The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 256 Alarming Chang'an

Chapter 256 Alarming Chang'an
Not long after Zu Yin returned, Zu Yin's grandfather, father, second uncle and third uncle returned to the ancestral mansion of Pingkangfang.

Grandpa, father, second uncle and third uncle were in a hurry, and they almost stepped in the door together.

It's just that the moment they saw Zu Yin, all four of them looked gloomy all of a sudden.

"Who are you, pretending to be my grandson's ancestral seal?"

Grandpa Zu Yin shouted sharply, and in an instant, the audience was silent.

"How could Yin'er be a fake?" Grandma Zu Yin stood up in shock, and at this moment, the warm atmosphere suddenly disappeared because of Grandpa Zu Yin's stern shout.

"Grandpa, I'm your Yin'er!" Zu Yin stood up and said calmly.

"What a joke, can it be that I can't even tell my son apart? You keep saying it's Yin'er, but unfortunately, you haven't sensed any similar blood fluctuations from your body." Zu Yin's father also sternly shouted.

"I haven't had time to tell you that when I was expelled from Chang'an City, I was ambushed and killed. I was reincarnated and returned to Chang'an Imperial City now." Zu Yin said sincerely.

"Even if you talk like a tongue, don't try to deceive us. No matter which prince is the master behind you, please leave the ancestral mansion now. No matter who you are, our ancestral family can't afford it!"

The second uncle of Zuyin pointed to Zuyin, and then pointed to the gate, with an extremely firm intention to chase away guests.

"Grandpa, father, second uncle and third uncle, how can you believe that I am your seal. Do you want me to swear by the true spirit, or the most vicious blood oath?"

Zu Yin did not expect that there would be such a disturbance when returning home this time.

"You deliberately pretended to be my family's Yin'er, even if you swear by the real spirit, you can't take it seriously!" Grandpa Zu Yin insisted that Zu Yin was a fake.

Seeing the incomparably firm expressions of grandpa, father, second uncle and third uncle, Zu Yin raised his eyebrows suddenly.

"Grandpa, father, second uncle and third uncle, did someone say something to you after I died?" Zu Yin thought, neither grandpa, father nor second uncle and third uncle were reckless people.

As soon as I stepped into the ancestral mansion and saw myself, I decided it was an impersonation, and there must be something hidden in it.

Hearing this, all four of them had a look of pain on their faces.

"Don't say anything, Yin'er has long since perished physically and mentally. No matter who is the master behind you, go back and tell him that our ancestors will no longer participate in the struggle for succession."

Zu Yin's third uncle had an extremely cold attitude, and when he looked at Zu Yin, he was even more indifferent.

"So that's the case, grandpa, father, second uncle and third uncle, who were the ones who sent the dead men to kill me?" Zu Yin said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Grandpa Zu Yin sneered.

"You still don't leave, do you think our ancestors are so easy to bully?" Grandpa Zu Yin was completely angry, he couldn't see the counterfeit stopping before his eyes.

There was a wry smile on Zu Yin's face, he did not expect such a situation when he returned home.

All of a sudden, Zu Yin remembered that this time it was to break the karma.

"Forget it, that's fine. Since it's been more than 20 years, you are all used to the death of the ancestor's seal. Then let the ancestor's seal be completely forgotten in your hearts, so that it will not implicate you."

Zu Yin laughed loudly, looked up to the sky and went out laughing loudly.

Seeing Zu Yin leave, suddenly, Zu Yin's mother felt heart-piercing pain.

She had never sensed the breath of blood before, but she would rather believe that this was the ancestral seal, even if it was fake, she would rather stay with the ancestral seal more.

At this moment, Zu Yin was only filled with resentment.

Previously, seeing the pained look on the faces of his grandfather, father, second uncle and third uncle, Zu Yin already understood who was the mastermind behind sending the dead men to ambush him in his previous life.

Zu Yin's veins bulged, and his heart was full of anger.

In vain, she was loyal to him in her previous life, but she never thought that she would end up in such an end when she planned with all her heart and effort to bring down the other princes.

Zu Yin swore in his heart, "Li Zhi, if you become the most outstanding prince because of me, then your path to supremacy will be completely cut off in this life!"

The ancestral seal is allegiance to the Ninth Prince Li Zhi.

Zu Yinju joined the eldest prince Li Chengqian and the fourth prince Li Tai in the middle, and almost completely cut off the path of the other six princes who were not born to the eldest grandson of the empress.

It's just that they didn't expect that the six princes would fight back crazily before they fell, and the cunning rabbit died, and the lackeys cooked.Li Zhi was so cruel that he even regarded Zu Yin as an abandoned son. As a result, Zu Yin was expelled from Chang'an Imperial City in the end.

It was all under the full mediation of his good friend Li Chunfeng, and with the help of those powerful sons he befriended at the beginning, Zu Yin was finally charged with exile, and even if he was amnesty, he could not return to the imperial city of Chang'an.

As soon as Zu Yin left Chang'an City, he was ambushed and killed by the dead.

But in the end the true spirit escaped into reincarnation, and then reincarnated and reincarnated back to Donghuang, where Sun Yu was born.

Now that he is back, Zu Yin just wants to stand in front of Li Zhi and ask, why!
The ancestor seal left the gate of the ancestral mansion, and many monks from the immortal cultivating family in Pingkangfang saw the ancestor seal.

"I'm not mistaken, isn't Zu Yin sentenced to exile, and now he dares to return to Chang'an Imperial City privately?"

"Twenty years ago, the most edgy young genius in Chang'an City, with his astonishing wisdom and unrivaled talent, surpassed the nine princes!"

"The Ninth Prince Li Zhi relied heavily on him as his right-hand man, and now the Ninth Prince Li Zhi is the most likely to inherit the throne!"

"This is a good show to watch. After more than 20 years, the ancestor seal returns to the Chang'an Imperial City again, and it will definitely set off a turbulent wave again!"

"Those powerful families in the entire Chang'an Imperial City, the princes, if they know that the ancestral seal has returned, I don't know what it will be like!"

The news of Zuyin's appearance in Pingkang Fang was like a hurricane, and the news of Zuyin's return spread throughout the entire Chang'an imperial city, and the prince's mansion!
Even the servants ran around in the palace, reporting the news of the return of the ancestor seal to the contemporary emperor Li Shimin.

Chang'an City, Cuiyun Building!
The eldest son of the emperor, Li Chengqian, and the fourth prince, Li Tai, are hosting a banquet in the Cuiyun Tower for the sons of the great families in the Chang'an imperial city.

All of a sudden, the commander of the hidden guards beside the eldest prince Li Chengqian rushed into the Cuiyun Tower.

The leader of the secret guard broke into the banquet without permission, making the sons of the big families all look at Li Chengqian.

"It's so absurd, how decent it is!"

The eldest prince Li Chengqian immediately felt that he had lost face, and angrily reprimanded the commander of the secret guard.

The commander of the dark guards insisted on coming to Li Chengqian regardless of Li Chengqian's reprimand.

"Is there anything that can't be said in public?"

If it was the past, of course Li Chengqian would not reject what the commander of the hidden guards said.

But now, the sons of the big families are at the banquet, and the commander of the secret guard whispers in his ear. Wouldn't these sons of the big families think that Li Chengqian is plotting against them secretly.

Therefore, in order to show justice, Li Chengqian categorically rejected the command of the hidden guards.

"Report to the First Prince, Zu Yin has returned to Chang'an City!"

In desperation, the commander of the dark guard knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian was stunned, and dropped the wine glass in his hand to the ground.

Not only Li Chengqian, but also the fourth prince Li Tai and the legitimate sons of other powerful families, were all stunned and stupefied when they heard that the unrivaled adviser who was famous in Chang'an City in 20 years had returned.

Li Chengqian came back to his senses, and immediately looked at the fourth prince Li Tai!

At the same time, the fourth prince Li Tai also looked at him heavily.

Afterwards, the two sides had a tacit understanding and shook their heads at the same time.

The return of the ancestral seal was not done by them.

"He was convicted of exile, and he was not allowed to return to Chang'an City even if he was pardoned. Who is it that made him return to Chang'an City?"

The fourth prince Li Tai seemed to be talking to himself, but at this moment, Li Chengqian suddenly felt that the return of the ancestral seal seemed to be something to do.

"Fourth brother, elder brother thinks that today's banquet can end, what do you think?" Li Chengqian had to rush back to the mansion to discuss with a group of counselors to see how to make money from it.

The fourth prince, Li Tai, couldn't sit still either. They had a deep understanding of Zu Yin's peerless talent.

Eight words are the most appropriate description of Zu Yin's talent.

Turn over your hands to make clouds, and cover your hands to make rain!
Back then, the ancestral seal connected the three major princes, completely cutting off the path of the six princes who were not born to the eldest grandson's family!
Both Li Chengqian and Li Tai watched with their own eyes how the ancestor seal set up the scheme step by step, and finally the six princes had no choice but to fight back when they died.

The Ninth Prince Li Zhi believed that the general situation was settled, and he could abandon the ancestral seal as a pawn, so he regarded the ancestral seal as an abandoned piece.

After Zu Yin became an abandoned son, Li Chengqian and Li Tai made great efforts from it.

A peerless and talented counselor was finally sentenced to exile. Among them, Li Zhi, a prince, could not do it.

But now it is different. 20 years later, Li Zhi's status can be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

And all of this is what Zu Yin laid down for Li Zhi back then.

Ninth Prince Li Zhi's mansion, Li Zhi is playing and having fun with all the concubines in the mansion.

But at this moment, the personal servant came to Li Zhi's side, and said a piece of news that made Li Zhi feel thunderous.

"What? He didn't die?"

Li Zhi's expression suddenly became extremely sinister.

But in the depths of the sinister eyes, there is endless horror!

Zu Yin's talent, he couldn't be more clear!

Now, the ancestral seal reappeared in Chang'an City, it must be for revenge!

Thinking of this scene, Li Zhi felt like sitting on pins and needles.

"What should we do now?"

Before Zu Yin exerted his strength, Li Zhi felt that the general situation was over, and half of the sky had collapsed.

"Your Highness, Zu Yin is still charged with exile. A criminal has returned to Chang'an City without authorization. If he reports this matter to the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, he will definitely be unable to bear it!"

The chief servant said coldly.

"Yes, let's do this!" Li Zhi was in a state of desperation. Hearing the return of the ancestral seal, his heart was like thunder, and he felt that he was very far away from the throne of the emperor at this moment, and it was beyond reach.

At this moment, Li Zhi was completely panicked!

The head servant went down, no matter whether Li Zhi was in the mood to laugh or play, his whole face was extremely gloomy.

His concubines did not dare to stay, and all the maids left.

In an instant, only Li Zhi was left in the hall.

"No matter who it is, I can't stop me from ascending to the position of Emperor. Even if you come back, it's okay, at worst, kill me again!"

Li Zhi's expression was extremely sinister and he was gnashing his teeth. At this moment, Li Zhi's expression was extremely ferocious!
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(End of this chapter)

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