The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 257 Princess Jinyang

Chapter 257 Princess Jinyang
Chang'an Imperial City, the residence of Li Chengqian.

After returning to the mansion, Li Chengqian immediately summoned the confidants who were supported in the mansion to come to Li Chengqian's inner study.

These confidant counselors already knew that the famous Wizard of the World in Chang'an had returned more than 20 years ago, so they all understood Li Chengqian's mood that was constantly wandering in the inner study at this moment.

"Gu called you here because I felt that this is a god-given opportunity! God will not give us such an opportunity a second time. The return of the ancestor's seal will definitely cause boundless waves in Chang'an City. What should we do? To be able to profit from this chaos?"

Li Chengqian said in a deep voice.

"Your Highness, the return of the ancestral seal is the work of the fourth prince?" Li Chengqian's first counselor asked in a deep voice.

"Before in Cuiyun Building, the fourth brother was also shocked when he heard that the ancestor seal had returned. Both of us looked at each other subconsciously, so it should not be the fourth brother's doing. If he really got the loyalty of the ancestor seal, he would never let the ancestor seal return. Show up in Chang'an City." Li Chengqian said in a deep voice.

"In that case, the return of the ancestor seal is very suspicious. No matter who is behind the scenes, but at present, the return of the ancestor seal is clearly for revenge. And the love is deep, and the hatred is deep. At this moment, the ancestor seal must be in the heart , hate the Ninth Prince to the extreme!" the first counselor said excitedly.

"That's right, Old Nine did not do things properly back then. Now, when the ancestor seal returns, he will definitely cut off his path to become emperor just like he did with those six before!" Li Chengqian said happily.

At this moment, Li Chengqian wished that Zu Yin's ability was a hundred times stronger than that of 20 years ago.

As long as Li Zhi can be pulled down first, then he will slowly compete with Li Tai in the future!
In Li Chengqian's heart, he didn't think he was inferior to Li Tai!

It's just that in the past 20 years, because of Li Zhi's strength, even though he was in the court, Li Chengqian had to join forces with Li Tai to fight against Li Zhi.

And all of this, Li Chengqian knows, these are the credits of the ancestor's seal back then!

"Your Highness, the most urgent task now is to closely monitor the Fourth Prince's movements. The chess pieces we placed in the Fourth Prince's mansion can also be moved. Similarly, His Highness's mansion must also be carefully guarded!" The first counselor said in a deep voice.

"This matter is naturally clear." Li Chengqian knew that if Li Zhi was really pulled down by Zu Yin, then in the future, he and Li Tai would not cooperate as before, but would fight to the death.

"In addition, Your Highness needs to visit Princess Jinyang immediately. In the matter of winning the ancestral seal, the effect of Princess Jinyang's appearance, His Highness, forgive me for being presumptuous, it can be said to be ten times and a hundred times stronger than Your Highness!"

The first counselor has followed Li Chengqian for many years, and has also experienced the turbulent turmoil 20 years ago. He understands that Zu Yin and Princess Jinyang almost got together back then!
If the ancestral seal is not dead, the Emperor will definitely give him a marriage.

If Zu Yin and Princess Jinyang didn't have another Wu Meiniang who overwhelmed Chang'an City, Zu Yin would have been the son-in-law of the royal family long ago.

"What presumptuousness is there? Gu is very clear about this. Presumably Sizi also knows about the return of the ancestral seal, so it's not too late. Gu will go to the palace to see Sizi now."

Princess Li Mingda of Jinyang, nicknamed Sizi, was most favored by Emperor Li Shimin.

Emperor Li Shimin bestowed the most solemn title of the Tang Dynasty, 'Jinyang', on Sizi. All the princes knew that in Li Shimin's heart, little Sizi was the one he loved the most.

On the other side, the residence of the Fourth Prince.

Li Tai also summoned his confidant counselors to conduct secret business in the inner study, and the return of the ancestral seal is just to add to the talk for those aristocratic families in Chang'an City.

But for the princes, it was a game of life and death.

"Lao Jiu was too immature back then. The cunning rabbit died, and the lackeys cooked. The birds are gone, and the good bow is hidden. Now he should pay the price for the willful mistakes of the year. Big brother must be very anxious."

Li Tai's personality is slightly more stable than Li Chengqian's.

"Your Highness, we have already discussed so much. You can set off. If your subordinate guesses correctly, the eldest prince is now ready to enter the palace to visit Princess Jinyang!"

Li Tai's confidant counselor persuaded Li Tai to act immediately.

Seeing this scene, Li Tai sighed.

"In vain you have been with Gu for so many years. Now that you enter the palace, you will never find Sizi. What's more, Sizi has the best relationship with me, the fourth brother. After more than 20 years of dating, how can he surpass it by repairing it after a dead sheep! "

Li Tai dismissively said.

"What does your Highness mean? Could it be that His Highness thinks that Princess Jinyang has already left the palace?" the confidant counselor thought, but he was not sure.

"Knowing the return of the ancestral seal, the son-in-law will definitely plead with the father in a subconscious reaction. But I guess, at this time, the father should not be seen by anyone, except the mother. If the son runs into a wall where the father is, You say, where will she go?"

Li Tai said with great determination.

"Of course I will go to Duke Ying's mansion!" The confidant counselor also said firmly.

"That's right, so Gu went directly to Ying Guogong's mansion. If Gu is really blessed, maybe he can meet the ancestor's seal outside Ying Guogong's mansion!"

Li Tai said with confidence, and when he finished speaking, he left the mansion and went to Duke Ying's mansion.

Li Chengqian hurried into the palace, but learned from the maid that Jinyang Princess had already left the palace.

Li Chengqian is not an idiot either, he can understand with a little guesswork that Sizi will definitely go to Duke Ying's mansion.

In Duke Ying's mansion, Princess Jinyang broke in.

Princess Jinyang was so anxious that she didn't care about the Duke's Mansion where Qiqi knelt down.

On the attic, Wu Meiniang sighed slightly as she looked at Jinyang Princess Li Mingda who hurried over!
What should come will eventually come.

After so many years of planning, there should be a result.

"Meiniang, did you know? Zuyin is back!"

As soon as she stepped into the attic, Princess Jinyang Li Mingda said loudly.

"Understood, he came back and shocked the entire Chang'an City, the great families and powerful families, who doesn't know at this moment." Wu Meiniang walked down from the second floor slowly, growing lotuses every step of the way.

"But he is still charged with exile. I just went to beg my father, but my father didn't see me!" Princess Jinyang was sad and lost. This was the first time that Li Shimin ignored her.

In the past, no matter how busy Li Shimin was with his government affairs, he would find time to see her.

"Si, if he comes back now, it's possible that your father did this on purpose. You go and beg your father, of course he won't see you!"

Wu Meiniang didn't know who was helping Zu Yin secretly, so she tried words.

However, Princess Jinyang Li Mingda didn't hear the tentative meaning in her words at all. Hearing these words, he looked nervous instead.

"Zu Yin has offended so many princes and brothers before, and now that he is back, all the princes and brothers will trouble him. Mei Niang, quickly give him advice."

Princess Li Mingda of Jinyang is usually loved by Li Shimin, almost in the Tang Dynasty, she belongs to the domineering type of crushing!

No matter who it is, maybe it will be fine to anger the Emperor Li Shimin.

Because the emperor Li Shimin wants to be a wise king through the ages.

But if he offends Jinyang Princess Li Mingda, Li Shimin will let those people know what the Emperor's Wrath is!
Just then, the maid came to report.

"Miss, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince has entered the mansion."

Hearing this, Wu Meiniang frowned!
The fourth prince Li Tai is so eager, it doesn't look like the fourth prince is playing tricks in the dark.

Could it be that the Emperor Li Shimin really did it?
At this moment, Wu Meiniang suddenly had some difficulty guessing the mind of the palace man!
This made Wu Meiniang, who had always been unfavorable in the past, suddenly feel that things were out of control.

However, the fourth prince, Li Tai, has already entered Duke Ying's mansion, so he cannot avoid seeing him.

"Si, let's go see your fourth brother together!" Wu Meiniang sighed.

Ying Guogong's mansion, Ying Guogong's warrior Xun is very knowledgeable about current affairs, after paying his respects to An, he left the living room.

Afterwards, Wu Meiniang brought Princess Jinyang to the living room.

"Minister Wu Mei, see Your Highness the Fourth Prince!" Wu Meiniang bowed gracefully.

"Fourth brother, you came very quickly!" Jinyang Princess Li Mingda was a person who couldn't pretend to be thinking, she was very surprised, Li Tai almost followed her into Yingguo's mansion.

"Fourth brother, don't you know you well? Knowing that the ancestor seal has returned, you have been shut down by your father, and you will definitely come to Duke Ying's mansion to discuss with Wu Mei."

The fourth prince, Li Tai, said with a little complacency.

"The fourth prince is indeed extremely intelligent. Among all the princes, the fourth prince is the smartest and most like the Holy One!" Wu Mei lightly parted her cherry lips, but praised Li Tai a little, and Li Tai smiled happily in his heart.

"Those are nothing more than petty cleverness. If you want to be a generation of emperor, you still need great wisdom!"

At this moment, the eldest prince Li Chengqian had just come to the living room, and when he heard that Wu Mei praised Li Tai, he instinctively felt displeased, so he retorted subconsciously.

Immediately, Li Tai's expression darkened.

Li Tai did not expect that Li Chengqian would show an aggressive posture before Li Zhi fell down!
Deep down in his heart, Li Tai looked down on Li Chengqian.

"Brother!" Jinyang Princess Li Mingda greeted.

"Si, my elder brother has been busy with government affairs these years, so I seldom accompany you. It's my elder brother's fault, but don't worry, my elder brother will definitely spare time to accompany you in the future!"

The eldest prince Li Chengqian immediately looked at Jinyang Princess Li Mingda affectionately, and said slowly and affectionately, he played a very affectionate and sexual elder brother to the bone.

"Big brother is busy with government affairs, so it's right to share the worries of the father. Si son is accompanied by the fourth brother. The elder brother doesn't have to do this, and he can't tire the father!"

Princess Li Mingda of Jinyang always has such a pure and transparent heart.

Hearing this, Li Chengqian was a little embarrassed.

"Eldest brother has also heard Sizi say this. Sizi is with me, and eldest brother can share the worries of the father!" Li Tai deliberately emphasized the word "sharing worries", which is clearly a satire on Li Chengqian, and he is not busy with government affairs at all!
In today's court, Li Zhi took the lead in most of the government affairs, and the emperor asked Li Zhi for his opinions many times.

And these are all the credit of the ancestors!
Jinyang Princess Li Mingda couldn't hear Li Tai and Li Chengqian's confrontation, she was very happy when she saw Li Tai say this to Li Chengqian, a smile appeared on her beautiful and unparalleled face!
Seeing this scene, Wu Mei suppressed a smile in her heart.

Seeing that Jin Yang was still extremely innocent, Wu Mei secretly sighed again.

She found that today she sighed a lot!

All this is because of that person!
(End of this chapter)

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