The Wheel of Monkey King returns

Chapter 275 Rumors of the Supreme Treasure

Chapter 275 Rumors of the Supreme Treasure
The Tongtian Demon Sect used many treasures from heaven and earth to almost completely empty the treasure house of the Tongtian Demon Sect. The Tongtian Demon Sect managed to stabilize the realm at the level of a saint.

But no matter what, this time was calculated by Sun Wei, and the sage of Tongtian Mage went to the battlefield of Zhuolu, and suffered heavy losses.

The realm of cultivation almost fell to the holy position, and now it barely maintains at the early stage of sainthood.

It can be said that almost a billion years of penance have been reduced to nothing.

But this time, several quasi-sages of the Demonic Dao fell in the land of extreme yin, and Tongtian Demon Sect suffered the most losses. A total of three quasi-sages fell. The price Tianmozong paid was extremely heavy.

But for the magician, even if all the quasi-sages of Tongtian Demon Sect fell, he didn't feel bad.As long as he is there, Tongtian Demon Sect will not be destroyed.

In this case, there will naturally be Da Luo Jinxian ascending to the quasi-sage one after another.

But this time he almost fell to the holy position, and made a billion years of penance come to nothing, how could the magician spare Yun Feiyang lightly.

The little magician Ye Guyu was ordered to meet the magician, and in a large hall, Ye Guyu saw the magician's sage himself.

"Meet Master!"

Ye Guyu bent over and knelt on the ground.

"The siege and killing of this little bastard, Annihilation Sword Sect, has caused heavy losses to my Demonic Dao, and Tongtian Demonic Sect has almost become a laughingstock of the Demonic Dao. There is absolutely no way to let him go easily. You go to the Eastern Wilderness yourself. This little bastard, sooner or later It will appear in the Extinguishing Demon Mansion."

Master Tongtian Demon had never placed Yun Feiyang in his eyes before, but this time during his trip to the Zhuolu battlefield, Tongtian Demon Sect almost destroyed Yun Feiyang.

With the temperament of the Tongtian Mage, it is absolutely impossible to easily let go of this mortal blood feud.

A billion years of penance turned into nothingness. Whenever he thinks of all this, Tongtian Mage can't help but feel distressed, and his heartaches to the extreme.

"I'm going to the East Desolation Demon Mansion, but how to deal with Yun Feiyang, please tell me clearly!"

Ye Guyu asked in a deep voice.

"At all costs, let him die in the Demon Extinguishing Mansion. In addition to Tongtian Demon Sect and Yuanshi Demon Sect, the Demon Race will also take action. In addition, he once obtained the Chaos Spirit Grass on the ancient battlefield. Once he found body, immediately tell the news to that peacock, he will desperately fight for the Chaos Spirit Grass."

Tongtian Mage said coldly.

"Master, if you want to deal with him in Donghuang, you must guard against Baidi. The last time Baidi made a move, this time not only Baidi, but also those close friends who annihilated the sword master back then will also pay attention to Donghuang! "

To let Yun Feiyang die without a place to bury him, he must pass the level of Baidi first!
In addition, the Juggernaut of Annihilation may also return in reincarnation!
"That's why you told that peacock. Now that Yuan Feng Zuhuang has returned, in order to compete for the Chaos Spirit Grass, the Phoenix clan will inevitably become sworn enemies with the swordsman. That peacock didn't dare to face the White Emperor before, but now Yuan With the return of Phoenix Zuhuang, the situation will be different!"

Neither the Tongtian magician nor the little magician was an ancient powerhouse, so he naturally didn't know how powerful the White Emperor was in the ancient times.

"Master is virtuous, with Yuanfeng Zuhuang, that peacock will be confident and not afraid of offending Baidi. In this case, Baidi will be dealt with by the Phoenix family."

The little magician Ye Guyu said excitedly.

"With the Baidi and the Phoenix clan endlessly involved, others such as explaining the teachings and cutting off the teachings will not dare to enter the Demon Extinguishing Mansion. In this case, the five major sword sects, the two major demon sects, and the demon clan will be triple lore. This time No matter what you say, you can't let this little bastard escape from the Demon Extinguishing Mansion!"

Master Tongtian hated Yun Feiyang so much, it could be said that he regarded Yun Feiyang as his sworn enemy.

"Tu'er is going to Donghuang now. First of all, he secretly controls the five great sword sects. It would be best if he could start a dispute in the Miemo Palace first."

Ye Guyu said coldly.

"You go to Donghuang, everything depends on the situation. I will take action at critical moments. This time, let him know how miserable the end of offending Tongtian Demon Sect will be!"

Tongtian Mage gritted his teeth and said.

Immediately, the little magician Ye Guyu quietly came to Donghuang.

In the first-ranked cave mansion, Zhuo Bufan's arrival interrupted Sun Yu's cultivation with the three daughters.

The three women were extremely shy and stayed at the altar, refusing to go out.

Sun Yuxi left the closed room, opened the portal, and Zhuo Bufan's figure stepped into the cave.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's urgent look, Sun Wei immediately understood that something bad happened again.

Sun Yutong has become the contemporary master of Jixia Academy, Zhuo Bufan has also adjusted his mentality, and in his heart Sun Wan is the last elder brother of Jixia Academy.

"Eldest brother, something happened again in Miemo Mansion."

Zhuo Bufan called Senior Brother Sun Wei, gradually becoming a matter of course.

"What could happen in the Miemo Mansion? Could it be that the Treasure Refining Sect was not reconciled and established a branch sect in the golden place of the Miemo Mansion?" Sun Yu said casually.

After finishing speaking, Sun Wei saw Zhuo Bufan looking straight at him.

"You can guess this?" Zhuo Bufan said in amazement.

At this time, Sun Yu's face darkened.

"The Treasure Refining School is so unwilling to give up the Land of Absolute Gold. Could it be that the rumor about the Land of Absolute Gold is true?"

Suddenly, Sun Yu recalled a billion years ago when he was Yun Feiyang, the true disciple of the Annihilation Sword Sect, and occasionally heard a rumor.

"If it can't be verified in the past, but now the Treasure Refining Sect has entered the Miemo Mansion again, and there is a Da Luo Jinxian guarding the branch sect. Any rumors back then may be true."

Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

"If the rumors are true, then it can explain why Treasure Refining Sect refuses to give up the Land of Jue Jin. But it is impossible for Fei Xiongwei of the Great Qi Dynasty to make another move. This matter is a bit tricky!"

At this time, a thought suddenly came to Sun Yu's heart.

In fact, Sun Wei has had this idea for a long time, but he has never been able to realize this idea before.

"It's impossible for the Daqi Dynasty and the Jixia Academy to make a move, so the only way to enter the Demon Extinguishing Mansion is to let you have another identity!"

At this time, Zhuo Bufan was a little thankful that Sun Wei's other identity had not been exposed, so it could be said that he was absolutely right in planning this matter.

Moreover, you can ask Jianzong to make a move at any time!
At that time, whether Lianbaozong dares to compete with Jianzong will depend on how bold Baoxiang is!
It's just that after Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a look of shock appeared on his face!
For Zhuo Bufan, who was always paying attention to Sun Yutong, he naturally knew about the trip that Sun Yuwen went to the Southern Wilderness.

"It's said that Tongtian Demon Master will take revenge. After suffering such a big loss, he will never give up easily. If my grandson were him, he would also send someone to destroy the Demon Mansion."

Sun Yuhong said lightly.

"If Jijiu hadn't told me the cause and effect in person, I wouldn't have believed that the peerless wise Tongtian Mage fell into your hands." Zhuo Bufan said in shock.

"It's nothing, it's all his own doing. Who told him to set up a killing array in the yin veins, and ended up being trapped in a cocoon." Sun Wei said lightly.

"The Tongtian Demon Sect is going to send someone, it is very likely that Ye Guyu will come. Maybe he has already arrived at the Miemo Mansion. It seems that the Five Great Sword Sects will not escape the catastrophe this time!" Zhuo Bufan gloated.

"No matter what, the five great sword sects will be destroyed!"

When Sun Wei mentioned the five great sword sects, his killing intent was awe-inspiring!
After the Annihilation Sword Sect was destroyed, the Five Great Sword Sects made Miemo Mansion into a mess.

As the Taoist descendant of the Annihilation Sword Sect, Sun Wei has the responsibility and responsibility to destroy the Five Great Sword Sects and return the Extermination Demon Mansion to a bright future.

"In this case, we have to start planning now. The sooner we start, the more likely we will not let the Treasure Sect succeed." Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

"My old grandson has always wanted to find the rare treasure of the gold system, and the Xinjin treasure that evolved from half of the original gold line must be able to satisfy my old grandson!"

Although the Ruyi Golden Cudgel is an extremely rare treasure in the gold system, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel is the tool used by Sun Yu to prove the Tao, and it cannot become one of the foundations of the five elements in the cave.

And if one can get the Xinjin Supreme Treasure that evolved from half of the gold element, then in the cave, there will be a complete collection of the five elements' most rare treasures.

In this way, the foundations of the five elements of the cave will gather, and gradually the origin of the cave will be born.

Now the cultivation base is about to reach the spiritual realm, and the virtual realm above the spiritual realm is to practice the law of space!
Open up the void, and finally gradually turn the void into a fairyland, ascend to the immortals, and turn into a fairyland.

For example, the boundless holy world of the Hunyuan sage is almost comparable to the great world.

The Hunyuan sage is known as indestructible, immeasurable supernatural powers, and boundless mana, and it's not for nothing.

"But this time the enemies are no small matter. The five great sword sects, the treasure refining sect, the two major demon sects, the demon clan, and the phoenix clan. And you can only enter the Demon Extinguishing Mansion alone, without the help of the Daqi Dynasty and Jixia Academy."

Zhuo Bufan was a little worried about Sun Yu's safety, and Sun Yu went to Miemo Mansion alone. The five major enemies were bigger than each other!
"My grandson, there is a helper!"

Sun Wei smiled slightly!
Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered that in Miemo Mansion, indeed Sun Yu had a helper.

"Since that's the case, if it's not too late, you should rush to the Demon Extinguishing Mansion! But this time, you have to be mentally prepared, your identity may be completely exposed!"

Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice!
"It's okay, if it is exposed, it will be exposed. My old grandson is still the same Sun Yu, Yun Feiyang of the Annihilation Sword Sect, and now he is the heir of the Annihilation Sword Sect. As long as the Annihilation Sword Sect is rebuilt in the Miemo Mansion, the fallen sages will be brought back. , especially with the return of the Juggernaut, Yun Feiyang's identity can be buried in the long river of history."

But Sun Yuhong didn't mind it, being able to settle the cause and effect of the first life, on the contrary, it could lighten the karma of Sun Yuhong's burden.

In this way, the newly cultivated true spirit will become stronger.

"If you are in danger, you must immediately notify Jixia Academy. No matter what, we are of the same line of literature and dao, and we will always stand behind you!"

Zhuo Bufan said in a deep voice.

"Of course my old grandson knows this, but at the beginning, there is no need to rely on the power of the Daqi Dynasty and Jixia Academy! It's just an easy job to destroy the five affiliated sword sects!"

Sun Yu's murderous intent is fierce, and the five affiliated sword sects don't need to exist on the land of the Eastern Desolation.

(End of this chapter)

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