Chapter 267

Sun Yuhong smiled contemptuously, and said in a cold tone: "What about the Void Realm, today you are the demon cultivator who is only in the early stage of the Void Realm."

Sun Yan's contemptuous gaze made the Void Realm Demon Cultivator furious, burning like a blaze, and rushed straight to the Nine Heavens.

"But the early stages of the Void Realm?" The Void Realm demon cultivator was extremely angry, "This sentence is definitely not something you, an ant at the early stage of the Divine Realm, can say."

If Sun Yu's cultivation base surpassed the Void Realm, and the initial cultivation level of the Void Realm was only mediocre, this Void Realm Demon Cultivator would not be so angry.

But Sun Yu's real cultivation was not at the early stage of the divine realm, but now he dared to look down on the monks at the early stage of the virtual realm who were two levels higher than the early stage of the divine realm.

Such contempt, such arrogance, how could it not make this early-stage demon cultivator of the Void Realm arouse infinite anger.

"Who is the ant is still unknown!"

Sun Yu immediately retracted the Ruyi Golden Cudgel into his body. If he wanted to kill this early-stage demon cultivator in the Void Realm, unless he used the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to cast the prototype of the supreme supernatural power 'Chaos Strike', otherwise, the ultimate stick would not be able to kill him. kill.

If you want to kill the magic cultivator in the early stage of the Void Realm, you can only use supernatural powers.

Sun Yu wanted to know where the limit of his combat power was through this battle.

"Arrogant and conceited ants, I will let you know today that the Void Realm cannot be humiliated!"

In an instant, as soon as this Void Realm Demon Cultivator made a move, he cast a magic spell of the Seventh Heaven Realm casually and easily!
With a huge momentum, the magical spells of the Seventh Heaven Realm can easily kill the Dzogchen Demon Cultivator in the Spiritual Realm under the Void Realm!

Moreover, if a Dzogchen magic cultivator in the spiritual realm encounters magic spells in the seventh heaven realm, unless he has a particularly powerful defensive magic weapon in his hand, he will be unable to escape death.

"Bone Erosion Yin Wind!"

In an instant, this bone-eroding wind appeared in the entire void, and it was extremely powerful.

At least the physical body has not reached the realm of the seventh heaven, and will be easily eaten away by this bone-eating wind.

The four supreme body-refining magical arts practiced by Sun Yutong's physical body are only in the realm of the sixth heaven.

Shift and transpose!

Suddenly, in the void, countless figures of Sun Quanyu appeared!

Many afterimages appeared in the void. At this time, encountering the bone-eroding wind, these afterimages were directly eroded.

The bone-eroding Yin Feng was like a gangrene attached to the bone, and was closely chasing Sun Yu's real body.

"How can you easily dodge the magic spells in the realm of the seventh heaven!"

The demon cultivator at the early stage of the Void Realm couldn't help being proud when he saw the frantically fleeing and embarrassed figure in the void.

At this time, Sun Yu also had to admit that although the magical powers of the realm of the seventh heaven were only one heaven higher than the magical powers of the realm of the sixth heaven.

However, the power is like cloud and mud.

However, for this early-stage magic cultivator in the Void Realm who wanted to win with this ordinary magic spell, Sun Yu could only tell him that it was too childish and naive.

All of a sudden, Sun Wei suddenly displayed a supernatural power in the void!
The thunder roared, thunder bursts, and the terrifying and incomparable power of thunder from the sky was drawn down from the nine heavens.

Using the "Dou Zi Mi" of the Nine Secrets of Taoism, Sun Yuxi evolved a supernatural power of thunder - Tianlei Dance!
The power of the sky thunder was drawn into the mid-air, and bombarded wildly, just like the dragon of the sky thunder dancing and rolling in the void, bursting out the extreme power of the sky thunder to the fullest.

Tianlei Dance VS Bone Erosion Yinfeng!
The bone-eroding wind that chased after Sun Yan was directly bombarded by the power of the sky thunder. This magic spell, which was in the realm of the seventh heaven, was directly bombarded by the power of the sky thunder and finally dissipated in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, the demon cultivator at the beginning of the Void Realm had an even more gloomy expression.At the same time, a fierce killing intent flourished.

"You little ant still has some abilities, but no matter how strong you are, it's impossible for you to cross the two great realms. Let's see how many supernatural powers you can use with your mana!"

The magic cultivator at the early stage of the Void Realm sensed that after Sun Quanyu cast this door god to pass, his aura weakened a little.

At this moment, Sun Yu wanted to tell this early-stage demon cultivator in the Void Realm that if he wanted to exhaust his mana, it would be a fantasy, a fool's dream.

"Then I want to see how many supernatural powers you can take over from me!"

In order to verify the limit of the supernatural power, Sun Wei did not hesitate to activate the remaining Yuanshi Zhenqi in the sea of ​​energy, and quickly outlined a supernatural rune.

In order to prevent the supernatural power runes from being infected by the magical power of the magic cultivators in the early days of the virtual realm, Sun Yu could only temporarily outline the supernatural power runes with Yuanshi Zhenqi.

However, it was found that the supernatural power runes outlined by the metamorphic primordial qi were almost the same as the real supernatural power runes that appeared in midair and absorbed the power of the eight directions of the burst of vitality.

In an instant, a terrifying supernatural power erupted in an instant!
The Five Thunders are correct!

The supernatural power runes of the Five Thunder Rectification Appeared in the void, and in an instant, the mighty evil spirit of the five elements gathered.

This surprised the demon cultivator at the early stage of Void Realm. He never expected that Yun Feiyang, the descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect, was proficient in supernatural powers besides swordsmanship, especially the supernatural powers of Thunder Dao.

At this moment, he displayed another Thunder Dao supernatural power. Although the power is unmatched, the demon cultivator who was at the beginning of the Void Realm didn't care.

With his magical consciousness of virtual cultivation base, he could clearly sense that Sun Yu's sea of ​​energy was almost empty.

As long as he receives this supernatural power, Sun Huang is like fish on a chopping board, allowing him to slaughter.

With this in mind, this demonic cultivator at the early stage of the Void Realm also displayed a magical power of the late Seventh Heaven.

Execution Immortal Demon Thunder!

In an instant, the same Thunder Dao supernatural powers collided fiercely in the midair.

At this moment, the Five Thunders Zhengfa burst out with the most powerful Thunder Dao divine power!
Yimu Zhenglei, Binghuoyang Lei, Guishui Yinlei, Gengjin Jielei, and Wutu Minglei are five extremely powerful thunderbolts, bombarding the "Zhuxian Molei" crazily.

And at this moment, "Zhu Xian Mo Lei" also showed the power of Zhu Xian, the magic thunder is mighty, and the rolling magic energy merges with the power of thunder that should be the enemy of magic energy, which makes the thunder power of "Zhu Xian Mo Lei" even more powerful. , the power soared dozens of times.

In mid-air, the power of the five elements of thunder and the power of Zhu Xian's magic thunder bombarded wildly.

This moment was like the prelude to the end.

In the void, the thunder exploded, and there were bursts of thunder.

Seeing that Zhuxian Molei and Wulei Zhengfa were equal, the eyes of the demon cultivator who had cultivated in the early stage of the Void Realm flashed coldly.

And his face showed a sly smile.

"Now you, an ant and mustard in the early stage of the divine realm, have exhausted your mana. You are the fish, and I am the sword. Next, your life is up to me!"

The demon cultivator who had been cultivated at the initial stage of the Void Realm laughed ferociously, rampant and extremely arrogant.

"Who said that?"

Sun Yuyan smiled coldly and contemptuously, and suddenly, with a thought, the vast spiritual consciousness attracted the evil spirits from the ten directions into his body!

Seeing this scene, Moxiu, who had been cultivated in the early stage of the Void Realm, changed his face angrily.

But then his face changed from initial panic to ecstasy.

"You little ant, you dare to absorb the evil spirit of the Zhuolu battlefield. You can still live if you do evil, but you will never recover if you do evil yourself."

The demon cultivator at the early stage of the Void Realm no longer worried about whether he could kill Sun Yu.

Although the evil energy on the Zhuolu battlefield contains a lot of heaven and earth spirit energy, because the heaven and earth spirit energy turns into evil spirit energy, even if an immortal absorbs it rashly, once there is too much evil spirit energy in the body, the final fate will be that the evil spirit energy will explode and destroy both body and spirit!

These evil spirits are not comparable to the extremely docile heaven and earth aura. Although at this moment, Sun Yutong's momentum is mighty and mighty like hell, but in the heart of the demon cultivator who has cultivated at the early stage of the Void Realm, he has already judged Sun Yutong to die.

"It's hard to understand this scene with you, a demon cultivator who is only in the early stage of the Void Realm. But it's your honor to die under the supreme supernatural power!"

At this moment, Sun Yu absorbed the evil spirits from the ten directions, and the evil spirits rolled around him. The terrifying power of the evil spirits spread out in a mighty way, covering tens of miles of void.

The entire void seemed to be frozen by evil spirits.

"Hateful ants, you are so arrogant when you are about to die!"

The demon cultivator at the early stage of the Void Realm didn't rashly use his supernatural powers to confront Sun Yuhong, because in his heart, it was impossible for Sun Yutong to stop absorbing the evil spirit.

In this case, Sun Rong's fate of death is already doomed, but it is impossible for him to consume mana wantonly like Sun Rong.

Therefore, this demon cultivator at the beginning of the Void Realm adopted a conservative strategy.

If you change to the past, there is nothing wrong with it!

It's just that this demon cultivator at the early stage of the Void Realm turned pale when he sensed the mighty power of supreme supernatural power erupted by Sun Yu.

The supreme supernatural power—the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife!

The terrifying power of supreme supernatural power filled the void and filled the sky.

In an instant, infinite evil spirit condensed an extremely sharp golden flying knife in the void!

Facing the supreme supernatural power of Megatron, even this demon cultivator who is only at the beginning of the Void Realm knows this supreme supernatural power.

Immortal Slaying Flying Knife is the unique skill of Lu Ya, the tenth prince of the demon clan.

Once in Lu Ya's hands, the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife shined brilliantly.

In particular, the combination of the Immortal-Zhan Flying Knife and the Immortal-Zhan gourd in Lu Ya's hand once made the demons at the same level feel terrified on the battlefield outside the sky and the battlefield in the heavens.

The supernatural powers of the Immortal Slashing Flying Knife, which can't be resisted by ghosts and ghosts, almost became a nightmare for the strong demons who are hostile to Lu Ya during the war.

Now, this supreme supernatural power, which is so shocking and shocking, is displayed in the hands of Sun Yutong!
In an instant, the flying knife shot!

The entire void, the entire sky, was attracted by that stunning flying knife with all its light!
In the sky, under the sky, there is only that golden knife light!
The incomparably fierce Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife strikes through the air!

This demon cultivator at the early stage of the Void Realm was directly hit by the flying knife!

In an instant, the demon body exploded.

The horrific might of the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife has completely annihilated his primordial spirit and true spirit.


This is the power of supreme supernatural power.

Especially in this Zhuolu battlefield, this supreme supernatural power was activated with endless evil energy, almost bursting out with extreme divine power.

The magic cultivator who had cultivated at the early stage of the virtual realm fell sadly under the sword of killing immortals.

After bursting out of this supreme supernatural power, Sun Yu's sea of ​​​​qi was extremely empty.

However, Sun Yuhong's face was full of joy, but he couldn't hide it.

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(End of this chapter)

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