The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 261: Pure Yang Sword Immortal

Chapter 261: Pure Yang Sword Immortal
Three days later, the Emperor Li Shimin issued an order to select young talents within the Tang Dynasty to be the heirs of the Emperor!
In this case, it means that the Li family in Longxi, like other royal families in the Earth Immortal Realm, also started the system of abdication.

As soon as the decree came out, the luck of the Tang Dynasty became even more turbulent.

Moreover, the announcement of the first heir of the Emperor by the Tang Dynasty shocked the entire Southern Wilderness!

Ying Guogong's Wu Mei!

No, to be precise, before Wu Mei learned that she became the heir of the Emperor, she had already changed her name!
Wu Zhao!

Empress Wu Zhao!

In addition, Emperor Li Shimin also specially conferred the title of Princess Jinyang to rest with the country!

As long as Princess Jinyang does not fall, no matter which Emperor is in power, the name of Princess Jinyang will never be removed.

After becoming the princess, Wu Zhao quietly came to the ancestral mansion with Princess Jinyang.

The whole family of the ancestral family knew Wu Zhao and Princess Jinyang. More than 20 years ago, they often followed the ancestral seal back to the ancestral home.

"Grandpa, grandma, uncle and aunt, this is the original spirit that brother Yin asked us to give you."

Princess Jinyang's gift, at least within the Tang Dynasty, no one can refuse.

"Where's Yin'er?"

Zu Yin's mother didn't care about the original spirit at all, she only cared about Zu Yin.

"Brother Yin followed Li Chunfeng to the Pure Yang Sword Sect, and after that he will become an immortal, live forever, and we will be reunited in the end." Sizi had already figured it out, so she did not follow Zu Yin to the Pure Yang Sword Sect.

Otherwise, if she goes to the Chunyang Sword Sect, the Chunyang Sword Sect will not be turned upside down.

Human Emperor Li Shimin reigned from the Middle Ages, and was the longest reigning Emperor in the world during the Tang Dynasty.

In terms of cultivation, it is no less than Lu Dongbin.

The ancestor's family took over the original spiritual object, and they all knew that this was the thought of Zuyin.

At this time, Zu Yin had followed Li Chunfeng to the outside of the mountain gate of Chunyang Sword Sect.

"Zu Yin, I don't even understand. Since you have no intention of being the disciple of the Chunyang Sword Immortal, why do you come to the Chunyang Sword Sect at this moment? Your character is not suitable for practicing swordsmanship, is it?"

Li Chunfeng suddenly felt that the ancestral seal made him feel a little strange.

Even if for more than 20 years, Zu Yin's schemes are like the sea, and his wisdom reaches the sky, Li Chunfeng can guess some of Zu Yin's thoughts.

But now, he couldn't grasp Zu Yin's true thoughts at all.

"Some things can't be said. It's not that I don't believe you, but because I'm afraid of revealing the secret. One day you will understand, it's just that we are empty-handed, how can we meet Chunyang Sword Immortal?"

Zu Yin looked at the mountain gate of Chunyang Sword Sect in front of him. There were tens of thousands of sword cultivators coming in and out.

The Chunyang Sword Sect has established itself in the Tang Dynasty for many years, and there are tens of millions of sword masters!
Because Chunyang Sword Immortal is the head of the Shangdong Eight Immortals, he is the direct descendant of a sage, and the direct descendant of Wuji Jinxian, so all the disciples of Chunyang Sword Sect have their heart towards Sword Sect.

Because in the prehistoric world, forces without a strong background always suffer a lot when they meet forces with a strong background at the same level.

But if you are under the Chunyang Sword Sect, you don't have to worry about being oppressed by other sects.

In the prehistoric period, the Taoist ancestors did not come out, and no one could compete with the moral heavenly deity who is the head of the Sanqing!

"It seems that today's Chunyang Sword Sect is very lively because of the selection of the disciple of Chunyang Sword Immortal!"

Li Chunfeng looked at many sword cultivators flying in and out of the mountain gate with Yujian, and said with emotion.

"This is of course a grand event for the Chunyang Sword Sect. You haven't said yet, how can you meet the Chunyang Sword Immortal?"

Zu Yin asked in a deep voice.

"It's not easy to meet Chunyang Sword Immortal. As long as you become a disciple of Sword Immortal, can't you see him anytime?" Li Chunfeng teased and laughed.

Hearing this, Zu Yin smiled helplessly.

"I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, but you still want to become the disciple of the Sword Immortal? You casual cultivators always like to wishful thinking like this."

At this moment, the three sword cultivators who were flying with their swords in mid-air stopped in the void when they heard Li Chunfeng's words.

One of the young swordsmen in blue clothes said dismissively.

"Is it really because we are too popular? No matter where we go, we will meet such brainless fools."

Zu Yin sighed with emotion, this can be said to be a disaster from heaven.

Of course, this disaster is definitely not them.

After the three swordsmen finished speaking, they were about to leave with their swords, but after hearing Zuyin's words, their bodies seemed to have been cast with a hold technique.

The young swordsman in the blue costume glared at Zu Yin, "Is it wrong for a lowly casual cultivator to say that you are wishful thinking?"

"The disciple of Sword Immortal is definitely Senior Brother Yang's elder brother. You two casual cultivators are really beyond your control."

"The origins of you casual cultivators are unknown, and it is very likely that you are spies sent by other forces to plant in Jianzong."

The sword cultivators who followed the young swordsman, although their cultivation base was higher than him and older than him, were led by the young swordsman.

"Chunyang Sword Sect has a true disciple like you, it's really embarrassing. Hurry up and get out, otherwise, even your true disciples can't do it!"

In the Tang Dynasty, in Chang'an Imperial City, even the high-ranking princes and the sons-in-law of aristocratic families would not dare to mock Li Chunfeng like this!
If Zuyin represents the strongest counselor of the younger generation of the Tang Dynasty, then Li Chunfeng is the number one cultivating genius of the younger generation of the Tang Dynasty, bar none!

The old man sees the future and sees the master, the real person who will rule the country in the future of the Tang Dynasty.

This prominent status is no less than that of Chunyang Sword Immortal!
The previous two generations of Laojun Temple, Yuan Shoucheng and Yuan Tiangang, were powerful in the Southern Wilderness.

Li Chunfeng is Yuan Tiangang's disciple, and he will be in charge of Laojunguan in the future, so he has arrogance in his heart.

It wasn't because Zu Yin was talented that he became close friends with Zu Yin, but because Zu Yin treated people with sincerity, benevolence and righteousness, Li Chunfeng felt that he could make friends.

Today, the true disciples of the Chunyang Sword Sect dare to provoke the disciples of the old master Guan Guanzhu.

Seeing Li Chunfeng indifferently reprimanding the three true disciples, Zu Yin smiled slightly.

The lungs of the three true disciples of the Pure Yang Sword Sect were about to explode, and the two casual cultivators who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth were so bold to act recklessly.

"They must be spies from other sects, Senior Brother Yang, let's catch them and hand them over to Law Enforcement Hall!"

In order to show his loyalty, a true disciple immediately proposed.

Suddenly, the three true disciples of Chunyang Sword Sect had a thought, and the flying swords under their feet shot towards Zu Yin and Li Chunfeng in an instant!

Three unparalleled sword qi pierced through the air.

Facing this scene, Zu Yin's face was gloomy.

"Vicious and vicious, such a violent character, sooner or later will bring great disaster to Chunyang Sword Sect. Since it happens, then we can only clean up the sect for Chunyang Sword Sect."

Zu Yin smiled coldly, and in an instant, a terrifying and unparalleled sword intent was powerful!
Annihilate the sword intent!

The terrifying sword intent soared straight into the sky. At this moment, the three mighty flying swords were annihilated by the sword intent on the spot.

Zu Yin made a temporary decision just now, it seems that dealing with Chunyang Sword Immortal would be more effective in Yun Feiyang's capacity than in Sun Yu's capacity.

Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin can ignore Sun Rong, but it is absolutely impossible to ignore Yun Feiyang!
Yun Feiyang, who annihilated the heir of the Jianzong Taoism!

Sure enough, at this moment, all of a sudden, the Chunyang Sword Immortal came over!

In an instant, Sword Immortal Chunyang directly erased the memories in the minds of the three true disciples with a wave of his hand.

Then Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin waved his sleeves and beat Li Chunfeng back to Chang'an City.

Afterwards, Lu Dongbin, the Sword Immortal of Chunyang, took Yun Feiyang and disappeared in front of the mountain gate.

All the disciples of the Sword Sect who sensed the Annihilation Sword Intent were all erased from their memories!
Chunyang Sword Sect, Chunyang Peak!
Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin looked at Zu Yin indifferently. At this moment, Zu Yin's muscles and bones groaned, revealing his true face.

"Annihilation Sword Sect Yun Feiyang, pay respects to Senior Lu of Chunyang Sword Sect."

Now, Yun Feiyang is the successor of the Annihilation Sword Sect, and can completely represent the Annihilation Sword Sect!
In the heyday of the Annihilation Sword Sect, although there were not as many sword cultivators as the Chunyang Sword Sect, the combat power was not weaker than the Chunyang Sword Sect at all.

A very simple example can tell, until now, Lu Dongbin is only known as the Chunyang Sword Immortal!
When he becomes known as the Sword Master of Pure Yang one day, he will be able to sit on an equal footing with the Sword Master of Annihilation.

Under the Western Baidi's sect, the Annihilation Sword Master and the Qinglian Sword Master are all disciples of the White Emperor!

Although Lu Dongbin, the Chunyang Sword Immortal, had joined the Sword Sect back then, he was not a disciple of the White Emperor.

"Back when I entered the Sword School to practice swordsmanship, although I was not the direct disciple of the White Emperor, Annihilation and Qinglian Li Taibai regarded me as the direct disciple of the White Emperor, their little junior. They taught each other all their pockets and never kept anything private. Especially Annihilation Brother, you have saved my life from the demons several times."

Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin recalled the past, although the Annihilation Sword Master walked the extremely incomparable annihilation sword way.

But the Annihilation Sword Saint is generous, he is the first apprentice of the White Emperor, and the eldest brother of all the disciples.

As for his junior, he never hides his secrets, so he is deeply loved by many disciples of the White Emperor!
In Jianzong, not only the direct disciples of Baidi, but also ordinary disciples who asked for advice from the Annihilation Sword Master, the Annihilation Sword Master explained it patiently.

"This junior came here specifically to ask to see senior, and indeed he has something to ask for." Yun Feiyang said bluntly.

"What's the matter with you, but it doesn't matter. As long as I can do it, I will help you." Lu Dongbin said with a chuckle.

"This junior wants to ask senior, where did senior get the seeds of Pure Yang Immortal Grass?"

Gentlemen don't take people's love, if they didn't know Lu Dongbin's attitude before, maybe Yun Feiyang would ask for pure yang xiancao or trade with Lu Dongbin.

But now, Yun Feiyang can't do this!
To do so is to repay the favor.

What's more, it was the Annihilation Sword Master who was kind to Chunyang Sword Immortal back then, not Yun Feiyang who was kind to Lu Dongbin.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Yun Feiyang owes Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin a favor, he can't repay the favor!

Pure Yang Immortal Grass is what Lu Dongbin proved.

Hearing this, Lu Dongbin's eyes suddenly became sharp, and then he glanced at Yun Feiyang.

"Your cultivation is in the realm of the Yang God. It seems that you want to obtain the Pure Yang Immortal Grass. Once you prove it, you will be the Pure Yang Primordial Spirit!"

The Chunyang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin's gaze was like a torch, and he immediately knew why Yun Feiyang asked about the Chunyang Immortal Grass.

"Even if I tell you about this place, there may not be a second Pure Yang Immortal Grass seed."

Lu Dongbin sighed.

"Please tell the seniors, the juniors will find it themselves!"

Nothing can stop Yun Feiyang's determination to obtain the Pure Yang Immortal Grass, but Yun Feiyang will never open his mouth to ask the Pure Yang Sword Immortal Lu Dongbin for his Taoism.

(End of this chapter)

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