land of the Wu clan is doomed to flow like rivers of blood!"

The Lord of Kamikaze Palace said murderously.

"You're right, the ancestral land of the Wu clan, blood will flow like rivers today. It's just that it's your blood that flows!"

At this moment, Sun Wei suddenly exploded with momentum!
The terrifying aura shot straight into the sky.

And at this moment, the eight major forces also acted together.

"Today, I will let you know what a tragic end it is to offend the Wu clan!"

The sound of Sun Yu's violent drinking echoed in the sky.

"Wu Shu enlightens the spirit!"

All of a sudden, Sun Wei showed the badge of Marquis Lingyun of the Great Qi Dynasty!
In addition, Sun Yuhong is the power to inspire Haoran's literary heart!

Good luck!

Great River!

Sun Wei's spiritual consciousness has impressively controlled these two supreme powers!

In an instant, Sun Quanhong's spiritual consciousness spread throughout the entire Quantong Mansion!

The wind and clouds are surging, and the situation is changing!
The vast and unparalleled spiritual consciousness swept across the entire Wutong Mansion!

In an instant, Sun Wei spread the spiritual enlightenment technique that he had just learned to those warm trees all over the Wutong Mansion!

In an instant, 12 old trees that were more than a thousand years old were inspired by Sun Quan!

The Wu tree enlightened the spirit, and suddenly, Sun Wu was transformed into the Wanmu Emperor!

The reason why Sun Yurong was able to become the Wanmu Emperor was because of the aura of the plane tree contained in Sun Yurong's spiritual consciousness!

These Wu trees have the blood of the plane tree!
Now, the sycamore tree is the master of the Wu tree!

After being enlightened by Sun Quan, the trees rose up from the ground!

This scene shocked the entire Wu Tong Mansion!
 The refreshing plot is coming, please subscribe genuinely.Lao Liang broke out wildly, I hope everyone will subscribe enthusiastically, don't let Lao Liang feel cold!Next update, at eight o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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