Chapter 266
Sun Yu was wandering around the Zhuolu battlefield, and every day, more than 100 demon cultivators who were cultivated in the divine and spiritual realms died under the Ruyi golden cudgel.

Sun Quan's escaping light cuts through the void, aimlessly, and arrives at will.

It made it much more difficult for Ye Guyu, the 'little magician', to track Sun Yu's position.

There is no fixed purpose, and most of the time, going around in circles, going straight, and retreating is completely intentional and random.

In Ye Guyu's heart, the 'little magician', Sun Yu's instinct for danger is extremely sensitive.

In fact, Sun Yu has repeatedly avoided danger because of his extremely sensitive consciousness. Under the cover of mist, he can perceive the strong man in the magic cultivator from a long distance away.

It's just that although Sun Yuhong is possessed by the "indestructible magic thought", the "little magician" Ye Guyu can only faintly sense Sun Yuhong's direction.

Moreover, at every moment, Sun Wei was using his spiritual consciousness to impact and shake the 'indestructible magic idea'.

'Immortal Demonic Thought' is worthy of the name, a ray of magical thought is immortal.

Being able to make a single thought immortal, such supernatural powers, such Taoism, and such a realm, even Sun Wukong, the first great sage equal to heaven, can only look up to.

Not to mention Sun Yuhong, who was only in the realm of the gods in this world, but Sun Yuhong was not discouraged.

Sun Quan's spiritual consciousness collided with a ray of immortality, but it made Sun Quan's spiritual consciousness much stronger.

Seeing the improvement and improvement of his spiritual consciousness, Sun Yu was even more delighted.

Sun Huang's consciousness was colliding with the immortality. Although the collision of consciousness was extremely painful, as long as there was a slight improvement, Sun Huang would not be knocked down by the pain.

The undead and immortal ray of evil thoughts, under the repeated collisions of Sun Yu, the power of the evil thoughts is far from being as strong as ten days ago.

Therefore, Ye Guyu, the 'little magician', felt more and more that the power of the magic thoughts was weakening, and the feeling that was very clear before had become extremely vague.

This scene made the 'little magician' Ye Guyu feel extremely afraid.

This time, the two major demon sects and the four major demon sects took action, led by Tongtian Demon Sect.

Master Tongtian dealt with Lu Dongbin, the sword fairy of Chunyang, while Ye Guyu, a little magician, dealt with Yun Feiyang.

In the void of a certain dimension in the Zhuolu battlefield, in the stronghold of the Tongtian Demon Sect, the little magician Ye Guyu looked extremely gloomy, looking at the monks of the two major demon sects and the four major demon sects in front of him.

'My lord, little magician, it's no wonder we don't go out, it's because we are powerless against that executioner. "

"As long as a demon cultivator in the divine realm and spiritual realm meets him, no one has ever been able to escape from birth."

"Even if the cultivation base is a magic cultivator of the Great Perfection in the Spiritual Realm, if you meet him, you will die."

"Now it seems that only demon cultivators who are at least in the virtual realm can fight him."

The law does not blame the crowd, the demon cultivators from the two major demon sects and the four major demon sects gathered together, and they did not want to leave their stronghold.

Search for the whereabouts of Sun Yutong on the Zhuolu battlefield, and every time he meets Sun Yuhong, it is the end of his fall.

Even if the news spreads when encountering Sun Yuhong, before the high-level magic cultivator arrives, Sun Yuhong has already killed them all and fled away.

It was like this every time, and the magic cultivators who had already cultivated in the divine and spiritual realms were unparalleled in horror.

Sun Yu is like a peerless killer, a demon cultivator's nightmare who has cultivated in the divine realm and spiritual realm.

Encountered on the vast Zhuolu battlefield, it is simply a reminder to Yan Luo.

Therefore, many demon cultivators who were cultivated in the divine and spiritual realms gathered one after another to protest against the little magician Ye Guyu.

Facing this scene, the little magician Ye Guyu had a headache.

If it was normal, if these devils dared to resist his orders like this, he would never be merciful.

But now is the time for employing people, on the vast Zhuolu battlefield, only relying on magic cultivators above the Void Realm to search for Sun Yu, I don't know what year and month it will be.

"From now on, every team of demon cultivators will have at least one virtual realm demon cultivator. Once they meet, just send a message, and they will flee away."

The little magician Ye Guyu had to recall those magicians above the virtual realm, and formed a team in the stronghold again.

But those demon cultivators who didn't have time to return to the stronghold had a miserable end!

Because after these days of collision and tempering, Sun Yuhong has vaguely controlled the 'indestructible magic idea', and Sun Yuhong uses the 'indestructible magic idea' to actively sense the trends of other magic cultivators.

So on the vast Zhuolu battlefield, those demon cultivators whose cultivation base was below the virtual realm became Sun Yu's prey!

Sun Yuhong frantically hunted and killed prey in the Zhuolu battlefield. Although he consumed a lot of mana, Sun Yurong absorbed the evil spirit of the battlefield regardless of everything, which made the evil spirit around Sun Yuhong amazing.

However, these baleful qi were first refined by the Dao pattern of the four supreme body-training divine arts, and finally they could barely be regarded as heaven and earth aura, and they circulated in the meridians in the great circle, which is Yuanshi Zhenqi.

A steady stream of primordial qi urges all kinds of escape methods.

Vertically golden light!

The rainbow light of the day!

Kunpeng's escape method!

Phoenix escape method!

All kinds of escaping magic powers, Sun Weiyu used them non-stop, and he was already extremely proficient in these escaping magic powers.

Sun Yu roamed around the Zhuolu battlefield, beheading all those demon cultivators who had never returned to the base!

Sun Yu turned into a blood-colored Shura, killing gods on the battlefield, making those demon cultivators under the virtual world terrified!
In the end, on the battlefield of Zhuolu, no demon cultivator under the Void Realm dared to form a team to look for Sun Yu.

And with the passage of time, the power of the "indestructible magic thought" possessed by Sun Yu was getting weaker and weaker.

Except when fighting with the demon cultivator, Sun Yutong usually uses this ray of immortality to temper his spiritual consciousness.

Dripping through the stone!

For a long time, Sun Yu used his spiritual consciousness to bombard and collide with the immortal ray of magic thoughts, although each bombardment and collision can only weaken a little power.

But he persisted for a long time, and every day, Sun Wei's spiritual consciousness bombarded and collided with his indestructible magic thoughts at least tens of millions of times.

Even if the weakening power is small each time, it can accumulate and the power of the indestructible magic will become weaker and weaker.

As time went by, it became more and more difficult for the little magician Ye Guyu to sense the indestructible magic thought attached to Sun Yutong.

The vast Zhuolu battlefield is vast and boundless, and it is covered by mist, which restricts the magic consciousness of the strong magic cultivators.

Sun Wei is not restricted, and can absorb evil spirits without restriction. In the depths of this battlefield, Sun Wei can be said to be like a fish in water.

Frantically chasing and killing those demon cultivators under the imaginary realm for five days, frantically wandering in the Zhuolu battlefield, thousands of demon cultivators lost their lives!

Fifteen days after Sun Yu entered the Zhuolu battlefield, more than [-] demon cultivators under the Void Realm had already died in the Zhuolu battlefield.

The demon cultivators under the virtual realm of the two major demon sects and the four major demon sects attacked again.

But even if there are demon cultivators leading the team at and above the virtual realm, these demon cultivators feel that the situation is jittery.

The demonic cultivators on the Void Realm followed by him, and these demonic cultivators were all terrified.

There is no way, Sun Yu's prestige is forged by the bones of more than 5000 demon cultivators.

Sun Wei wandered around the Zhuolu battlefield for three days, and found that every team had at least one demon cultivator in the Void Realm or a demon cultivator above the Void Realm sitting in command.

Previously, these demon cultivators on and above the virtual realm were just searching alone. Although they were very fast, every time Sun Yu was able to kill the demon cultivators under the virtual realm in a very short time.

Therefore, every time these illusory realm demons cultivate, they do useless work.

If things go on like this, the demon cultivators on and above the Void Realm will also accumulate infinite anger in their hearts.

Now, the demon cultivators under the virtual realm are completely frightened by Sun Yuyu, and they have to search the Zhuolu battlefield with these demon cultivators under the virtual realm, which makes these demon cultivators with high status even more angry .

Every demon cultivator on and above the Void Realm gritted their teeth and swore that if they encountered Sun Yu, they would kill him at all costs.

Sun Wei is like a calm and calm hunter. After three days of careful observation, he did not find a team without a virtual demon cultivator in charge. Sun Wei knew that the real fight had only begun!
Although Sun Yutong's cultivation base is only in the divine realm, even if a demon cultivator in the spiritual realm of Great Consummation encounters Sun Yutong, he will not be able to escape the end of his death.

But the Void Realm Demon Cultivator is different, because the Void Realm is in the seventh realm among the ten realms of Qi training.

Especially the Void Realm cultivators, many of them open the Void by themselves. In this case, the combat power of the Void Realm cultivators is not comparable to that of the Spirit Realm.

The difference between the Void Realm and the Spirit Realm is like a world of difference.

Ever since he started Void Demonic Cultivator, he has begun to comprehend the laws of space.

Therefore, the speed, attack, and defense of the Void Realm Demon Cultivator are countless times higher than the Spirit Realm Demon Cultivator.

And starting from the Void Realm, the gap between each realm has become bigger and bigger!
Under the virtual environment, you can also slaughter in reverse, and slaughter across large levels.

But after the Void Realm, if you want to go retrograde and slaughter again, you must have an incomparably heaven-defying combat power to do it.

And after the cultivation base has been promoted to the realm of immortals, it is almost a myth to want to kill in retrograde.

Pure Yang True Immortal, if he wants to contend against Tongtian Lingxian, perhaps only Ge Shiqi can do it.

However, it is extremely rare to kill a Tongtian Lingxian with the cultivation base of a pure Yang True Immortal, and even many peerless geniuses may not be able to do it.

Only the fabulous Hunyuan Tianjiao in the legend may be able to kill the Tongtian Lingxian with the cultivation base of the pure Yang Zhenxian.

After entering the Zhuolu battlefield for 20 days, Sun Yutong raised his state to the peak.

No matter what, if you want to fight back, you must at least face the Void Realm and the magic cultivators above the Void Realm!

In this case, to kill Moxiu, one must face the Void Realm.

Sun Yuhong quickly selected the target, a team of six demon cultivators, and only one demon cultivator in the early stage of the Void Realm. Put it in your eyes.

This small team randomly searched the battlefield, but at this moment, in the mist, Sun Wei's figure suddenly appeared!

As soon as Sun Yan made a move, he was supernatural!
All of a sudden, Sun Quan held the stick in both hands, and finally a profound meaning of the stick suddenly broke out.

Terrifying magic power swept across the sky, with more than ten million stones of magic power, five Dzogchen demon cultivators in the spiritual realm were directly killed by Ruyi's golden cudgel!
But Void Realm Demon Cultivator escaped this catastrophe by relying on his proud cultivation.

With the ultimate blow, Sun Yan's true energy consumption almost reached [-]%.

"Damn it, the little ant in the God Realm dares to attack the Void Realm!"

The demon cultivator at the early stage of the Void Realm suddenly felt the feeling of being contemptuous and despised, and he was furious.

(End of this chapter)

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