Chapter 258
Ninth Prince Li Zhi, because of Zeng Zuyin's suggestion, won the praise of Emperor Li Shimin.

In recent years, the Ninth Prince Li Zhi has been in the court, and his prestige has become higher and higher.

In this case, Li Zhi's power in the court will naturally become bigger and stronger.

The chief servant took Li Zhizhi, the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, and immediately took action.

In order to prevent accidents, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Justice dispatched government soldiers.

In addition, the imperial army guarding Chang'an City and the Royal Forest Army guarding Miyagi City were also notified. The Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple are completely fussing over a molehill!
This was done not to prevent Zuyin from escaping, but also to prevent some forces from intervening.

It was just out of the expectation of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple that the entire Chang'an City was extremely peaceful.

When the soldiers from the Ministry of Punishment and the Dali Temple came to Pingkangfang, they saw the ancestor's seal walking alone in Pingkangfang!
The Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple dispatched thousands of government soldiers just to capture the ancestor seal.

Moreover, a minister of the Ministry of punishment and a young minister of Dali Temple personally led the team. When they saw that Zu Yin was completely alone, both the minister of the Ministry of punishment and the young minister of Dali Temple felt that something was wrong.

It's so quiet, today's Chang'an City is extremely quiet!

And this kind of tranquility before the storm, the weird tranquility that is about to be swept by the mighty waves, made the minister of punishment and the young minister of Dali Temple instinctively feel that they have been involved in a storm that is about to sweep the entire city of Chang'an .

And they all knew that the protagonist of this storm was the weak ancestor seal in front of them.

More than 20 years ago, the ancestral seal was famous in Chang'an!

At that time, the former Emperor Li Shimin said in public after a banquet that if Zu Yin was his son, he would pass on the throne of Emperor immediately.

Zu Yin assisted the Ninth Prince Li Zhi, and helped the Ninth Prince, who was almost poor and without any influence, to be the prospective prince who is now oppressing the court!

But no matter how uneasy you feel, if you can't complete the task entrusted by Ninth Prince Li Zhi, your fate will be worrisome!
No matter how the Ninth Prince loses power in the future, before he loses power, it is easy to crush officials like them.

"Criminal Ancestral Seal, you were sentenced to exile but went to Beijing privately, can someone issue an order?"

The servant of the punishment department asked in a deep voice.


Zu Yin replied calmly without even thinking about it, without any hesitation.

"In this case, then you go to the Ministry of Punishments with us!"

The servant of the punishment department said coldly.

"Yes!" Zu Yin didn't resist, and looked around, "Where's the carriage?"

Seeing Zu Yin's calm demeanor, neither the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment nor the Shaoqing of Dali Temple dared to act wildly. With a wave of their hands, a carriage behind them entered Pingkangfang.

At this moment, a policeman next to the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, holding shackles, wanted to step forward and handcuff the ancestral seal!
But at this moment, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment glared fiercely, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

However, the catcher then looked at Zu Yin with a trace of resentment.

"If you dare to look at me with such resentful eyes again, even if Li Chengqian desperately protects you, believe it or not, I can make your whole family survive tonight!"

At this moment, Zu Yin lost the catcher's eyes!
Hearing this, the policeman felt as if he had been struck by lightning!
He immediately knelt on the ground!

The arrester, who was kneeling on the ground, was kicked into the air by the servant of the criminal department, and then fell heavily to the ground!
The carriage set off and slowly left Pingkangfang.

But at this moment, in front of the gate of the ancestral mansion, three generations of the ancestral mansion gathered in front of the gate, watching Zu Yin step onto the carriage safely.

"Old man, if he wasn't Yin'er, would he have caused such a big disturbance just after he arrived in Chang'an City?" At this moment, Grandma Zu Yin raised an eyebrow at Grandpa Zu Yin.

"Yin'er doesn't want to implicate us. After he finishes his work, we will ask him what happened to him all these years!" Zu Yin's father said in a deep voice.

The carriage was driving on the wide streets of Chang'an City, galloping fast, and after a while, the carriage came to a workshop where almost all the dignitaries and wealthy families of the Tang Dynasty were located.


Zu Yin said lightly!

Immediately, the coachman drove the carriage and stopped in front of Duke Ying's mansion.

At this moment, in front of Duke Ying's mansion, the chariots of the eldest prince and the fourth prince were parked on the street.

Zu Yin slowly got off the carriage and looked at the four bright red lanterns swaying in the wind.

Zu Yin raised his eyes slowly, looking at the plaque!

Ying Guogong's mansion!

This word is still the emperor's imperial pen.

At this moment, the servant of Ying Guogong's mansion saw the ancestor seal in front of the gate, and suddenly walked towards the inner mansion like crazy.

"Master Zu Yin is outside the gate of the mansion!"

The young man rushed into the living room, before saluting, he said urgently.

Hearing this, the eldest prince Li Chengqian and the fourth prince Li Tai didn't even care whether this young man was rude, and immediately rushed out of the living room.

At this time, Sizi looked at Wu Meiniang.

"Let's go see him too!"

Wu Mei and Princess Jinyang move the lotus steps lightly!
Zu Yin was appreciating the four characters 'Yingguo Gongfu' bestowed by the Emperor Renhuang's imperial pen, when two nobles from Tianhuang rushed out of Yingguo Gongfu.

The first prince Li Chengqian and the fourth prince Li Tai rushed out of the mansion, and saw the ancestral seal standing with their hands behind their hands, as if they were admiring the plaque written by their father.

When they met again, the first prince Li Chengqian and the fourth prince Li Tai immediately knew that the ancestor seal was in front of them.

Because of Zu Yin's demeanor, no one else can imitate it at all.

"If His Highness the First Prince and His Highness the Fourth Prince were so thirsty for talents in the beginning, maybe I wasn't working for him back then!"

Zu Yin said lightly!

"It was Chengqian's regret in his life to pass by Mr. back then. I hope Mr. Cheng can give Chengqian a chance to make up for such a regret." Li Chengqian said in a deep voice, and it could even be said that he was a little humble.

Hearing this, Zu Yin glanced at the two chariots lightly.

"It seems that in these years, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince has accompanied Si Zi a lot."

Hearing this, the Fourth Prince Li Tai's face showed a hint of shock.

Relying on the chariot, the ancestral seal penetrates the mystery!

At the same time, Li Chengqian couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"You're right, fourth brother often accompanies me!"

At this moment, Jinyang Princess Li Mingda stepped out of the mansion. In her eyes, there were all ancestral seals, and nothing else could be tolerated!

At this moment, in Sizi's heart, everything is filled with the figure of Zu Yin.

"Your Highness the Fourth Prince will take care of you, and someone will pamper you, so I can rest assured!"

Seeing that Sizi was still so innocent, Zu Yin's heart trembled.

"No, without you by my side, I feel like losing the whole world!" Sizi shook her head firmly.

"You always have to learn to grow, and compared to most princesses, you are already considered happy." Zu Yin said lightly.

"I used to be happy, but I won't be happy without you in the future!" At this moment, Wu Mei suddenly answered.

Zu Yin then looked at Wu Mei, Zu Yin's gaze was not as hot as it was 20 years ago, it was just plain.

In Wu Mei's eyes, Zu Yin's eyes are extremely plain, like an ancient well.

This made Wu Mei feel flustered suddenly. Zu Yin looked at her 20 years ago, full of tenderness and sweetness, but it wasn't as calm as it is now.

"Seeing that you are like this now, I am relieved. The vast expanse, once owned, why care about eternity!"

As soon as Zu Yin said this, Si Zi suddenly threw himself into Zu Yin's arms!
She felt something was wrong, the reunion in her fantasy would not be like this.

Seeing this scene, Li Chengqian and Li Tai pretended not to see it.

Seeing Si Zi rushing towards Zu Yin, Wu Mei also had this thought in her heart, but immediately, she was suppressed by her reason.

She is no longer the Wu Mei of 20 years. In the past 20 years, she has changed too much!
"Okay, stop crying. If the emperor knows that I made his precious daughter cry, the emperor still doesn't know how to deal with me!"

Zu Yin gently comforted Sizi!

"I don't care, anyway, you always have a way to make my father happy. Just like I was unhappy before, you always have a thousand ways to make me happy!"

Sizi didn't care about it, she waited for her ancestor's seal for more than 20 years, and she rejected the marriage proposal of Jun Yan, a young man from an unknown number of aristocratic families.

Many handsome young men can even enter the eyes of the emperor, but Sizi can't hold anyone else in his heart.

"Zu Yin died more than 20 years ago. Now I am just a reincarnation. I returned to Chang'an City just to settle the grievances and grievances of more than 20 years."

Seeing that Sizi was still in his arms and refused to come out, Zu Yin said these words!
As soon as these words came out, Sizi really left Zu Yin's embrace, and then she looked at Zu Yin with a cold look in her eyes.

"You lied to me!"

Sizi pointed at the ancestral seal and said harshly.

"On this point, His Highness the First Prince must be able to testify!"

As soon as Zu Yin said this, Si Zi looked at Li Chengqian with some cold eyes.

"I would like to apologize to Mr. Gu for what happened back then. Each is his own master, and he will do everything he can. These are all taught by Mr. Gu!" Li Chengqian said bluntly, admitting nothing.

If you still try to deceive at this time, then the impression in Zu Yin's heart will never be restored.

"The past is nothing but clouds and smoke. I didn't take it seriously for a long time. Now that I'm back, I just want to settle the grievances with him. If the two princes are interested, they can go to the Ministry of Punishment to listen later." Zu Yin said lightly.

"Sir, do you want to surprise us?" Hearing this, the Fourth Prince Li Tai couldn't restrain his joy.

"His road to the emperor was built because of me back then. Now I can only cut off his road to the emperor with my own hands!"

As soon as Zu Yin said this, Li Chengqian and Li Tai were shocked.

It's just that none of them paid attention to the sneer and sarcasm in Zu Yin's eyes.

Wu Mei saw it, but she felt a little strange.

Today's ancestral seal has changed so much from the ancestral seal of 20 years ago, which was full of love and righteousness, love and righteousness, righteousness and righteousness, and both benevolence and righteousness, so much that the instinct of Wu Mei contradicts.

Because she has also changed, so when she realizes that the ancestral seal has also changed, there is inevitably a little more strangeness in her heart.

And how could this trace of strangeness be hidden from the ancestral seal of a peerless wise man.

After Zu Yin finished speaking, he looked at the servant of the Ministry of punishment and the Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

"Finally, I would like to advise you, after bringing me to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, immediately go to Miyagi to plead guilty. Otherwise, if the emperor is angry, it will not be as simple as losing his official title. I don't want your whole family and the Nine Clans to get involved because of your ignorance. life!"

As soon as Zu Yin said this, the minister of punishment and Shaoqing of Dali Temple felt chills all over their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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