The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 232 Innate Yuanling

Chapter 232 Innate Yuanling
"Seeing that you haven't broken through the Yuanling Realm, could it be that you haven't found the way to break through?" Zou Zi asked with concern.

Sun Wei smiled slightly, and said with a smile: "This trip to the ancestral land of the Wu clan, I already know about it. When I return to the academy, I want to break through to the Yuanling Realm."

Zou Zi felt relieved, "That's good, then you can go back to your cave for retreat now."

Zou Zi asked Sun Rong to come here, just because he was worried about Sun Rong and wanted to know about Sun Rong's condition.

Seeing that Sun Yu was still the same as before, Zou Zi was relieved.

"Disciple retire!"

This time there was a turmoil in the ancestral land of the Wu clan, and the saints of the Wen and Dao lineage stood firmly behind Sun Yutong. Sun Yuhong said in his heart that he was not moved, that was a lie.

It's just that Sun Yu has never been good at expressing feelings, so he can only keep this feeling in his heart forever.

After Sun Wei left, a figure suddenly appeared in Zou Zi's cave.

"Know how to advance and retreat, and understand etiquette. What's more important is to have affection and righteousness. In today's prehistoric times, Qi practitioners with great affection are rare. Only in this way is it worthy of my Wen Dao lineage to guard at all costs. When he has If one day dominates the prehistoric world, one will remember the goodness of Wen Dao! In this case, the human race will not decline, and Wen Dao will not decline."

Zou Zi smiled lightly upon hearing this.

Back in the cave, Jiang Mingzhu and Mo Yuzhu were both in the Huangyao cave.

Sun Yu stepped into the time acceleration rune, but did not open the time acceleration rune!
Opening the cave, Sun Wei's figure suddenly appeared in the medicine garden.

A hundred times faster time!
The time in the medicine garden is accelerated by a hundred times, so that Sun Quan's retreat this time will not take a long time!
Sun Wei wanted to break through to the Yuanling Realm when the new year came.

All of a sudden, with a thought in Sun Yu's mind, the blood of the Suzaku in his body was stimulated to the extreme by Sun Yu's.

Immediately, the blazing real fire of Suzaku appeared in and around Sun Quan's body!

Suzaku is a sacred beast in the south, and Suzaku's real fire is no less than the real fire of the sun, the real fire of the phoenix and the real fire of the unicorn.

The Phoenix True Fire possesses the supernatural power of Nirvana, which can make the strong members of the Phoenix family almost immortal.

And Suzaku True Fire also has peerless supernatural powers that are incomparably similar to Nirvana, but at the beginning of the ancient times, Suzaku really ascended to the holy throne, and this Suzaku bloodline inherits supernatural powers and is elevated to the supreme realm.


Suzaku Zhenhuo's supreme supernatural power is Nirvana, and Sun Wei knew before Nirvana that this time Nirvana can be said to be a close call.

But even if it was a narrow escape, Sun Huang did not hesitate, as long as there was a chance of life, Sun Huang would try to seize it.

But in order to break through the Yuanling Realm, one must experience Nirvana.

Moreover, it's not ordinary Nirvana!
This time, Sun Yu wants the Nirvana of the True Spirit and the Nirvana of the Yuantai. Only in this way can the Nirvana of the True Spirit and the Nirvana of the Yuantai be completely integrated together!
Only in this way can Sun Wei break through to the Yuanling Realm.

Sun Quan didn't hesitate at all, and Suzaku's real fire finally burned in two places.

140 Innate birth of four feet!

Huge incomparably true spirit space!
Suzaku is really hot, with the supernatural power of Nirvana, Sun Wei started this Nirvana, which was a narrow escape in order to break through.

Suzaku's real fire was burning like it would never go out.

Sun Yu was retreating in the cave, and at this moment, there was a raging undercurrent in the whole prehistoric world!

The Yuanfeng Zuhuang and the Water and Fire Qilin appeared one after another, so everyone knows that the ancestors Ssangyong and Dijun Taiyi must also really reappear in the prehistoric world.

Honghuang four pairs of homologous twins, if both of them are Hunyuan Realm Dzogchen, relying on homologous twins, they can resist Wuji Golden Immortal.

In the sea of ​​flames in Antarctica, Yuan Feng Zuhuang returned to the Phoenix Temple, very low-key, and did not make any publicity at all.

Those strong men under the saints of the Phoenix family were directly erased from this memory.

In the Phoenix Temple, Yuanfeng Zuhuang sat on the top seat, and the ten sons of Phoenix sat on both sides in turn.

"This trip to the ancestral land of the Wu clan can be said to be the greatest shame of our Phoenix clan since ancient times. However, we have not yet fully recovered to the great perfection of the saints, so we can only record this account temporarily."

Yuanfeng was extremely unwilling, and said angrily at the same time.

"From now on, don't provoke Sun Yu and Huang Yao again. Wait for us to fully recover, and then make a long-term plan."

Zu Huang sternly warned the ten sons of Phoenix. Since ancient times, the nine sons of Phoenix have rarely seen such a severe attitude.

Hearing this, the ten son Feng Jiuxiao was a little unhappy.

"Father, mother, what happened before? You want to leave the ancestral land in such a hurry?" Kong Xuan was puzzled, looking at the prehistoric world, even if Yuan Feng Zuhuang had never reached the Great Perfection of Saints, except for the Three Qing and Five Emperors, no one else A Hunyuan saint would not be so afraid at all!

"I can't say it, I can't say it. You can't ask in the future. In short, this time the luck of the thief was shaken, and the thief became a saint, and the luck of the Phoenix family was even more precarious. It is wishful thinking for them to want to become the same acquired twins!"

Yuan Feng said coldly.

All the ten sons of Phoenix knew that what Yuanfeng was talking about was Suzaku Fire Emperor!

Kunlun Yuxu Palace left from the ancestral land of the Wu clan. Before Jiang returned to Linzi, he was directly summoned to Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace!

Most of the disciples of the new generation of Chanjiao like to practice in the 35th Chongyu Qingjing Qingweitian, but the disciples of the second generation of Chanjiao still like to gather in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

Stepping into the Yuanshi Hall of Yuxu Palace, Jiang Shang glanced at it. Yuanshi Tianzun sat high on Qingyun, and on both sides were the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao who had achieved Taoism.

"Disciple Jiang Shang, I pay my respects to Master, and I have met all senior brothers!"

Jiang Shang was under Yuanshi Tianzun's sect and was the youngest of the second generation of disciples.

Yuanshi Tianzun held the Pangu banner and opened his eyes!

His eyes are like a starry sky, extremely deep.

"Zi Ya, you have worshiped me for many years, and you are not such a reckless person. But why do you want to intervene this time? Don't you know the depth of cause and effect?"

After a long time, Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently.

"This disciple is well aware of the cause and effect of this, but I feel that it is worthwhile to offend the Phoenix Clan for his sake."

As soon as Jiang Shang said this, many of the second-generation disciples of Chanjiao present all looked at Jiang Shang in surprise.

Jiang Shang's words clearly showed that he valued Sun Wei very much.In other words, Jiang Shang wanted to find another way out of Yuxu's teaching.

But this path is different from explaining and teaching.

"Although you are the last disciple of the teacher, you know how the teacher treats you. Don't you think that the teacher can't protect you, and the teaching can't protect you?" Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly.

"I have absolutely no intention of doing so. I just want to form a good relationship now. The calamity has begun. Although offending the Phoenix family will cause great karma, but I have been involved in the calamity from the very beginning, so I have to do this." Jiang Shang Shen Sheng said.

"The battle of elucidation, in the Great Qi Dynasty in the Eastern Wasteland, it is indeed hard for you to face the saints of the Interception religion alone. But you should not act like this in the future. Even if you say it clearly, the Phoenix family will remember the cause and effect." On the head of Chanjiao." Yuanshi Tianzun said this to let Jiang Shang know that no matter what he said, it had nothing to do with Chanjiao, but he couldn't get rid of the relationship with Chanjiao.

"The disciple knows that if the master agrees, the disciple even thinks that Sun Yu can be introduced into the sect of Chanjiao." Jiang Shang suddenly raised this suggestion, and the second-generation disciples were even more surprised.

"That also depends on fate!"

Yuanshi Tianzun did not agree, but he did not completely refuse.

But with such an attitude, Jiang Shang is already very satisfied.

In the Jixia Academy and in the Dongfu, Suzaku's real fire is unmatched, and all 140 four feet of congenital embryos were burned into a river by Suzaku's real fire!
All of them are incomparably pure innate vitality and chaotic vitality, and at this moment, the space of the true spirit has completely shrunk to the size of a thumb, ups and downs in the river of slurry!


Suddenly, a hidden voice sounded.

In an instant, the Yuantai Nirvana and the True Spirit Nirvana.

The Yuantai True Spirit is completely fused together, and the Yuantai True Spirit is nirvana.

Suzaku's true fire burned even more fiercely. At this moment, the innate vitality and chaotic vitality entered the true spirit space!

In an instant, the primordial fetus and the true spirit are completely one!

Yuan Ling was born!

And it's still an innate spirit!

As soon as he was born, his congenital spirit was 140 feet long!
But at this moment, with the nirvana supernatural power, the innate primordial spirit is getting higher and higher.

Until the end of the nirvana supernatural power, Sun Yu's innate spirit had grown to 720 and [-] feet.

The innate Yuanling stands upright, and Sun Yu finally knows that his Yuanshen will be more than 2 feet tall.

The congenital Nascent Soul is twelve feet long.

The congenital embryo is 140 feet.

The innate spirit is one thousand seven hundred and twenty eight feet.

The innate primordial spirit is 730 six feet.

Every time the cultivation level increases, the height increases twelve times.

Sun Yu couldn't imagine that the yin god with a height of more than 20 feet would eventually turn into a pure yang soul of [-] feet. I really don't know how strong Lei Jie would be!

Sun Yu was not worried about not being able to make the Yin God survive the thunder disaster, but worried about where to find the pure Yang Thunder.

Now in the Eastern Wasteland, there are almost no Chunyang Thunderbolts to allow Sun Yu to cross the catastrophe.

Those pure yang thunders in Jixia Academy and Qingdi Immortal Sect are more than enough for Hunyuan-level geniuses to survive the pure yang thunder calamity, but Sun Yu knows that he must not survive the thunder calamity among these pure yang thunders.

It's already thirty years old that Sun Yuwen left the customs after achieving the innate Yuanling.

Jiang Mingzhu, Mo Yuzhu and Huang Yao had been waiting in the cave for Sun Rong to leave the customs.

"Celebrating the New Year in my old grandson's cave, it's really simple." Sun Yu glanced at the cave, showing its simplicity.

The three girls smiled slightly, and Jiang Mingzhu said softly: "We have already discussed that we will go to my Mingzhu Mansion to celebrate the New Year. If you don't want to, you can also go to your Xiaoyao Lingyuan."

"Let's go to Mingzhu Mansion. Xiaoyao Lingyuan is just an empty spiritual home. It's not as lively as Mingzhu Mansion." Sun Yu made up his mind.

Immediately, Sun Wei returned to Mingzhu Mansion with Jiang Mingzhu, Mo Yuzhu, and Huang Yao.

Immediately, the maids and servants in Mingzhu Mansion became very busy.

Because Jiang Mingzhu had never returned to the Mingzhu Mansion before, and now she came back suddenly, the maids and servants hurriedly cleaned the Mingzhu Mansion and hung up red lanterns.

Seeing Sun Yu's arrival, these maids and servants were even more fond of them.

In their hearts, Sun Wei is the owner of this Pearl Mansion.

His Royal Highness, the Empress of the Mo Family, and Fairy Huangyao, in the hearts of these servant girls, they are naturally the mistresses.

So, ever since they stepped into Mingzhu Mansion, the three women's faces were a little shy.

(End of this chapter)

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