The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 244 The Realm of the Yang God

Chapter 244 The Realm of the Yang God
In an instant, between Sun Yu's palms, five kinds of thunderous power roared out in an instant.

Yimu Zhenglei, Binghuoyang Lei, Guishui Yinlei, Gengjin Jielei, and Wutu Minglei, the five kinds of thunder powers, bombarded heavily on the strong Yuanshen of the Thunder God Clan.

The five thunderbolts bombarded out, absorbing the aura of thunder attribute, the power is unparalleled.

The supernatural power of the "five thunders rectification method" has been cultivated to the fifth level by Sun Yu in the gallop of more than 20 days.

But at this moment, the power erupted by [Five Thunders] is no less than the power of the eighth heaven, which is equivalent to a full blow from a Taoist Qi trainer.

The primordial spirit of this thunder god clan powerhouse is extremely fragile.Although his cultivation was close to that of an immortal, his primordial spirit had not yet transformed into an immortal soul, and he was directly bombarded and killed on the spot by the power of thunder!

It's just that although Yuanshen was killed on the spot, the real spirit in the Yuanshen of this thunder god clan powerhouse has never fallen!

In an instant, the true spirit escaped!
At this moment, Sun Wei injected mana into the pair of thunder wings behind her!
In an instant, Sun Huang burst out with super speed!

"Foreign enemies invade!"

At this moment, the True Spirit who escaped from the strong Thunder God Clan, with the supernatural power of the Thunder God Clan, made a thunderous sound in the void!
Afterwards, the true spirit of this Thunder God Clan strongman was directly blown up by Sun Yutong.

But at this time, many strong men from the Thunder God Clan rushed out of the temple built around Thunder God Lake.

At this moment, Sun Yu was fighting fiercely in the void, revealing his real body.

All of a sudden, many Thunderlords were furious!

Since ancient times, none of the nine major forces on the Primordial Continent has ever been so crazy, daring to attack the holy land of the Thunder God clan [Thunder God Lake].

But now, a qi trainer whose cultivation level is not as good as the Great Perfection of the Yuan Realm is violently breaking the restrictions outside Thunder God Lake.

"The ants of the Pangu universe are worthless, stop quickly!"

"Kill him quickly, and he must not be allowed to escape into [Thunder God Lake]."

"Those descendants who are still growing in [Thunder God Lake] must not be disturbed."

The Thunder God Clan powerhouse was extremely furious, and an extremely intense Thunder Fury erupted.

Under the fury of the strong Thunder God clan, he shot with hatred.

All kinds of Thunder Dao supernatural powers and Thunder Dao spells bombarded Sun Yutong recklessly.

But in the face of this extremely dangerous scene, Sun Yu's expression remained calm all of a sudden.

Tiangang 36 Changes——Change to the Stars!
In an instant, the Thunder Dao supernatural powers and Thunder Dao spells that came from the bombardment were directly transferred to the prohibition outside Thunder God Lake by Sun Yu's great supernatural powers!

At this moment, the thunder exploded, the thunder exploded!
The restriction outside Thunder God Lake was directly blasted open a gap.

In an instant, Sun Yu's figure disappeared into the gap.

Sun Yu passed through the restriction of Thunder God Lake and arrived in Thunder God Lake.

And at this moment, Sun Wei suddenly felt that in the dark, an unparalleled will locked on Sun Yu!
Lei Hai Great Realm Will!

"What about Lei Hai's will? If you dare to take action against my old grandson, the Thunder God clansman you are nurturing will never be born!"

Sun Yu crossed the sky and stood on the Thunder God Lake.

At this moment, all the strong men of the Thunder God Clan were alarmed.

Chaos quasi-sage, Da Luo Jinxian, these Thunder God Clan powerhouses stood on the shore of Thunder God Lake, but none of the Thunder God Clan immortals dared to step into Thunder God Lake.

Sun Yu looked towards Thunder God Lake, and saw that at the bottom of Thunder God Lake, there were many creatures of the Thunder God Clan that were being bred!
"What a natural Thunder God Clan, absorbing the aura of the Pangu universe to support the Thunder Sea Great Realm. You really think that just because you are in the Thunder Sea Great Realm, the will of heaven can't do anything to you!"

Standing on top of Thunder God Lake, Sun Yutong glanced around, and all the powerful Thunder God Clan members were startled.

But at this moment, none of the immortals of the Thunder God Clan dared to attack Sun Yuhong.

"No matter who you are, no matter how powerful the power behind you is, if you dare to break into Thunder God Lake, you will definitely die!"

The quasi-holy patriarch of the Thunder God Clan, with endless killing intent on his face, has a fierce murderous intent.

"You don't want to stand obediently by the Thunder God Lake. If you dare to take a step into the Thunder God Lake, my grandson will make you regret it for the rest of your life. So what if you offend the Thunder God family, you are just dogs guarding the soil. As long as you dare to step out of the Thunder Sea Great Realm, There is no doubt that he must die!"

Sun Yu knew that although the Thunder God Clan occupied the Thunder Sea Great Realm, they won the Thunder Sea Great Realm and lost the Thunder Sea Great Realm.

The members of the Thunder God Clan did not dare to take a step out of the Thunder Sea Great Realm.

Otherwise, the nine prehistoric forces will desperately want to kill the Thunder God Clan members!

Although the nine major forces have nothing to do with Leihai Great Realm for the time being, the Thunder God clansmen will never leave, and will be trapped in Leihai Great Realm forever.

The reason for this is that the Thunder God Clan in the Thunder Sea Great Realm hates the orthodoxy of the Nine Great Powers so much.

Every ten years, troops will be sent to conquer the nine major forces.

However, the immortals of the Thunder God Clan could not participate in the battle. In every ten-year war, the Thunder God Clan could not completely wipe out the Nine Dao Lineages.

The Nine Great Dao is in the prehistoric world, and there are nine major forces. Once the situation is in jeopardy, the nine major forces of the Earth Immortal Realm and the 33 Heaven Realm will immediately send Taoist soldiers into the Leihai Great Realm!
In the Four Heavens, the Miaofa Daluotian, and the Five Heavens battlefields, almost all the prehistoric beings participating in the battle are immortals.

And the nine major forces sent the Taoist soldiers under the immortals to the Leihai Great Realm.

The strong men of the Thunder God Clan all looked at Sun Yu with a murderous look!
It can be said that Sun Yu's trespassing on Thunder God Lake without permission can be said to be immortal with the Thunder God Clan.

"You trespassed on Thunder God Lake without authorization, and the crime is punishable. If you leave Thunder God Lake now, I swear by the true spirit, I can let you reincarnate with a trace of the true spirit!"

The quasi-saint patriarch of the Thunder God Clan felt that he had made the biggest concession!
But these words, stopped in Sun Yu's ears, felt extremely absurd.

"My old grandson walked out obediently, and there is only a trace of reincarnation? Thunder God Clan, you have dominated the Thunder Sea world for so long, are you all stupid?"

Sun Yu felt that the quasi-sage patriarch of the Thunder God Clan was unreasonable, and it seemed like he had made a huge concession when he said such words.

"Don't think that you are safe and sound now that you are in Thunder God Lake."

The quasi-holy patriarch showed his murderous intentions.

"So what, my old grandson, it depends on whether you dare to come to Thunder God Lake! Do you think my old grandson doesn't know? Even if a quasi-sage goes to Thunder God Lake, he will be suppressed in the divine realm! My old grandson I want to see how many gods you Thunder God Clan have, enough to kill my old grandson!"

Different road non-phase plan!

Sun Yuhong loathes the Thunder God Clan who has always occupied the great world of Leihai. At this moment, he resolutely resolutely breaks through the barrier of the God Realm with Sun Yuhong's cultivation!
In an instant, mana surged in Sun Yu's body, breaking through the barrier of the divine realm.

Sun Wei's cultivation has broken through from the Great Perfection of the Yuan Realm to the early stage of the Divine Realm!

The initial stage of the divine realm is the first step in the divine realm.

As for the first step of the divine realm, there are only three small realms: the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage.

And after three times of lightning calamity, it is the late stage of the first step of the divine realm.

And at this moment, Sun Yu suddenly broke through to the first step of the divine realm. If this happened, it would trigger a pure sun thunder calamity!
In an instant, Thunder Dragon danced wildly in the entire Thunder God Lake, and the Thunder Snake suddenly appeared!
The will of Lei Hai Dajie was completely irritated by Sun Yuhong.

At this moment, the pure sun thunder catastrophe descended from the sky, mighty and mighty.

Seeing this scene, the Thunder God Clan strongman showed a sinister smile on his face.

With Lei Hai Dajie's will to attack, Sun Rong had no idea of ​​surviving the first pure Yang thunder tribulation.

Seeing the incomparably powerful Chunyang Thunder Tribulation, Sun Yu was extremely refreshed.

He is not afraid that the power of the pure yang thunder calamity is too great, but that the power of the pure yang thunder calamity is too small to compete with the nine yin demonic energy.

And at this moment, Lei Hai Great Realm wanted to kill Sun Yu, and at this moment, Lei Hai Great Realm's world source power was activated, and the pure yang thunder calamity that descended was ten thousand times stronger than the power of the other nine pure yang thunder calamities. times.

At this moment, the incomparably terrifying Chunyang Thunder thundered towards Sun Yutong!

Chunyang Thunderclap completely squeezed the sky, and the figure of Sun Yu was submerged in the Thunder Tribulation.

With a thought in Sun Yu's mind, the Yin God rose up in the sky.

In an instant, the extremely powerful and terrifying pure yang thunder bombarded the yin god.

In an instant, some of the nine-yin demon energy in the Yin God was directly annihilated by the extremely powerful pure-yang thunder.

And at this moment, when the Chunyang Thunderbolt collided with the Nine Yin Devil Qi, the profound meaning of the Chunyang Thunderbolt was revealed in front of Sun Wei.

Sun Yu crossed the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation, and still had the energy to comprehend the profound meaning of the Chunyang Thunder.

Sun Yu's first pure yang thunder tribulation, the power of each pure yang thunder made those nine yang gods who had passed through the ninth pure yang thunder tribulation feel shivering.

But for Sun Yan, when the rank of Yin God is promoted to Hongmeng Kaitian, when these nine Yin demonic qi come from the treasure of good fortune "Zhiyin Demon Pool", in the prehistoric wilderness, apart from angering the will of heaven and sending down heaven's punishment .

Only in this sea of ​​thunder and great world, the will of the great world was angered, and the will of the great world was recklessly mobilized to arouse the world's original power to descend from the pure yang thunder. Only then can the pure yang thunderbolt be able to contend with the nine yin demonic energy.

Although Lei Hai Dajie's will was irritated, he couldn't violate the rules.

As allowed by the rules, Lei Hai Great Realm has sent down the most powerful Pure Yang Thunder.

However, the will of Lei Hai Great Realm quickly sensed that the power of Chunyang Thunder seems to be a little weak, and it is impossible to completely destroy the life and death enemy who invaded Thunder God Lake.

Thus, the power of Chunyang Thunder increased tenfold!
Although the Thunder God Clan powerhouses on the shore of Thunder God Lake couldn't see through the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation how Sun Wei was blown away by the Chunyang Thunder, the power of the Chunyang Thunder has intensified, and these Thunder God Clan powerhouses are happy.

The prehistoric monks who trespassed on the Thunder God Clan's holy land [Thunder God Lake] will soon be completely destroyed by the pure sun thunder!

It's just that a cup of tea has passed, a quarter of an hour has passed, an hour has passed, and until one day has passed, the first pure yang thunder tribulation is still not over.

This scene made these Thunder God Clan powerhouses feel extremely frightened.

But during the first pure yang thunder tribulation, Sun Yu was extremely happy to see the yin god in the void, who was about to transform into a yang god!

The pure yang thunder blasted out the demon energy of the nine yin, and Sun Yu's yin god, who was about to turn into a yang god, was no longer as high as before.

The yin god of Sun Yutong, who has achieved the grand opening of the sky, is 24 and 830 feet high.

But now, the first pure yang thunder tribulation is about to pass, and the Yang God who is about to be accomplished is only 22 feet tall.

In other words, 730 of the six-foot-high Yin god's nine-yin demon energy was completely wiped out!

(End of this chapter)

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