The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 246 Immemorial Thunder God

Chapter 246 Immemorial Thunder God
In the Taikoo Continent, the Thunder God Clan attacked the Nine Dao Lineages madly and endlessly, and their desire to destroy the Nine Dao Lineages was clearly revealed.

The monks of the Nine Dao Lineages were furious.

In the Pangu universe, the nine forces behind the nine great traditions are the strongest nine forces, dominating the prehistoric world.

Whether it is the Earth Immortal Realm or the 33 Heaven Realm, they are all under the control of the Nine Great Powers.

The Thunder Sea Great Realm is nothing more than a great world attached to the Earth Immortal Realm, and now the Thunder God Clan is coming aggressively, completely angering the Nine Dao Lineages.

Now that the Thunder God Clan is desperate and wants to destroy the Nine Dao Lineages.

The monks of the Nine Dao Lineages also inspired various prohibition formations and magic weapon treasures to guard the mountain gate. They were caught off guard and caused heavy casualties to the Thunder God Clan.

Although the Lei Shen Clan wanted to destroy the Nine Dao System, they never thought about using the power above the immortal throne.

When the Nine Great Dao Orders broke out their immortal battle power, the Taoist soldiers of the Thunder God Clan fell one after another.

In the east of the Ancient Continent, there is the Taoist Biyou Palace.

The Jiejiao monks of Biyou Palace, when Biyou Palace was besieged by countless Leishen clan Taoist soldiers, blatantly aroused the power of the guardian sword formation [Xianxian Sword Formation].

In an instant, this [Jade Immortal Sword Formation] burst out hundreds of millions of fierce and unparalleled Zhuxian sword energy.

The Taoist soldiers of the Thunder God Clan were pierced by the ubiquitous and fierce Zhu Xian sword energy.

Zhu Xian's sword energy destroyed everything, and many Taoist soldiers of the Thunder God Clan were wiped out physically and mentally.

At the same time, not only the Jujiao Biyou Palace, but also the Renjiao Tushiita Palace and the Chanjiao Yuxu Palace erupted almost simultaneously.

All of a sudden, the Thunder God Clan, which was divided into the Nine Route Army, suffered extremely heavy losses!

The Nine Daotongs showed their fangs, fierce and murderous.

Because of the battle between the will of the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao and the will of the Thunder Sea Great Realm, the nine major forces of the Great Desolation cannot give up the Thunder Sea Great Realm at all.

This battle of wills is for luck.No matter whether it is the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao or the Thunder Sea Great Realm, they cannot afford to lose.

Hong Huang Tian Dao has almost made up his mind to get to know Lei Hai Great Realm, a Hong Huang moth.

The will of the Thunder Sea Great Realm cannot allow the Great Desolate Heaven to succeed, so when the Thunder God Clan knew about the ancient continent, the people of the Thunder God Clan suffered extremely heavy casualties.

The Nine Dao Commanders took the initiative to use the combat power above the immortal throne without authorization, and the immortals of the Thunder God clan were furious!

The Thunder God clan and the Nine Dao clans were really torn apart, and a shocking battle broke out.

But at this moment, Sun Yu, who was cultivating latently in the holy land of the Thunder God clan [Thunder God Lake], had no idea that because of his appearance in the Thunder Sea Great Realm, the fate of the Thunder Sea Great Realm had changed.

At this time, the nine major forces in the prehistoric world, regardless of the will of the Thunder Sea Great Realm, sent immortals to enter the Thunder Sea Great Realm.

In an instant, the immortals from the nine major powers descended to earth, fighting wildly with the immortals from the Thunder God Clan in the Thunder Sea Great Realm.

When the Great Desolate Heaven completely lost patience and wanted to get rid of the "worms" like Lei Hai Dajie, the strength of the nine major forces broke out, causing the immortals of the Thunder God Clan to suffer heavy casualties.

Although the vast majority of the Thunder God clan can be said to be immortal in the Thunder Sea Great Realm, they are hard to beat with two fists and four hands.

The nine great forces of the prehistoric world continued to send immortals down to earth, and for a while, other than the ancient continent, eight other continents were imprisoned around the ancient continent.

Renjiao Tushita Palace occupies the ancient continent, and the other eight major forces occupy other continents!
The nine continents watched and helped each other, resisting the powerhouses of the Thunder God clan outside the continents.

A real bloody battle broke out, and the Thunder God family was facing a crisis of genocide.

Until this moment, many immortals of the Thunder God Clan fell one after another.Only then did the Thunder Gods know that it was absolutely impossible for the Thunder Gods to fight against the prehistoric world alone.

Prior to this, the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao had not fully shown its power, and the nine major forces did not want to pay too much to kill the will of the Leihai Great Realm, so they tolerated the Leishen clan time and time again.

Now, there is a prehistoric way of heaven to suppress the will of the Leihai Great Realm, and the nine major forces immediately conquered the Leihai Great Realm regardless of everything.

The combat power of the immortals of the Thunder God family can be described as incomparably tyrannical.

But the nine major forces dominate the prehistoric world, and the immortals sent to Leihai Great Realm at this moment are all battle immortals who survived the battlefield in the heavenly realm!
Every war fairy brought a powerful fairy weapon to the world, and the gods of the Thunder God family were beheaded one after another.

The Lei Shen family wanted to completely wipe out the Nine Great Lineages of the Nine Great Powers in the Thunder Sea Great Realm, and cut off the prehistoric luck, but they did not expect that the Nine Great Powers would desperately help the Nine Great Lineages.

Instead, the Thunder God family was in danger of genocide.

Many immortals of the Thunder God Clan fell, and only a very small number of immortals and true spirits of the Thunder God Clan escaped and returned to the holy land [Thunder God Lake].

The Nine Dao Commands have stabilized the battle situation, and the Nine Continents are constantly approaching [Thunder Lake].

In the end, the battle was one-sided.

The Nine Great Commandments threaten the Thunder God family, and the Nine Continents have come outside the Thunder God Lake.

As a last resort, the patriarch of the Thunder God Clan and the eight Da Luo Jinxians respectively sent nine temples to the front of the nine continents.

The orthodoxy on the nine continents is now controlled by quasi-sages who descended from the heavens.

The master of Renjiao Tushita Palace, the head of the Eight Immortals of Shangdong, "Chunyang Sword Immortal" Lu Dongbin.

The master of the Yuxu Palace, the head of three generations of disciples, and the "true monarch of Qingyuan Miaodao" Yang Jian.

The master of Jiejiao Biyou Palace, the grand master of Yin Shang in ancient times, Wen Zhong of "Nine Heavens Responding to Yuan Thunder and Universalizing Heavenly Venerable".

The Western religion, dragon clan, phoenix clan, unicorn clan, monster clan, and witch clan are also quasi-sages.

It's just that the quasi-sages of these six major forces are not as powerful as the three quasi-sages of the Three Religions.

As the patriarch of the Thunder God Clan, Lei Tinghe, the quasi-sage of the Chaos Golden Immortal Realm, the other six quasi-sages don't know about it, but the three powerful quasi-sages of the Three Sects naturally have heard of it.

"Chunyang Sword Immortal, Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun, Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun, you and the other three religions invaded the world of Leihai, and now they come to the holy place of the Thunder God clan to show off their might. Do you really think that we Thunder God clan Isn't it easy to bully?"

Quasi-Saint Thunder said coldly.

"That's right, the Thunder Gods are so easy to bully. The mantis' arms are just like cars, so what about the world of Thunder Sea? Before that, you were like 'worms' in the wild, and the will of the wild world didn't pay much attention. Otherwise, you Thunder Gods really thought they could dominate Thunder Can the sea world not be completed?"

Yang Jian is extremely domineering, as the first disciple of the three religions and three generations, although he has never become a saint.But among the many immortals and the Three Religions, the status is no less than that of those second-generation disciples.

"Just because your Thunder God family wants to resist? The Thunder Sea Great Realm actually fell into the Pangu Universe, so you have to listen to Honghuang's orders."

Wen Zhong also said domineeringly, as far as the three religions are concerned, even the three clans of Kaitian who respect the ancient times and the Lich clan who dominate the ancient times dare not compete with the three religions.

Since ancient times, the three religions have dominated the prehistoric times.

"You are coming with menace and arrogance. But if you think that my Thunder God family is so easy to bully, then you are wrong!"

Thunder God patriarch Lei Tinghe said coldly.

"If you have the guts, reveal the 'background' of your Thunder God clan right now. I want to see what your Thunder God clan relies on!"

Yang Jian said coldly.

The Thunder Sea Great Realm of the Thunder God Clan does not belong to the Great Thousand World derived from the Pangu Universe, but comes from the Hongmeng Sea.

Now the nine great powers are so powerful that they want to force out the 'inheritance' of the Thunder God family.

"The Thunder God Clan will not use their 'inheritance' until they are truly exterminated. It is still the same as before, opening the secret realm of the ancient Thunder God inheritance. In addition to you and other geniuses of the Thunder God Clan, the arrogance of our nine major forces will also enter the inheritance secret realm!"

Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin looked coldly at the quasi-sage Lei Tinghe, the patriarch of the Thunder God Clan.

Part of the reason for the nine major forces to pass down their orthodoxy in the Leihai Great Realm is to enter the secret realm of the ancient Thunder God inheritance.

Hearing these words, two bolts of lightning suddenly shot out from Lei Tinghe's eyes.

"It turns out that you have always established yourself in the Thunder Sea Realm for the secret realm of the Primordial Thunder God's Inheritance, but you have never imagined getting the Primordial Thunder God's inheritance!"

Lei Ting was furious, the primordial god of thunder, the ancestor of the thunder god clan.

The nine major forces actually wanted to snatch the inheritance of the ancient Thunder God from the Thunder God Clan, which was an endless shame for the Thunder God Clan.

"The secret realm of the ancient thunder god inheritance is controlled by you. It's a pity that you descendants are too incompetent. So far, you have never received the ancient thunder god inheritance. If this is the case, the ancient thunder god inheritance should belong to the prehistoric. If you don't hand over the ancient thunder god inheritance , you Thunder God clan, just wait for the clan to be wiped out!"

Wen Zhong's words were cold. Among the nine quasi-sages, he was most eager for the inheritance of the ancient thunder god.

Although in ancient times, Wen Zhong returned to Jiejiao and no longer commanded the righteous gods of the Thunder Department of the Heavenly Court.

But Wen Zhongxiu's way is the way of thunder.

The inheritance of the ancient thunder god is undoubtedly the strongest unique skill for the qi trainers of the prehistoric thunder way.

Lei Tinghe glanced around. The Nine Great Powers of the Great Desolation are so aggressive today, and they are clearly coming towards the secret realm of the ancient Thunder God inheritance.

"Imperial Thunder God's Inheritance Secret Realm, you don't want to enter it!"

Lei Tinghe's attitude suddenly became very tough.

Chunyang Sword Fairy Lu Dongbin, Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian, and Nine Heavens Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun Wenzhong all looked at the sky at the same time, and they could give Lei Ting great confidence.

"It has been said in ancient times that the will of the Thunder Sea Great Realm is the remnant spirit of the Primordial Thunder God. Looking at it now, it is indeed well-deserved. So what about the Primordial Thunder God, this prehistoric world is dominated by three religions!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Jian suddenly slashed forward with a three-pointed and two-edged knife in his hand.

In an instant, the terrifying power of the quasi-sage was mighty, overwhelming, and filling the sky.

At the same time, Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin drew his sword, and a brilliant and fierce sword light slashed towards the major temples of the Thunder God Clan!

And at this moment, Wen Zhong also shot.

The male and female whips were swung out with terrifying strength, and the entire void was instantly split open.

The other six quasi-sages also shot, and their peerless magical powers blasted at the Thunder God family!
At this moment, the nine quasi-sages shot together, with overwhelming power!

The power of the nine quasi-sages is by no means something that Lei Tinghe can contend with.

The will of the Leihai Great Realm, which is contending against the primordial Dao in the original place of the Leihai Great Realm, had to allocate some power to protect the Thunder God Clan.

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(End of this chapter)

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