Chapter 241
The artifact spirit, the treasure of good fortune, the Demon Emperor's avatar is furious to the extreme!

At this moment, his raging anger was almost burning the void.

What made the Demon Emperor's avatar furious to the extreme was that he didn't even know how Sun Yu left the Fortune Treasure.

This kind of ability to appear and disappear like a ghost made the Demon Emperor's avatar fearful.

Sun Yu was in the Fortune Treasure before, and was able to take Sun Yu away from the Fortune Treasure silently.

Suddenly, an extremely frightening thought welled up in the Demon Emperor's body and mind.

Chaos Lingbao or Hongmeng Saint!
Only a sage of Hongmeng or a chaotic spirit treasure can take away Sun Yu in a silent manner!
In the Pangu universe, it is not that there are no Chaos Lingbao and Hongmeng Saints.

In an instant, the face of the Demon Emperor's avatar was extremely pale!
It is not a good thing to be targeted by a prehistoric sage or a chaotic treasure.

Especially at this moment, the long river of time has been broken. Although it is in this endless void, it is as easy as pie for a sage of Hongmeng or a chaotic spiritual treasure to search for the breath of a treasure of good fortune.

And at this moment, a fierce air mechanism locks on the treasure of good fortune!

In an instant, the treasure of good fortune, 'Zhi Yin Demon Pool', disappeared in this vast void.

Standing on the battlefield of destiny, Sun Yutong smiled, and he could imagine the distraught appearance of the Demon Emperor's avatar.

The loss of the Yin Demon Clan this time can be described as extremely heavy!
Not to mention the fall of tens of millions of clansmen and eleven princes, but only the treasure of good fortune 'Zhiyin Demon Pool' came to the Pangu universe. Sun Yu believes that once the Taoist ancestor knows, he will not let the treasure of good fortune 'Zhiyin Demon Pool' come to Pangu universe. Back to the demons again!
In the long river of time in the past, Daozu would not be able to easily make a move even if he was a saint of Hongmeng!

The majesty of the grand master saint, once intervening in the long river of time, it will greatly change the past time and space!
Although Daozu is not afraid of the backlash of time, he can arbitrarily change the past time and space, and karma will be added to him.

Suddenly, Luo Wutian's figure appeared in the battlefield of destiny.

Luo Wutian held a god-killing gun with a gloomy expression.

The previous confrontation on the Huanggu Dou battlefield ended in annihilation.

Even if he used the Hongmeng Dao method, Luo Wutian still died with Sun Yutong.

This is the fourth battle of destiny, and at this time, Luo Wutian looked at Sun Yutong. Although his cultivation had reached the Great Perfection of the Yin God Realm, compared to the previous transcendence of the Extreme Realm, Sun Yutian was completely incomparable.

"It's just the Great Consummation of the Yin God Realm, it's just the condensed energy of the Nine Yins."

Luo Wutian felt carefully that Sun Yu's yin spirit really only had the spirit of nine yin.

In other words, the Yin God in the Realm of Nine Yins is no more than a chaotic quasi-sage at best!

"That's true. My old grandson only absorbed the energy of the nine Yins to make the Yin God complete. He has never reached the extreme state of the Yin God, let alone surpassed it as before. However, as long as he absorbs your Yin God, he can Let my old grandson Yinshen directly reach Hongmeng Yinshen!"

Sun Yu and Luo Wutian both understand that above the Qi of Nine Yins lies the 'Hunyuan Yin-Yang Avenue', 'Wuji Yin-Yang Avenue', and 'Hongmeng Yin-Yang Avenue'.

But now, Luo Wutian's yin god has surpassed the extreme realm and is called the "Wuji Yin-Yang Dao".

And Luo Wutian didn't know at all that although Sun Wei was only the Yin God of the Nine Yin Realm, what was lacking was only the rank of the Yin God, and Sun Wei had no shortage of Yin Qi at all.

"It's a pity that I killed you in this battle, but I don't know if your Yin God can make my Yin God break through to the Hongmeng rank!" Luo Wutian said uncertainly.

True spirits, yang gods, yin gods, and golden pills all have grades, and the highest grade is Hongmeng Kaitian!
"Luo Wutian, at the fourth step of the Yuanshen Realm, he had already fought in the Huanggu Dou battlefield. But that was the Yuanshen battle, and it was in the Huanggu Dou battlefield, which can reverse time and space. But today, Your fate cannot be reversed!"

With a thought in Sun Yu's mind, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel appeared in his hand.

In every battle of destiny, Sun Wei cannot be defeated.

Sun Yu knew that he was not Luo Wutian, even if Luo Wutian lost everything, as long as he was still the son of the demon ancestor Luohu, he would be able to rebuild to the peak soon.

But along the way, Sun Wei's various opportunities and fortunes are unique in the prehistoric world.

It is impossible for another qi trainer, from the blood realm to the current Yuan realm, to have such a chance as Sun Yuhong.

The Qi and Blood of the Demon Dragon in the Quasi-Holy Realm, Chaos Spiritual Grass, Chaos Heavenly Pill, Five Elements Rare Treasures, Nine Secrets of Taoism, etc., these chances are impossible to have a second time.

When Luo Wutian heard what Sun Rong said, a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"I've had enough of the shame of rebuilding, the fourth battle of fate, I will never lose to you."

Luo Wutian held the God-killing Spear tightly in his hand. He had rebuilt it three times. In the Rahu universe, there were demons who privately spread the name of his useless material.

What's more, he is still the son of the aloof demon ancestor Luohu!

Demon ancestor Luohu, Megatron Hongmenghai.In the Rahu universe, he is the most well-deserved number one powerhouse!
The demon race in the Rahu universe even dared to wage war against several original universes at the same time.

In the Hongmeng Sea, no one knows the name of Luo Hu.

And as the son of Rahu, he had to rebuild three times, and the prestige that Luohu had accumulated for many years was wiped out in one fell swoop.

In an instant, without using any supernatural powers, Sun Wei and Luo Wutian were fighting on the battlefield.

The God-killing Spear and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel collided suddenly in the void, and in an instant, Sun Yu felt a strong counter-shock force.

Sun Yu is only the body of a yin god, so of course it is impossible to defeat Luo Wutian who is in full combat power.

Luo Wutian's magic skills are extremely powerful!
Although he only cultivated in the Yin God Realm, Luo Wutian's magical skills made his physical body directly reach the fifth level of great perfection.

Without a physical body, Sun Wei is at a disadvantage!

But in this battle, Sun Yu felt that the turning point happened here.

The God-killing Spear pierced out one after another spear lights, unparalleled fierceness, with powerful destructive power, the God-killing artistic conception, the power is unparalleled!
Sun Wei swung the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and every time the stick hit heavily, it seemed to carry a mighty force, like falling from an ancient mountain.

Sun Yuhong is completely "one force down ten meetings", without any artistic conception and momentum.

There is only the purest 'power', and it is precisely this kind of pure 'power' that can compete with the artistic conception of killing gods and the sharp spear light.

Luo Wutian exerted all his strength, and all kinds of great demon powers were all blessed on the God Killing Spear. When the God Killing Spear pierced out, not only the sharp gun light, but also various great demon powers.

It's just that Sun Yu is the body of a yin god, and his speed is like lightning!

What's more, Sun Rong used various escape methods such as 'Zongdi Jinguang', 'Five Elements Escape', 'Great Sun Rainbow Light Escape', etc., which made Sun Rong's speed completely able to dodge Luo Wutian's attack!

Although Luo Wutian's attack is strong, and the God Killing Spear is even more fierce, but in terms of speed, Sun Yu is far superior to Luo Wutian.

"You think that you can use up my magic power by doing this, you are too naive!"

Although every time Luo Wutian stabs out, he will display a great supernatural power of the demon clan!
But Luo Wutian is the son of the demon ancestor Luohu after all, and the magic power contained in his body can be described as inexhaustible.

At this moment, from the perspective of the battle scene, Luo Wutian had the upper hand.

Sun Yu was only relying on speed to deal with Luo Wutian.

"This is already the fourth battle of destiny. You have been luring my grandson to use the prototype of the supreme supernatural power created by you. It's just that little trick of yours that can't be hidden from my grandson's eyes!"

Sun Yutong had the advantage in speed, but Luo Wutian intentionally attacked like this, just to deliberately give Sun Yuhong a chance to defeat the enemy with one blow!

It's a pity that Sun Yu was extremely forbearing and never used the 'Chaos Strike'.

Sun Yu knew that it was impossible for Luo Wutian not to be unprepared for the fourth battle of destiny when he used the 'Chaos Strike' in front of Luo Wutian last time.

Moreover, if you don't use this magical power, you will always be able to deter!
Luo Wutian also has a unique trick that he did not use, and that is the supernatural power of opening the sky.

However, Luo Wutian didn't have absolute certainty in his heart that Kaitian Divine Ability could completely kill Sun Wei.

Therefore, both Sun Quan and Luo Wutian have their own cards, but they are both worried that once the cards are revealed, if they cannot completely kill each other, the tragedy will be their turn!
Because of this, Sun Wei clearly had countless opportunities to cast 'Chaos Strike', but he held back all the time.

The same is true, Luo Wutian also has many opportunities to use his supernatural powers!
Regardless of whether it is the opening of the sky or the rudimentary form of the supreme supernatural power, both Sun Yutong and Luo Wutian can perform it once.

"In that case, let's fight to the death again!"

Ordinary supernatural attacks can't kill the opponent completely.

At this moment, Sun Wei and Luo Wutian erupted with the strongest supernatural power almost at the same time!
At this moment, Sun Yu suddenly swung the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, and slammed it hard at Luo Wutian.

"Chaos Strike!"

In an instant, a chaotic divine light suddenly appeared.

On the other side, Luo Wutian also mobilized all his mana to cast the supernatural powers!
Opening the sky supernatural power - the way of destroying the world!
Luo Wutian also practiced a more powerful supernatural power to open the sky. At this moment, the supernatural power to open the sky [World Destroyer Demon Dao] collided with [Chaos Strike] impressively.

And at this moment, Luo Wutian suddenly exhausted his last bit of mana and came to Sun Yutong's side.

And at this moment, the god-killing spear in his hand erupted with a power no less than that of Kaitian's supernatural power.

Opening the sky supernatural power - the demon master is boundless!
Luo Wutian used a trick to inject mana into the God Killing Spear before. Although he hadn't pushed the sky-opening supernatural power to the extreme, it was a self-created supernatural power [Chaos Strike] that could counter Sun Yu's self-created supernatural power.

Another divine ability to open the sky is hidden in the God Killing Spear. At this critical moment, use the magical ability to open the sky to kill Sun Yu.

"It is your honor to be able to die under the magical power of Kaitian!"

Luo Wutian looked ferocious.

At this moment, a sneer appeared on Sun Yu's face.

"It is also your honor to die under the Nine Yin Demonic Water!"

In an instant, Sun Yu's yin spirit collapsed, and the nine yin demon water appeared!
A drop of Nine Yin Demon Water dripped onto Luo Wutian's body, and in an instant, Luo Wutian's body was wiped out!
The other Nine Yin Demonic Waters were all dripped into the God Killing Spear!
In an instant, the supernatural power of opening the sky is hard to stop the might of the Nine Yin Demon Water.

And at this moment, Luo Wutian's extremely powerful demon body was dissolved by the Nine Yin Demon Water.

And his Wuji Yinshen was absorbed by Sun Yu's torn Yinshen in an instant.

In the battle of fate, the winner can devour all the energy of the loser.

After absorbing Luo Wutian's Wuji Yinshen, Sun Yutong's Yinshen was powerful enough to arouse the magic energy in the Nine Yin Demon Water.

(End of this chapter)

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