The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 255 Tang Dynasty

Chapter 255 Tang Dynasty
Zou Zi sighed slightly.

"It's a pity that there are no seeds of Pure Yang Immortal Grass in the treasure house of the Great Desolation. Otherwise, if there are seeds, with the background of Wen Dao, the Pure Yang Immortal Grass can be cultivated to maturity in a very short period of time."

Pure Yang Immortal Grass is extremely rare, and there is only one plant in the medicinal garden of the Supreme Elder in the Tushita Palace in the Heavenly Court.

It's just that everyone knows that this is the Taoism of Lu Dongbin, the pure Yang sword fairy.

In the prehistoric times, no one dared to go to the Tusita Palace Medicine Garden to snatch the Pure Yang Immortal Grass by force.

"No matter what, my old grandson can't give up easily. Even if he can't get the Immortal Pure Yang Grass, he still has to ask Sword Immortal Chun Yang, where did he get the Immortal Pure Yang Grass seeds?"

Sun Yuhong's mind has been made up, Chunyang Yuanshen, Sun Yuhong vowed to complete it.

Otherwise, if the Pure Yang Primordial Spirit is not achieved perfectly, it is impossible to raise the Yang God to the stage of Hongmeng Kaitian until the Divine Realm is completed.

In this case, wouldn't it be a waste of the Primordial Golden Pill and the Primordial Yin God.

Although Sun Yu didn't know whether he would be able to become a Hongmeng sage in the future, at least for now, Sun Yu couldn't let him regret his cultivation.

"Wu Hong, do you really decide to go to Chunyang Sword Sect?" Zou Zi asked in a deep voice.

"The only way is to go to the Chunyang Sword Sect to pay a visit to the Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin, and see if I can get the seeds of the Chunyang Immortal Grass from him. As long as I get the Chunyang Immortal Grass, my old grandson can inspire the remaining seven Chunyang Immortals at any time. Lei Jie, in one fell swoop, achieves the Pure Yang Primordial Spirit."

Sun Yu's current cultivation base is only the first step of the divine realm, the "Second Tribulation Yang God Realm", but as long as he obtains the pure Yang Immortal Grass, he can break through to the fourth step of the divine realm, the "Pure Yang Yuanshen Realm" .

"The Pure Yang Sword Sect is not in the Western Wilderness, but in the Southern Wilderness of the Great Tang Dynasty. The Southern Wilderness Taoist school is prosperous, and there are also the Wu Clan and the Phoenix Clan. If you go to the Southern Wilderness, it can be said that there are many dangers."

Zou Zi was worried about Sun Wei's safety, and the strength of the Nanhuang Wendao lineage was very weak.

In the Southern Wilderness, the three top powers are the Wu Clan, the Phoenix Clan, and the Tang Dynasty.

"My old grandson knows, but this time my old grandson has to go in person anyway." Sun Wei is by no means the kind of person who is timid, even if the whole world is an enemy in the southern wasteland, Sun Wei will see the Chunyang sword in person fairy.

It was a matter of becoming a Taoist, so Sun Wei had no choice but to go there in person.

Moreover, among the reincarnations of all generations, there is one life in the Southern Wilderness. If the cause and effect can be resolved, that would be the best.

"Then you must be careful. If you encounter an irresistible enemy, immediately ask the sage for advice with a noble heart." Zou Zi saw that Sun Yu had made up his mind, so he stopped trying to persuade him.

Sun Yuwen returned to the cave and released the three daughters in the cave!

Sun Wei's trip to the Great Realm of the Thunder Sea, his cultivation was only in the realm of the Yang God of the Second Tribulation, but Sun Wei had been cultivating for thousands of years in the Pure Yang Thunder Pond, and the three daughters absorbed the Pure Yang Thunder, which also raised their realm It is comparable to the realm of the Nine Tribulations Yangshen.

It's just that they are different from Sun Wei, they don't need pure yang spirit grass or pure yang fairy grass, they can make the Nine Tribulations Yang God advance to the Pure Yang Yuanshen.

"My old grandson is going to visit the Southern Wilderness, and you will stay in Linzi City for the time being."

Sun Yutong looked at Huang Yao, Jiang Mingzhu and Mo Yuzhu, and said slowly.

"Brother Sun, did you go to Nanhuang to find pure Yang spirit grass?" Huang Yao could see through Sun Yu's true cultivation level at a glance. If Sun Yu wanted to become a pure Yang Yuanshen, he needed at least a pure Yang spirit. Only with the help of grass can success be achieved.

Sun Yu nodded heavily.

"We won't go with you, you must be careful." Jiang Mingzhu said with a slight smile.

"You have offended the Phoenix Clan, and the Witch Clan's attitude is unclear. On the land of the Southern Wilderness, it is no different than in the Eastern Wilderness." Mo Yuzhu said worriedly.

"Don't worry, the man who can kill my old grandson has not yet been born." Sun Yu said proudly.

Before leaving, the three girls hugged Sun Quanhong lightly.

Afterwards, Sun Wei resolutely left Jixia Academy.

Through the teleportation array, teleport directly to the Southern Wilderness!

The Tang Dynasty, Chang'an Imperial City.

In the Southern Wilderness, although the Great Tang Dynasty was only a human dynasty, it was as powerful as those ancient dynasties in the Central Wilderness.

The royal family of the Tang Dynasty was the Li family of Longxi.

The ancestor of the Li family in Longxi was Lao Zi Li Er.

Lao Tzu Li Er is the head of all the philosophers in the human way, not to mention one of the three incarnations of the Taoist Heavenly Venerable, and his cultivation is infinitely close to that of the Wuji Golden Immortal.

And if the incarnations of the Sanqing are gathered beside Daode Tianzun, at least [-]% of the Wuji Golden Immortal's combat power will be there!
In this case, facing the Daode Tianzun is equivalent to facing two or three Wuji Golden Immortals.

In addition, Daode Tianzun also holds the Taiji map of the innate treasure and the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, the acquired merit and virtue to the holy spirit treasure. Looking at the prehistoric world, he is definitely second only to the Taoist ancestor!
Even those who are as rebellious as the Master of Tongtian, and as arrogant and unattainable as the Yuanshi Tianzun, when facing the moral Tianzun, they must respectfully call out big brother.

The second-generation disciples of the Three Religions, when they see Daode Tianzun or the incarnation of Sanqing, no one will say "Master Uncle".

Because of this, the Tang Dynasty can be said to be the most powerful among the major human dynasties in today's prehistoric land, fairyland and nine wildernesses.

Those ancient dynasties of the Central Desolation Human Race were all surpassed by the later Tang Dynasty.

Sun Yuhong returned to Chang'an Imperial City again, and the moment he walked out of the teleportation formation, Sun Yuhong was no longer Sun Yuhong.

It was Zu Yin, the eldest son of a very ordinary family of cultivators in the Chang'an Dynasty, who was forced to leave the family of cultivators because of trouble.

Although Zu Yin, who was the eldest son at the beginning, was expelled from the family of cultivators in name, but in fact Zu Yin did not want to implicate the family and fled away from the Chang'an imperial city.

Thinking of the past of reincarnation in the previous life, a sneer gradually appeared on the corner of Sun Yu's mouth!
At the beginning of Chang'an Fengyun gathering, Kowloon was fighting for succession.

The eldest son Li Chengqian, the second prince Li Kuan, the third prince Li Ke, the fourth prince Li Tai, the fifth prince Li You, the sixth prince Li Yin, the seventh prince Li Yun, the eighth prince Li Zhen, and the ninth prince Li Zhi.

Now that Sun Yuhong has returned to Chang'an City in the form of the ancestral seal, in his mind at this moment, Sun Yuhong has sealed other memories.

Walking on the wide long street of Chang'an City again, Zu Yin was filled with emotion.

Zu Yin randomly called a carriage on the street, and after telling the destination, the coachman drove the carriage to Pingkangfang where the ancestor's home was located.

Chang'an, the imperial city of the Tang Dynasty, is divided into [-] squares.

But since the day Chang'an City was built, the doors of the [-] squares have never been closed.

The city of Chang'an is subject to a curfew and is extremely prosperous.

In the entire Southern Wilderness, Chang'an City is second to none when it comes to prosperity.

The carriage was on the galloping lane specially designated for carriages, Zu Yin soon came to Pingkangfang.

Zu Yin threw a few spirit stones to the coachman, but did not ask the coachman to retrieve the spirit stones. The extra spirit stones were rewarded.

On both sides of the street, there are small courtyards.

Most of the residents in Pingkangfang are immortal cultivating families like the Zu family, and no immortals have been born. In Chang'an City, the inheritance is only thousands of years old.

Such a family of cultivators can only make a living in Chang'an City by opening shops in the market, but the ancestor's family is different, they are not proficient in heresy.

Therefore, if the ancestral family established a foothold in the Chang'an Dynasty, they had to join the Gongmen.

The ancestral family has been passed down for thousands of years, and the highest is only the first ancestor, who has the official position of the eighth rank of the Tang Dynasty.

Although the ancestral family has never produced a fairy during the thousands of years of inheritance of the Chang'an Dynasty, the ancestral family has a good family tradition and is extremely united.

Therefore, the ancestral family was able to establish a foothold in the Chang'an imperial city for thousands of years.

Zu Yin recalled the past, his grandfather was a single descendant and had three sons, Zu Yin was the eldest son and grandson, the second uncle had two younger brothers, and the third uncle had a son and a daughter.

In other words, the second generation of the ancestral family has three sons, and the third generation of the ancestral family has four sons and one daughter.

Although the ancestral family was just an ordinary cultivating family in the Chang'an Dynasty, they were extremely united, guarding in a small courtyard, but very warm.

The ancestral seal slowly walked to the gate of a small courtyard. On the plaque, there was the word ancestral residence, which was strong and powerful.

Zu Yin gently knocked on the door, and soon the door opened.

With her small head exposed, Zu Lan looked at the ancestral seal knocking on the door, and couldn't believe it.

"Little sister, it's elder brother." Zu Yin smiled slightly, brushing Zu Lan's long hair lightly as he did when he was a child.

"Brother, is it really you?" After Zu Lan opened the door, she couldn't help jumping towards Zu Yin.

"Big Brother is back, it's because Big Brother is not good, I made you worry about it before!" Zu Yin patted Zu Lan lightly, Zu Lan has been very attached to Zu Yin since childhood.

Zu Lan raised her head, tears welling up.

Zu Yin gently wiped Zu Lan's tears, and Zu Lan touched Zu Yin's face with a pair of small hands.

She still couldn't believe it, it felt like she was in a dream.

"Little sister, who is coming to visit my house?" At this moment, a handsome young man walked out the door, his eyes widened and he was stunned.

"Come out and see, brother ghost is back!"

Zu Feng, the eldest son of Zu Yin's second uncle, shouted loudly.

Immediately, all the ancestors in the small courtyard came to the courtyard.

Seeing the ancestral seal, these relatives all stared wide-eyed, never expecting that the ancestral seal suddenly appeared.

"My son!"

At this moment, Zu Yin's mother came to Zu Yin's side.

She hugged Zu Yin suddenly, and felt the temperature of Zu Yin. It was not a ghost, but her son, who really came back.

"Grandma, Mother, Second Aunt, Third Aunt, Zu Feng, Zu Lin, Zu Shan, Zu Yan, my Zu Yin, are back!"

Zu Yin said loudly.

Hearing an extremely familiar voice again, this voice only appeared in dreams before, and the whole family of the ancestor's family surrounded him.

Grandma Zu Yin loved Zu Yin the eldest son and grandson the most. Her wrinkled hands gently touched Zu Yin's face.

"It's Laoshen's eldest grandson, eldest grandson, you are finally back."

Grandma couldn't help crying with joy.

Seeing this scene, Zu Yin swore in his heart that he would never let his relatives cry again in this life.

"Brother, you disappeared for more than 20 years. Where have you been for more than 20 years?" the younger sister Zulan cried.

"Yes, Yin'er, you have been away for more than 20 years, and we all miss you very much!" Zu Yin's mother also asked.

"I'll tell you when grandpa, father, second uncle and third uncle come back. But now that I'm back, in Chang'an City, no one can bully our ancestral family."

Zu Yin said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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