The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 265 Indestructible Magic Thought

Chapter 265 Indestructible Magic Thought
In the depths of the Zhuolu Ancient Battlefield, Sun Yuxi held a Ruyi golden cudgel and performed the "Disha 72 Transformation Invisibility Technique", and his figure was completely hidden in the void.

The six demon cultivators who have cultivated in the divine realm stand in the six directions of "front, back, left, right, up and down", forming a six-party formation.

Five demon cultivators were flying in mid-air, and a demon cultivator who was proficient in earth magic performed "earth veins" and galloped on the ground to guard against the attack of earth escape.

The six demon cultivators were within ten miles of each other, and his spiritual sense sensed this scene, which made Sun Yu feel that the demon cultivator behind the scenes this time was a very wise man.

Facing such a magic repair team that formed the 'six-party formation', it was not an easy task to kill them all in an instant without letting them leak the news.

Because it is necessary to use large-scale group attack magic powers to kill these six demon cultivators in an instant.

Even if it is a large-scale group attack magic power, it needs to cover a radius of ten miles, and the mana consumption is extremely high.

Sun Yuhong waited quietly, completely hidden in the void, just when Sun Yurong was located in the center of the 'Six-Party Array', suddenly, Sun Yuhong erupted.

Supreme supernatural power - Clutch Yuan Magnetic!
In an instant, Sun Wei, who had been accumulating strength for a long time, secretly absorbed the power of the earth's magnetic force and erupted together at this moment.

Tens of thousands of times of gravity suddenly erupted, completely imprisoning the six demon cultivators who were cultivated in the divine realm.

Against gravity!
In an instant, tens of thousands of times the force of gravity was positive and negative, and the six god-level demon cultivators were directly annihilated by gravity on the spot.

With this attack, Sun Quantong killed the six god-level demon cultivators with a flick of his fingers like a rabbit flying up and down.

Sun Quan's consciousness diverged, and the storage bags of the six demon cultivators were put away and thrown directly into the Qiankun bag.

At the moment when Sun Yu was about to leave, suddenly, Sun Yu felt a ray of devilish energy clinging to him.

"Immortal Demonic Thought!"

Suddenly, Kunlun Jing, who was sleeping deep in Sun Yu's purple mansion, was awakened, and Jing Ling exclaimed.

At this moment, an incomparably deep magic sound suddenly sounded beside Sun Yuhong.

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being the descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect, Yun Feiyang. You are only a god-level cultivator, and you can completely annihilate six god-level demon cultivators in an instant. But your fate is already doomed. The Zhuolu battlefield is yours. A place of burial."

The magic sound shook the sky, deep and deep.

"If you have the guts, report your name. The young master doesn't talk to the unknown people of the Mo Dao lineage. If you are that kind of scumbag, get out!"

Sun Yu was wanton and insolent, even if he was possessed by the 'indestructible demon', he was not afraid at all.

"Little boy? You, Yun Feiyang, should be honored to die under my calculations. But for the sake of your death, I will let you be a fool. Remember me, little magician Ye Guyu .”

'Little Magician' Ye Guyu was somewhat irritated by Yun Feiyang's arrogant tone, and no longer made a deep and deep voice on purpose.

"Little magician? It's just a hide-and-seek rat. I've never heard of it. I guess it's the kind of unknown guy, but if you dare to plot against me, you're dead!"

It is true that Sun Yuhong has never heard of the name "little magician". Previously, in the reincarnation of all generations, he seldom had any intersection with the magic way.

"Damn it!" 'Little Magician' Ye Guyu became furious, "You will soon remember me, and it will be unforgettable to your heart forever."

The 'little magician' Ye Guyu was extremely angry, being so scorned by Sun Yutong directly aroused the anger deep in his heart.

The light pierced the sky, although it could not annihilate the "indestructible magic idea", but the "indestructible magic idea" was only able to locate Sun Yu's position.

"Ming Ling, can you cover up the 'indestructible magic'?"

Sun Yu felt that the "indestructible magic thought" was like a gangrene. In this vast Zhuolu battlefield, Sun Yu's greatest advantage was that he could hide in secret and attack at any time.

But once the 'indestructible magic thought' cannot be cleared, it will be impossible to sneak attack and assassinate the magic cultivators like before.

In the face of Moxiu, Sun Yuyan never felt any pity or compassion in his heart.Unscrupulous, omniscient.

As long as he could kill Moxiu, Sun Wei didn't mind using the most despicable method.

To deal with these demon cultivators, Sun Wei can use any method.

"No, I haven't recovered to the peak yet. If it is a complete and complete Kunlun mirror, it may be possible. But now as soon as I make a move, it will instantly attract the attention of the 'magician'."

Kunlun Mirror Jingling rejected Sun Yuhong and wanted to cover up the "indestructible magic idea", but Kunlun Mirror could not do it.

"Magician?" Even though Sun Yuhong seldom dealt with magicians, he knew the name of a magician!

The masters of the five great demon sects of the Pan Gu universe are all disciples of the five infinite demon saints of the demon clan.

Like the Demon Master of Yuanshi, the magician is also one of the five Hunyuan saints in the lineage of the magic way.

The magician is the suzerain of Tongtian Demon Sect, so the status of magician and Yuanshi Demon Lord in the magic way is almost the same, so he is called Tongtian Demon Sect!

The name of Tongtian is not only to intercept the luck of the leader of Tongtian, but also to describe the magician's wisdom and unparalleled planning.

Among the five great demon sect masters, the magician has not been shown in terms of combat power, but in terms of wisdom and planning, the magician is extremely difficult to deal with.

Yuanshi Demon Master, Tongtian Demon Master, Taishang Demon Emperor, Western Demon Buddha, and Demon King of Enchantment, these five Hunyuan saints from the lineage of demons are the confidantes and life-and-death enemies of all major forces in the prehistoric world.

Before present and ancient times, there were only six heavenly saints in the entire prehistoric world!

The Sanqing, the Western Sect, and the Yaozu, the six saints of the Dao of Heaven occupy almost [-]% of the prehistoric spirit.

So a long time ago, the demons cultivated the line of demons in the prehistoric, just to seize the number of these six heavenly saints.

When Kunlun Jingjingling mentioned the name of the magician, Sun Yu immediately thought: "Could it be that this 'indestructible magic idea' was created by the magician?"

"The magician created this supreme supernatural power by himself, and it ranks in the top ten among the supreme supernatural powers of the magic way. This supreme supernatural power is extremely difficult to deal with. This supernatural power is extremely strange. If it weren't for the little magician Ye Guyu is arrogant and proud, this supernatural power is really difficult to discover." Kunlun Jingjingling said in a deep voice.

"It's not necessarily difficult to find, but it's true that it's difficult to eliminate annihilation." Sun Yu thought to himself.

At this moment, Sun Huang's spiritual consciousness suddenly noticed that there were several teams of demon cultivators gathered in front of him.

Six squads of demon cultivators formed the Tiangang Demon Formation. Because Sun Yu was possessed by the "indestructible demonic thoughts", it was impossible to hide from these demonic cultivators who also possessed the "indestructible demonic thoughts".

Sun Huang's spiritual sense sensed these demonic cultivators from a long distance away, but these demonic cultivators only knew of Sun Rong's existence when they got close and the 'indestructible magic thought' resonated and vibrated.

And at this moment, a flash of light like lightning pierced the sky.

As soon as he got closer, Sun Yan Ruyi's golden hoop slammed hard at the six squads of Moxiu.

Surging waves!

Sun Yu didn't do it with all his strength, the Jingtao stick just exploded with one hundred thousand stones of mana, but the Jingtao stick method was one stick after another, like a stormy sea, sweeping high into the sky.

The terrifying majesty is like a huge wave of destruction that annihilates the world.

The incomparable power of the Jingtao stick technique, fierce slap!

Among the demon cultivators in the Tiangang Demon Formation, some of them were physically weak and couldn't bear the power of the Surging Wave Stick Technique immediately, and exploded on the spot!
The blood mist filled the air, barely dodged the magic repair of the Jingtao stick technique, and started to fight back!
The magic spells bombarded wildly, and the magic weapons burned blood essence, bursting out with [-]% power.

All kinds of incomparably weird magic treasures came bombarding them recklessly, like thunder roaring.

Seeing this scene, Ruyi's golden cudgel stirred in the void!
Storm stick method!

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel stirs up endless turmoil, and the terrifying storm engulfs all demon cultivators.

In the endless storm, all kinds of magic treasures exploded one after another.

And at this moment, the lingering wind blade in the storm slashed out in all directions.

The wind blade is extremely fierce and can cut through the void.

Under the storm, the endless wind blades tore up the corpses of the remaining demon cultivators, and soon these corpses were completely disintegrated by more wind blades.

A rain of blood fell from the sky, and the blood flowed like a river.

Sun Yu's spiritual consciousness swept away the storage bags of many demon cultivators, and the terrifying divine consciousness blasted the remaining true spirits of the demon cultivators one after another.

After escaping the light again and killing many demon cultivators, Sun Yu quickly left the battlefield.


Sun Quan's cold voice sounded beside him.

Sun Quan seemed to be talking to himself, but suddenly there was a furious and unparalleled voice yelling out from around him.

"Don't be complacent, these are just demon practitioners, and their cultivation is no higher than that of the gods and spirits. If you encounter some demon cultivators in the virtual realm and dao realm, you will die."

The little magician Ye Guyu somewhat underestimated Sun Wei's strength, but he felt that under his plan, Sun Wei would soon fall on the Zhuolu battlefield.

"I want to see how many demon cultivators are coming for me to kill!"

Sun Wei made the strongest counterattack.

The little magician Ye Guyu took him as a prey, but Sun Yutong became a hunter in turn, and 42 magicians died in Huangquan.

Although in the bottom of his heart, the little magician Ye Guyu didn't care at all that these little devils fell into the hands of Sun Yutong, he only cared about his reputation.

If the sorcerer monks were killed too many by Sun Yutong, even if Sun Yutong was killed in the end, his ability would be questioned.

The little magician Ye Guyu desperately wanted to make Sun Wei die as soon as possible, so that his layout could be called perfect and seamless.

It's a pity that the idea is very beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel!

Because he couldn't get rid of the 'indestructible magic thoughts', Sun Wei would encounter demon cultivators every day on this Zhuolu battlefield.

What made the young magician Ye Guyu extremely angry was that Sun Wei seemed to have an extremely keen 'instinct', able to sense danger in advance, so he repeatedly avoided those advanced magicians.

But those demon cultivators under the virtual environment are not so lucky.

Sun Yutong's strong attack, no matter whether it is in the divine realm or in the spiritual realm, if he meets Sun Yurong, he will die!
In just ten days, more than a thousand demon cultivators have fallen into the hands of Sun Yu.

However, Sun Yu was unscathed. Every time after killing the magician, Sun Yu would coldly and ruthlessly report the "brilliant battle results" to the "little magician" Ye Guyu.

It made Ye Guyu, the extremely gloomy and wise "little magician", wish to kill the noisy and arrogant Sun Wei as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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