The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 240 Cross the river and demolish the bridge

Chapter 240 Cross the river and demolish the bridge
The ultimate treasure of good fortune of the Yin Demon Clan, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pond", contains incomparably abundant and top-level Nine Yin Demon Qi in the Hongmeng Sea.

The Nine Yin Origins are opposite to the Nine Yang Origins, which are Taiyin Origin, Shaoyin Origin, Xuanyin Origin, Extreme Yin Origin, True Yin Origin, Pure Yin Origin, Yuyin Origin, Eternal Yin Origin, and Ultimate Yin Origin.

At this moment, the Nine Yin Demonic Qi crazily poured into Sun Quan's Yin God, and Sun Quan's Yin God, under the infusion of the Nine Yin Demon Qi, the body of the Yin God continued to grow.

Sun Yu's Yinshen body soon reached 24 feet, a huge body, but it was still like a drop in the ocean in the treasure of good fortune "Zhi Yin Demon Pool".

The body of the Yin God was sucked into the bottom of the magic pool, and the extremely pure Nine Yin Devil Qi completely turned into Nine Yin Devil Water. A drop of Nine Yin Devil Water contained Nine Yin Devil Qi, which was enough to kill a Da Luo Jinxian.

If Sun Yu was not the body of the Yin God and could accommodate the power of the Nine Yin Devil Qi, he would die the moment he entered the treasure of good fortune 'Zhi Yin Devil Pool'.

At this moment, the Nine Yin Demonic Water poured into Sun Yu's body of the Yin God.

The Nine Yin Demon Water is so powerful that it enters the body of the Yin God and continuously destroys the vitality of the Yin God.

If things go on like this, the Nine Yin Demonic Water will completely destroy the vitality of the Yin God, and the body of the Yin God will be completely reduced to a puppet of the treasure of good fortune "Zhi Yin Demon Pool".

But at this moment, Sun Yu fought back vigorously.

But the weight of a drop of Nine Yin Demonic Water is almost equivalent to a billion stones of mana. At this moment, Sun Yu's body of Yin God was completely suppressed by Nine Yin Demonic Water, unable to move at all.

All of a sudden, Sun Yu felt the awakening of the artifact spirit of the treasure of good fortune, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pool".

When Sun Yuhong saw the artifact spirit of the treasure of good fortune "Zhiyin Demon Pool", he was shocked.

The Artifact Spirit, which is the treasure of good fortune, is exactly the same as the clone of the Demon Emperor that Sun Wei had seen.

"What an emperor of the Yin Demon clan, secretly replacing the Artifact Spirit of the most treasured treasure of all creation, the 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool'."

Sun Wei looked at the Qi Ling who was exactly the same as the emperor of the Yin Demon clan, and said coldly!
"Replacing the treasure of good fortune 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool'? This is just a three-corpse clone cut out by the emperor, and cultivated to the realm of the Wuji Golden Immortal. After the Wuji Golden Immortal has achieved great perfection, it is impossible for the emperor to break through the realm of the primordial realm. Refining it into this treasure of good fortune 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool'."

The Yin Demon Emperor said proudly.

At this moment, Sun Yu had to admit that he was extremely shocked.

"Your body is only in the realm of the Daluo Golden Immortal, but one of your three corpses can cultivate to the Great Perfection of the Wuji Golden Immortal."

Sun Yu didn't suspect that the Demon Emperor was lying, because the Artifact Spirit, the treasure of good fortune, was one of the three corpses of the Demon Emperor, so there was no need to lie.

"What is this? The ancestor of my Yinmo clan is only in the quasi-sage realm, but a clone has cultivated to the Primordial Saint. Do you think it is a fluke that my Yinmo clan can become one of the royal families of the Rahu universe?"

The Demon Emperor proudly said that in the past he never had the opportunity to brag about the greatness of the Yin Demon Clan.

Now, in the heart of the Demon Emperor, Sun Yu is a person who must die, bragging to Sun Yu can also let the self-esteem that has been suppressed through the ages be publicized.

"The Artifact Spirit of Fortune's Supreme Treasure is very different from the Wuji Golden Immortal Dzogchen powerhouse. At least you have no other way to kill my grandson now. You think that the Nine Yin Magic Water can kill all the vitality of my grandson Is it?" Sun Yu asked dismissively.

"Even the saints in the realm of infinity, once they enter the treasure of good fortune, the 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool', they will die and die. Who do you think you are, the reincarnation of the prehistoric saint? The Nine Yin Demon Water will completely annihilate you The Yin God has all the vitality, and you can only wait for death."

Qi Ling Demon Emperor said coldly.

Sun Yu's cultivation had already reached the Great Consummation of the Yin God. At this time, neither the Nine Yin Devil Qi nor the Nine Yin Devil Water could be absorbed anymore.

As a result, a smile naturally appeared on Sun Yu's face.

This kind of smile, in the eyes of the Artifact Demon Emperor, is a bit weird.

It's the kind of sneer like crossing a river and tearing down bridges!

"My old grandson has to say that every drink and peck is determined by God. The strong one is always destiny. If there is no treasure of good fortune from your Yin Demon Clan, it is difficult for my old grandson to reach the Great Consummation of the Yin God Realm. Naturally, there is no A chance to escape. Without this treasure of good fortune, my old grandson will fall into the long river of time."

Sun Rong had a strange smile, the biggest mistake of the Demon Emperor was to make Sun Rong cultivate to reach the Great Consummation of the Yin God Realm.

"My old grandson knows that you deliberately gave my old grandson some hope, and then completely destroyed it, just to torture my old grandson, just to see the despair on my old grandson's face before the final fall. Only in this way can you To be able to vent the hatred in your heart, only in this way, you will feel that you have avenged your eleven sons."

Sun Yu guessed through Qi Ling Demon Emperor's mind, so he stayed still and silently absorbed the Nine Yin Demon Water, allowing his cultivation to reach the Great Perfection of the Yin God Realm.

At this moment, Qi Ling Demon Emperor became angry from embarrassment.

In an instant, the Nine Yin Demon Water boiled in the most treasured treasure of good fortune, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pool". At this moment, drops of the Nine Yin Demon Water turned into turbulent waves, and in an instant, they violently smashed towards Sun Yutong!
Although the 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool' is not an offensive treasure, in the eyes of the Demon Emperor, it is easy to kill a Qi trainer in the Yuan Realm.

But at this moment, all of a sudden, the surroundings of Sun Quan became illusory.

Just when the Nine Yin Demon Water was about to annihilate Sun Yu, at the same time, a stronger force swept towards the Nine Yin Demon Water.

In an instant, the Nine Yin Demonic Water and this mysterious force fought directly in the Fortune Treasure.

"Time eats back!"

The Demon Emperor, the weapon spirit of the most treasured treasure of good fortune, "Zhi Yin Demon Pool", let out a loud roar.

"You little ant, you actually went upstream from the future and returned to the battlefield outside the sky!"

At this moment, the Qi Ling Demon Emperor suddenly saw the secret of heaven.

"It's a pity that you know too late. Without your treasure, my old grandson would never be able to resist the backlash of time."

Even the Hunyuan Saint can't resist the power of time backlash, and only the Promise Saint can resist one or two.

And at this moment, Sun Yu was in the treasure of good fortune "Zhi Yin Demon Pool", and the long river of time was backlashed, and he instinctively believed that Sun Yu was relying on the treasure of good fortune to survive the backlash of time.

Therefore, in the long river of time, the backlashing power of the long river of time and the supreme treasure of good fortune, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pool", fought fiercely together.

The treasure of good fortune, 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool', completely took the place of Sun Yu's disaster. At this moment, the treasure of good fortune, the Demon Emperor, was furious!

But at this moment, the counterattack force of the long river of time is getting stronger and stronger, so that he has no spare energy to deal with Sun Wei.

"It seems that with such a strong backlash from the long river of time, it is not a little bit or two for my old grandson to change the past time and space."

Sun Wei didn't know at all that after he defeated the ten Yin demon worlds, the Demon Emperor's avatar carried the treasure of good fortune "Zhi Yin Demon Pool" into the battlefield outside the sky, which changed the sky.

In this case, the true spirits of those who should have fallen into one-third of the top ten prehistoric forces in the future time and space, because of the great changes in the sky, the fate of the river has also changed.

In this case, the true spirits of these prehistoric powerhouses who should have fallen have escaped unharmed!
But if this is the case, it is equivalent to Sun Wei completely changing the past time and space.

This moment is not only the backlash of the long river of time, but also the change of the tributary of the long river of fate, which is also imposed on the treasure of good fortune.

The backlash of the river of time and the tributaries of the river of fate are all in the river of time, and they are fighting endlessly with the treasure of good fortune, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pool".

Although the time and space in the past have changed, it is all because of the variable from the future time and space, Sun Quan.But if there is no clone of the Demon Emperor to enter the battlefield outside the sky with the treasure of good fortune 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool', it will not change the secret of heaven.

Therefore, the counterattack force of the long river of time and the bombardment of the tributary of fate, like a gangrene attached to the bone, firmly locked on the treasure of good fortune 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool'.

And if it is not in the long river of time, the backlash of the long river of time and the bombardment of the tributaries of fate will not be able to do anything to the treasure of good fortune that is comparable to the great perfection of the Wuji Golden Immortal!

However, now the treasure of good fortune is in the long river of time again!

Therefore, in this battle, the most precious treasure of good fortune, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pool", was one against two, which can be described as a heavy loss.

And as the artifact spirit, the treasure of good fortune, the Demon Emperor was furious to the extreme!

This is simply a disaster!

The majestic emperor of the Yin Demon clan, plus a treasure of good fortune, was manipulated and played by a Qi trainer in the Yuan Realm between applause and applause.

The loss of the treasure of good fortune was second, and what made Qi Ling Demon Emperor angry was that Sun Yu was driving tigers to devour wolves and killing people with a knife!
And this knife was supposed to kill Sun Yu.

As a result, the treasure of good fortune is now fighting fiercely with the long river of time and the long river of fate because of Sun Yuhong!
Facing the joint forces of time and fate in the Pangu universe, even if the 'Zhiyin Demon Pool' is a treasure of good fortune, in the long river of time, it will be damaged again and again at this time.

And the culprit, the culprit behind the scenes, who caused the lungs to be blown up by the aura of the weapon, is still swimming freely in the treasure of good fortune, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pool".

Why doesn't this make the Qiling Demon Emperor furious, he is the supreme emperor of the Yin Demon Clan, and this avatar has even cultivated to the realm of the Great Perfection of the Promise Golden Immortal!
Even in the Rahu universe, even if he is not a grand sage, he is well-known!
But today, it fell into the hands of a Qi trainer in the Yuan Realm of the Pan Gu universe.

What's more, not to mention the death of tens of millions of Yinmo people and the death of eleven sons at the hands of Sun Yu, it is enough to make the Demon Emperor furious!

But at this moment, the enemy of life and death is in front of him, but he can't do anything!
Before that, he was able to kill Sun Yu, but this opportunity was missed!

On the contrary, it is to perfect Sun Ronghong, so that Sun Ronghong's cultivation base can break through to the Great Consummation of the Yin God Realm.

Now, replace Sun Wei to resist the backlash from the long river of time!

At this moment, the Qi Ling Demon Emperor was so angry that he did not hesitate to burn the source of the treasure of good fortune!
The treasure of good fortune "Zhi Yin Demon Pool" forcibly penetrates the long river of time.

In the endless void, two-thirds of the source of the treasure of good fortune, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pond", has been lost.

And at this moment, there are only Sun Yutong and Qi Ling Demon Emperor in the treasure of good fortune "Zhi Yin Demon Pool".

"My old grandson could leave a long time ago, but I just want to see how angry you are!"

Just as he was speaking, Sun Wei let go of the aura of great consummation in the Yin God Realm!
In an instant, the Qi Ling Demon Emperor was desperate, even if he burned his original power again, he would completely destroy Sun Yu's body and spirit, but at this moment, Sun Yu's figure suddenly disappeared in the treasure of good fortune, the "Zhi Yin Demon Pool" .

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(End of this chapter)

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