The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 233 to the past

Chapter 233 Go Back To The Past
Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, after the New Year's Eve, Sun Quanzhen will be 20 years old.

At the age of 20, the third step of the Yuan Realm is the Yuan Ling Realm.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, it has been a custom of the Daqi Dynasty since ancient times to have an 'early sacrifice'.

Worship the ancestors and remember the heroes.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly came to Mingzhu Mansion, and without saying a word, he brought Sun Yunhong directly to the southern city of Linzi.

In an ordinary alley, there is an ordinary courtyard.

Before Zhuo Bufan brought Sun Yu to the gate, Zhuo Bufan stepped forward and gently knocked on the door.

Then, the door opened by itself.

From the gate, you can see the main hall at a glance.

In the main hall, there is an old woman, a middle-aged woman and a young woman, all wearing white filial piety clothes, paying homage to the deceased ancestors.

Sun Quan's consciousness swept away, and his face changed slightly in an instant.

These three women are neither immortals nor monks.

They cannot be called human beings, they are ghost cultivators.

It would not be surprising if a ghost cultivator appeared in the underworld.

But this is in Yangshi, but now there are three ghost cultivators.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's solemn expression, Sun Wei guessed that these three ghost cultivators had a great connection with Jixia Academy.

Zhuo Bufan and Sun Yuwen walked slowly into the courtyard and finally came to the main hall.

At this time, the three women after the sacrifice got up.

"Wu Hong, I brought you here for the first time today. I just wanted to let you know that although the sages have passed away, their true spirits are forever forbidden to the Yin Demon World. They cannot enter the long river of time, let alone be reincarnated to rebuild."

Zhuo Bufan's face was serious and his tone was dignified.

"The world of Yin Demons?" It was the first time that Sun Yu knew about Yin Demons.

"That was at the beginning of the present and ancient times, and none of the masters had yet ascended to the holiness. The army of demons ravaged the prehistoric world, and the masters of the present and the past led countless culture cultivators, desperate to fight against the demons on the battlefield outside the sky. And the three in the mourning hall The sages are all the sages of the human race, and they are also great scholars of the human race." Zhuo Bufan said slowly.

"Could it be that the Yin Demon World is on the battlefield outside the sky?" Sun Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Exactly." Zhuo Bufan said decisively, "When the demons invaded Honghuang, countless immortal monks in Honghuang fought back. On the battlefield outside the sky, it can be said that blood flowed like a river. Afterwards, the demons completely entered Honghuang, with 33 days as the battlefield. The five major demons The demon sage set a seal to completely seal off the battlefield outside the sky."

"The five Wuji Golden Immortals completely sealed off the battlefield outside the sky, no wonder they were able to cut off the long river of time. Doesn't that mean that the true spirits of the human sages and great scholars of the human race in the Yin Demon World will forever ban the battlefield outside the sky?"

A tinge of grief and indignation suddenly surged in Sun Yu's heart. These sages and scholars of the human race fought to the end for the human race. After they passed away, the true spirits could not escape.

"The three sages and great Confucians worshiped in this mourning hall, if they did not die on the battlefield outside the sky, they would at least be sub-sages. The widows of these three sages and great Confucians were blessed by the blessings of humanity and culture, and turned into ghost cultivators. They have been guarding this Small courtyard."

Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at the three widows who were crying like rain, and said in a deep voice.

Sun Yu bit her lip tightly, and after a long time, "My old grandson, what can I do for them?"

"Although I know that this request is a priority. But these three widows sent messages to me before, and they sensed that the true spirits of the sages and scholars in the Yin Demon World have declined to the extreme. They turned to ghost cultivation, and their cultivation is the true spirit. .”

Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

"Should my old grandson be allowed to go to the world of Yin demons?" Sun Yu asked in a deep voice, "Even if the outer battlefield is banned by the five great demon saints, my old grandson has nothing to fear. But my old grandson cannot enter the outer battlefield."

"The Yin Demon World is a world similar to the Underworld, where the Yin Qi is extremely heavy. It is impossible for the body to step into it. The saints work together and decide to stimulate the Haoran Wenxin, so that you can go against the Haoran River, and the Yuanling will return to the beginning of the ancient times. The outer battlefield." Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

"Then what are you waiting for? If there is a chance to rescue these sages and great scholars of the human race, my old Sun has no hesitation and a duty to do so." Sun Yu said urgently.

Zhuo Bufan and the widows of the three sages and Confucian scholars agreed without thinking about it when they saw Sun Yutong, and they were in a hurry.

Zhuo Bufan had ups and downs in his mind, and he saw Sun Yung right.No matter what kind of difficult and dangerous situation he has to face, Sun Wei will always have the kind of character that is in line with the sages and Confucians.

The three widows saluted Yingying, and Sun Wei hurriedly helped him up, saying: "Since awakening Haoran's literary heart, these are what my grandson should do. And my grandson has always had a wish in his heart, that is, never in the past. In the beginning, it was to eliminate demons and defend the way."

"Since this is the case, there is no need to delay. You come back to Jixia Academy with me now, three seniors, you are waiting for the good news here." Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

Sun Yu looked at the three widows, said in a firm tone, "My old grandson will definitely save their true spirits from the world of demons. As long as the true spirits return to the long river of time, they will be reincarnated. At that time, there will be See you soon."

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Bufan and Sun Yuhong returned to Jixia Academy.

Because Yuan Ling wanted to break away from the physical body and travel retrograde across the vast river, Sun Yu's physical body was personally guarded by Zou Zi, Jijiu of the Jixia Academy.

In Zou Zi's place of retreat, the projections of Wen Dao sages gathered.

Sun Yu offered sacrifices to Haoran's Wenxin, and the great saints of the literary and Taoist line all injected the holy power of Hunyuan into Haoran's Wenxin.

In an instant, Sun Yu's Yuan Ling was thrown into Haoran Wenxin.

Haoran Wenxin suddenly broke through the void and entered the Haoran River.

Hunyuan Shengli pushes Haoran's literary heart, goes upstream, and shuttles in the Haoran river.

Hao Ranwen gained the power of the saints, and soon returned to the beginning of the present and ancient times.

Suddenly, Haoran Wenxin broke through the ban of the five great demon saints and entered the battlefield outside the sky.

And at this moment, the holy power in Haoranwen's heart was exhausted.

But at this moment, Sun Yuyuan Yuanling appeared on the battlefield outside the sky, and put away Haoran Wenxin.

Sun Yu also finally knew why the sages wanted his Yuan Ling to return to the outer battlefield with Haoran Wenxin!

Haoran Wenxin can't bring too much holy power, otherwise, if he breaks through the ban of the five great demon saints, it will cause shocking waves and attract the attention of the five great demon saints.

However, if he carries a small amount of holy power, Haoran Wenxin can only have a chance to penetrate a trace of the Promise Demon Saint's ban.

In this case, Haoran Wenxin could return to the battlefield outside the sky, but he couldn't.

What's more, Haoran Wenxin is still unable to break the shackles of the Yin Demon World, let alone bring the true spirits of a group of sages and scholars out of the Yin Demon World.

Bringing out the world of yin and demons is not the end, but also to communicate with the long river of time, to bring all the true spirits back to the long river of time, and then go down the river.

Therefore, the saints of literature and Taoism have been waiting.

It wasn't until Sun Yu's cultivation base broke through to the Yuanling Realm that the sages of literature and Taoism launched their long-planned rescue operation.

At this moment, the words of the sage Mencius suddenly came out of Haoran Wenxin.

"Wu Yan, Haoran Wenxin has brought you to the battlefield outside the sky. It is the most intense time of the war, and the Yin Demon World has not yet appeared. You cannot change the historical situation, once you want the Yin Demon World to appear."

"In this case, the Yin Demon World will imprison the fallen human sages and great Confucian spirits, and you will then enter the Yin Demon World. Taking advantage of the Yin Demon World's unstable foothold, the five great demon saints are sealing off the outer battlefield, and then break the world. The true spirit of a group of great sages and great Confucians of the people has returned to the long river of time."

Now, in the future, Mencius transmits sound transmission to Sun Yutong across time and space.

"But my old grandson can't just watch them fall completely. My old grandson walks on the battlefield and collects those true spirits that are about to fall into Haoran Wenxin. If this is the case, we will take them out of the outer battlefield together."

Sun Yu knew that Mencius and the sages of literature and Taoism prevented him from changing the historical situation, that is, he could not impart magical powers of literature and Taoism.

At the beginning of the present and ancient times, many supernatural powers of literature and Taoism were just scratches.

And the sages and great Confucians who created these literary supernatural powers are all gathered in the battlefield outside the sky at this moment.

If Sun Yuhong intervenes too much at this time, the past history will be changed. In this case, the backlash of time will cause Sun Yutong to fall on the spot.

"That's fine, but you must not intervene in this battle, and try not to change history. These fallen human sages and scholars are all voluntary queens. You can collect their true spirits into the vast river, but you must not do it yourself."

The sage Mencius once again warned Sun Quanhong that he was deeply afraid that Sun Quan would change the past on impulse.

"My old grandson knows the seriousness. When the yin demon world appears, my old grandson enters the yin demon world, takes Yuan Ling as the real spirit, and then kills the yin demon clan."

Sun Yu knew that he could not be impulsive, change the time and space of the past, and suffer the backlash of time and space, which would not only make him fall, but might even implicate the human spirits in these outer battlefields.

Sun Yuyuan squeezed the seal of Yuanling, and displayed various magical powers one after another.

Universe in the sleeves!

Buddha country in the palm of your hand!

All kinds of supernatural powers related to the way of space, Sun Yuhong did not hesitate to use them.

In an instant, Sun Yu heard the sound of killing in the distance shaking the sky.

Immediately, Sun Yuyuan Yuanling rushed towards the main battlefield.

Along the way, when Sun Yu met some lonely human spirits, one-tenth of an instant before their true spirits were completely destroyed, they inspired the power of the Haoran Wenxin and incorporated their true spirits into the Haoran Wenxin.

The literary luck in Haoran's literary heart nourishes these human spirits.

Sun Yuyan forced him to be an extremely calm bystander, not to intervene in this battle!
Because the main force of the human race has withdrawn from the battlefield outside the sky, the sages and scholars of the human race who stayed behind are all the queens.

Even if this battle is changed, it will not help.

Therefore, Sun Wei can only save as many of these human spirits as possible, and put them into Haoran Wenxin to nourish them with literary luck and human merits, so as not to let the true spirits completely perish.

Sun Yutong walked around the battlefield, surrounding Xuanyuan City, the last main human city in the outer battlefield, and collected those human heroes who were alone into Haoran Wenxin, and then Sun Yuyuan came to Xuanyuan City.

At this moment, there were hundreds of thousands of warriors gathered on Xuanyuan City.

And most of these human warriors turned into human war spirits afterwards.

Therefore, Sun Huang has no intention of changing their fate.

When Sun Yu came to the battlefield outside the sky, he really wanted to save the sages and scholars of the human race!

The power of every sage and Confucianist on the battlefield can be said to be equal to a thousand.

Now Sun Yu is a little aware of why it took more than one billion years for Wen Dao to almost decline.

Because almost most of the real elites of the human race were buried in the battlefield outside the sky.

On the other hand, the Tao of Immortals and the Tao of God retain the elite.

(End of this chapter)

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