The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 260 Qinglian Sword Master

Chapter 260 Qinglian Sword Master
Human Emperor Li Shimin glanced at Zu Yin indifferently, "Is it just to settle the grudge?"

Zu Yin smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Your Majesty is still His Majesty, and his eyes are still so bright. In your heart, you think I came for Wu Mei. But in Wu Mei's heart, you think I am a pawn deliberately placed by Your Majesty. Come and try!"

As soon as these words came out, the First Prince Li Chengqian, Fourth Prince Li Tai, Ninth Prince Li Zhi, and Jinyang Princess Li Mingda had no idea what it meant.

But the emperor Li Shimin, civil servants and generals, and Wu Mei all changed their colors slightly.

"Then did you come here just to settle the grievances you said?" Human Emperor Li Shimin asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, I don't want to interfere with the Great Tang Dynasty. No matter who becomes the emperor in the future, at least he can take care of Sizi. If that's the case, I can rest assured!" Zu Yin said lightly.

"It's really that simple?" How could the Emperor Li Shimin believe in the ancestor's seal like this.

"A lot of things that were originally simple, but you have to make them very complicated. It's just that things are not complicated, but people's hearts are changeable. His road to emperor was ruined by him. Seeing this scene, I am also satisfied!"

Having said that, Zu Yin gave Ninth Prince Li Zhi a very indifferent look.

And at this moment, in front of the court and in full view of everyone, Li Zhi would certainly not be able to kill someone.

"Father, this criminal entered the capital without permission. It is clear that he did not take the father seriously, and the crime is extremely heinous. I beg the father to deal with it."

At this moment, Li Zhi knelt on the ground and said.

"It's clear that you don't take me seriously!" Human Emperor Li Shimin said this, Li Zhi looked at Li Shimin in amazement!
Seeing Li Zhi's bewildered face, Li Shimin was furious.

"Fool, you were really blind back then!"

Li Shimin looked at Zu Yin indifferently.

"He is not stupid, and the other princes are not stupid either. There is no way, whoever makes His Majesty a wise emperor through the ages, makes the Tang dynasty so lucky that these princes cannot carry the fate of the emperor at all."

Zu Yin said lightly!

Hearing this, not only the Ninth Prince Li Zhi, but also the First Prince Li Chengqian and the Fourth Prince Li Tai also showed panic.

At this moment, Li Zhi finally understood what Zu Yin was referring to when he kept saying that he wanted to ruin his road to emperor!
"Royal father, this criminal is misleading the public, I implore the royal father to let my son deal with it!"

At this time, Li Zhi was still thinking about killing Zuyin!

"You let me down so much, let me rest assured that I will hand over the Great Tang Dynasty to you!" Human Emperor Li Shimin said, hating that iron cannot be made into steel.

"Your Majesty, at the beginning of ancient times, the emperors of all dynasties in the human race were all selected and appointed, and the system of walking meditation. That's why those emperors have been praised as a generation of holy emperors through the ages. The Tang Dynasty, under the power of your majesty, has come to an end. Prosperity. Since His Majesty's son is unable to carry the Emperor's life, why not follow the example of the ancient Sage Emperor."

At this moment, it was Wu Mei who spoke out!
"The holy mother of the human race is the saint of the emperor. At the beginning of the human race, the matrilineal clan was also in power. A generation of human emperors may not be unable to take on this important task by their daughters!"

Wu Mei's ambition is clearly revealed!
Human Emperor Li Shimin didn't speak, but glanced lightly at the big families below!

None of the emerging aristocratic families made a statement, but at this moment, the Shandong gentry within the Tang Dynasty seconded their words!

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

"In the flourishing age of the Tang Dynasty, the system of walking meditation should be abdicated, so that the prosperous age can be preserved forever!"

"As a daughter, you can also be the emperor of a generation!"

At this moment, the Shandong gentry responded with enthusiasm.

As for the nobles in Longxi, there are also some aristocratic families who are interested!

If the family world is broken, then the powerful families can also become emperors!

These aristocratic families do not dream of being like the Li family of Longxi, forever becoming a royal family!
But I also hope that every once in a while, when luck gathers, there will be a human emperor, so that the aristocratic family can continue to thrive.

At this moment, the three princes finally understood what Zu Yin said in the prison before!
Everything Li Zhi did was to make a wedding dress for Wu Mei!
When Li Zhi and Zu Yin turned against each other back then, Wu Mei contributed a lot to this.

Li Zhi gave up this great country and Huangtu hegemony for a troubled beauty.

For the sake of the country, Wu Mei did not hesitate to abandon the affair between men and women.

Comparing the two, the ministers in the court feel even more pitiful for Li Zhi!

"Hey! That's all. After I ask the ancestors, there will be a decision."

Human Emperor Li Shimin was extremely exhausted and left the Manmin Palace!
"No, father, don't go!"

At this moment, Li Zhi suddenly felt that the throne of the Human Emperor was extremely far away from him!

Unfortunately, Li Shimin did not stop.

Li Zhi was so weak that he collapsed to the ground!
"This is retribution!"

Zu Yin looked at Li Zhi who was in a daze, and felt a little joy in his heart.

At this moment, Li Zhi looked at Zu Yin with extremely resentful eyes.

"It's all about you, because of you!"

Li Zhi's extremely resentful voice seemed to come from hell!
It's a pity that Zu Yin looked at Li Zhi at this moment, like an ant.

At this moment, the officials left one after another.

But at this moment, Si Zi walked out of the side hall, without any explanation, pulled up Zu Yin and Wu Mei, and came to the side hall.

"Wu Mei, what they said just now is true?"

Jin Yang was very sad, she always regarded Wu Mei as the best sister in her heart.

Wu Mei couldn't deny it at this time, she could only nod.

"I once thought in my heart that since Brother Yin likes you very much, I will go to ask Father, even if you are his regular wife and I am a second wife, I am willing."

As soon as Jin Yang said this, Zu Yin and Wu Mei's faces changed color.

"Si, you don't have to say any more. No matter what, I hope you are happy and happy."

Zu Yin said lightly.

"If you are not by my side, how can I be happy!" Sizi said lonely.

At this time, Zu Yin looked at Wu Mei.

"Your goal has been achieved, and you have abandoned the affair between men and women, and you will become a ruthless queen. Is such a widow really the life you hope for in your heart?" Zu Yin said softly.

"This kind of ambition was inspired by you!" Wu Mei said lightly.

Hearing this, Zu Yin recalled the conversation he had inadvertently said to Wu Mei before, and couldn't help feeling that fate was tricking people.

Without that conversation, Wu Mei would not have had the heart to compete for the throne of the Emperor, and Wu Mei would not have secretly tampered with Li Zhi, and then turned Li Zhi and Zu Yin into enemies.

"I only hope that you will treat the common people in the world as kindly as you treat Sizi in the future, otherwise, even if the luck of humanity does not turn against you, I will kill you eventually!"

Zu Yin said lightly.

"If I were an empress of a generation, I would let the Tang Dynasty surpass the prosperous age of Zhenguan!" Wu Mei was full of arrogance, and at this moment, the demeanor of an empress of a generation was undoubtedly revealed.

"I helped you do such a big thing, how do you repay me?"

As soon as Zu Yin said this, Wu Mei's face suddenly turned pale!
Zu Yin's words undoubtedly want to cut off cause and effect!

"Are you really so cruel to leave me and my son?" Even if Wu Mei aspires to become a generation of empress, she has thought before that after she becomes empress, she will marry Zu Yin.

At that time, even if she is the empress, she will become Zu Yin's official wife just like Si Zi.

But now, Zu Yin said such heartless words.

"Although I have hurt you now, do you really want to hurt me back? You can hurt me. But Si, how innocent are you?"

At this moment, Wu Mei showed the posture of an extremely weak daughter.

Even if she becomes a famous empress of the first generation, she is still a girl, like Si Zi, longing for someone to take care of her.

"I came to Chang'an City to cut off cause and effect!" Zu Yin's words were decisive!

"Are you really just cutting off cause and effect, not cutting off love?" Wu Mei looked at Zu Yin worriedly.

"The thread of cause and effect can be cut off, but the thread of love, how can it be cut off!" Zu Yin's words gave Wu Mei and Si Zi a glimmer of hope.

"Then how do you want me to repay you?" Wu Mei suddenly said mischievously.

"Huaxin Daluobo!" At this moment, Sizi said to Zuyin shyly.

"You guys are overthinking!" As soon as Zu Yin said this, Wu Mei and Si Zi looked at him viciously.

"Take out the original thing from the treasure house and give it to the relatives of the ancestral family. This is the last thing I can do for them!"

After Zu Yin finished speaking, he made a gesture to immediately turn to the temple!
"Where are you going?"

Sizi doesn't let go.

"There are people waiting for me outside the palace!"

The ancestral seal pointed to the outside of the hall, where the second generation of powerful families almost gathered like this.

In addition, there is Li Chunfeng, Zu Yin's former best friend.

Zu Yin walked out of the side hall and saw Changsun Chong, Fang Yiai, Cheng Chumo and Li Huairen all outside the side hall.

"Let you worry!"

Zu Yin looked at these noble and aristocratic sons who used to play indulgently in Chang'an City, and suddenly felt that the past was like smoke.

"When you come back, you don't even tell your brothers that you're going to bleed profusely tonight!"

Cheng Chumo slapped Zu Yin's shoulder heavily.

"Okay, Chang'an City, let you choose!"

Zu Yin recalled the unruly years of more than 20 years, and recalled the past, although initially interacting with these powerful and powerful families had a strong purpose.

But coming and going, being able to continue playing is also a matter of fate.

"You make me so worried!"

At this moment, Li Chunfeng, a good friend, came forward!

"Chunfeng, there is something I want to trouble you for!" Zu Yin said very seriously.

"What's the matter? Have you finally figured it out and want to enter Laojun Temple?" Li Chunfeng said happily.

"I still don't want to be a Taoist priest. I'd rather be a swordsman who walks the world with his sword. I'm free in the Three Realms."

As soon as Zu Yin said this, Zhang Sun Chong, Fang Yiai, Cheng Chumo, Li Huairen and others all looked at Zu Yin in amazement.

"You want to enter the Pure Yang Sword Sect?"

Li Chunfeng and Zu Yin are close friends, and he immediately understood that Zu Yin wanted to join the Chunyang Sword Sect!
"Why? Can't it work?" Zu Yin looked at Li Chunfeng lightly.

"Where did you get Chunyang Sword Immortal to recruit disciples? I haven't told anyone yet!" Li Chunfeng looked at Zu Yin in surprise.

"The mountain man has his own plan!"

When Zu Yin uttered these six words, including Li Chunfeng, Changsun Chong, Fang Yiai, Cheng Chumo, Li Huairen and others all surrounded him and beat him up.

After the beating, Zu Yin laughed and left!

At the same time, Zuyin's last words in Miyagi echoed in the sky!
"Laugh at the sky and go out, how can I be a Penghao people!"

Zu Yin recited the poems of Li Taibai, the Qinglian sword master who was once famous in the Tang Dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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