The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 245 Battle of Wills

Chapter 245 Battle of Wills
Pangu Universe · Ancient Era · 16 billion 20 years · January [-]th.

In the holy land of the Thunder God Clan [Thunder God Lake], Sun Wei survived a pure yang thunder tribulation and officially became the Yang God.

With a thought in Sun Yu's mind, [Thunder God Lake], the God of Calamity Yang in the void, returned to the Purple Mansion.

The Chunyang thunder dissipated, and many Thunder God clansmen stared wide-eyed when they saw Sun Yutong who survived the first Chunyang thunder calamity safe and sound.

When Sun Yu crossed the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation, the most tormented were these Thunder God Clan immortals.

They were extremely eager for Sun Yu to fall under the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation, but Sun Yu never fell under the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation.

And because of the Chunyang Thunder, these Thunder God Clan immortals couldn't see clearly how Sun Yu survived the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation.

Now that the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation has dissipated, Sun Wei did not trigger the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation again as the Thunder God Clan immortals had guessed.

Sun Yutong stayed in the [Lake of Thunder God] and did not leave. Now that he has passed through a pure sun thunder calamity, Sun Yutong scanned all directions with provocative eyes.

In an instant, Sun Wei's eyes were on some geniuses of the Thunder God Clan who were not at the level of gods.

These geniuses of the Thunder God Clan who were cultivated in the divine realm had just reached adulthood and were about to go to the battlefield to undergo training, but because Sun Yu broke into Thunder God Lake, these geniuses of the Thunder God Clan who cultivated in the divine realm stayed in the temple.

Today, Sun Yu has not fallen under the Chunyang Thunder Tribulation.The immortals of the Thunder God Clan did not dare to step into the Thunder God Lake, and only the geniuses of the Thunder God Clan who relied on these divine cultivations entered the Thunder God Lake and killed Sun Yu.

Therefore, when Sun Yu glanced around, every genius of the Thunder God Clan showed fierce murderous intent in their eyes and burst into anger.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a prehistoric Qi practitioner who dared to provoke the Thunder God Clan like this.

Sun Yu was the first to set a precedent, not only attracting the pure sun thunder calamity in Thunder God Lake, but even if he survived the pure sun thunder calamity, he would not leave.

In the eyes of these Thunder God Clan geniuses, Sun Yu, who humiliated the Thunder God Clan so much, would undoubtedly die.

At this moment, the furious quasi-sage patriarch of the Thunder God Clan made a vow that he regretted for the rest of his life.

"You little ant, even if all the gods of the Thunder God Clan are dead, you will be buried in [Thunder God Lake]. This is what you will end up with when you offend [Thunder God Lake] and humiliate the Thunder God Clan."

In the eyes of the patriarch of the Thunder God Clan, it is impossible for Sun Yu to be able to defeat those talented geniuses of the Thunder God Clan!
As long as one of the geniuses who can be called evildoers takes action, Sun Wei, who has cultivated the first step of the divine realm, can be buried in the [Lake of Thunder God] forever.

Seeing the fury of the patriarch, many geniuses of the Thunder God clan gave up their extremely ruthless vows not to kill Sun Yu, and vowed not to leave Thunder God Lake.

Under the excitement of the crowd, the geniuses of the Thunder God Clan were in the divine realm, and their fighting spirit was high.

After taking the oath, ten geniuses who had cultivated the first step in the God Realm of the Thunder God Clan stepped into the Thunder God Lake!

"It's just the Yang God of the Three Tribulations, the first step is the Great Consummation. With this strength, I want to kill my old grandson. The ignorant have no fear."

Sun Yuhong dismissed it with contempt.

The Thunder God Clan has occupied the Leihai Great Realm for too long, and in the hearts of the Thunder God Clan, the prehistoric monks are vulnerable.

With the same cultivation base, they are even weaker!

The Thunder God Clan launched an offensive every ten years. The Thunder God Clan knew that there were nine orthodoxy in the ancient continent, and they were the nine strongest forces in the prehistoric world.

But the Dao soldiers of the nine strongest forces in the prehistoric world dare not fight at the same level as the Thunder God Clan!

Therefore, in the eyes of these Thunder God Clan immortals, Sun Wei, who was in the realm of the Yang God for one calamity, was not at all a genius opponent of the Thunder God Clan for the third tribulation of the Yang God Realm.

The immortals of the Thunder God Clan showed hideous smiles.

At this moment, the ten geniuses of the Thunder God Clan who stepped into the Thunder God Lake, who were in the realm of the Sun God of Three Tribulations, cast the Thunder Dao spell together.

Ten geniuses of the Thunder God Clan who were in the realm of the Yang God of Three Tribulations cast the same thunder spell.

And at this moment, the power of this Thunder Dao spell is superimposed, at least beyond the normal power of the seniors!
Thunder Spell - Wake Thunder!
In an instant, the power of this thunder spell was unparalleled.

The Lei Dao spell completely turned into a destructive thunderbolt, which blasted towards Sun Yu in the flick of a tenth of his fingers.

Although the speed of destroying Lei Guang is unmatched, even the immortals of the Thunder God Clan can't imagine how fast Sun Wei's speed will be in Thunder God Lake!

In an instant, Sun Yu's figure was so fast that it could barely cover his ears before the bombardment of the destroying thunder came.

Afterwards, the thunder wings behind Sun Yu's back shook.

Sun Yu immediately appeared in front of ten geniuses of the Thunder God Clan who were in the realm of the Yang God of Three Tribulations!
Sun Yutong suddenly threw a punch, killing the ten Yangshen Realm of Three Tribulations, Sun Yutong felt that they were not worthy of using the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.

Using the Ruyi Golden Cudgel is to look up to them.

In an instant, a vast and incomparable punch shakes the void.

The horrific punching force was directly in the void, blasting ten Thunder God Clan geniuses who were in the realm of the Three Tribulations of the Sun God!

These Thunder God Clan geniuses have only just grown up and have never experienced brutal fighting. Although their aptitude is superb, and although they can cast Thunder Dao spells with shocking power, they are vulnerable to a single blow in front of Sun Yuhong!
One punch crushed ten Thunder God Clan geniuses who were in the realm of the Three Tribulations of the Sun God, and Sun Yu's expression remained the same.

And at this moment, the souls of the ten Thunder God Clan geniuses whose bodies were bombarded to death showed endless panic.

At this moment, an incomparable suction force in Thunder God Lake suddenly sucked their primordial spirits into Thunder God Lake!
In an instant, these ten Thunder God Clan geniuses were directly swallowed by Thunder God Lake.

Then, at the bottom of Thunder God Lake, there were a few more creatures that had never been bred.

Seeing this scene, Sun Quan's pupils shrank.

"In this Thunder God Lake, the Thunder God Clan is immortal?"

This is the first time I have seen such a strange Thunder God Lake, and Sun Yu's eternal reincarnation.

But at this moment, the Thunder God Clan immortal standing on the shore was filled with grief and indignation, chewing his tongue.

What a shame!
The Thunder God Clan has never suffered such humiliation in history!

Ten geniuses of the Thunder God Clan were blown up just like that!

And at this moment, another genius from the Thunder God Clan wanted to step into the Thunder God Lake, but around the Thunder God Lake, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared.

Sun Yu felt that above the Thunder God Lake, the will of the Great Desolate Heaven came down, and he was playing with the will of Lei Hai Great Realm.

Sun Yu had survived a pure yang thunder tribulation, and the will of Leihai Dajie was completely at a disadvantage at this moment because it stimulated the power of the world's origin.

Sun Quan's spiritual consciousness radiated out and blasted into the restriction.

In the dark, Sun Yu felt the words of the will of the wilderness and heaven to stay in the restriction.

"January is a safe period!"

The prehistoric will of Heaven and Heaven is the game for Sun Yutong until January is a safe period. In other words, Sun Yuhong can practice again in the Thunder God Lake for January.

Lei Hai Dajie's will, don't think about using other hands and feet.

Sun Wei didn't even think that the will of the Great Desolation and Heaven would hate the will of Leihai Great Realm to such an extent.

But this is undoubtedly the best news for Sun Yuhong!
Although Sun Yu had survived a pure yang thunder calamity, he became the Yang God of a calamity.

However, Sun Yuhong has not yet fully understood the profound meaning of the Dao that is contained in the first layer of pure yang thunder calamity.

The first level of the Dao Profound Truth of the Pure Sun Thunder Tribulation is the Sun Profound Truth.

And at this moment, Sun Yu was extremely fortunate to have the original seed of Nine Yangs in the Yang God.

In an instant, Sun Wei sat cross-legged above Thunder God Lake, absorbing the incomparably pure thunder-attribute aura in Thunder God Lake.

The spiritual consciousness is silent in the sun's original seed, and comprehends the sun's origin.

One of the ways of yang in the way of yin and yang is mainly the nine yang avenue.

The Tao of Nine Yangs almost includes the Tao of Yang.

Yin Yang Avenue is one of the 36 Hongmeng Avenues recognized by Hongmenghai!

In other words, only by cultivating the 36 grand avenues can it be possible to prove the fruit of the grand dao and become a grand saint.

And the 36 Hongmeng Avenues were created by 36 Hongmeng saints!
For example, the great god Pangu who opened up the Pangu universe created one of the grand avenues, the "Avenue of Power".

If one practices the 'Avenue of Strength', one can naturally cultivate to the realm of a grand sage.

But it is almost impossible to surpass Pan Gu.

In the Primordial Sea, all the saints felt that there should be another realm above the Primordial Saint.

It's just that this realm is indescribable and indescribable.

And all saints firmly believe that as long as they reach this state, they can break away from the Primordial Ocean and create another Primordial Ocean.

Because the Yin-Yang Dao is closely related to the Five Elements Dao, Sun Wei is very serious about comprehending the Yin-Yang Dao.

Seeing this scene, many immortals of the Thunder God clan exploded with rage.

Sun Yutong unexpectedly attained enlightenment on the Thunder God Lake and was completely dependent on it.

But all the immortals found out with great sorrow that at least within this month, the Thunder God Clan could not do anything to Sun Wei at all.

Because among the Thunder God Clan, the will of Lei Hai Dajie, which is called the strongest, can't do anything to Sun Yu.

And this game between the will of the Great Desolate Heaven and the will of the Leihai Great Realm involves the rise and fall of the luck of the Leihai Great Realm.

"The will of the Great Desolate Heaven came to the Great Realm of Thunder Sea. If the Great Desolate Destiny is stronger, the power of the will will be stronger. Conversely, if the Desolate Destiny is weaker in the Great Realm of Thunder Sea, then the will of the Great Desolate Heaven will be weaker!"

"In this case, if you want to cut off the prehistoric luck, you must wipe out the Primordial Continent!"

"Destroy all the orthodoxy of the nine major forces on the Primordial Continent, and most of the prehistoric luck in the Leihai Great Realm will disappear!"

"Since this is the case, the will of the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao will desperately want to take away the Great World of Thunder Sea where our Thunder God Clan has survived for generations, so we should completely eliminate the moths!"

Sun Yu's actions pushed the Thunder God Clan to the extreme.

In order to weaken the power of the prehistoric will, the Lei Shen clan no longer regarded this ten-year battle as an ordinary battle of conquest.

The Thunder God Clan sent all the treasures of heaven and earth accumulated over the years to the nine military camps outside the Primordial Continent.

All of a sudden, on the Primordial Continent, the monks and soldiers of the Nine Dao Lineages suddenly felt that the Thunder God Clan's attack had become extremely crazy.

It's as if the monks and soldiers of the Nine Dao Lineages are the unshakable enemies of the Thunder God Clan.

That kind of endless madness made the monks and soldiers of the Nine Dao Lineages feel endless pressure in an instant!

The Thunder God Clan is coming in a menacing way, and it is clear that they want to destroy the Nine Dao Lineages.

The monks of the Nine Dao Lineages immediately sent rescue to Hong Huang!
(End of this chapter)

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